Kaze no Stigma

Volume 5, Epilogue

Volume 5, Epilogue

Standing still on the bank of the pond spreading out in the garden of the Kannagi residence, Kazuma was absentmindedly smoking tobacco. But then, that smoke didn't reach Kazuma's lungs even once.

The smoke rising from the pointed end of the cigarette was vainly melting in the atmosphere, vanishing.

The ash that stretched for two centimeters gently crumbled, lying thick on top of Kazuma's shoes.

At that moment Kazuma finally remembered he was smoking.

But unable to immerse himself in the feeling of intoxication nicotine brought about, he meaninglessly looked at the sky.

"Tsoi Rin ------"

She's not beyond the sky. Not even below the ground.

He wanted to protect her - he couldn't. He couldn't do anything for her, he couldn't even help her just a little, he let her die drowned in desperation.

The girl who gave him so many things, he couldn't pay back any of it.

Even a twelve years old kid managed to save one girl from the depth of despair -

It was the first thing that happened this year. Like father like son, Ren experienced the same thing as Kazuma but even so, the result was totally different.

That's right, it was totally different from that time with Tsoi Rin. At the very least, Ayumi died smiling.

But each time he saw his little brother driven by feelings of remorse, Kazuma wanted to tell him.

"You did well"

"You did a thousand fold better than me"

- No, no matter how you multiply zero is still zero, thought Kazuma inside his heart, curving his lips.

He was raging. That's right, he himself understood. He also understood the reason. Because the parting words of that girl were still ringing in his ears.

Lapis was the symbol of his sin embodied before his eyes.

What will he do when facing that girl again -

No, he knew what he had to do. But, can he really do that?

Suddenly his sleeve was pulled.

Turning a dull gaze towards it, before he knew someone else stood next to him.

It was Ayano.

Having an anxious facial expression that was unbecoming for the usually noisy girl, she was timidly pulling his sleeve.

Laughing at how spaced out he was, not realizing how close she was, once again Kazuma looked forward.

"What?", he asked after a pause of several seconds.

Like the wind blowing in a dry desert, his voice had no courtesy.

"Eeh? L- listen...."

The indication of the girl's disturbance was transmitted by the wind.

After only five seconds of waiting for an answer from Ayano, who was faltering for some reason, Kazuma discarded Ayano's existence from his consciousness.

".........it was definitely a lie"

After dozens of seconds passed, Ayano finally answered.

"If she's really carrying the emotion of that Tsoi Rin person, it can't be killing Kazuma. There - "

With those clumsy words Ayano earnestly tried to cheer up Kazuma.

At times like this, Kazuma will always respond this way.

"What happened? Trying to console me, are you feverish or something?"

He will tease her like that.

"Thank you. I'm happy you're worried about me"

Or making her blush by saying so with a straight face or lightly kissing her to make her angry -

Without choosing any, Kazuma looked at the sky in silence. With monotonous tone he spoke to the discolored blue sky.

"I wonder......"


"After all, I couldn't protect Tsoi Rin. She obviously blamed me. Enough to come back in some way and kill me."


Ayano couldn't see Kazuma's face turned upwards. But if felt to her that this arrogant man was crying, his feeling hurt.

"But, that couldn't be helped. Because at that time Kazuma was still weak."


Feebly murmuring, Kazuma gathered wind in vain. A whirlwind danced around them, their hair and clothes fluttering.


"This power woke up for the first time at the time I went to save Tsoi Rin and was about to be killed."

"------? Isn't that an orthodox pattern for awakening?"

As for the chance for someone's latent capacities to be released, something like a crisis situation was the most frequent way.

Because of a dead end, because you have no other way, you draw out a power you didn't have before demanding a settlement.

If you're being cornered but still think I have to do something, for this reason -

"But when Tsoi Rin was killed nothing happened."


I don't want to die - that thought manifested that hidden power. It means that when he thought Don't let her die nothing happened.

For this reason that was an extreme situation without place for justification, the clear difference between the the importance of priorities.

That was the absolute proof he valued his life more than Tsoi Rin's.

Kazuma was scoffing at his abject, miserable, petty self.

"Geez, it's so unsightly I can't even laugh"


With an expression full of urgency, Ayano pulled at Kazuma's sleeve. As if trying to stop him from going somewhere far away.

"No way, do you intend to let Lapis kill you?"


"You can't do that! You're here right? You chose the present, right? Then - "

"No. It's not like that"

Gently brushing Ayano's confused head, Kazuma said.

"I didn't choose it, I decided it - or rather, I remembered what I decided a while ago."

He won't choose anything. He won't cast away that which wasn't chosen. He'll obtain everything he desires. Because right now he has that much power.

"Tsoi Rin's thoughts, Lapis' desire, I'll accept everything and fight against it. And I'll protect you. This time, without fail."


Those were the words that expressed his innermost thoughts much more frankly than ever before, but hearing those, on Ayano's face there was no sight of delight.

Rather she frowned, dissatisfied, and glared at the man as if she finally understood -

Without saying anything, she tried kicking him near his waist.


A heavy feeling was transmitted through the leg.

Nevertheless, because of Kazuma's tough legs and loins, he took that shock perfectly.

