King of Classical Music

Chapter 2

Huaxia B City, early morning.

“Ding-dong— Ding-dong—”

The doorbell rang uninterrupted for 3 minutes, resounding awkwardly in the quiet corridor. The man at the door was obviously very patient. Even if there was no reaction from the house, he still tirelessly pressed the doorbell.

The young man inside struggled along the wall, staggering to the door. He opened it, surprising the handsome man at the door. The man then lifted the silver glasses on the bridge of his nose, looking at the youth with surprise.

“Qi Mu. . . why do you look like this?!!!”

The youth turned aside, allowing him to enter the house, then Qi Mu walked slowly to the sofa and sat down, his whole body seemed to have no strength.

“How many days has it been since you last slept? Why do you look so pale?” The man frowned, and then said: “If teacher saw you like this now, she would be very sad. You are her only son, I hope you can live well.”

Qi Mu looked up at the man, his tired eyes staring at him for a while, then he gently shook his head, and said: “I’m detoxing.” He then added : “Yes. . . It’s rehab for marijuana. Why are you here, Zheng Wei Qiao?”

Qi Mu quickly searched for the man’s name in his memory——

Zheng Wei Qiao.

Zheng Wei Qiao was the apprentice of Qi Mu’s mother, and he studied violin with her for over a decade. He had an accident a few years ago which fractured the bones in his fingers, and he could no longer play the violin. Ever since he had become a music critic and was quite famous in the industry.

In recent years, many of Qi Mu’s parents’ friends and relative reached out to help him, but because Qi Mu’s behavior disappointed them, they never asked about him anymore. All except Zheng Wei Qiao. His family was poor, so it’s only because of Qi Mu’s mother that he had an opportunity to learn violin. Maybe out of gratitude, but no matter how decadent Qi Mu was, he would tolerate it.

Zheng Wei Qiao listened then frowned in disgust, “Marijuana?! When did you start doing that kind of thing? Didn’t I tell you before to not hang out with those friends of yours? Why didn’t you listen? They just want your money, they don’t think of you as a friend at all.”

Qi Mu rubbed his temples, not answering him.

Zheng Wei Qiao saw this and sighed: “You’re young, and your parents died early so you don’t know that this is normal. But, Qi Mu, I don’t want you to go on like this, wasting your talent. Teacher once said you could achieve what she had in 40 years in just 20 years. But how about you now?”

The most obvious symptom of marijuana withdrawal was insomnia.

For three days, he barely slept. He was in a bad mood, and he felt there was something stifling his heart but he couldn’t tell what it was. He couldn’t sleep at night, often felt hungry, and even if he ate, nausea would kick in and he would throw up everything.

It was really killing him.

Fortunately, the effects of marijuana didn’t take long to purge, so by the third day he already felt somewhat better and was a little sleepy. But just as he wanted to sleep, he heard the doorbell. He went to the door with his weak body, saw Zheng Wei Qiao, and now had to listen to his long lecture.

“If you really don’t like playing the violin, I won’t force you. I recently found a good job for you, as an assistant at 《Sound of Music》. If you want, there’s a chance to climb up in the future.”

Hearing this, Qi Mu raised an eyebrow and asked, “Didn’t you arrange a job as a music teacher for me before?”

In the original’s memories, Zheng Wei Qiao arranged a lot of things for him in the past few years, finding dozens of different jobs for him. In the end, the original was overwhelmed by everything and refused all those jobs.

Zheng Wei Qiao was surprised by Qi Mu’s words, “I thought you didn’t even want to touch the violin? Even though this job is just as an assistant if you really don’t want to play the violin, it’s fine.”

When he said this, Zheng Wei Qiao helplessly shook his head.

He believed his teacher, and he also knew what kind of talent this young man in front of him had. But maybe his teacher pushed Qi Mu too hard when he was a kid, no one expected it would lead to such a serious psychological scar. Now, he didn't even want to touch the violin.

Actually, Zheng Wei Qiao was wrong about that.

Qi Mu knew that the original owner didn’t really hate the violin, he was actually afraid.

He’s afraid that even if he worked hard, he wouldn’t be as brilliant as he used to be. He’s afraid that even if he picked up the violin again, he would only be an ordinary violinist. Because he used to be lauded as a musical prodigy, he would be laughed at. That was what the original feared the most.

So, he might as well stop playing, and in this way, he could maintain the past glory.

“Qi Mu, it’s time for you to do something different. Even though it’s just an assistant job now, you can be an editor later. Even becoming the chief editor is possible. If you’re willing to work hard, I’m sure you can do it. . .”

“Are there any events going on right now?”

“You just have to go to《Sound of Music》. . . Ah, what did you say?” Zheng Wei Qiao asked in surprise.

