Kaze no Stigma

Volume 5, 1 - Signs of rematch

Volume 5, Chapter 1 - Signs of rematch

Part 1


Together with the spat out swear word, the sound of a weak fist striking the wall pointlessly reverberated.

This is an underground place below the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. It wasn't generally used, a police cell used for accommodating unique criminals.

Clean and simple, in that space resembling a hotel single room the boy grieved over his circumstance.

"Why did something like that happen......"

He was supposed to have obtained power.

An invincible power.

A power that can grant all wished.

An invincible power.

"It wasn't supposed to be like this......"

He suddenly rose in the world.

A higher existence than those worthless masses whose existence doesn't matter.

From here on he would be the one to look down on those who looked down on him, scorn them, and like an overwhelming man of courage -

That was how it was supposed to be.

And yet, right now, he had been clumsily caught by the police. The power he thought invincible was sealed easily, and tomorrow they will apply treatment in order to get rid of it for good.

Again, he turned to nothing but an incompetent person. And in addition to that, he will be held in police custody even for his previous offenses.

He was disgraced. He was unbearably disgraced.

One girl's picture floated in his brain. The ringleader who forced him into such circumstance. The one who didn't listen his command, the command of a superior person, the disrespectful bitch who of all things, turned on him with savage weapons.


The boy - Utsumi Kousuke, squeezed out the girl's name, including as much curse in it as possible.

But, the anti-magic barrier installed in the police cell nullified every kind of power generated inside.

Utsumi's grudge, didn't attain form, fruitlessly melting in the atmosphere and disappearing.


Reminded again that the invincible power had been sealed, Utsumi's body shook with rage.

"Shit! Shit! Shit! Come out! Come out! I am the chosen one! I'm not supposed to be here!!"

He knocked the door as if going mad. When the privileges bestowed onto him were taken, that absurdity destroyed his mental balance.

"Why? Why do I have to suffer through this? What do you accuse me of?"

But, no one was there to reply to his egotistic claim and Utsumi's random screams, drifting inside the room, were sucked into the walls and disappeared.

After a turn, a silence similar to frozen time filled the room. The reverberation of noise reverted the vector of his spirit visibly changing Utsumi's character, pressing his forehead to the wall, he cowered. A frail murmur escaped him.

"What to do............"

If it continues like this and his power will be stolen what will happen - even his dumb brain could easily picture it.

"They'll take revenge on me........"

Even if they won't charge him for his crimes, the people he cursed will definitely not forgive him. The retribution will be more severe than whatever he experienced until now.

And, right now he had no means of defending himself.

"No........I don't want that........"

While moaning at the wits' end, Utsumi naturally regretted his behavior.

"It would have been better not to do that", or something

But that was not a remorseful contemplation. They were only the previous selfish thoughts fearing revenge, without a particle of Utsumi's compassion.

"It's not my fault........I'm not to blame......."

Racking his brain, he tried justifying himself. He wasn't in the wrong. He's not the one responsible. Because, because -

"But, I only used it, right? The one who's evil and pushed this unwanted power onto me is that Pandemonium's Vesalius, right? I'm just like a victim tricked by that man, right?"

Deriving a satisfactory answer, Utsumi's eyes sparkled.

"First of all, if the police had time to catch someone like me, shouldn't they search for Vesalius first? The police is always like this. They don't get involved with the really bad guys but only arrest underlings, worrying only about settling cases by framing victims like me. Do you think the country's peace can be protected like that?"

With persistently self centered words, at the time he was talking on and on loudly.

" - Hm?"

On one point on the pure white wall, suddenly, a deep crimson spot appeared. A small dot, red like fresh blood. It grew as if being guided by an invisible pen and engraved letters on the wall.

These were the contents:


Congratulations for your level up!

In accordance with this level up, it's possible to class change and obtain even more power. If you wish so, a door reaching Pandemonium will open for you here, ushering you in.

Do you desire a class change?


"Wh- what........?"

At the sudden variation, Utsumi opened his eyes wide in blank amazement. But at the same time, he instantly understood the meaning of this message.

This was a mail from Pandemonium.

One Pandemonium sent every time one acquires experience points, an information email. The sentences written don the wall had the same literary style like the several tens he received before.

But - Utsumi racked his brain puzzled.

"Level up?"

The way of obtaining XP is not just defeating one's enemy or in Utsumi's case fulfilling curses. Utilizing the power granted by Pandemonium, you're adding experience one by one.

Of course, when comparing it with killing one's enemy, the quantity is infinitly smaller.

Utsumi's recent results, is the amount he used on Nanase and his classmates. With just that it would have been impossible to level up, supposedly.

"Wait - that doesn't matter"

With more discernment than ever, Utsumi grasped the current situation.

It doesn't mater if it's a mistake or something. If he can level up and then class change, there's no reason to hesitate.

And then -

'If you wish so, a door reaching Pandemonium will open for you here, ushering you in'

The message was very easily delivered to the room equipped with an anti-magical barrier. That existence itself is sufficient evidence for the contents of the message.

Clearly, it's impossible for this barrier to resist the mighty power of Pandemonium. In other words, if he wishes so, he can really go to Pandemonium. He can escape prison.


