King of Beasts

Chapter 165: The First Clash of the Two Factions

Chapter 165: The First Clash of the Two Factions

Beast Taming Empire, Feiming Province, outside Mingan City.

The nine challengers from the blue star who chose the imperial faction had roughly figured out the situation.

Currently, due to the internal turmoil in the empire, most of Feiming Province had already fallen.

The necromancy cult took advantage of this opportunity to preach and recruit new members in various cities.

At present, not only in Mingan City, but necromancy cult missionaries could be seen everywhere.

However, although the necromancy cult posed a significant threat, it had not yet openly rebelled.

The empire’s biggest enemy now was still the rebel army, which meant the empire didn’t have many troops to deal with the opportunistic necromancy cult.

“Princess, knights,” the neon beastmaster with the ID Beast Doctor said politely, “What should we do next, act independently, or directly confront the imperial army?”

The one with the ID Glory Knight replied, “Hah, you saw the morale of those imperial remnants just now. Expecting them to take the initiative to attack is unlikely.”

“We need a two-pronged approach.”

“On one hand, we confront the imperial remnants and show them our strength, letting them know our side has an absolute advantage.”

“On the other hand, we first infiltrate the necromancy cult’s lair independently, creating some chaos to give the cult the illusion that the imperial army is about to attack and has already locked onto them.”

“In this way, if the necromancy cult abandons the city and flees, the imperial remnants tasked with sealing off Mingan City will have no choice but to act, allowing us to take over Mingan City easily.”

“Of course, since the mission is to capture the city, the necromancy cult is unlikely to flee so easily. If they abandon the city upon learning that the Beast Taming Legion is going to attack, then the mission would be too simple.”

“I suspect that there must be some treasure in Mingan City that the necromancy cult covets, or perhaps the cult intends to become the new rulers of Feiming Province, transitioning from the shadows to the open. In any case, they are unlikely to abandon the city easily.”

“In this situation, if they learn that the imperial remnants intend to attack, they might even take the initiative to strike. At that time, we can use this opportunity to incite the imperial remnants to join us in capturing the city.”

“We still need to leverage the imperial remnants’ power. Even though they are remnants, that imperial army still has more than two hundred soldiers. The necromancy cult likely has a similar number of members. Relying solely on us would be too risky.”

After Glory Knight finished speaking, he looked at the other challengers. Although these third-generation beastmasters were not primarily combat specialists, each had some skills and at least one level 20 pet beast. They were stronger than ordinary faction members, and their secondary professions were diverse: a doctor, two breeders, a Forgemaster, and a historian. They might prove useful at some point.

As Glory Knight concluded his analysis, everyone nodded in agreement, clearly recognizing who the leader was.

The Princess of Light possessed a level 20 sovereign species pet beast, capable of contending with a level 30 commander species pet beast. Coupled with her top-tier skills and equipment, and supported by three other Golden Generation Knights of Light, the necromancy cult missionaries would be no match.

Their success in breaking through the secret realm depended on these key players.

“Let’s go with that plan,” the Princess of Light nodded, agreeing with Glory Knight’s suggestion. She then turned to Fina, the black woman who claimed to be a historian, and asked, “By the way, Miss Fina, I’m curious about the necromancy cult’s ultimate fate. Do you know what happened to them in the end?”

The princess looked at the self-proclaimed historian.

“Well,” Fina replied with an awkward smile, “I don’t know either.”

“Miss Fina, you don’t seem to be a very reliable historian,” the Moonlight Knight said suspiciously.

Earlier, they had asked this historian many questions, but her knowledge seemed to be lacking compared to their own.

“I’m just an ordinary person!” the black woman muttered, twitching her lips. Each of you comes from Royalty and has access to far more historical resources than I do.

Moreover, she became a historian only to gain entry to various breakthrough secret realms for archaeological purposes and to sell historical data for profit. It’s not like she needed to delve deeply into her studies.

“I only know that the empire eventually fell, but it wasn’t the necromancy cult that caused its downfall,” the black woman said.

“You don’t need to tell us that,” the Moonlight Knight sighed, rubbing his forehead.

Everyone knew the empire’s fate. It was said that the last emperor, in his quest for immortality, angered a legendary creature, leading to the empire’s total destruction.

The current internal strife within the empire was also related to the last emperor’s outrageous actions.

Of course, humanity was not entirely wiped out, but due to the wrath of the legendary creature, they no longer dared to establish large human kingdoms. The era reverted to one of warring factions and mountain lords, with no unified empire.