He saw the youth smile and looked at him. Although his delicate face looked haggard and exhausted, it was still unable to hide his brilliance. Qi Mu said, “You know, recently. . . are there any events? Small concerts, even aq family concert is okay too. Hmm. . . Or, if there’s a large orchestra recruiting, that’s even better.”

Zheng Wei Qiao didn’t respond for a while, then he asked awkwardly, “Do you want to go to a concert?”

Qi Mu chuckled and shook his head, “I was thinking about applying there.”

“If you want to go to a concert, the B City Orchestra. . . You said you want to apply?!!!”

Zheng Wei Qiao stared at his eyes which were filled with confidence and asked in amazement, “Do you really want to apply? What do you want to apply for?”

Qi Mu slightly frowned, then asked a rhetorical question, “Is it. . . Shouldn’t it be a violinist position?”

Zheng Wei Qiao was silent for a long time, in the end, he just nodded, “It should be. . .” The next second, he immediately reacted. “Qi Mu, why do you suddenly want to apply? Have you had some financial difficulties lately? Or do you actually really want to pick up the violin again? If you have any problems, you can just tell me. I’ll try my best to help you.”

In the original’s memory, Zheng Wei Qiao had always been a calm person. So seeing the man’s disbelieving expression, Qi Mu couldn’t help but feel funny, then he said, “I really want to go back to playing the violin again. Zheng-Ge, you don’t have to worry. Do you know anywhere that’s lacking personnel lately? Can you get me in touch with them?”

“If you have an issue, you can just tell me. I can. . .”

“I really, really don’t have any financial problems!” He immediately interrupted Zheng Wei Qiao. While saying this, he also reached out to Zheng Wei Qiao who was taking out his wallet with an expression that showed he did not know whether to laugh or cry. “Just trust me for once, Zheng-Ge. I really want to go back.”

Hearing this, Zheng Wei Qiao paused in taking out his money. He looked the youth up and down with suspicion for a while to make sure he wasn’t lying to him. Then he said, “I’ll pay more attention to this when I go back. You. . . Your decision to go back into the circle is not because you think the position as an assistant is too low for you, right?”

The man had been suspicious of him since he entered the house. Thinking this, Qi Mu shook his head solemnly and seriously, earnestly, said, “Even if I can be the Chief Editor for 《Sound of Music》 today, I will still tell you the same thing, Zheng-Ge. So if you know anywhere that wants to recruit, please don’t hesitate to contact me.”

Zheng Wei Qiao looked at Qi Mu with a complex expression for a long time. Although he complied with this request, he still didn’t believe that Qi Mu wanted to go back to playing violin until he was about to leave.

Just before he left, he hesitated and, in the end, he said, “If you really are short on money. . . just call me, Qi Mu. . .”

This made the beautiful youth want to cry without tears. He couldn’t help but say the same thing again: “OK, OK, OK, if I’m short on money, I will definitely call you.”

This is the first time he saw someone begging for people to borrow money from them, Qi Mu felt like he had added a lot of new experiences to his life.

After Zheng Wei Qiao left, he remembered that he hadn’t eaten for a day. Wanting to fill his belly, he had not even left the table yet when he received a call from Zheng Wei Qiao.

Zheng Wei Qiao’s efficiency was unexpectedly high. He was also quite famous in the classical music circle in B City, so he quickly had some inside information.

“This is recent news. The B City Orchestra is looking for new people. In two months, they will be performing a New Year’s concert at B City Hall, only two months. . . But Qi Mu, you haven’t touched the violin for several years?” Zheng Wei Qiao’s concerns could be heard through the phone, he sighed and then asked, “Why don’t you wait till I found something else?”

“Two months?”

On the other side of the line, Qi Mu pleasant voice was heard, Zheng Wei Qiao froze, and he confirmed, “Yes, only two months. The deputy chief violinist of B City Orchestra is ill and still recuperating. It is said that the candidate violinist in the orchestra is not always in line with the conductor, so they are recruiting.” Zheng Wei Qiao then added: “You can’t audition unless you’re recommended. Although I have a recommendation from a friend, Qi Mu, I think you should practice for a few months before you come back. It’s better that way.”

Under the warm sunlight, Qi Mu looked up to the boundless sky.

Seeing the clear blue sky, cloudless, B City beautiful weather seemed to indicate a bright future. He smiled and said into the phone, “ Zheng-Ge, I remember three years ago. . . I seem to have left my violin at your house?”

Hearing this, Zheng Wei Qiao suddenly said: “Left. . . at my house?!”

How could he not remember things from three years ago? Obviously, it was Qi Mu who didn’t want to even look at his violin anymore, so he gave him that precious violin, and suddenly this. . .

“Yes, I accidentally left it at your house.” Qi Mu was adamant.

“. . .”