Gulping down his saliva, Utsumi stared at the mail from Pandemonium.

Freedom. Even more power. It was an excessively sweet temptation. He can take back all he believed lost. He could obtain even more.

The woman who ridiculed him, this time...........

With an uncertain manner of walking, Utsumi walked to the wall the message was written down on.

The blood red letters. The half dried ink pulled down by gravity smudged the wall giving an ominous impression of an evil spell.

But even so, for Utsumi right now it was similar to a sacred oracle.

That reality that protected him revived his lost willpower.

"Like I thought, I am special"

Broadly grinning, his ugly lips warped, Utsumi laughed. An arrogant smile scorning everything beside himself.

"Just wait, Nanase. This time I'll get even with you!"

With a loud shout, Utsumi clicked on the Yes end of the message.

Part 2

Opening the door of her beloved GT-R car, Kirika looked at the cloudless sky.

The sun was shining brilliantly, burning distinct shadows on the earth.

The wind was fluttering refreshing, the birds singing a pleasant tune -

There was no trouble in the world - contrary to those words appropriate for the morning scenery, on Kirika's beautiful face there was a haggard look impossible to conceal.

The black circles below her eyes clearly indicated the extent of her fatigue. The cleaning up of the troubles that happened one after another last night was so difficult that even Kirika thought half seriously of skipping out.

Getting out of the car, she faced the entrance as if limping. An employee was already there, waiting for her arrival.

"This way - "

Following after the servant who informed laconically, Kirika entered the residence. She walked and walked and walked the exclusively long corridor. She stopped.

It seems they arrived at the place of destination. The servant knelt in front of the futsuma and announced Kirika's arrival.



Although showing a slight hesitation, Kirika stepped forward on the other side of the futsuma the servant opened. The members inside were generally as Kirika expected.

Except for one.

"Genma-dono ——?"

Involuntarily Kirika called out the name of that person.

Kannagi Genma. The father of both Kazuma and Ren and the most powerful active Jutsushi of the family. Although the Suzerain - Juugo was the best, that ability that overwhelms Ayano yielding Enraiha reached the limits of myth, crossing over legend.

"That person, why - "

Glancing at Kirika stiff with fright, Genma informed in a low voice.

"Yesterday my son received favor from you."

"Your son -?"

At Kirika's instant reply, Genma looked at Ren sitting next to him.


".......No, it wasn't that much........"

Bewildered by the interaction, Kirika became evasive using a ambiguous tone. But from the start it seemed Genma didn't cared about Kirika's answer.

"Really, I thought he grew up a little but his spoiled nature doesn't change.........perhaps he was careless with his job, being too busy with women."

".........unexpectedly, a person who likes to complain?"

Using a downcast look in front of the grumbling Genma, Kirika attempted a rebuttal while observing the surroundings on her field of vision.

"I don't think he was particularly careless with his job."

"It's the same thing if your acts don't yield fruit.", Genma declared harshly.

But immediately following he asked without changing his tone.

"So, did you get in touch with Kazuma?"

" - Wha -?"

With round eyes Kirika stared at Genma.

Why is Genma here. And why he spoke as if showing contempt towards Kazuma, she finally understood.

Averting her gaze in a casual manner, she examined the surroundings. Ayano and Ren didn't notice and only Juugo seemed to have reached the same conclusion. As if resisting a smile, the corners of his lips twitched.

"He - he's an unexpectedly indulgent papa, huh?"

While guessing she made the same expression as Juugo, Kirika desperately feigned calmness. She answered shortly, with brevity.

"No. Not really. No."

"I see."

The one who spoke wasn't Genma but Juugo, silent until now. Unseen by Genma, for one moment, he smiled to Kirika like an accomplice and then continued.

"Well, he's not the kind of man who will die when being swallowed by a crumbling building."

"I agree."

Saying it out loud it seemed as a cruel expression but Kirika agreed from the bottom of her heart.

There was no reason for doubt. To begin with, Kazuma was the one who rescued the three of them from the crumbling building.

He was loosing himself in anger but apparently one composed portion still remained.

Just before they were crushed by the downpour of debris, Kazuma spread a wind barrier and set the trio free.

Perfectly controlling the barrier until they landed, he delivered them on the above ground without any scratch. Especially smart, he raised an optical camouflage to remain invisible, denoting perfect composure.

About the safety of Kazuma's own body, Kirika didn't have any kind of apprehension. Rather, right now her body was in much more danger.

But the pure boy thinking of his older brother, seemed to be worried still. Frowning with worry, Ren said.

"But even for Onii-sama something unlikely can happen. Besides if he's fine he would have called at least."

"He doesn't want to be looked after right now. Or he doesn't want us to get in the way."

"What do you mean?"

Finding fault with Kirika's words, Ayano retorted sharply. Kirika's eyebrows frowned instantly cursing her verbal slip and tried to dodge the question with a forced smile.

"Don't worry about it."

"I am worrying about it!"

Understanding she couldn't deceive her, Kirika looked at Ayano with a pensive expression.

"Listen to me, Ayano-chan."


"If you knew one of Kazuma's secret, one he doesn't want other people knowing, would you tell?"


