Joy of Life

Chapter 742 - Walking In Front Of The Palace, Who Will Die?

Chapter 742: Walking In Front Of The Palace, Who Will Die?

“Fire!” The pale-faced Commander of the Imperial Army, Gong Dian, gave the order in a trembling voice as rain dripped through his messy beard.

Countless feathered arrows left the tightly stretched bowstrings, immediately accelerating to their top speed as they tore through the rain in the air and flew toward Wu Zhu standing alone in the center of the square.

The densely packed arrows seemed like they wanted to hide the sun, but the pouring rain had already achieved this effect. The countless flying arrows seemed unsatisfied with their expression. Shattering all of the beads of rain in the air, they made the entire sky above the square become like a waterfall from a mystical realm.

Along with this horrifying sound, there was also the sinister whistle of the arrows flying through the air. These sounds represented the Qing Kingdom’s powerful military power as well as unstoppable killing intent.

No one could survive such a dense mass of arrows. Fan Xian would not be able to. Even Ye Liuyun only faced a few hundred arrows that year on Dong Mountain. Furthermore, on that kind of terrain, a Great Grandmaster’s floaty bodily movement was already his greatest protection.

How to kill a Great Grandmaster? Fan Xian had once thought deeply about this question. It had to be on a flat plain with tens of thousands of arrows firing in unison and then have heavily armored riders charge forward in a chain. Only this would not give the Great Grandmaster a chance to escape.

Wu Zhu, standing alone in the rain, was very powerful. At least, those who knew his name never thought that he was weaker than a Great Grandmaster. Clearly, the imperial soldiers, withdrawing troops and releasing arrows, had much the same plan as Fan Xian did back then. At this time, the square was wide and open. Although it was raining, there wasn’t any way to obstruct the archers’ visions. How could Wu Zhu hide? There would always be a time when human strength would be exhausted when faced with 10,000 enemies. However, the uniform firing of the arrows combined the strength of 10,000 into one attack. How could it be blocked?

Faced with a wave of arrows denser than the pouring rain, could Wu Zhu still stand powerfully in the center of the square?

Wu Zhu’s bodily movements were not as fast as Ye Liuyun’s, his attack was not as ruthless as Sigu Jian’s, and he could not be like Ku He and use the power of the rain to flee. He just raised his head coldly and looked through the soaked black cloth at the rain of approaching arrows that enveloped hundreds of square feet around him.

The sharp tip of the arrows sliced through the beads of rain and arrived in front of him.

The person with the strongest qinggong ability was Fan Xian. With the help of the little notebook Ku He left behind, he could move dozens of feet across the snowy ground. After Fan Xian, it was him. Faced with the rain of arrows at this moment, he could not move like lightning and sweep to a place outside of the boundary of the rain of arrows.

Thus, Wu Zhu’s body did not move or try to dodge the very dense wave of arrows that had clearly been building up power for a long time. No one, no matter who, would be able to dodge it. He just drew back the metal rod by his side and held it horizontally in front of his chest. Just like a door that suddenly closed, it locked his figure behind the rain and fog.

Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud! Countless terrifying sounds of arrowheads finding their targets seemed to ring out at the same time. Some powerful arrows pierced the stone slates beneath Wu Zhu’s feet and then bounced up fiercely. Unable to endure the powerful force on the body of the arrow, it split in half with a sharp crack. Some of the arrows shot right into the small gaps between the stone slates. The feathered ends of the arrows vibrated with a buzzing sound.

In just an instant, countless arrows enveloped Wu Zhu’s seemingly frail body. After countless heart-shaking sounds rang out, the palace walls fell silent. Everyone’s pupils gradually narrowed in fear as they looked in disbelief at the scene in front of them.

The arrows were like weeds after they were blown back by a spring wind, woodenly and densely sticking into the ground and in the air within an area in the center of the square in front of the Royal Palace. In the midst of the densest part of the rain of arrows, Wu Zhu continued to stand silently. At some point, the straw hat he had been wearing was not in his hand. There were countless arrows sticking out of it, making it look like a black feathered ball emanating with a cold light.

