King Of Limbo

Chapter 226 AFTERWORD

Give feedback after reading, it'll really help with the things you'll see in volume 2

Well that's it for the introductory volume, probably the least action oriented volume you will see in this book. I had initially estimated it to take 250 chapters but I'm glad it took less, it just means I'm getting better at summarizing content to avoid making the reader endure filler.


The purpose of the first volume like I had mentioned at the beginning of the book was to ease reader into the world of this book and it's characters.

I needed to create a believable scenario in which our mc met all these characters and had some sort of connection even if minuscule.


1. Antagonist

Im surprised no one mentioned this but Kol is yet to see its first real antagonist for our MC, I don't count the minor mobs Aron easily takes care of. An antagonist needs build up, valid reasons for his actions towards the mc and story.

2. Kingdom-Building

As the name of the book suggests some kingdom building elements exist, as for how heavy they should be? I haven't decided yet but please comment what you'd prefer. Light, mild or heavy?

3. Power System

This didn't have any real use in the first volume because no real major conflict occurred. It was basically put on standby for until Aron returns to Limbo where it actually carries purpose.

Arts, Techniques, Tiers, Runes, will all be expanded upon so readers will now have a better understanding of what characters can and can't do. I avoided highlighting too much on this in the first volume as it would have felt like filler since it wouldn't even have been used much.

Most especially with the Luna mana now gone and his return to Limbo, you will see how Aron uses his unique beast monger bloodline when facing other races, beasts and many other entities he'll encounter.

4. World-Building

I didn't do much world building for this because it was a temporal world, I wanted to give readers enough that they have a general idea of it but not so much that they would get irritated for knowing it when Aron left.

In Limbo however the world building will be expansive, especially with many races, beasts, regions, civilizations, religions, cultures, eco-systems, etc. All of which will be given progressively as the story moves and not just dumped on you.

5. Growth

What's a new volume without character growth? Here you will see the mc slowly grow and so will side characters in their own way as they face tribulations.

6. A Goal

The way I plan on writing is dedicating each volume to a different goal rather than giving mc one singular one which you have to bear him chasing for hundreds of chapters.

In this way a reader can better immerse themselves in trying to understand the Mc and how performing a certain action will better his goals.

Some volumes may be made up of multiple goals that may proceed into the next volume, why? Because things don't always go as planned so always having to guess wether or not the mc will achieve his goal is a nice way to stay upbeat.

7. Butterfly Effect

It's always nice to see the consequences of actions every now and then rather than having things just appear when they are necessary. It could be good, it could be bad, a nice balance between the two would be nice to attain.

I'll end the Afterword here, ask any questions you're curious about in the comments or not discord

To fill the remaining word count I'm just going to add some miscellaneous information on some beasts Aron has encountered. In future the beast index will only contain beasts whose mana he takes so as you can remember what abilities he has in his arsenal.


Name: Death stalker

Danger level: Tier 3 Rank C.

Appearance: Large frame with viciously sharp claws and strong muscles with highly deformed faces and body shape(from a human perspective).


shapeshift: shapeshifting is the ability to turn the body of the user to what they desire.


1-it will not give most of the advantages of the body that was turned into. example: if a being that has the ability to shapeshift and it turned into a bird it will not be able to fly like one.

2-size. the being who is able to shapeshift will not be able to take the form of a thing smaller then a normal sized mouse and cant take the shape of anything that has more weight then it.

Info: Death stalker is a mana beast that is highly deformed and follows a wolf pack mentality as they move in huge packs and maintain an alpha death stalker at the top that has the ability to command weaker ones of its own kind.

death stalkers are ruthless to each other as they have no problem of using there own kind as bait for bigger pray.


Name: Horned Basilisk

Danger level: Tier 3 rank D-C

Appearance: Large and long reptilian bodies, the surface of their bodies is extremely thick with spike scales and green silted eyes, but its most apparent feature is its long curved horns.

Abilities: They are capable of staying and or traveling underground for long periods of time. Extremely fast in striking but none poisonous. Their spiky scales are especially dangerous when paired with their fast movements and flexibility

Weakness: Their head is their weakest point but more specifically the mouth which houses the least protection and weaker bones.

Additional information: loners by nature but they are cases when Horned Basilisk's stay in small groups of 5-10 provided a relation is present. They are rarely seen due to spending much of their time in underground burrows. Only ever exiting to hunt.


Name: Night Terror

Danger level: Tier 2 rank C

Appearance: they are large wolf-like beasts standing at 10 feet in height. Their body is very muscular and covered in thick fur whereas their head has terrifying blood red eyes and sharp protruding teeth with drool constantly running down their mouth.

strengths/abilities: unknown possibly massive strength (killed to fast to show their abilities)

Weaknesses: unknown probably vitals (mc was to strong to care about their weaknesses)

Additional info: they travel in packs with a single leader who is the strongest Night Terror in the pack


Name: Night Hound

Danger level: Tier 2 rank B

Appearance: They have pitch black muscular bodies and look much like hounds one would find domesticated in most villages. However these beasts were far larger standing at one hundred and seventy centimeters tall and two meters long. They possess dim almost hollow eyes. They have deathly sharp teeth and a glowing green mouth with a green mist flowing out of it.

strengths/abilities: sharp teeth, sharp claws, possibly more

Weaknesses: unknown

Additional info: none


Name: Berserker Druid

Danger level: Tier 2 rank B

Appearance: Standing at a staggering eight meters tall and four meters wide, their limbs not large but muscular with a thick almost stone like skin covering their entire light green figure

Abilities: unknown

Weaknesses: unknown

Additional info: none


Name: Everglade Lion

Danger level: Tier 2 rank A

Appearance: possess a huge green body with extremely sharp jade like teeth and claws. Its head covered with a skull-like helmet and the shoulders of their front legs possess a thorn like green spikes protruding out of its skin. A long tail extending out of its rear, its spiked end like a Stegosaurus.

strengths/abilities: sharp teeth,sharp claws, spiked tail, loud roar with stunning and fear effects on weaker beings.

Weaknesses: unknown

Additional info: none


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