As expected, she blocked it. Even Ayano, who she recognized was daring beyond recklessness, hesitated making Kazuma truly angry.

At that chance, Kirika smoothly turned the conversation around.

"That's why, don't ask today. It's not something that has a direct impact on us anyway - beside I'm sure you'll know soon enough."

" -?"

Ayano didn't seem to consent yet but Kirika completely ignored it.

"So, let's get down to business."

Speaking so, she took out a videotape from her bag. Looking inside the room and discovering a video deck close to the wall, she silently asked Juugo for permission.

Juugo nodded in silence.

"First, please look at this."

Together with Kirika's words, the shape of Tokyo's Government Office appeared on the screen.

The tallest in Shinjuku but more than that the characteristic twin towers. That gallant figure that already disappeared from reality and only existed in memories or records.

"If it's about the collapse, we already saw it on the news."

"Just look."

Rejecting Ayano's complaint without even turning around, Kirika gazed at the screen. Reluctantly, Ayano imitated her.

What was reflected on the screen was the first central government office. For a while nothing happened. But suddenly an unusual phenomenon appeared.

From the space between the two raised towers, a pillar of light soared facing the sky.

The film played over and over after last night's news would have scared everyone if seen for the first time. There was nothing to be surprised about now, though.

Ayano looked at the video with an indifferent expression. The pillar of light striking the heavens. It was the work of that girl called Lapis.

The goddess-like gigantic phantom clutching the phantom sword.

From the outside only a part of the sword was visible but that shape couldn't be mistaken. That more than sharp double edged sword, if that aberrant length were excluded, only Lapis hold the crystal weapon remained.

" - huh?"

Ayano remembered a slightly uncomfortable feeling.

When she saw the news did the pillar of light resembled a sword so clearly or did it looked like a stick.

Although bewildered, the video went on.

The pillar of light inclined.

The phantom sword was swung downward.

And then, as it tore the barrier, Pandemonium appeared.

" - Oh?"

At the same time it appeared, the huge blade swung downward beheaded Pandemonium. The rooftop tore, the walls were cut and although Pandemonium was split in two halves, the blade had yet to stop.

Really stretching close to two hundred meters, its tip moved until it faced directly below. The walls of the Tokyo Government Office were shredded in a vertical straight line like a joke.

Of course, the damage didn't stop at the outer layer of walls. The blade of that gigantic sword was pretty much perfectly buried in the building, only its tip protruding from the other side of the wall over-enthusiastically.

If they were to regard the architectural structure like a human body, this blow clearly cut through the marrow. Needless to say, it would be a fatal wound.

Although practically split in half, the building tried to maintain its balance by propping up the towers one against the other.

But the tall building reaching two hundred forty three meters couldn't bear the weight on half its body. As if flattened by a huge hand from right overhead it crumbled while raising a large quantity of dust.

The screen was covered by that dust. And then the video paused switching over to a sandstorm.

"This is the original footage."

Kirika stopped the video.

"What circulates on the news was altered to appear like a regular terrorism explosion. We thoroughly erased everything suspicious or changed it."

As expected, the fact that > can't be allowed to spread on the Internet.

Ayano was completely supportive of that matter. But -

"So, what are your impressions?"

"The worst.........", murmured Ayano feebly.

It was clear that the destruction of the Government Office was caused by Pandemonium.

But she believed Lapis' attack was nothing but the start. That is, she only broke the balance and the building collapsed after, on its own.

No way half the building was removed in a single stroke.

"Are you trying to say we have to fight that monster?"

"I have high hopes for you, Ayano-chan.", Kirika carefully declared to the disheartened Ayano.

"It doesn't seem I can count on Kazuma for being that girl's opponent."

"................aah, so it seems."

Kazuma's expression when he met Lapis - Ayano couldn't imagine that man could be in turmoil to such a degree.

And then, the name he murmured - Tsoi Rin.

She didn't know who it was but undoubtedly she had a great significance for Kazuma. Enough to attack her without hesitation for the sake of protecting a girl who resembled her.


Shaking off that memory that made her uncomfortable, Ayano asked:

"So, what are we going to do from now on? As Pandemonium is destroyed for the time being we must think how to search for them, right?"

"Aah - about that........"

Averting her eyes somewhat uncomfortable, Kirika showed a bitter smile.

"Pandemonium still exists."

" - Eeh? Aah, on the Internet, you mean?"

"No, not just that - also in reality."


Including an incomplete understanding, Ayano stared at Kirika with half opened eyes.

No matter how she thought about it, Kirika's attitude was suspicious.

How did she obtain evidence of it in just one night? Why did she have such a shitty attitude, far from being proud for such a great accomplishment?

"What is this?"

Raising her voice, Ayano cross-examined Kirika.

"I want you to tell me everything you know. This is not the place to hide your hand, right? If you keep secrets I don't care if Tokyo Tower goes next."

"Aah - yeah - "

Kirika fleetingly looked at Ayano with upturned eyes and broke the eyes with a roundabout expression.

"Can you listen calmly, without getting angry?"

"Just say it already!"

As Ayano urged, raising her voice, Kirika began talking nervously.

