Katahane no Riku

Chapter 78.Why did it have to be like this?

Chapter 78.Why did it have to be like?this?

“…Why did it have to be like this?”

Rook Barusak was feeling he was about to collapse.

Using his game knowledge, he kept walking for many weeks towards the Demon Lord castle. And in one day… when he was walking through a forest that was close to the demon territory, he had heard a shout that was closer to the scream of a woman.

“Although I came running to check what was happening… Right?”

The killing intent of grim faced demons was surrounding Rook.

In his current situation, Rook wanted to avoid crossing swords with the demons. Since he had been killing a great number of demons until now, he didn′t want to kill any more of them. But even with that said, there was no way he could ignore the scream of the woman.

“You are a human… What did you come to a place like this for?”

One of the demons slowly approached Rook.

The demons he could see were only five. However, by the killing intent coming from behind the trees, there were about ten to twenty more of them. There should be no doubts that there were also demons aiming their arrows at him from the shadows of the trees.

“Answer quickly. We are not very patient.”

Rook heard the sound of a bow being drawn from somewhere.

It seems that they were being serious. Rook was desperately thinking of what he should say for them to spare him.

If he was to honestly say that he came to talk with their provisional demon lord and have the princess back, the only result would be them killing him. Moreover, they were common soldiers. If he was to say that he was acquainted to Charlotte, there would be no way for them to confirm that, and there was a high chance of them end up going after him after deciding he was lying.


Think, think, think…

It was the first time since Rook reincarnated into this world that he thought so seriously.

“Quickly! Don′t waste more of our time!!”

A demon of good physique roared. The howl that made the air tremble made Rook′s back muscles stood up. Irritated, the demon crossed his arms.

And it was at that moment.

The emblem that was on the armor the demons were wearing caught Rook′s attention.


That was the Gortoberuk′s family crest.

Gortoberuk was a boss in the earlier parts of the game… He was the lord of Myuuz castle, which was commanded by Asty Gortoberuk and himself, Rudogar Gortobeurk. There was no mistake that those troops served one of the two. In that case, shouldn′t the scream from a while ago be Asty Gortoberuk′s?

“What is it? You have only three seconds left.”

If saying it in a good way, both Rudogar and Asty were hot-blooded. But saying it in a bad way, they were emotional commanders.


However, this was reality. For them to have led their troops for many years only proved how capable they were. Even if they might have the bad habit of being emotional, they certainly had the composure to lead an army.


Besides, at least… From what Rook knew from the game, the grandfather granddaughter duo of the Gortoberuk wouldn′t needlessly kill humans that wanted to talk. That was specially for the granddaughter, Asty Gortoberuk, who even though seemed to be rough, was actually a very kind woman at the core.


Rook didn′t have the time to be fooling around. He decided to trust his game knowledge for now. Clenching his hands, Rook looked at the face of the demon that seemed to be their leader.


“I want to have a talk. With you demons and me!”

Rook′s scream overlapped with the demon′s last count. Having cold sweat, Rook was worried if his voice had been drown out. However, it seemed that his voice had reached the demons.

“…What did you say?”

The demons started become agitated.

That was obvious. Since a long time so long to the point of it being astounding, humans and demons had always been fighting each other. Even if Rook suddenly says he wanted to talk, it was obvious they would become troubled. Rather, they surely were thinking it was a trap.

“Say the truth, human.”

It seemed that the demon put on a more vigilant attitude just in case. The demon that was standing in front of Rook silently made a signal by raising his hand. And then, together with the sound of the wind being cut, something pierced the ground near his feet. Lowering his eyes, Rook saw a sharp arrow stuck at the ground.

“The next time you spout a lie, it will be hitting your head.”

It seemed that they didn′t believe what Rook was saying at all.

Perhaps, if he was at their position, he also wouldn′t believe this. Rook made a wry smile in his mind.

“It is not a lie.”

Rook took off the sword that was at his waist.

Still inside the scabbard, he threw his beloved sword to the front. Raising a sound, Rook′s beloved sword fell to the ground.

“I am completely disarmed. It′s fine even if you tie my arms and legs. That′s why, let me have a discussion with your boss.”

In reality, Rook was so scared he couldn′t bear.