His right hand continued to steadily hold that metal rod. Below his right hand, there were countless arrows that had been broken by him.

The square soaked by rain was filled with arrows. Wu Zhu stood amidst a ground covered with broken arrows. Other than where his two feet were standing, the ground was filled with broken intentions of murder. It seemed that there was only him left in the world who stood on clean ground.

The rain suddenly lessened as if god also began to fear this blind man who remained standing upright under the attack of tens of thousands of arrows and wished to see this scene more clearly. Thus, a sudden gap was torn open in the thick rain clouds above the Royal Palace. The light of the sun struck down from the gap and shone down on Wu Zhu’s body, casting a faint and clear light on this cloth-clothed blind man.

Autumn wind breezed through the light rain. The soaked clothes on Wu Zhu’s body fluttered slightly. With a puff, the straw hat in his left hand, which had suffered the attacks of countless arrows, finally reached the end of its life and dissipated in all directions in his hand like a lantern torn to shreds.

No one knew what had happened. The Imperial Army of the Royal Palace did not understand how such a god-like scene had appeared in the mortal world. At the moment the arrows reached him, Wu Zhu had actually moved. He moved too quickly, causing the metal rod and the rapidly spinning straw hat in his hands, these two signs, to become mere shadows in the rain, completely unable to be seen by anyone.

Wu Zhu’s feet were like two trunks rooted deeply in the ground. The metal rod in his right hand seemed to have a life of its own. Calculating the trajectory of every arrow and with the powerful cooperation of Wu Zhu’s body, he unbelievably chopped down every arrow that was truly going to pierce his body.

In the earlier moment, each time the metal rod moved, it was contained to the area of his body by Wu Zhu’s powerful restrictions, not even an inch more. He allowed the arrows to whistle by his clothes, earlobes, and thighs, not even glancing at those arrows.

The area in front of his soaked cloth shoes were stuck full of arrows. Wu Zhu did not block it at all. Such absolute calculations and the confidence that came with it, as well as the courageous spirit it demonstrated, was not something that could exist in the world.

If it had been any other Great Grandmaster, they would probably not have been able to behave as calmly as Wu Zhu did. Other than Wu Zhu, no one else in this world could calculate so many things in such a short period of time and be able to make the most appropriate response in an instant.

The uniform firing was actually a uniform volley. It had to cover all of the areas that Wu Zhu could possibly hide in. Thus, the arrows that were actually aimed right at Wu Zhu’s body were not that many. Other than Wu Zhu, who else in the world could make such a judgment calmly at such a dangerous moment?

Not many were just the ones targeting Wu Zhu. Even so, the metal rod in his hand could not deflect all of the densely packed arrows that came toward him in an instant. Thus, his left hand also moved. It took down the straw hat he wore on his head. He began to spin it quickly in the rain, picking up countless drops of rain and sending away countless arrows...

The straw hat shattered like a lantern. With a whoosh, it fell to the wet ground and shook up countless broken arrows. Wu Zhu extended the five fingers on his left hand with some difficulty, looking at the few arrows that went through his arm. Suddenly, an authentic expression appeared on his previously impassive face.

It hurts a little, Wu Zhu thought to himself. Then, he pulled out the arrows that were deeply embedded, some of which had even gone right through, out of his left forearm. The sound of the arrow scraping against the bone and flesh of his forearm was enough to cover the gradually quieting sound of rain.

It was absolutely silent up and down the palace walls. Clear and unrestrained light poured down from the crack that opened up in the sky above Jingdou and illuminated Wu Zhu’s frail body. He slowly and unfeelingly pulled out the arrows in his body. He then wiped the fluid that flowed out of the wound before raising his feet in another step.

When this step landed, it was filled with the sound of arrows shattering because Wu Zhu walked forward on the arrows piled in front of him toward the Royal Palace.