"You see, last night Utsumi Kousuke escaped from his cell."

The moment she heard those words, Ayano completely ignored Kirika's request.

That is, she got angry.

"You incompetent! And you're still calling yourself a professional!?"

"That's why I said to calm down and - "

"Do you think I can calm down!?", shouted Ayano without listening to Kirika's restraint.

"What the heck were you doing? Didn't you said to leave it to you!?"

"N- No, listen - "

"You idiot! Why do you make it so difficult so late in the game!?"

"Leave it at that."

This time, Juugo forced his way through.

Because he pitied the condemned Kirika or maybe because he became irritated by the conversation's lack of progress, that heavy, vibrant voice controlled the scene with an authority no one could oppose.

Struck by the rebuke of the father she loved and respected, Ayano immediately regained her composure. While instantly realizing this was not the place to shout pointlessly.

The person that released Utsumi would aim at the foremost is -

"Nanase - did she already begin the lessons?"

"It's all right. Nanase-san is fine."

As if soothing Ayano who took out her telephone in a hurry, Kirika informed her with a composed voice.

With a totally disbelieving gaze and tone, Ayano asked:

"How do you know?"

"Even we are not that incompetent. Because we noticed Utsumi's disappearance immediately after, we appointed protection to Nanase-san. At present there's no abnormality. She went to school without incident. I received a call approximately thirty minutes ago. Are you worried?"


But even so, Ayano didn't change her distrustful attitude.

"I understood the at present part. But after all, you weren't able to restrain Utsumi, no? How will that escort be helpful when she is practically attacked?"

Including a bitter smile, Kirika agreed.

"Please give us that much credit. The Jutsushi from Special Investigation Unit are not weak enough to lose to an amateur. Because even if Utsumi escaped, that wasn't his doing."

" -? Did someone guide him?"

Replacing the answer, Kirika took out one photograph. Innocently picking it up, Ayano quickly caught her breath.


It was the photograph of a white wall. A plain white wall. And then, painted on the surface of it, sickening red letters.

Sent to Utsumi's cell, a mail from Pandemonium.

"What is it?"

In silence Ayano held out the picture to Juugo. Frowning unpleasantly, Juugo gave it to Genma. And he to Ren.

"On the wall of the room where Utsumi was held captive, this appeared unnoticed."

Confirming that the picture reached all, Kirika began speaking.

"It happened between eleven P.M. and midnight. Because the surveillance camera was stopped, the accurate moment of the act is uncertain."

"Eleven P.M..........."

Tokyo Government Office was destroyed at eight P.M. Of course, at that time Pandemonium was supposed to be annihilated.

But the red letters etched on the cell's wall, the hand print that sealed the contract undermined that fact.

Below the hand written contract, the blurred, almost gone Yes. Perhaps Utsumi pressed it giving his agreement while it was only half dry.

"Incidentally the palm print of the contract matches Utsumi's."

Kirika backed up that guess with good timing. Ayano continued asking:

"The method of escape?"

"We don't know."

Kirika clearly shook her head.

"I said so before but the surveillance camera was interrupted and the guard put to sleep. We noticed something was wrong when they had to change shifts."

"What about clues?"

"Right. While there is no physical evidence, it doesn't seem like he just walked away."

"Space transfer?"

"A door was opened in the anti-magical barrier the detention cell was under, yes."


At Kirika's words, casually shrugging her shoulders, Ayano was made to realize once again the enemy's lack of common sense.

"So, that's why, far from being destroyed, Pandemonium moves with increasing vigor. This is unconfirmed information but from last night to the early dawn of this morning four or five of those people with abilities underwent a class change in one stroke."

"Is that a lot?"

"Of course!"

Kirika responded at Ayano's words that held no sense of urgency as if she could barely endure her headache.

"It's not like we caught all of them but there's no mistake there are more than ten people who had a class change. If that number suddenly increases by five - "


Ayano made a thoroughly indifferent sound.

Whether their level goes up, whether they class change, those kind of people who obtained power by accident cannot possibly be considered her opponents.

"Maybe they plot raising all levels."

Kirika stared unpleasantly at Ayano who announced the serious deduction.

"You mean, the second stage ones who had one class change will become the norm and perhaps a third stage of chosen ones will start to appear?"

"Yes, but I cannot back it up."

"But, if they were to release so much power, won't they lose their human awareness?"

"What of it?"

Ayano cut through Kirika's objection with a brief comment.

The power given by Pandemonium is the power of a Youma parasitic to the human body.

To say it frankly it wasn't given per say.

In the process of absorbing and assimilating the possessing Youma, the time necessary to manipulate the Youma's power doesn't take more than an hour.

While their power grows, the Youma is eating into that person's soul. If they were to do another class change, it would be impossible to maintain a human heart for those people with such a weak will.

However -

"Who cares about such things?"

Those granted power, those seeking it, none will hesitate. They heartlessly didn't reflect on their former lives before the change so they won't consider the consequences after.

"..........that may be so."

Reluctantly, Kirika agreed with Ayano's opinion. She didn't like it but it was very likely. Not a conjecture she could ignore.