Conversely, as if she kicked a big tree with deep roots, Ayano's stance crumbled and she staggered.

"Tch, wah - "

Ayano fell backward with one leg raised. Behind her is the pond -

But, on the verge of falling, Kazuma pulled Ayano's leg towards him.

Ordinarily, if someone would have tried that on him, he would topple that person in the pond without hesitation but Ayano's legs were not something ordinary.

With one leg on the ground, she barely managed to stand up.

"Le- let go, baka!"

Pressing down with both her hands the skirt that rolled up, Ayano shouted bright red.

"That's a surprising way of talking considering I just saved you, huh?"

"Wasn't there a better method?"

"The leg was the closest"

Answering in a nonchalant face, Kazuma released her leg.


"Wh- what?"

"Do you kick people for no good reason?"

Asked about the reason for the sudden assault, Ayano turned her face away pouting.

Continuing to be silent and reaching her limit after dozens of seconds, still facing away she said.

"I, I never said I want you to protect me"

"Me too, I don't remember asking for your opinion."

"It's not like that!"

Facing Kazuma with her whole body, Ayano shouts.

"Am I that unreliable?"

That was an acute question, the meaning of her life hanging on it.

But, while Kazuma blinked, seeming surprised, he did not give her the answer she wanted.

It wasn't acting. This man really didn't understand. Even though she knew that, Ayano's irritation became worse.

"I don't know what happened in your past! But, isn't it difficult? Isn't it painful? Rely on me at least in those times! I can fight too!"

She doesn't complain about Kazuma protecting her. Instead, she's rather happy. Because she understands she's being considered important.

However, only being protected is not good enough.

"What am I to you? Just excess baggage? A burden? Should I hide behind your back so I won't get in your way and after the battle ends embrace and kiss you as a token of appreciation? Don't look down on me!"

The princess protected by the strong knight - Ayano's pride wasn't so low that she would be satisfied in such a position.

Even Kazuma is not almighty. He's not invincible.

At the times he cannot fight the enemy by himself, at last at those times she wanted to be depended on. She wanted to be counted on.

"Don't burden only yourself with everything. I won't tell as much as to entrust your back to me but, but if I can help you just a little - "

Calming herself - just a little - Ayano timidly looked up to Kazuma.

Kazuma was staring at Ayano with a dumbfounded expression.

It was rare one had the chance to see Kazuma in mute amazement but, of course, that's not what Ayano wished for.

"---------enough already!"

Shouting in anger, Ayano turned away. But, as she only turned away without leaving, it was clear it wasn't already enough.


In silence Kazuma continued looking at Ayano who was standing rock still.

Obstinately turning away but even so she continued staying in the center of his field of vision as if saying I do care.

Kazuma's amazed facial expression was gradually turning turning to a wry smile, very much like the usual Kazuma.

He looked at his watch rebelliously trying to time how long her obstinacy would continue.

Several minutes later the same situation still continued.

Ayano did not move her gaze.

The one that moves first loses - she glared right in front with so much drive like she was in a duel.

As for Kazuma, he gave up looking at her directly, gazing at the girl's stiff profile outside the boundary.

Although she was certainly aware of his being, her facial expression could not be read.

Putting himself in such a one-sided advantageous position, he was enjoying himself with Ayano's reaction without getting tired of it.

The silence continued further. But, before long the equilibrium crumbled.

A gust of wind blowing through made ripples on the water surface and made Ayano's hair flutter.

That hair riding upon the wind, fluttering, was touching Kazuma's body.

It looked like that was in replacement for her frozen body, reaching out, requesting Kazuma's heart.


Noticing the dangerous, quick intimacy, Ayano slightly stirred.

Should she pretend she didn't notice and take more distance, for the long interval called an instant she hesitated.

In the end Ayano didn't move. Faster than it takes to reach the conclusion, Kazuma moved.

Kazuma gently took in his hand a tuft of hair playing in the wind.

And then he lightly bent over and kissed it with affection.


Sharply catching her breath, Ayano's body trembled.

She can't move - no, moving is scary.

No matter how should she react to Kazuma's act, she felt that it will bring about some definite change.

Her body was hot.

It was as if even the tips of her hair were sensitive.

The feel of those lips touching her hair, that warmth, she could clearly sense it.


Flushing red until the nape of her neck, Ayano's whole body was tense as if enduring something.

Her chest was painful.

No matter how restlessly she breathed in, not enough oxygen reached her brain and she could not think straight.

Kazuma's lips touching her hair.

All her nerves were concentrated in that one point.

What to think?

How should she act?

She did not understand. She could not think of anything.

While repeating breathing a little faster, stuck in an impasse, Ayano's thoughts continued in an endless loop.

After enjoying that supple feeling to his heart's content, Kazuma let go of Ayano's hair.

Thanks to the always forward-facing girl breathing life into him, that useless strain disappeared.

Thinking about it, Ayano already saved him many times over.

Looking at this from a different perspective, saying I'll protect you was close to arrogance.

The girl who released him from being stuck in the past is not a powerless, frail princess.