The morale of the Imperial Army dropped to the lowest possible point, even lower than when that startling sound rang out a year ago. Although the unknown was scary, it was certainly not as scary as watching a monster in front of you. They didn’t know who the powerful warrior, who could remain standing after a rain of arrows, in front of the Royal Palace was. They just unconsciously believed that he was certainly not a human, perhaps he was some kind of devil or a god?



Given the Qing army’s strict discipline, even when facing a Great Grandmaster that was praised by tens of thousands of people, perhaps they would not pause at all. Instead, they would use shower after shower of arrows to kill an enemy of the Qing Kingdom. However, they truly felt fear now. The powerful warrior demonstrated incredible strength. More importantly, they were shocked by the indifference shown by him.

When Wu Zhu stepped onto the dense pile of broken arrows, like so much long grass in the spring, and was about to reach the palace gates, the second wave of arrows still did not fall.

Gong Dian, pale-faced, watched the gradually approaching blind man in a daze. Suddenly, he felt that his mouth tasted bitter. Sir Wu was already too close to the Royal Palace. Even if they attacked with arrows again, the effect would probably not be as good. Would he truly never be able to complete the mission His Majesty had given him?

In the Qing Emperor’s life, he only feared two things. One was that black chest, and the other was the man steadily approaching, Lao Wu. In the 20 odd years after the Taiping Courtyard incident, the Emperor had wanted to wipe Wu Zhu from this world more than once, but he failed. Naturally, the Emperor had his own plan for dealing with Wu Zhu’s revenge.

Fan Xian had returned from the Temple, and Wu Zhu had followed him back. The Qing Emperor never hoped that the heavens would give him a surprise. He didn’t actually do much in preparation for WU Zhu because there were not many methods in the world that could control Wu Zhu anyway. Furthermore, the present Qing Kingdom only had an increasingly old, tired, and injured Emperor. Master Ye Liuyun had long gone far away.

In the Qing Emperor’s opinion, the only thing that could wipe out Wu Zhu was this palace wall, the obstruction of countless imperial soldiers, and a fire that filled the sky.

A few years ago on the wild field behind the Qing Temple, the Qing Emperor had personally seen that emissary of the Temple gradually melt into some strange object amidst a great fire and had personally heard the crackling sound. Gong Dian, who was the executor to specifically carry out the Qing Emperor’s plan to wipe out Wu Zhu, had prepared fire arrows for the Imperial Army these few days as well as all necessary facilities.

The heavens seemed, in the autumn of the 12th year of the Qing calendar, to have truly abandoned the son of heaven it had chosen in the mortal world. When Wu Zhu came to the Royal Palace because of mysterious and deep emotions, the sky suddenly bestowed on Jingdou a downpour of rain that was rarely seen even once in a century in the depths of autumn.

The rain that poured from the sky struck a heavy blow against Gong Dian’s preparations. It seemed as if the rain also wanted to wash away the past sins of the Qing Kingdom and play its role in sending off a powerful ruler.

Gong Dian took a deep breath and looked at Wu Zhu, who was coming closer and closer. He halted the order to fire the arrows. In a raspy voice, he coldly ordered, “Prepare the fire oil!”

If they wanted to envelop Wu Zhu beneath the palace walls in a sea of fire, the empty fire powder explosion Fan Xian had the Overwatch Council set up during the Jingdou rebellion four years ago would, without question, be the most powerful. However, four years ago, Fan Xian had the fire powder in the Overwatch Council storage hidden beneath the small building. Additionally, now it was raining. Gong Dian could only entrust his hope to the fire oil to be able to kill Sir Wu beneath the palace walls.

The fire oil was thrown down, but it was impossible for it to fall on Wu Zhu’s body. Wu Zhu seemed to move walk slowly and steadily, but he was actually like an antelope flying on a precipice as he approached the palace gates.