"The question is what is the other party thinking?", continued Ayano dispassionate.

"Why are they doing such a thing? We don't know why they went so far as picking a fight with the police and rescued Utsumi."

Just by looking at the visible phenomena manipulated by the man calling himself Vesalius, it was clear he has a mighty ability.

But what he did in proportion with that power was childish or playful, something without a clear sense of purpose.

"That's the issue. Though at first I thought it was Kodogu."

Kodogu is one form of magic carried out using poisonous worms and such.

Cramming in a vase-like container a large quantity of poisonous worms and let then eat each other and then use the last remaining one as the core of a curse.

By making those with special abilities granted by Pandemonium fight each other, how will they use the last one standing, the most powerful among them - they pretty much agreed with that. But -

"You said I thought. Is that wrong?" asked Ayano, accurately judging Kirika's aim who used the past tense.

Kirika agreed mater-of-fact.

"Kazuma said so. He said The Youma possessing those children is all the same."

"All the same, you mean the same type?"

"No, the same Youma."

" -?"

Not understanding that meaning Ayano tilted her head to the side in confusion.

Expecting that, Kirika continued the explanation without pause.

"Pandemonium is reducing Youma to digital data and letting them possess through the Internet. So Kazuma said that if a Youma can be turned to data, isn't it possible to make more copies of it?"


Ayano was silently petrified. If that was true, the number of enemies won't be limited. It means they can mass produce those annoying people with abilities without limit.

"B -But if it's like that, would the ability differ from one person to another?"

Pulling herself together Ayano pointed out what seemed at first an inconsistency in that theory. But the answer was quick.

"I think it was set up to match the aptitude of the people possessed. There's also the data volume issue, probably taking for the first time a seedbed related shape and sending them out like a seed or an egg."

" - I see."

"Well, you understand from my I think and probably that this is just a guess or maybe nothing more than speculation."

Contrary to her words her tone was full of confidence. The reason is but obvious.

"You mean that Kazuma reached the same conclusion so it's reliable intelligence. What's the problem?"

Even without saying so, Ayano had nothing to object. When it comes to the precision of their perception ability, Kazuma was ahead of her by a two digit number.

"Well, because of that the Kodoku theory doesn't stand."

"............It seems so."

The quintessence of Kodoku is the creation of a high density curse source by condensing multiple fragments of malice in one body.

Killing and absorbing oneself and turning what was whole into the very same thing, that's like returning to the origin. It won't develop into hatred.

"Then, after all, we don't know the enemy's objective?"

"Well, it's like that."

"He said it was an experiment."

A clear boy-soprano interrupted Kirika's careless answer. All eyes gathered on the new speaker.

"Ren, what did you...?"

"Like I said, it's an experiment. That man told me so. So, he can't stop it mid-way."

In a daze for a short while, Ayano suddenly clapped her hands as if remembering.

"Come to think of it, you met that masked bastard much earlier than us."

"........did you forget?"

Ignoring the amazed Kirika, daring such a retort, Ayano faced Ren.

"So, what's the experiment?"

"Eerr, he didn't say more."

"I see."

That's yet again, the same as not knowing anything. All the progress they made was that they had proof the incident was not yet over.

"Well, he didn't seem like a guy who would easily spill the beans - Aah, on that subject."

While complaining she looked at Ren as if finally realizing something. She asked the boy, looking slightly doubtful.

"Kazuma called that man Bernhardt but what does it mean?"

"Aah, that - "

After a brief contemplation, Ren spoke carefully.

"Vesalius was his alias or something and it seems his real name is Bernhardt Rhodes. He seemed to know Nii-sama - that man didn't clearly confirm it but he didn't deny it also."

"Bernhardt Rhodes you said - "

Ayano exchanged a dark glance with Kirika, using only one word to make sure.


"No, I'm not sure."

Ren shook his head without wanting to reply.

Bernhardt Rhodes - for those being a part of the magic society, the meaning that name held was exceedingly great.

There is a magic society called >. Its activity is centered in Western Europe, a powerful organization praised as the highest authority in modern day magic.

Its name is derived from the astronomy work Ptolemaios published, Almagestum. Just like the name suggests it was at first a guild of astrologers.

But by collecting all kind of Jutsu and Jutsushi or the consequence of accepting the unprincipled ones, at present it developed to the point of being called the headquarters of Psychic Research.

The name of their leader was Erwin Leszal. Known as the personal pupil of the great magician Agrippa or as the Comte de Saint Germain, an enigmatic character that even in this circle was covered in insane legends.

More than being the leader for more than three hundred years he wasn't a public person and there were quite a few people who didn't believe in his existence.

It was the opinion of most that such a name was some kind of title the leader received for generations, the symbol of becoming the boss.

The management of such a substantial organization was carried out by the so called > - the association of high rank Majutsushi.

And the Chairman of those Majutsushi was Bernhardt Rhodes.

To sum it up, Bernhardt was Majutsushi with so much fame no one would complain when calling him the world's best.

That celebrity seemed unlikely to go as far as concealing his face when he is doing criminal activities. But -

"A coincidence? I don't think so."

Ayano rejected the convenient explanation floating in her mind.