Every single one of the demons around Rook were more than a head higher than him. Moreover, they had muscles to the point of it being possible to see it over the armor. Those guys were bombarding him with killing intent to the point of making his whole body tremble. For him to be prioritizing throwing his sword away over his life in a situation like this was something close to doing suicide. Of course, Rook had trained hand-to-hand techniques a bit. This was something of his previous world, but the judo he had learned when he was at middle school had been given an “A” score.

…However, he couldn′t imagine that bare handed martial arts would work against the demons surrounding him.

Rook hadn′t trained in any techniques that concentrated his demon banning power in his fist. Against those muscular demons, for Rook to challenge them with his thin arms was something absurd. Even if heavens and earth were overturned, it was difficult for him to be victorious.

“…Are you really saying this?”

The demon was a bit surprised by Rook′s attitude.

Before one could notice, some of the killing intent was fading away. Was it because showing killing intent became a pain after seeing how stupid Rook was acting? Or then, was it because they intended to report this to the Gortoberuk before acting?

“Yes, it′s the truth! I-I… want to talk with your boss. Until I you give me your answer, I won′t move one step away from here!!”

Rook declared in a loud voice with all his strength.

Rook was looking at the demons as if he was saying “I did it! How is it now!?”, but the demons were looking back at Rook as if they were trying to guess his true intentions. The pressure was to the point that made Rook′s feet miserably tremble. Because of this, he started to feel like cowering himself. However, there was no way he could do that. As if repelling the gazes of the demons, Rook glared back.


How for many minutes have this exchange gone on?

Perhaps, it would be how many seconds.

However, because of how heavy and agonizing these seconds had been, it felt like hours to Rook. Because of that, Rook′s breathing started to become rough.

The expression on the faces of the demons in front of his eyes didn′t change. In addition, the gazes that seemed to be looking into Rook became even more oppressive. It was as if Rook′s glaring didn′t have any effect. It was an dreadful oppressive feeling of an extent like that. Rook′s back was soaked in sweat and his legs felt like they would crumble down. His vision gradually started to blur.

He couldn′t do it anymore. And when he was about to lose consciousness… it was at that moment.

With the sound of the bushes moving, Rook came back to himself.

The demon that had appeared from the bushes whispered next to the ear of the demon of good physique. Showing an unpleased face, he muttered back an “understood” in a small voice that didn′t match to his appearance.

“…Follow me, spiritualist.”

The demon of good physique turned his back to Rook and started to walk.

Rook wondered whether he had told the demons he was a spiritualist, but right after that, he thought back about the crest of the Barusak that was engraved at his sword. They must have guessed he was a spiritualist from that.

“Come quickly! If you don′t, I will beat you down!!”


Rook hurriedly followed after him. Because of the hurry, he got his feet a bit entangled and almost fell down. He didn′t know what was that about, but whatever it may be, it seemed that his sincere feelings had reached them. Rook became a bit relieved.

After a while walking, they entered inside the forest. There were many tents settled there. Apparently, here was a demon base.

“Are you the spiritualist that said that wanted to talk with me-de gozaru?”

Suddenly being talked to, Rook stopped his feet.

The one standing there was a tall female demon, and the other demons were standing next to her as if protecting her.

“Y-yes! That′s right!”

Rook′s face became blushed.

Her refined appearance. Her soft black hair. Her cow horns were also extremely cute. However, setting everything aside, before anything, what most caught charmed his eyes were her breasts. Even though they were stuffed inside the armor, the destructive power of its huge size would tell everything.

As expected of the demon that had the most confidence in her bust size in the game. Even among the harem he had been building until now, there was nobody that had such a voluptuous breasts of this extent.

“I am Asty Gortoberuk. I am in charge of these troops-de gozaru. Now then, spiritualist. What business have you come for?”

Rook swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

From now on, things would get serious. It is not the time to be mesmerized by breasts. Slightly shaking his head, he thought of what he should say first.

Asty Gortoberuk.

She was honest and simple. In the game, the relationship with her would start at the worst, with the main character being an enemy that had killed her grandfather. However, after a certain event, they would gradually get along. Once she became obedient, capturing her was easy. She wouldn′t betray the people she trusted. If her intimate friends were to become in danger, even if the person was the enemy, she would give her help as much as possible.

Her only fault would be about how she had the position of the [destructive type heroine] in the game. At the times she would become shy, displaying the super strength inherited from her grandfather, she would send the main character flying up to a hundred meters distant.


Rook was about to face a girl like her now.

If he rubs her in a wrong way… Surely he won′t be let be by only being sent flying by a hundred meters. If he does it badly, he might have his head separated from his body before he can call for Charlotte for her intervention.

