Katahane no Riku

Chapter 68.A normal day that is like any

Chapter 68.A normal day that is like?any

The early summer wind was blowing at Myuuz castle.

Vrusto Asuteroid let out a big yawn.

The color of the plant buds became greener and fruits slowly started to ripen. Looking at the sky, it was possible to see clouds that looked like cotton candies calmly floating around. It was a season that made one want to eat frozen sweets while enjoying the fresh breeze under the shadow of the trees free of care.

“Fuwaa… So sleepy.”

His break time would soon finish, and then it would be the time for the afternoon′s training.

Vrusto was entrusted with the supervision of the training while Riku was not present. Because he had to accompany the demons at their training every day, he would only be able to finish through the documents only after the sun had set. Besides, because it was not only his share that he was responsible for, but also the share of Riku and the other demons that went to the royal capital, he didn′t have enough time.

It was a daily life of moving around with all his power at the day and glaring at documents at night. If his body was to break down soon, it wouldn′t be weird.

“Really, wake up already… That stupid girl.”

While taking out a bottle of water, Vrusto complained.

Although Riku had returned from the royal capital, she still didn′t wake up.

And so, likewise, today he would need to train the demon soldiers until his throat dried up too.

“…Haa. Even if I say all that, it won′t change anything, I guess.”

Biting onto the lid of the bottle, Vrusto skillfully opened it up. The cold water went through the throat that was worn out from screaming. At that day, Vrusto was finally able to get some rest.

Summer was a very mild season.

But even if it was such a warm weather, he needed to complete his tasks. Today at the afternoon he needed to train the demon soldiers, and surely today as well he will only be able to finish doing everything after he used up all his time just like yesterday. This was evidence that today was a peaceful day, and so there weren′t any problems, nor did Vrusto intend to complain about it.

Besides that, the demon side had abducted the princess of the humans. It wouldn′t be weird if they attacked for retribution for that anytime now. Even though it was peaceful, he needed to focus his mind and be prepared for battle.

Vrusto tapped his face in order to motivate himself… And it was at that instant.

“Hiiiii….!”( ひぃぃぃ……!)

“Do not fear! That guy is wounded!! Besides, it is a human!”

“Stupid, there is no way we can win.”

Because of someone′s screams, Vrusto′s ears jumped up.

Miserable screams together with the sound of an intense sword fighting reverberated from the direction of the training grounds.

“Really, what happened?”

Switching off from his apathetic thoughts in an instant, he ran straight to the training grounds.

Among the words that were screamed, there was the word [human].

Nine out of ten, by saying human… It would be in other words that spiritualists had appeared.

The Myuuz castle had fallen in the hands of the humans once.

Because the place had been devastated, spiritualists might invade at any instant. However, because there were no reports that the fort that protected the vanguard of Myuuz, the one attacking is not a big army, but one or two spiritualists at best. If it is only this many, it should be possible to easily defeat them.

“What kind of guy did come for it to become a tough fight for them.”

Moving his nose, he sniffed the air. However, he couldn′t sniff any unfamiliar smell.

In that case, inevitably, it would mean that this was the work of someone here.

“Hey, what happened… Hm?”

The instant Vrusto looked at the training grounds, he became startled.

The demon soldiers that were stationed at Myuuz castle were demons of the second and third division that put all their effort to improve their physique and techniques.

They weren′t demons that would be defeated by average enemies, but even so, those strong demons were laid at the ground at their wit′s end. One after the next one was crumbling down and becoming part of the mountain of corpses there.

Looking at the demon soldiers being easily defeated to the point of it being sad, the culprit for this situation smiled.

“What is it? You didn′t slack just because I wasn′t here, right?”

The strong demons were completely suppressed by the single red haired demon.

“What are you doing, ojou-chan?!”

Forgetting his exhaustion, when Vrusto came back to himself, he was already shouting.

“You came, second lieutenant Vrusto. Have your break time ended?”

“Stupid. Because of you, I had to end it sooner! Besides, you still aren′t completely recovered, right? What are you doing by massacring the subordinates!!”

Vrusto held his belly.

A stinging pain went through his stomach.

Vrusto had been worrying about Riku a lot. He felt stupid for being troubled on how he was supposed to cheer her up about she losing one of her arms after she woke up.

“You are livelier than I thought you would be. Really, right after you wake up, you are already beating the soldiers.”

“It is training. I need to get back in shape fast, you see.”

Riku lightly swung her halberd. Its tip was pointed to Vrusto.

“What about Vrusto? Won′t you have a match with me?”

“No, I would have to decline. I′m not in the mood to be fighting ojou-chan.”

While raising both of his arms as if he was surrendering, Vrusto glanced around the training grounds.

Every single one of the demons were sprawled at the ground. The only ones that were unharmed were the demons that were watching from the sides because they didn′t want to get wrapped into this. They wouldn′t expose their neck to danger. After agreeing in his mind that that was a wise choice, Riku spoke to Vrusto.