It can't be a coincidence. He was too good at deception. All that left is -

"I have no doubt."

The answer came from an unexpected direction. Everyone's gaze converged to Kirika.

Without faltering under those looks that felt like a physical pressure, Kirika continued.

"If he has a grudge against Kazuma, even more if he had something to do with that girl called Tsoi Rin, there's no mistake about it. The master of Pandemonium, Vesalius, is Bernhardt Rhodes of >."

"Wh - wait."

"Well, if you think about it, there are no idiots who would dare impersonate Bernhardt Rhodes."

"True but more than that - "

Striking the table, Ayano interrupted Kirika's talking.

"Do you know that woman, Tsoi Rin?"

"Hhmm, sort of."

At that moment all sort of expression disappeared from Ayano's face.

Grabbing Kirika by the collar so she won't escape, she said in a subdued voice.

"Spill it."

"A - Ayano-chan, calm down?"

"I am calm, spill it.", repeated Ayano indifferent.

If she would have screamed there could have been a method to deal with her yet.

"Well, listen, I told you before right? When it comes to Kazuma's privacy, I can't really - "

Ayano was silent. But the force with which she grabbed Kirika didn't dwindle and clearly she didn't agree.

Kirika's eyes requested Juugo's help. The master of the mansion mostly silent so far looked at the two of them with an unreadable expression and spoke solemnly.

"Detective Tachibana."

"Y - yes?"

"Guessing from the conversation so far, it seems that the existence of this Tsoi Rin girl certainly holds a great significance within this incident. Although I praise your conviction of respecting someone's privacy, can't you overlook it and tell us?"


Kirika groaned. No way is the Head of the Kannagi Clan going to ask her. And then - she stole a glance at Ayano.

Clashing with that straightforward glance that seemed to never blink, she averted her eyes in a hurry.

Even when Juugo was speaking, this glance wasn't disconnected even for a second looking hard this way.

That steady look that said If you don't speak I'll take you and eat you, frankly, had no trace of being alive.

Searching for a ray of hope, she looked at the remaining two.


Genma replied to Kirika's eyes, requesting salvation, with a tiny laugh. Come to think of it, it would be impossible for this man who showed he cared for the well-being of Kazuma not to take an interest in his past.

And then, Ren.


The moment he noticed Kirika's gaze, the boy looked away uncomfortably.

To sum it up, it seemed he found Kirika's distress unfortunate but didn't have the nerve to hold Ayano back.

Adding one thing to another, Ren himself seemed to have a special interest in the girl Tsoi Rin.

" - I give up."

Finally beaten down by the opponent's persistence, Kirika opened her mouth.

It was a helpless situation.

But most of all, the fact that the coercion given off by Ayano was reaching lethal levels made Kirika prepare herself for the worst.

"Just to tell you in advance, this is a hearsay story, I don't know how true it is."

With that introduction, she began speaking.

"It starts four years ago when Kazuma crossed over to Hong Kong running away from Kannagi and met a girl - "

Part 3


What dragged him out from his pleasant slumber was an even more pleasant soprano call and the feeling of warm hands that tenderly shook his body.

He was instantly woken up but he pretended to be asleep, curling up underneath the blanket.

It was for the warmth of the bed he yearned for but much more so for the childish thought I want her to look after me more.

"Geez......wake up.......already!....wake........up..........!"

By the strength of her tone and the energy with which she shook his body she demanded him to get out of the bed. But, he covered himself in the blanket like a bag-worm and continued refusing to get up.

" - Uuuu, five more minutes........."

"Quit it already!"

Getting tired of those sloven words, she finaly took a firm step. She forcefully tore off the blanket and exposed his body, indulging in indolence to the cold morning air.

Now, he made his body even smaller. It was so pitiful it gave the impression of some kind of bug.

"Wake up, Kazuma! I won't feed you!"

Finally accepting it, he - Kannagi Kazuma stretched his curled up body. But, not waking up just yet, he buried his face in the pillow and groaned.

"I'm still sleepy........"

"I don't care. Oversleeping is no excuse for staying up late.", she declared point-blank.

"Change your clothes and get down in five minutes. If you don't make it in tine, you don't get to eat."

".....please forgive me."

With a backward glance at Kazuma, getting up sluggishly, she moved energetically and left through the door.

But, opening the door immediately after closing it, she peeked inside the room.

"Aah, I forgot."

" - what?"

Looking at Kazuma who turned around puzzled, she said:

"Good morning, Kazuma."

A full bloom smiling face first thing in the morning. Looking fondly at that radiance, Kazuma responded with a smile.

"Good morning, Tsoi Rin."

This is how Kazuma's mornings always started.

"Well then."

Standing up, he stretched once profoundly.

He didn't have time to waste. Tsoi Rin didn't lie. If he won't rush, he will really miss breakfast.

In addition to that, today he has a hard job to do. The contents of his stomach are a matter of life and death.

He must eat the breakfast made by Tsoi Rin and restore his energy in both mind and body -


Raising an exaggerated yell, he took off his pajamas. And then pulled out from the wardrobe the clothes for today.

"Hyo, cold -"

With a meaningless expression, at the time he put on his shirt, Kazuma looked at that thing placed above the dresser.

