King of Kung Fu in School

Chapter 8 Elsa Ray

Chapter 8 Elsa Ray

Kevin snorted, "You guys are still too weak to imprison me."

Kevin jump to the ventilation opening on the top of the detention room and bent the iron bars.

Kevin ran out of the detention room with his hands and feet sticking to the wall just like a gecko. After a few seconds, he reached the roof and jumped to the roof of another building twenty meters away. After jumping a few times like this, Kevin disappeared into the night.

Meanwhile in the police office, a policeman said, "Captain, we found the girl in the photo. She is Shirley Smith, the daughter of Henry Smith who is the chairman of the QM Company. She is a senior three student in the St. Paul School."

"Can you get in touch with her?" The hot policewoman asked.


"Contact her immediately."


At this moment, in a villa.

Shirley had just finished her meal and was making a phone call in the pavilion.

"Hey, Jonson, what are you doing?" Shirley said.

"Shirley, I told you to let me calm down for a few days." Jonson said impatiently.

"Alas, why don't you believe me? Am I such a loose girl who casually flirts with others?"

"Thwack!" Jonson hung up.

Shirley angrily thought to herself, "Who are you? How dare you hang up on me?"

At this time, Henry walked over and asked with a smile, "Shirley, how is it going?"

"Not good!" Shirley said angrily.

"Sorry, Shirley. But you know that we have been appointed by our clan to start a business in London. The competition here is so fierce that we will inevitably offend people in the underworld or government officials, so it's good to have more powerhouses to help us Jonson has great potential since his martial arts ranks eighth in your school. It couldn't be better to have him attracted by you and voluntarily sign the indenture. You still haven't succeeded? What happened? With your beauty and our family background, it should be easy."

"Don't mention it, I'm so angry."

"What's wrong?"

"This morning, someone called Kevin wrote a love letter to me. Jonson saw the letter and thought that I had an affair with Kevin. No matter how I explained, Jonson just ignored."

Henry asked, "Is Kevin very good at martial arts? I've never heard of him in your school."

"He doesn't learn martial arts. Kevin thought that I would like him just because he is handsome. How naive he is." Shirley snorted, "That bastard Jonson always has inferiority complex about his appearance. He is really crazy. Does he think that I really like him? Hum, no man in London is good enough for me."

Henry said, "Shirley, do you want me to give Kevin a lesson? He really overestimates himself."

Shirley said, "Forget it. It has already happened. What's the use of teaching such a low person? It's not a big deal. Kevin's only fault is his handsomeness which makes Jonson jealous. Alright, I'm going to take a shower. Don't worry, I will definitely charm Jonson and let him sign the indenture with our company."

"Hah hah, I believe you."

Just as Shirley walked into the room, her phone rang.

"Hello." Shirley picked it up.

"Hello, I'm Police Captain Elsa Ray. I've caught a suspect and found your picture in his wallet. Can you spare me a few minutes to assist us in our investigation?"

"Well, he has my picture? What's his name?"

"Kevin, do you know this person?"

"What? Kevin?." Shirley was shocked.

"You know him?"

"Yes," Shirley snorted. "He's a student from class 5 of senior 3 in St. Paul School. He just wrote me a love letter this morning, but I fiercely rejected him."

Hearing that, Elsa suddenly remembered that the owner of the food stall said that Kevin had drunk six bottles of spirits and cried bitterly.

Elsa understood, "No wonder."

"What?" Shirley hurriedly asked.

"We just caught him at a food stall. He ordered a table of dishes and drank six bottles of spirits by himself. The owner said that Kevin even cried while drinking. It turned out that he was depressed by your rejection and drowned his sorrow in wine."

"Ah!" Shirley was stunned, thinking to herself, "Really? Would Kevin do that?"

"Alright, I've confirmed his identity now. Sorry to disturb you."

"Oh, it's okay."

Shirley hung up and snorted, "Kevin said that I wasn't his type just in the morning,but in the evening, he went to drown his sorrow in wine. His duplicity is really contemptible."

Shirley hasn't moved but despised Kevin even more.

Shirley sighed, "Unfortunately, no one is perfect How good would that be if he could be so infatuated with me..." She thought of a talented boy whose martial arts was really extraordinary.

Every girl had a perfect dream lover, including Shirley.

At the police station, Elsa said, "Bring Kevin out. I already confirmed that he was rejected today that he went to drink. Besides, he shouldn't be detained just for doing a dine and dash. We just educate him and let him go"


However, a minute later, the policeman ran back, "Captain, Kevin is not in the detention room."

"What? Not in the detention room?"

The hot policewoman ran to the detention room and saw the iron bars of the small ventilation opening was forcefully bent.

A policeman said, "Captain, Kevin is so strong."

The hot policewoman also was shocked. No wonder Kevin could dodge her kick before.

"Actually I just want to educate him and then let him go, but he dares to fool us now, so don't blame me for being unkind."

"Captain, what do you want?"


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