“N-nice to meet you. Asty Gortoberuk.”

…For now, he probably should start with the greetings.

A polite greeting was important to construct a good relationship to people, or so Rook had the feeling of being taught at the school of his previous world. Lowering down his head, he said his own name.

“I am called Rook Barusak. Please treat me wewl.”

However, because of the tension, he ended up biting his tongue.

The surroundings suddenly fell silent.

He had done it… Blood left Rook′s face.

It seemed that Asty and the other demons also didn′t know how to react to that. Asty called for the demon that had brought Rook… And although it seemed that Asty intended to lower down her voice, speaking in a voice Rook could still hear…

“Is… he really Rook Barusak-de gozaru? He is completely different from the intel-de gozaru…”

Asty asked the demon.

“Yes, I think he is the real one. At least, it doesn′t seem like he was telling lies.”

“…He is completely different from Riku-dono-de gozaru na. This is to the point of doubting whether they are really siblings that had been born from the same belly.”

“Whether it is his appearance or his character, they are completely different.”

“It kind of makes me feel pity for him-de gozaru yo. Had his character changed after being continuously defeated-de gozaru?”

They were saying very harsh things about him.

Because of the embarrassment, Rook started to think he wanted to stop existing.

“…Well, fine-de gozaru. Now then, what did you want to talk about?”

As if nothing had happened, Asty resumed their talk.

Whether it was Asty′s kindness or because she just wanted to end this quickly, in either case, it was good she had resumed their conversation, ignoring what happened before. While taking care to not bite his tongue, Rook carefully spoke.

“Actually, I would like to have a discussion with the provisional demon lord Charlotte Demonz.”

“Charlotte-de gozaru?”

Asty′s eyebrows suddenly twitched.

Rook leaned his head to the side, also surprised. In the game, Asty was supposed to obsessed in using [sama] when Charlotte was being spoken of. Rook remembered that every time the main character would call Charlotte [Charlotte-chan], Asty would punch him, saying [“This is improper!!”].

What was this about?

“Yes. It is fine if the provisional demon lord decides the place to talk. Besides, I am disarmed and I will be going by myself.”

Rook continued his words with sincerity.

It is written in the books that the demon lord had killed the human king, who had sought an audience with him… However, by playing the game, Rook knew that what really happened was different.

The one who had sought the audience was the Demon Lord, and then he was sealed by the human king.

Because of that, the demons should have become aware of the danger of going to a discussion with the enemy disarmed. His resolve surely must have reached them.


“That is impossible-de gozaru.”

Asty immediately said words of refusal.

Lightly refusing him, his request was heartlessly thrown aside. The faces of the other demons also felt as if “This is impossible” was written on them.

“Why is it? If there is something wrong, I can yield to your conditions as much as it is possi…”

“This is because of a more fundamental reason.”

Asty dropped her shoulders

And then, she spoke words of hopelessness.

“Charlotte has already died-de gozaru yo.”


Rook was perplexed.

“Why… Charlotte-chan wasn′t supposed to die yet…”

In the game, Charlotte wouldn′t have died.

At least, there is no way she would at this timing.

But this was reality.

Whether it was by illness, by depression, or by being murdered.

He could think of many possibilities. This was already a world different from the game after all…

But even so, Rook wanted to know. He wanted to know why she had died.

“…For what reason… has she died.”

Being asked that, Asty twisted her face. As if she was troubled about whether to speak about it, she kept opening and closing her mouth many times.

Finally setting her resolve, she looked at Rook. And then, as if she was about to say something very cruel and difficult to speak of, she weightily moved her mouth.

“Charlotte had committed a crime-de gozaru.”


Those words heavily weighed down on Rook.

When he was about to think what kind of thing would be a crime to the demon race, memories of when he had taken prisoner of Charlotte resurfaced.

In the middle of the story of the game when Charlotte and the main character would be talking to each other happily, Charlotte face would suddenly become gloomy and she would say…

“If they knew their provisional demon lord was in good terms with a human… They would definitely have me sentenced for it.”

Rook′s body became heavy and his view started to blur. His whole body started to be covered in cold sweat. His breathing somewhat became disorderly and his hands also started to tremble.

Yes, the crime Charlotte committed for her to be executed was… in other words…

“It was because she had secretly went on a date with you, Rook Barusak.”

With these words spoken, Rook′s view was covered in darkness.


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