To put it into words, if the knight who dedicated his entire life to the sword was captured, she would personally charge into the enemy camp -

"What are you doing!? Follow me!"

Easily able to imagine even the scene of giving an order to the dumbfounded knight, Kazuma burst into a faint laugh.

That was so very Ayano-like. Or rather, very suitable for them.

Accepting Ayano's request, instead of congratulations, Kazuma lightly strikes her ass.

"Well, take care of me, partner"

He could swear on it, Kazuma didn't have any evil intentions. He just thought that was just the right spot to do it.

But, regarding the girl that became oversensitive from the unfamiliar situation, that stimulus felt more like a club blow.


Her rigid body was rebooted and right up - no, because of the stimulus from behind, Ayano jumped up somewhat diagonally.

But, just like it was stated before, they were standing on he side of a pond.

Which means -


For good of for evil, the pond was pretty deep.

"What happened!?"

Hearing the sound of water, Ren rushed out from the room. He courteously closed the futsuma and waited without eavesdropping but as expected he felt some sort of disturbance.

After that, Kirika and Juugo followed.

"Nii, sama---?", asked Ren quizzically, standing still on the porch.

What was in front of his eyes could rarely be seen - or rather, he saw for the first time his brother at a loss.

And then --- only that.

There was nothing else. Not even Ayano's figure who was supposed to have chased after Kazuma.


Remembering he heard the sound of water, Ren shifted his attention to the pond.

The water surface that was supposed to be calm was producing huge ripples.

Pretty big - as if they were produced by dropping a forty five kilo mass, those kind of huge ripples.

Including shock and blame, Ren glared at Kazuma.

"Nii-sama, no way - "

"Aah - is it my fault? this - "

While looking away and scratching his cheek, Kazuma murmured some vague words.

Convinced to the utmost limit by those words, Ren severely rebuked his brother, ten years his senior.

"What are you thinking!? I don't know what Nee-sama told you, but pushing her into the pond because you got angry!"

"No.......I didn't really push her......."

Kazuma offered a frail excuse.

That was an exceedingly bad situation. Angry and with a dreadfully threatening attitude, Ren was there but behind him was Juugo standing still in silence, his Kehai becoming exceedingly dangerous.

But, Kazuma instantly forgot about them.

The reason for that was that a much more terrific threat burst out nearby.


Already producing a several times louder water sound, a huge water column stabbed the sky.


Kazuma immediately leaped ten meters, taking the fight posture.


The large quantity of water blown high upwards fell down pulled by gravity and soaked the lawn.

The released mist sprung up.

And then, from the bottom of the pond with a remarkably decreased water volume -

- a raging demoness landed.


Because of the dripping water coming from her drenched hair and clothes Ayano started walking like a ghost.

Her hanged down face could not be seen.

But her route was accurately, extremely accurately headed for Kazuma who was now about to escape moving backwards.

"A....A--, Ayano? I think you know it but I didn't really push you - anyway, let's talk about this. Peacefully."

Ayano did not reply. Silent, indifferent, she steadily stepped forward.

It was clear there was no room for negotiation.

"Hey, guys, do something"

Looking behind requesting help, Kazuma noticed that those three who were supposed to have been right behind moved away.

"Wait you guys. Why are you out the line of fire?"

"Because we don't want to get involved."

The one replying point-blank was Ren. He continued even more heartless.

"Nii-sama too, don't stand there, move closer to the fence. At this angle the house will be burned."

"You have no sympathy!?"

"There nothing I can do for you!"

Ren replied to Kazuma's shout that was closer to a shriek now in almost the same manner.

"No matter how you think about it, Onii-sama's the one at fault. Give up and let her hit you at least once."

"One hit, huh? I'll die if she hits me once!"

"It will be fine since it's Nii-sama-----perhaps"

Shrugging his shoulders, Ren tried to assure him without any basis.

The last part only was mingled with his true opinion.


Trying to retort something to his heartless little brother, Kazuma turned ahead with a cramp on his face.

Ayano stopped walking. The distance between her and Kazuma was approximately five meters.

She was already one step inside the range - what is called the reaching distance.

A violent fighting spirit that could be felt from the other side of the globe burst out.

Instantly, Ayano's body shed a dazzling light and the water sticking to all her body disappeared without a trace.

Not even water vapors appeared, as the hydrogen atoms and the oxygen atoms composing the water molecule instantly changed to plasma.

"Wh- wait. If we talk we'll understand----"

Ayano replied to Kazuma's words by extracting Enraiha. Shuffling on her tiptoes, she shortened the distance.

At the time Kazuma was for the first time really thinking of running, a dignified voice resounded from behind.


As one would expect, unable to ignore her father's appeal, Ayano suddenly stopped.

In a dignified manner, Juugo told his daughter who, even then, didn't lower her sword.

"I will protect the house. There's no need to hold back, use your whole power"

"Waah, I can't believe this Oyaji - Dowaaah!?"

Deserted even by Juugo, his last ray of hope, Kazuma cursed him in a small voice. But, immediately confronting an impossible situation, those boos were erased by the sound of an explosion.

In one portion of the Kannagi residence a caloric value that could be compared with the temperature at the heart of a sun sprung forth.


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