“Second lieutenant Vrusto, I will be going to the demon capital tomorrow. Prepare the arrangements.”

“Yes, yes… Hm, demon capital? Tomorrow?”

Vrusto unconsciously asked back.

Riku had lost one of her arms, had been unconscious for three days, and when Vrusto was still thinking on how she went and completely beat the soldiers right after waking up, she now told him she was going to the demon capital.

Vrusto though it was some kind of joke, but Riku had a serious face on.

“Yes. Together with my promotion to major general, they will be holding a meeting. Because it is necessary to bring escorts along, I will have you accompany me.”

Riku said those outrageous things as if it was the obvious.

Vrusto had heard that if Riku was to successfully abduct the princess, she would be promoted to major general. However, he didn′t think it would be this much fast. Rather, more than that, what troubled Vrusto was the word [escort]. Vrusto also had his own job to do. If he pulled an all-nighter, he could finish sorting things out, but he wanted to sleep in his bead before departing to somewhere.

“Heh, it is very fast. Congratulations for the promotion. By the way, don′t ojou-chan thinks that it wouldn′t be a problem even if ojou-chan doesn′t bring an escort?”

“According to general Gortoberuk, it is necessary for me to have the dignity of a major general. Dignity, you see.”

After immediately replying, Riku put her halberd on her back. It seems that her decision wouldn′t change regardless of Vrusto′s thoughts. Vrusto words were only useless struggle.

“Dignity, right… And then, who are you bringing with you? Besides, isn′t general Gortoberuk absent? What are we going to do about the command?”

“I will leave Myuuz to Gortoberuk′s subordinates and Asty. I am planning on leaving the contacting in emergencies to Roppu.”


It seems that everything had already been planned on Riku′s mind.

In reality, Vrusto′s position was higher than Asty′s, and he was the one supposed to be left with the command.

“Ah-ah, it will be an all-nighter.”

“Is that so? Do your best. Now then, I will be calling the name of the soldiers I will be bringing along with me. If your name is called, then you are to gather in front of the gate tomorrow early in the morning. We are departing right as the sun will be rising.”

While Vrusto′s lamentations now were being directed to another place, Riku immediately walked to where the soldiers fallen on the ground were.

“Beah Applefield, Sahmon Makkenji, Hanii Hant…”

The reactions of the soldiers that had their name called varied for each of them.

Some people would be full of delight on their face as if that was honor itself for them to accompany her, and other people would have their eyes filled with exhaustion just like Vrusto′s. However, there was nobody that looked at Riku with hate. Looking at the reaction of the soldiers, Vrusto noticed something weird.

“Gurizri Araska. Those are the fifty names. Now, follow me.”


Hearing their responses, Riku left the training grounds.

Hurriedly following after Riku′s small back, Vrusto asked for an explanation of the thing he had noticed then.

“Hey, is this ok? To have those members…”

“Yes, it is fine. Among the ones that I fought today, there were a few that were more or less strong.”

“Maybe that is so… But there are quite a lot of those that used to follow general Zerrik, you know?”

Vrusto whispered to Riku.

Of course, there were many demons that had recognized her since the time she was still at the Dragon Demon Division and demons that had started to obey her since she came to the Myuuz castle among those she chose. However, for some reason, there were those demons that swore loyalty to Zerrik mixed up amongst them. And besides, it wasn′t the demons that had recognized Riku, but demons of the “anti Riku faction” that had put resistance until the end.

“Even if you say stuff about dignity, those guys might try plot something to harm that dignity, right?”

“Those worries are unnecessary.”

Looking at Vrusto′s face, Riku let out a faint smile.

“That is because those guys recognized me.”


“Not that I am proud of that, but I am strong enough to the point of defeating all those soldiers despite having lost one arm.”

Riku nonchalantly continued to speak.

“That′s right. To tell the truth, the only people stronger than ojou-chan are pretty much only people that are as strong as captain. Then, does that have anything to do with that?”

“…General Edgar Zerrik was a muscle-brained man. The soldiers that had been raised by him also took over the same nature.”

Vrusto wanted to say “You don′t say “. However, he had the feeling that Riku wanted to speak about something. He wanted to avoid having her not be able to speak because of him irritating her. Thinking of that, Vrusto forced himself to swallow those words.

“…Well, that′s true. General Zerrik gave the feeling of someone that would say “Strength is everything! The power of the demon race surpasses everything!” and so.”

“In other words, if I overpower them with strength, I can make them submit. Moreover, if I also recognize their power in addition to that, I can have them completely under my control.”

Riku continued to speak in a tone that didn′t differ from her normal voice.

Vrusto gasped at Riku′s explanation. Indeed, the reason why the demons that used to be under Zerrik didn′t recognize Riku was because Riku was a human, and they didn′t want a human standing above them.

Perhaps, the reason why Riku immediately headed to the training grounds was to win over Zerrik′s subordinates, making them submit with her strength.