Adorned like an ornament, the cash card bent in two.


Contrasting with such a lively facial expression, etching a cynical smile on his lips, Kazuma bowed to a broken card.

"Good morning to you, mother. Thank you, today I am healthy also."

Looking at the card, his eyes cast a gloomy light. What they saw was the smiling face of the mother who threw him away -

"Waah, achoo!"

Kazuma let out a miserable shriek when the draft brushed his bare back. Of course, the gloomy, rough atmosphere collapsed immediately.

"Shit, you really don't have time for the serious stuff now. Just eat your breakfast and do your manual labor."

Changing clothes as fast as possible, Kazuma rushed out of the room. For the sake of filling himself with the home cooking of the girl he loved, much more valuable than his worthless past.

It's evening - just like Kazuma declared this morning, he was seriously working hard.

Inside a gloomy warehouse, resounding with gunshots.

"Why!? For Christ's sake!"

With a stupid appearance embracing with one hand a cat that seemed important, Kazuma abused his unreasonable fate that had something against him.

Of course, the situation won't get better just by doing that. Trying to find a chance to somehow run away he peeked from behind the container concealing his body. But -

Just then, continuous shots aimed at him.


Drawing back his face in a rush, he left that container like a cockroach. Soothing his violent heart, he took a deep breath, two, three -

"Shit, why is this happening to me!?"

But even so, unable to accept the present situation, he started complaining uselessly.

"When I'm finally free from that abnormal world with Majutsushi, with Youma, with evil spirits, this time is a gun battle!? What the fuck have I done?"

While complaining, Kazuma took out a knife from his breast pocket. Running up to the container soundlessly he jumped more than ten meters.

Faster than the man who noticed him and pointed his gun this way, he threw his knife.


Without changing its aim, the knife ran through the back of the man's right hand. The gun fell down from the hand that lost its power.


With nothing more but the force of the jump, Kazuma landed on his feet on top of the man. Conspicuously, from under his feet the feel of the broken ribs was transmitted.

"Finally, it's settled."

Deciding on a pose on top of the man spitting out blood, Kazuma observed the man's face once more. Holding down with all his strength the cat fretting inside his arm, he said:

"So - who the heck is this guy?"

"Thank you for your efforts!"

Entering the shop, a man with an evil smile and a voice full of ridicule greeted Kazuma.

Kazuma grimaced, replying with a bitter voice.

"..........As expected, you have sharp ears."

Ahead his line of sigh - inside the shop, one old man was sitting down.

The owner of the Tianshui Temple, an antique store standing side by side with the Kowloon's shopping district, Huang Ying Long.

But very few people knew that this person who apparently seemed like a good natured old man was as a matter of fact known for the most prominent information shop in Hong Kong.

But Kazuma was - unwillingly - one of those people.

To make matters worse, because he needed a job but couldn't show his face here and there his debt was one-sided piling up and he was already unable to act on an equal basis with him.

He explained his lack of honorific language as not knowing the language well enough but for Kazuma it was a minimal and childish opposition.

On the other side, ignoring Kazuma's infantile opposition, Huang continued grinning broadly.

"At any rate, you're very fond of conflict, huh? Why is it that just by trying to catch a run-away pet it results in a shoot-out? Do you yearn for to become a hard-boiled detective like in the novels?"

".........shut up.", spat out Kazuma unpleasantly.

"This time it wasn't my fault. I don't know who they confused me with but the other side started shooting all of a sudden. Besides, this is just the third time it turned into a fight. That's not enough to call me a trouble maker -"

"Hey, this is just the second week you work."

At the calm, precise retort Kazuma became silent.

By the way, Kazuma's current occupation is what's commonly referred to as a Jack of all trades. It also resembled pretty well a Japanese private detective.

Of course, he was only learning now but still bragging about the job itself.

- But now, that conceit was smashed into very small pieces.

"I'm leaving."

"Just wait."

Enjoyed from the bottom of his heart, Huang called after Kazuma who had simply turned around and started walking.

"We're past the time for jokes. I'll get straight to the point."

"Keep it short."

"Humph, then I'll finish with one sentence - Don't lose your head, brat."

In that instant, the atmosphere around Huang completely changed.

That cynical face that aged well turned to that of a long military service soldier living through Honk Kong's underground society.

"Wha.......what is going on, suddenly?"

"Is it fun tormenting small-time hoodlums?", asked Huang coldly of Kazuma who pretended to be tough although he was overpowered.

" Wha -"

"It must be fun. If your opponent is only a human being even you can display your might. But, do you think you can live a long life in this manner? You are not one of those > after all."

Huang's words were hinting at knowing Kazuma's lineage and his past.

Exposed to the scars of the past he was averting his eyes from as much as possible, Kazuma was enraged.

"I know that!"

" - Really?"

Not hesitating in front of that gaze even mixed with killing intent, Huang asked again, matter-of-fact.

"You think this way, right? "Apart from being a Jutsushi, I am a superior person. If it's a battle without Majutsu, I am the strongest" or something."


Accurately having been seen through the thought he entertained again and again, Kazuma sharply caught his breath. As for Huang, reading that response, he made a small snort not showing surprise.