On the other side of the phone, Zheng Wei Qiao was in a good mood.

The violin was an expensive one, and now that Qi Mu wanted it back, Zheng Wei Qiao didn’t feel reluctant in the least. Instead, he felt happy and even the depressing feelings in his heart that had lingered for the past few years had cleared up.

“I’ll send it to you tomorrow, Qi Mu. No, wait. . . I’ll send it to you tonight! Forget it, forget it, I’ll go back right now and send it to you!!!”

Qi Mu: “. . .”

Just what was Zheng Wei Qiao thinking about?

Zheng Wei Qiao’s was thinking: This can’t be delayed at all! Who knows if Qi Mu would suddenly have a change of heart and no longer want to play?

Zheng Wei Qiao still remembered. Last year, Qi Mu sold a family property and bought a Ferrari that he had been dreaming about for a while. But after he just got it, it only took two days before he went and sold the car.

What did he say at that time?

—— “Well, I felt passionate for it at the time, but I’m bored of it already.”

Zheng Wei Qiao didn’t dare to risk it. If tomorrow Qi Mu suddenly said “Um, I have a change of heart for the violin as well and I’m already bored. So I will give this violin to you again.” Zheng Wei Qiao would cry like a dog.

Having not hung up the phone yet, Zheng Wei Qiao asked curiously, “Hey. . . why do you suddenly want to go back into the circle?”

On the other side of the line, the young man who was starving because of the drugs picked up his 20th piece of toast with no expression and directly ate it. After he chewed and swallowed the bread, he thought about it for a while then said, “Why? Hmm, probably I’ve quit my rebellious period and am now returning to normal.”

After hearing this, Zheng Wei Qiao paced. “You. . . Did you eat something weird lately?”

Qi Mu ate another piece of toast, thought a bit then said rhetorically: “Marijuana?”

“. . .”

Well, he really did eat something weird.

But this thing. . .

It was a good bad thing to eat!

Zheng Wei Qiao thought blankly.

Today, the sky in B City was clear.

Zheng Wei Qiao, who had always been calm, was rushing back and forth today. His clothes are covered with sweat, and he finally delivered the precious violin to Qi Mu. The youth happened to be about to have instant noodles and while laughing, he asked Zheng Wei Qiao to eat together.

Well, for Qi Mu, it was his second instant noodles for today and he was also in a mood to change his taste——

Changing from braised beef flavor to mushroom stewed chicken, that is.

So the two of them enjoyed a hot meal together. . . After eating the instant noodles, the sky had already become dark. Zheng Wei Qiao lingered on the doorstep for a while and couldn’t help but say, “Qi Mu, I am really glad you said that today. I haven’t seen you for half a month and you’ve changed a lot. But I want you to know that once you really get into the orchestra, there are a lot of things you can’t do as you wish. You really. . . Have you really made up your mind?”

Under the bright lights, the youth slowly smiled and seriously said: “Zheng-Ge, you think my change is a bit too big. . . Are you worried that it’s just a whim of mine and I’m just playing around?”

As a matter of fact, Zheng Wei Qiao and Qi Mu weren’t in contact much. Only recently had it became frequent. In the past few years, life had been difficult for Qi Mu. He was no longer as ignorant as before and the way he treated people had also changed. However, no matter how much he may have changed, it was not as big as the surprise he gave Zheng Wei Qiao today.

Zheng Wei Qiao glanced at the soft hand of the youth that was leaning against the door.

He was sure no one else in the world would have such a beautiful pair of hands, so even though Zheng Wei Qiao doubted that someone had replaced him, it was kind of suspicious.

With a sigh in his heart, Zheng Wei Qiao shook his head. “Perhaps something happened to you in the past half-month that has completely changed you. Qi Mu, you still have a lot of room for improvement, so I’m glad of your changes today. I’m not worried that this is just a whim of yours, this is your own choices. I just hope. . . you’ll be serious about this.”

Qi Mu was slightly surprised, and he looked at Zheng Wei Qiao seriously for the first time.

Zheng Wei Qiao finally smiled for the first time, he turned his silver glasses up and said, “This is unlike the past. Your parents both passed away, so there is no way for them to help you. I will do my best to help but everything still depends on you. For your own future, only you can make the decision. So you have to take each step seriously. I’ll try to keep you company, but really, everything depends on yourself.”

He waited until Zheng Wei Qiao’s figure disappeared and only then closed the door. He then leaned back against the cold metal for a while and suddenly laughed. “Why are the differences between people. . . so big?”

“God is blind. Why did you make someone so bright as Zheng Wei Qiao hurt his fingers?”

“Luo Yu Sen. . . You have to protect your fingers.”

As if he suddenly thought of something funny, Qi Mu laughed softly: “Yes, remember to protect your fingers, Luo Yu Sen. . .”


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