The rain gradually lessened. The imperial soldiers on the palace walls finally lit a dozen fire arrows and fired them all down. The spark touched the water mixed with oil beneath the palace walls and immediately caught on fire. The flames were like pouring rain rising from the ground, a fiery rain, as it extended out a massive tongue of flame and swallowed up Wu Zhu’s lonely figure.

Wu Zhu flew up. More accurately speaking, he walked up. It was completely beyond the imagination of humankind. The metal rod in his hand pierced into a crack about 18 feet up in the palace walls. His body shot out like an arrow fired from a taut bowstring. Accelerating quickly, he dissolved into a cold shadow. His feet switched back and forth endlessly on the smooth and steep walls of the palace. Just like this, he ran up the palace walls.

No one could describe this scene. Wu Zhu was on the wall of the palace, running straight against the rain falling from the sky.

When Wu Zhu’s pair of cloth shoed feet landed steadily on top of the palace walls, Gong Dian knew that the situation was hopeless. Other than the Emperor, there was no one else in the world who could stop Wu Zhu entering the Palace.

The thunderous roar of horses suddenly came from a rainy corner of the square. There were not many riders, but they were particularly severe. The Head of the Bureau of Military Affairs, presently the highest ranking person in the Qing military, Commander Ye Zhong, had finally rushed over from the Bureau.

Ye Zhong’s expression was shocked and ashen. The rain made his white hair stick to his slightly dark complexion. He appeared unusually wretched. He saw the lonely figure of the blind man far away on top of the palace walls. Jumping off the horse, he ran wildly through the rain in the direction of the palace walls and almost stumbled. In a mournful voice, he cried, “Sir Wu, don’t do anything rash!”



“I know that the Temple is already in ruins, but I thought that since Lao Wu was a person of the temple, the Temple would have some way of keeping him there. Who would have thought that he would actually be able to return to the world? Why is this the case? Why did the goddamn heavens have to send down such a heavy rain today? Why?”

“I embrace the world and control tens of thousands of li of territory. Yet, today, an ordinary man forced his way before my presence. Who can tell me why this is the case? “The heavens are unfair. If it gave me a bit more time, no, if I wasn’t injured by that chest that day, why would I fear Lao Wu coming here? But, even if Lao Wu comes, what about it?”

Having just received an urgent report from outside of the Palace, a cold smile abruptly rose to the Emperor’s still calm expression. Slowly, he rose from the throne and steadily raised his arms, allowing Eunuch Yao at his side to carefully check for flaws on his dragon robe.

There were many kinds of dragon robes. The one the Emperor wore now was very tight-fitting. Presumably, it would not have any impact on his movements later. However, why did the lines at the corners of the Emperor’s eyes appear so tired and faintly sorrowful?

Standing in the silent and empty Taiji Palace, the Qing Emperor had his hands behind his back and was silent for a long time. His hair was tidily brushed and casually tied behind his head with a light yellow ribbon, appearing particularly carefree.

After a long time, he slowly opened his eyes. There was no longer the hint of self-mockery as when he questioned himself earlier. There was only calm and a powerful confidence.

The Emperor’s calm but cold gaze went out through the wide-open front doors of Taiji Palace, across the square in front, all the way to the front gate of the Royal Palace where sounds of killing gradually rose up. He knew that in a moment, Lao Wu would come from there because he knew Lao Wu’s personality. That scoundrel would only take the most direct path.

“Did you find Fan Xian?” His eyes were slightly shuttered as he casually asked, spinning a jade ring on his finger.

“Not yet,” Eunuch Yao respectfully reported from the side. “The young lady of the Fan family disappeared last night.”

The Emperor closed his eyes and thought deeply for a moment. He then said, “It looks like I still underestimated many people, such as Ruoruo.”

Eunuch Yao did not dare to comment. He also found it unusually strange. After the Palace received accurate information that Fan Xian had entered the capital, the Emperor had immediately invited Lady Fan into the Palace. Evidently, the Emperor had hold of Fan Xian’s Achilles’ heel. Who would have thought that the young lady would abruptly disappear from the Palace?

