Kiada, Blood Servant System Reborn

Chapter 13: Revival Tree And Summoning Sickness

Chapter 13: Revival Tree And Summoning Sickness

"Well, for a first addition to the hall, you really didn't spice the place up," Healia said looking at the sad excuse of a tree that had grown up from the floor with no leaves and only black ribbons and one white.

"This is more important than any of the other things."

"Ah, yes, the Revival Tree is a pretty nice addition, and now you all get those cute ribbons to wear! I suppose that might be something you might have been interested in, but what about the Bar Upgrade?!" Healia complained.

I ignored her, opening up my guild skills, and placed the last two points. One went into Daily Bonus, and now everyone would get a Health and Mana Potion every day. I wasn't sure what mana was, but it must be something useful. The last point went into Members, each point I had would allow me to recruit five more members for a total of twenty points.

I closed the menu and looked up at my brother and Lesha. She was smiling, the other four...looked unhealthy. All four of their faces were almost as white as a clean sheet, and they had worried expressions on their faces.

"What is wrong with you four?

"You're...the Guild Leader now?" Mike, the oldest asked.

"Oh yes! But you four need to get your asses into gear, it's almost lunch and those dungeons aren't going to clear themselves!"

"Yes, Guild Leader!" The four boys shouted with the color returning to them and the life returning to their eyes.

"Don't call me that!"

"Yes, Sister!"

"Grrr, make sure you grab a ribbon before you go, but only take one."

The men looked at me, but then Healia cleared her throat, and they jumped up and raced over to grab a ribbon. I hadn't noticed, but the tree had five more sets of ribbons, and after my brothers left, Lesha came to join me and to take her own ribbon. I was surprised to see that she had grabbed the last of the first six sets of ribbons.

"What made you pick that set of black ribbons?" I asked, my curiosity piqued.

"Black? This was the only set of white and red, and it didn't feel right to take another," Lesha explained as the black ribbon tied itself to her wrist.

"The ribbons only register with its owner, so there is no confusion," Healia explained for us.

"Since you explained things, what is the deal with the summoning sickness, there is a great deal of text, but if you know, then mind saving me the time? For now at least? Also, what did you say to my brothers?"

"Well, come sit down and I will explain, but then you should be going to find more members, like you said to your brothers, it's almost lunch, so it's time to get working Guild Master! As for you brothers, that is between me and them, don't you worry your little black heart," Healia said, giving me a closed eye smile after.

I rolled my eyes and walked over to the table with Lesha, and we took seats across from Healia.

"So, with your current stats, if someone dies, they are restricted from the dungeon for seven days and when they do go back they will suffer a 24 hr Summoning sickness stat reduction of seventy percent. The real kicker is the random effect that lasts for eight days and can cause all sort of weird effect, but they are all bad from what I have seen in previous games I have played."

"Okay, and do I have any goals? Other than what you said earlier?"

"Yes, collect twenty total members so we can upgrade this dump! Because you bought the tree, it takes up all three of your building slots. So, for now, you can only upgrade skill and abilities, and then when you get to twenty members, we can expand this dive and get that new bar!"

"Don't you think there are more important things than a bar?" Lesha asked with a raised eyebrow at Healia.

"Of course there are, but that doesn't make me want it any less! You're the boss now, I'm just a patron of your Guild now, The Red Legion! Has a nice ring to it, and I like your matching breast tattoos! You should try to match them up! Come one, just push them together for me one time!"

"Go make yourself useful and get more chairs and tables, your time of breaking things is over, and now you can decorate the place. The two of us are going to go look for more Members and talk to my father. He will want to hear the news, and I want to see if I could convince him to come and work for us, to do repairs and things like that."

"Very good, my whittle champion is using her cute little brain! One thing, before you go, Don't just let anyone in just because they want to, we are trying to weed the bad ones out."

"If I don't help anyone that wants to join, then what happens to them?"

"They will either go to a different guild or they will leave town, and that is the best option. No matter what in the end you will have to push them out or they will become problems for your members," Healia explained.

"So, then I just say, no sorry we are not looking for your type?" I asked sarcastically.

"No, I want you to flat out refuse them and tell them exactly why!"

"What? Why? You want me to belittle them and call them out on the spot?" I asked now with confusion.

"If that's what it takes, then yes. You are trying to get a reaction out of them. Depending on how they react, is how you will decide what to do from there," Healia explained.

"So, what do I do after?" I asked, hoping to get more insight on what I was supposed to do after yelling at the person, but I was sadly disappointed.

"You will figure it out."


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