Legend had it that the First Emperor of the empire, the God of Hunting, founded the kingdom with the favor of a legendary creature. In contrast, the last emperor’s offense against a legendary creature led to the empire’s downfall, making the empire’s history come full circle. However, people still didn’t know whether these two legendary creatures were the same.

“Next, I will infiltrate Mingan City personally and create some chaos. Perhaps I should try to assassinate that missionary?” the Sunlight Knight, who had remained silent until now, finally spoke.

“If I succeed in the assassination, this mission might be secure,” he said with a smile.

“Don’t be arrogant,” the princess glared at him. “Necromancers are the most proficient in assassination, infiltration, and Concealment among beastmasters. Although The Other Shore doesn’t deal in assassinations, even the top assassin organizations wouldn’t dare provoke them. The necromancy cult members are even more dangerous.”

“I understand. I’ll just create some minor disturbances,” the Sunlight Knight replied.

“Wait…” At this point, a lean young man from Southeast Asia, whose occupation was a breeder, spoke up. “Sunlight Knight, wouldn’t it be too dangerous for you to go alone?”

“The Other Shore was quite active in our region before. The necromancers’ abilities are extremely bizarre. I’ve seen them in combat many times.”

“Don’t worry!” the tall Sunlight Knight laughed. “Don’t you know my background?”

“Hmm?” The young man from Southeast Asia knew that the Knights of Light Order was impressive, but he didn’t actually know the details about the Sunlight Knight.

At this moment, a young man from Latin America cleared his throat and said, “The Sunlight Knight is a big shot. He has a light-type bird of the upper commander species and a Space-type rat beast of the upper commander species.”

“Oh, I see.” Hearing this, the Southeast Asian beastmaster fell silent. Light-type and Space-type… well, the Golden Generation truly lives up to its name.

Aside from the strongest, the Princess of Light, any one of the other three knights was incredibly formidable on their own.

With such a setup, infiltrating the necromancy cult headquarters shouldn’t be a problem. With some luck, they might even assassinate a few core members. Even if discovered, escaping with the help of Space-type and light-type pet beasts would be a breeze.

At that moment, the Southeast Asian youth suddenly felt that even without the imperial army’s assistance, the four big shots of the Knights of Light Order could easily lead them to victory. This was the true meaning of “winning effortlessly.”

Choosing the empire faction… was definitely the right decision. Indeed, choice is everything.

The next day.

The Sunlight Knight operated alone and infiltrated Mingan City.

On his shoulder crouched a white hamster. When the two were close together, they were nearly invisible, making them hard to detect.

For an ordinary beastmaster, a level 2 necromancer would indeed be troublesome. But for the Knights of Light Order, it was nothing significant. After all, the necromancer didn’t even have a sovereign undead.

“This should be the City Lord’s Mansion,” the Sunlight Knight murmured, breathing heavily, feeling a bit tense.

According to their intelligence, the necromancy cult had taken over the City Lord’s Mansion, making it their headquarters. To create some chaos, this was the place to start.

He carefully made his way inside when suddenly, a cackling “Hehehe” echoed in his ears, causing him to frown.

The Sunlight Knight lightly leaped onto the rooftop and looked towards a courtyard.

In the courtyard, there were corpses of giant rat beasts scattered everywhere, and a massive barbecue grill stood in the middle.

On the grill were several Rat Spirits, with various colors of smoke wafting from beneath them.

“Dammit, what the hell,” the Sunlight Knight muttered. Although he had always heard that necromancers were evil, seeing it firsthand was far more shocking.

“!!!” His Space-type hamster’s eyes widened, and it covered its mouth with its tiny paws.

This was hell!

The Sunlight Knight then focused on the two figures in black robes by the barbecue grill, along with a fox spirit, thinking, “Unbelievable, just you two.”

“If you can leisurely barbecue souls in the City Lord’s Mansion, your status must be significant. Taking you out should cause major chaos.”

At this moment.

The ones barbecuing the souls were naturally Lu Ran and Hei Yu.

At Lu Ran’s request, Hei Yu had gathered various seasonings for him.

Lu Ran was experimenting with smoked cuisine once again.

During the experiment, Lu Ran discovered that he truly was a genius, and couldn’t help but let out a “cackle.”

Looking at the flames, he had a new idea.

The Flame Sprite, developed by Emperor Yan Sizhen, could absorb different flames to grow, having great potential.

Ordinary flames weren’t suitable for barbecuing souls, but what about soul flames???

