Kidnapped By The Crazy Duke

Chapter 27

Chapter 27


"Many lives?"

"Yes, just know that."

Is this some kind of humanitarian promise to save poor people like me? It's a strange feeling, like I've actually met a great man who is contributing to world peace. 

The righteous figures that we are exposed to in print seem idealistic, but when we face them directly from the perspective of a modern person, the impression is clearly different.

This is because we feel a sense of disconnection from the reality that we have actually lived through. Normally, we are suspicious of favors without a reason, and even if we are, we don't understand them. I looked into the Jeffreys infinitely blue eyes. Beyond the fire, the cold color of his eyes stared straight at me.

There was nothing in them, but a kind of regret and remorse. To risk his life to lead a rescue operation because a woman he met for a short time was caught in front of his eyes. It was a typical heroic action, but I don't know about the promise or interest part.

The common good role setting of the prince saving the princess and marrying her may have caused him to move with the situation. 

I don't know what form this man's interest takes, like looking at the poor cat in the rain. Maybe it was a rational feeling stemming from compassion, or maybe it was just general pity. 

Whatever his feelings were, they didn't matter much, so I didn't ask any further questions. It was just more important to consider the sacrifice of a few and the contradictory belief of saving many lives.

The stars that had colored the sky were fading away one by one, and the light of dawn was shining quietly in the sky.

The old horse Celine could never wake up again. A sliver of sunlight shone through the dim dawn mist on the body of the horse that had ridden for others all its life. The once brave warhorse had probably been abandoned in the stable as he grew old, sick, and useless. It seemed he was allowed his last bit of freedom, ran as fast as he could, and lived his life to the fullest.

Good-bye. I'm honored that I was the last one to ride you."

I nuzzled his neck and said my goodbyes, but there was no light in the horse's empty eyes.

"Let's ride together.""

Jeffrey put me on his horse and climbed up behind me. I was a little embarrassed because it was an intimate posture where our bodies touched so closely.

Can I ride in the back?

Let's do this. I don't want you to fall.

A low voice leaned close to my ear, and I rubbed my neck lightly for no apparent reason. 

As the morning sun rose, I could see the roof of the Count's country house in the distance. I can also see Celine, who must have been waiting at the mansion all night, rushing out of the front door when she heard the sound of horses' hooves getting closer. She stared at the Lieutenant Colonel as he held me in his arms and helped me off the horse.

"So you found her in the morning?"

Celine asked in a somewhat hoarse voice.

I found her last night. We were together and left in the morning." 

Stay together until morning."

Celine's eyes grew cold at Jeffreys calm voice. Celine, who was mumbling, grabbed me with a pretentious touch and looked me up and down.

'I'm glad you're okay. I was worried."

I leaned closer to Celine's ear and whispered quietly so that Jeffrey could not hear.

"No, you're lying."

Celine's mouth twitched in a curve. She did her best to keep her expression straight as she approached Jeffrey and thanked him. Celine didn't say a word during the ride home in Jeffreys car. It was quiet in the car, and Jeffrey only spoke to me occasionally.

Miss Diana. Do you like the theater?

"I've never seen one."

Then why don't we go see it tomorrow?

He proudly asked for a date with me in front of Celine. I didnt need to make any excuses. I glanced at Celines expressionless face and nodded.

"Yes, that sounds fun."

The hands that lay meekly in Celine's lap were clenched into a fist and the knuckles were white. Returning to the mansion and entering the doorway, Celine spun me around and snapped at me sharply.

There is no reason why you should dare to get on my nerves. Can't we just go on like this and not touch each other?" 

I've never touched you. Why did you feel irritated? You were the one who gave me the old, sick horse, weren't you, sister?" 

Celine's cold gaze was fixed on my neck.

I've been wondering about this for some time. Where did you get that necklace from?"

She suddenly approached me and began to grip the rose diamond necklace Noah had given me on my adulthood ceremony. I shook her hand off violently and frowned.