There is no way demons she had defeated extremely easily despite becoming one-armed would be comparable to her power. She is putting her [trust] on those guys to the point of bringing them along to the demon capital as her escorts. Vrusto had his doubts about them really losing their spirit of rebellion because of such a simple reason, but once he remembered those demons used to be subordinates of Zerrik, he was able to accept it. Whether it was for good or for bad, those were [simple] guys.

“Besides… Even though I said to them I would bring them along, nobody said any complaints, right?”

“I guess. Even the guys that had a funny face on had kind of accepted that.”

One way or another, they gave off the feeling of acknowledgement.

Just like Vrusto, they should have complaints in their mind. However, they obeyed her despite that because they had recognized Riku, and because they were her subordinates after all.

The Demon Lord army was sorted into four big divisions.

Because Piguro′s whereabouts are unknown, in the fourth army… The Dragon Demon division, leaded by Leivein, lacked a superior officer. Probably once Riku gets promoted to major general, she will be called back to the Dragon Demon Division and temporally be given the command.

And besides that, Riku had complete control of the third division and second division that were stationed at Myuuz.

The commander for both of those, Gortoberuk, greatly favored Riku. Without doubt, with only a single call from Riku, the troops of Myuuz would move.

…The remaining ones were the first division, leaded by the provisional demon lord Charlotte.

They were elite-picked exceptional troops, but in exchange for that, their numbers were few when compared to the other divisions.

Riku wondered what could Charlotte be thinking for her to let she have authority of more than half of the military.

“…Hey, ojou-chan, could you be…. Planning on going into the demon capital and murder the provisional demon lord Charlote?”

“As if.”

With Vrusto timidly asking that, Riku snorted.

“Leivein had prohibited me from doing things like assassination.”

“Ah, now that you say that, he had told you that at Derufoi.”

Although not even one year have passed, it felt like a distant memory. Was the prophecy of the Shibira still continuing? Or maybe she had only seen the blood of when Riku had lost one of her arms? If it is the latter, then it is not something she could control. But in the case the prophecy still continued, Riku would need to be on guard for what would happen thereafter.

Before Vrusto started to warn her about the prophecy, said, just remembering about it.

“By the way, if… In case Charlotte was to be retired, who would be the one to succeed her?”

“Charlotte is the provisional demon lord. Besides, don′t say things that bring bad luck like retirement and so.”

Vrusto lightly patted Riku′s back.

He didn′t intent on patting her with too much strength, but Riku ended up stumbling forwards. Perhaps, because she became one-armed, she couldn′t get a good grasp on her center of balance. After regaining her balance, she looked at Vrusto with a gaze filled with resentment.

“…What are you doing?”

“No, nothing really. Well, there are no good candidates to take command. There is nobody but Pluutos-sama, the youngest of the Demon Lord′s siblings, and Pluutos-sama is a cultured person that has no interest in war.”

There are very few relatives of the Demon Lord.

The strongest demon race who had inherited the power of the [dragon] had been mostly annihilated by the demon lord. The remaining ones were pretty much Leivein′s family and Pluuto′s family.

However, because Leivein hasn′t show any hopes of waking up, inevitably, Pluutos himself or his playboy son was the ones that would inherit the throne. If that was to happen, it would be the end for the Demon Lord army.

“That′s why I told you. There is nobody to replace her.”

Vrusto bluntly declared.

Vrusto knew Riku hated Charlotte. Leivein only had told her to not do shady things like assassination, but in the end, he only prohibited that. Because it is about Riku that it is being talked about, she might end up saying something like “It is not assassination; I′m going to directly kill her head on fair and square”.

He wanted to pluck out this possibility while it was still early.

“Right now, there is no other way except for obeying the provisional demon lord Charlotte. Do you understand, ojou-chan?”

As if to persuade Riku, Vrusto lightly stroke her red hair.

Without saying anything, Riku silently kept gazing forward.

“I′m asking if you understood!”

“….Yes, there is no other way except for obeying Charlotte for now. That′s why I will properly attend to the meeting.”

With a unsatisfied tone, Riku muttered.

“That is fine then.”

Taking away his hand from Riku′s hair, Vrusto gave a broad smile.

The task of stopping Riku if she was to do something suspicious was his, her instructor. However,

“Ah, , Ojou-chan, do you want some frozen sweets? There should be some remaining at the storehouse.”

“Don′t you need to finish reviewing the documents?”

“It′s fine. In the end, I′m pulling all-nighters after all.”

With Vrusto saying that, Riku nodded after a while. Looking at her face from the side, she somewhat looked to be in a good mood.

“Alright, then it is decided!”

While thinking about the taste of the frozen sweets, he hurried to the storehouse. As if Riku also wanted to quickly go eat the frozen sweets, she walked in a faster pace than usual.

Riku hasn′t changed from her normal. Looking at her acting like that, Vrusto was able to feel relieved for the moment.


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