Lu Ran had a sudden thought. When a fire-type pet beast dies, it often becomes a fire-type undead, and the ghost fire from a fire-type undead contains soul power.

If he could transform the Flame Sprite into a soul flame, similar to how it could transform into a dragon-shaped flame, could he then further understand Culinary Intent through soul flames?

His superpower, telepathy, was an application of soul power. By combining telepathy with super beast mimicry, he had created reverse super beast mimicry. So, was it possible to combine telepathy with the techniques of the Flame Sprite to develop a “soul flame”?

Lu Ran now had a new research direction.

“Sudden Death King… you…” At this moment, Hei Yu, who was waiting to taste the food, felt a chill seeing Lu Ran suddenly cackling. After just one night, she found him even more terrifying.


Before Hei Yu could inquire about Lu Ran’s “condition,” Lu Ran’s expression suddenly turned ferocious. With a fierce beast’s keen senses, he detected a hint of hostile intent.

[This guy is a demon, just attack it!] The Space-type hamster’s mental ripple was clearly captured by Lu Ran.

“Who’s there?” Lu Ran looked towards the rooftop.

This shout instantly scared the Sunlight Knight, who was just about to make a move.

“Damn.” He didn’t expect the necromancer to be so perceptive. His Spatial Concealment, combined with optical concealment techniques, breath elimination, and presence reduction equipment—three layers of concealment—had all been detected?

The princess was right, never underestimate these necromancers; they are the true masters of assassination.

“In that case…” Since he had been discovered, the Sunlight Knight decided not to hide anymore. However, before he could react, a sword light, as if breaking through the dawn from the darkness, shot directly at him.

The terrifying power made the air scream, and the air currents swirled wildly. In an instant, the Sunlight Knight sensed mortal danger. The crisis he felt was more terrifying than when he challenged the Legendary Secret Realm.


The Sunlight Knight’s mind was in shock.

His pupils contracted sharply.

He would die.

Although he didn’t yet understand what was happening, in just a split second, the Sunlight Knight reacted as quickly as possible, and both he and the Space-type hamster’s forms began to blur.


The long leaved sword grass pierced through the Sunlight Knight’s leg, as if striking air.

At the same time, although his entire body was blurred, the Sunlight Knight still let out a horrific scream as the sword grass passed through his ethereal body.

What was that thing that could hurt him even through a spatial barrier? The Sunlight Knight shouted frantically, “Run, teleport!!”

“Hurry up!!”

At this moment, the Sunlight Knight was terrified. Before fleeing, he saw what it was that had attacked him—it was… a blade of grass.

In the next instant, the sword grass flew back, but the Sunlight Knight’s figure had already disappeared from the original spot.

The sudden change on the rooftop caused Hei Yu’s face to change drastically, not understanding what had just happened.

An enemy?

What was that technique?


However, what shocked her even more was the flying sword grass.

“Woof.” Meanwhile, General Ha, who was lying beneath the roof, came out and grabbed the returning sword grass with its mouth, looking solemnly in the direction where the enemy had disappeared.

“Damn.” Hei Yu was stunned to see General Ha holding the sword grass in its mouth.

A dog carrying grass?

“Heh, I see.” At this moment, Lu Ran quickly figured out what had happened.

“Incredible,” Lu Ran thought to himself. The person from earlier must have been a challenger who chose the Empire faction.

To have a Space-type pet beast meant it would indeed be difficult to capture them. However, Lu Ran hadn’t expected the sword grass to be so powerful, capable of slightly injuring an enemy in a spatially blurred state. Truly worthy of being a special ferocious plant of the sovereign species.

“Ms. Hei Yu, could you please inform Missionary Gory that an assassin proficient in Space-type techniques just attempted to kill us? I suspect it was a beastmaster from the Empire side. Tell him to prepare and enhance defenses,” Lu Ran said, looking at the bewildered Hei Yu.


The Sunlight Knight and the Space-type hamster were continuously performing spatial jumps. When the Space-type hamster exhausted its energy, the Sunlight Knight summoned his sunbird and fled as a beam of light.

On the sunbird’s back, the Sunlight Knight looked at his leg, which felt like it had been scraped by countless blades, now red and swollen to the bone. He was filled with fear•what kind of attack was that?

“Impossible. In a blurred state, how could that attack affect me?”

“Who was it? Wasn’t the opponent a necromancer? How could there be such a powerful Grass-type pet beast in the shadows?” The technique of injuring with flying leaves was too absurd! It must have been a Grass-type pet beast of the sovereign species!


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