".......what, are you trying to say?"

"I alredy did. It was Don't lose your head, brat. You're not a Jutsushi, you're not a soldier, you are nothing but a brat whose strong point is being good at fighting. Don't you ever try to look cool in front of someone holding a gun. For me it doesn't matter but if you die Tsoi Rin will be sad."

Kazuma was caving in so much abuse but the moment he heard the last few words, he stood up straight.

His face pouting like a child turned to that of an adult - a man who becomes an adult.

"I know. I will at least protect Tsoi Rin."

"Ha, protect, you say? Fine words when you're the one who is one-sided protected."

But Huang lightly laughed even at those words full of determination.

"If not for that girl, you would be getting dead-drunk in self pity even now. No, you would have drunk away the money you received from your parents and turned into a beggar, huh?"

"Guuh -"

Having the time when he fell to the very bottom discussed, Kazuma got red in the face.

Even more, Huang thrust his finger at him with a snap.

"Listen brat, I don't have too much expectation from you. You are an ordinary person. No matter how you struggle, you won't become a hero. Throw away the hopes beyond your means, think only how to make Tsoi Rin happy and live with your feet on the ground."

"..........I understand."

Although he was pouting with dissatisfaction, Kazuma agreed.

It wasn't a very lenient evaluation but it was the truth.

Because he didn't have the attributes of a hero, because he wasn't chosen, for this reason, he was here right now.

"If you understand that's fine. You can go now."


As if driven away by Huang's cruel wave of hand, drudgingly Kazuma took the road home.

Opening the door, Kazuma was wrapped up in the warm atmosphere and miscellaneous clatter.

Inside the store all seats were already occupied and the festive uproar made by the lively people cured a day's worth of fatigue.

His sweetheart was in the center of it. Both her hands fully loaded with trays of alcohol and cookery, she quickly made her way through the crowd of people as if swimming, waiting on tables.

Presuming the cold wind the arrival of a customer, she turned around.

"Ji wei hu......."

Those words of warm reception were interrupted in the middle. The face that continued smiling changed to something even more cute and shining.

"Welcome home, Kazuma."

"I'm home, Tsoi Rin."

Kazuma also responded with a full face smile to his beloved lover. When he stepped up to her words of banter and whistles down-poured from the surroundings.

But all of them were warm, without any ill will. Everyone was blessing from the bottom of their heart the young pair of lovers.

"You were late, huh?"

"Hmm - Aah, just a little."

Frankly - Because he got caught up in the moment and jumped about too much, he ended up getting sermons so Kazuma was vaguely evasive.

And since he was already deceiving her and her hands were fully occupied Kazuma took the opportunity and embraced Tsoi Rin's body closely.

But, she was suddenly snatched from the side.


Embraced by a drunken person, Tsoi Rin let out a small shriek.

But then, this was an everyday occurrence, one she wouldn't even spill a drop of alcohol over from the glasses placed on the tray.

"Tsoi Rin ~ dump that guy already, I will -"

His declaration not allowed until the end, Kazuma kicked the man's face. Less than a kick he just pushed him with the bottom of his shoe but even so the man fall flat, spouting a nose bleed.

"Hey, don't put your hands on someone's woman!"

Looking down on the senseless man, Kazuma raised his middle finger. But, immediately after, he receive a crushing blow to the back of his head and also feel to the ground.

"Geez, Kazuma! What are you doing to the customer!?"

Skillfully finishing serving the table, Tsoi Rin shouted with the empty trays raised overhead. From the way she held it, the blow wasn't with the back of the tray but with its edge.

"......but it's fine to be violent towards me?"

"It's fine, because it's Kazuma."

A reply without hesitation. At a loss for words, Kazuma and the man he just kicked and fell down looked at each other and exchanged a wry smile.

"Hey, stand up already. It's very busy so help me."

"Well, I just came home from work."

"So what? I'm working all day long. Don't tell me, you plan to drink without a care while looking at me working?"

"I am sorry. I'll help you immediately."

Having no confidence of winning the verbal war, Kazuma surrendered on the spot.

Hecklers flew out from everywhere at that appearance without a shred of dignity sadly facing the kitchen.

"Show her who's the man, Kazuma!"

"How noisy! You don't even have a woman to order you around!"

Both the jeering man and the retorting Kazuma laughed together from the bottom of their hearts.

For Kazuma this place was his second home but the first one who made his heart feel at ease.

That joy he received, he wouldn't exchange it for anything else.

"Throw away the hopes beyond your means and live with your feet on the ground."

He remembered Huang's cool-headed words.

He understood now. Huang too, was concerned about him. If not, why would he cordially come in contact with a Japanese wanderer?

Turning her head over her shoulder, while bending her head slightly to the side marveling, Tsoi Rin smiled at him tenderly.

Even the customers a bit flinty but good people overall, were watching over them with warmth.

It's fine.

Surrounded by genuine smiles, Kazuma was convinced from the bottom of his heart.

I don't need any kind of special power.

It doesn't matter that I wasn't chosen.

Ordinary. Commonplace. But very happy, with his feet on the ground.

"I can live here."


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