Don't touch it.

It's a rose diamond. Where did you get such an expensive item? It's a gem that's hard to come by in Belford."

She brushed back her platinum hair and narrowed her large eyes, the corner of her mouth twisting as if she had just realized something.

"You, what was your relationship with the Duke of Progen?"

I couldn't open my mouth at Celines sharp question. I touched my lips for a moment and thought of Noah. What kind of relationship did we have? A feeling surfaced deep inside me that I had buried without checking.


Lady Diana!"

The lie I was about to tell was interrupted by the shout of a brown-haired servant girl who had submitted my drawing to the newspaper.

"That's rude. Can't you see were talking?"

The maid looked over at Celine's reprimand. She handed me the newspaper, looking terribly frustrated.

"Young lady, you won a prize in a painting competition.

What are you talking about?"

The maid smiled naively when I tilted my head.

Didnt you submit your drawing to the contest? You won the excellent award.

Celine picked up the newspaper and stared at it. My drawing was printed in large print below the grand prize under the title of Excellence Award.

What does this mean?

Where is her drawing?"

It is a painting of the Moon Goddess. I sent it in anonymously, but since the Lady won the award, I have just informed the newspaper that it is Miss Diana. They have been looking to find out who the winner is. The prize money is tremendous for the excellence award."

Its difficult to do something you haven't been told to do. I smiled haha, trying to hide my embarrassment.  I'm glad I didn't draw the daffodils, the symbol of Progen. Then, I might have been arrested as a spy and taken to a place like the National Security Agency to be interrogated. Celine was looking at the painting with a curious expression.

I didnt know you knew how to paint.

"You had no interest in me, so you didn't know."

I quickly picked up the newspaper and headed for my room. Noah must have seen it, and he must have noticed my message. What he would do in reply was something I didn't know. Will he post it in the same newspaper or send it by flying a bird?

In any case, he will take the unconventional way. I believed in his relentlessness. I had no ability to return to Progen. With the police and military watching me, I can't even try. I can't even board a train or a ship for eight months in the name of protection and surveillance.

The next day, a maid entered my room and informed me that Lieutenant Colonel Grenendall had come for me.

I wore a simple cream-colored dress with a dark gray cashmere cloak with a ribbon, and a hat of the same color. Of course, they wouldn't buy me any clothes, and I inherited the ones Celine hadn't worn. 

Jeffrey was waiting for me at the door, wearing a button up shirt with a tie and a thick chestnut-colored coat. He stared at me who without gloves, bare hands and not even a scarf, and gave me a peculiarly pitiful look.

Arent you cold?

I'm fine."

The problem was that he kept asking me to go out without noticing that I had no clothes to wear. He took me out three, four times a week to feed me. I think Im going crazy.

Jeffrey stuck out his elbow to escort me, but I lightly ignored him and walked proudly to the car. 

I stayed in the auxiliary seat and looked out at the passing trees and the wide expanse of snow. Then I said what was uncomfortable in my mind. 

"Lieutenant Colonel. I don't know what kind of interest you have, but if you like me, I'll reject it in advance. I'm sorry if I'm mistaken."

Is that so?


He didn't say anything. Before we knew it, we were driving into a busy street lined with stores. Jeffrey stopped the car at a corner of the street and looked at me with a gentle curve in his eyes.

"Can you wait a moment?

I nodded, not understanding why, and he got out of the car and went into one of the long rows of stores. A few moments later, Jeffrey exited the store, carrying a box. 

While I was staring at his actions, he got into the car, opened the box and took out a pair of expensive gloves made of black velvet fabric.

He took my hand and put the gloves on. He said in a low, gentle voice.

"Is this kind of interest okay? Your hands look cold. I don't mean anything.


Jeffrey looked down at our linked hands for a while, released them and gripped the steering wheel again. He looked like he was in a good mood. Was it so good to rescue the poor? In an absurd mood, I only wiggled my gloved hands.