If the Lady Fan was a hidden ace, why would she allow herself to be invited in by the internal court instead of escaping while outside the Palace?

Tens of thousands of imperial soldiers outside the Royal Palace were still using their flesh, blood, and life to tenaciously prevent Wu Zhu from entering. The entire way was covered in blood but not a single imperial soldier gave way by a single step. Even when Sigu Jian used a wooden stick to kill ants under, the tree needed time, much less the fact that it was people being killed here. Wu Zhu continued to kill calmly, but the people in front of him never lessened. Who knew how much longer he had to keep going?

“Another hour.” The Emperor always seemed to have an accurate grasp of the development of anything. He slowly walked out of Taiji Palace and stood beneath the long corridor. Looking at the gradually stopping strands of rain, he seemed to be thinking.

The eunuchs and serving girls in the Royal Palace had all retreated far away with nervous expressions. There was only Eunuch Yao by the Emperor’s side, making him appear very lonely.

The Emperor’s brows furrowed suddenly. He coughed gently. He accepted a white silk handkerchief from Eunuch Yao’s hands and wiped the corner of his mouth. He then coldly said, “If An Zhi still does not act, this will get interesting.”



The atmosphere in the Royal Palace was unusually tense and solemn, completely without any liveliness, so it was rather boring. Fan Xian was with a few other eunuchs at the end of the long corridor outside Taiji Palace, looking with unusually heavy and complicated feelings at the middle-aged man in the distance. Perhaps he should now say elderly man.

Right after midnight, Fan Xian had come alone to the Royal Palace under the cover of darkness. This time, he didn’t try to do as he did after the poetry conference that year when he copied a gecko and climbed into the Palace. In the present Jingdou, because of the unstoppable battle in the North, and more because of his return, the defensive power had been raised to a terrifying level. It was absolutely impossible now to enter over the wall.

Thus, Fan Xian made use of his deepest hidden pawn. Other than him, only Wang Qinian knew of it. Deng Zi Yue only vaguely understood a little. It was Hong Zhu.

Hong Zhu had returned to the royal study and was back in favor. With the secret help and guide of this powerful person in the Palace, Fan Xian seemingly easily, but actually dangerously, entered the Royal Palace through the laundry facility.

Fan Xian had not thought about what the consequences would be if Hong Zhu sold him out. His second life had already reached such a point. What else was there that he didn’t dare to lose?

After entering the Royal Palace, Fan Xian learned that his sister had once again been brought into the Royal Palace. He immediately understood what the Emperor was thinking. It seemed that in this moment as irreconcilable adversaries, the man on the throne had finally torn off all of his masks and was preparing to use Ruoruo’s life to directly threaten him.

This was not the same as when Ruoruo was initially taken hostage. At that time, the Emperor still had sufficient confidence in himself, so he could maintain his image of being a ruler. Fan Xian was not worried that he would actually use his sister’s life to threaten him.

Now, the Emperor had grown old. The lingering injury had still not gotten better. He probably had the scent of death.

Fan Xian narrowed his eyes and carefully lowered his head to peer through the gaps of the serving girls’ clothing from behind them. He observed the Emperor at the front doors of Taiji Palace. For a time, his emotions were complicated.

He had also learned about the disturbance outside the Royal Palace and guessed at Uncle Wu Zhu’s arrival. He could not understand it. Had Uncle Wu Zhu truly woken? No matter what, Fan Xian was aware of the strength of these warriors and the powerful battle strength of the Qing army. Even if Wu Zhu broke through the Imperial Army’s defenses with unusual strength, he would probably still be injured once he reached Taiji Palace.

Faced with the calm, unruffled, and patiently waiting Emperor, what were Uncle Wu Zhu’s chances of victory?

Fan Xian’s eyes narrowed even further. He watched as the Emperor, in the distance, gently coughed and then put the white handkerchief he used to wipe his mouth into his sleeve.


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