Obviously, I was trying to disrupt his relationship with Celine, but it wasn't like this.

Thank you. I like it. Ill use it well.

Jeffrey looked at me and smiled, and at the same time the speed of the car got faster.

"I'm glad you like it"

"Look ahead.

The locomotive passed in front of us like an arrow with a loud rattling sound. If we hit it, we would be dead. My heart was pounding. I stared at him in the driver's seat with a cold face. 

Jeffrey sighed in dismay as we came to an abrupt stop, trying to pass over the railroad. One of his hands was holding my shoulder as I recoiled and almost bounced off the seat.


Jeffrey let out an exclamation that didn't match his appearance. He looked somewhat nervous and cleared his throat with a cough. He looks like a very dirty and bad-tempered man, but his naive behavior made me feel quite different.

"Im sorry. Are you all right?"

"As long as I don't die, I guess."

When he arrived at the destination, he got off the driver's seat and opened the passenger door. Arriving in front of the theater, I walked around here and there, because the sight was new to me. A wooden sign with a picture of a dancing man and woman caught my eye. 

Ladies and gentlemen dressed in the latest fashions were waiting to enter.

Perhaps it was because it was a play about love, most of the spectators were couples, and many of them seemed to be lovers. Some of the people in the theater recognized Jeffrey and looked at us, which was a bit of a burden.

Even if I never had a romantic love or romance in my life, I liked to indulge in books and movies. At first it was refreshing, like experiencing classical culture, but now I was a bit dazed because I couldn't feel any interest at all.

After falling asleep for a while, I quickly came to my senses when I realized that I had leaned my head on Jeffreys shoulder.

"You slept well.

"I'm sorry. Romance doesn't seem to be my thing. Still, it was a good experience."

He wasn't disappointed.

"I had fun."

He looked rather happy.


The current emperor of Progen, Meyer III of the Freud empire, sat on a glamorous couch, looking at the chessboard and sweeping his chin. The middle-aged emperor with white-blond hair and golden eyes had a gorgeous gaze and strong vigor that made him seem unapproachable and intimidating.

Unlike his predecessor Emperor Meyer II, who was called Meyer the Great in Zen, he was called the Thunder Emperor.

His ability to rule well enough to be considered a tyrant made Progen one of the strongest countries in the world, and he was in the best prime of his empire's history.

However, there was no way to evaluate it as a selection. He was the pinnacle of fear and awe, both within his own country and among his enemies, with a politics that was devoid of morality, involving purges and not hesitating to commit massacres.

He was a man who, as soon as he ascended to the throne, invaded neighboring countries and madly increased the number of colonies, and after weeding out the opposition and dangerous people, he seized the mighty imperial power. 

Progen had a nominal Prime Minister and parliament, but the majority of the members were people of the emperor, and the emperor held the real power, making it more like a tyrannical monarchy.

The Emperor's fierce golden eyes stared at Commander Rockefeller as they faced each other and played chess.

Duke Rothsilde (Noah) is the person who will assist the Crown Prince at a later date, and that is my precious chess. Such behavior is troubling. If I tolerate it any longer, my authority will be diminished."

Your Majesty, why don't you send him to command the defense operations of the colony of Belterdam for a while?

"No. It would be better to take this opportunity to tame him. I like his madness and abilities, but."

Perhaps because the Duke wasnt the Crown Prince.

The emperor laughed.

From this moment on, the moment the Duke leaves the Progen border, regardless of the reason, all titles will be revoked, and the land and property will be confiscated and made to belong to the state.

The Emperor's thunderous order caused the Commander's face to shake with agitation. The emperor smiled plaintively, his fingers twitching with the white knight, one of his chess horses.

"And as treason, I will seek him out to the end and kill him. Horses that don't listen to the language of the country are a headache even for a great horse."


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