Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 26 - Julian Vs Koga

Julian "I am Julian and I am here to challenge you to a gym battle"

Koga "Hmm, My name is Koga and I am the gym leader of the Fuchsia gym and I accept your challenge" ​​

Aya who was in daze came running inside and saw that her brother had excepted the challenge she just shook her head and proceeded to do her job.

Aya "I will be the referee of this battle, both the gym leader and the trainer will use three pokemon each, the trainer is allowed to switch his pokemon in middle of the battle, the gym leader cannot do the same, the first person whose all three pokemons are unable to battle loses"

Julian 'looks like we will be facing three pokemons I have to change my strategy and send Heatran first as he has a Nidoking he will probably use it as his last so I will send Ivysaur to face his Nidoking'

Koga "Are you ready, go Venonat"

Julian "Go Heatran"

Seeing that Julian is not playing around and sending a powerful pokemon from the start Koga become serious he knew that Heatran was a steel type and his Venonat could not do much damage as he was in a serious disadvantage as both bug and poison won't work on a steel type

Koga "Venonat use supersonic"

Venonat sends waves of supersonic attacks but Heatran just stands there and takes the attack head-on.

Julian "Its was smart to attack Heatran with a normal type attack as your other moves won't work but, it still is useless as Heatran's defense is way high for normal attacks to hurt him"

Koga couldn't do anything but grit his teeth

Julian "Now Heatran use flamethrower"

Heatran send hot flames raging towards Venonat and sends him flying making it unable to battle

Aya "Venonat is unable to battle, Heatran wins"

Koga "Bringing a steel type really gives you an advantage but I have not given up, go Golbat"

Julian 'just as I thought he is saving Nidoking for the last battle'

Koga "Golbat fly high then use air cutter"

Golbat flys high and launches a barrage of air cutter towards Heatran, seeing the power of these air cutter Julian decided to not take any risk

Julian "Heatran dodge then use Flamethrower"

Heatran dodges the air cutters by moving left and right then he aim upwards towards Golbat and sends a powerful flamethrower towards Golbat

Koga "Ride alongside the flamethrower and use steel wing"

Golbat moves away from the direction of the flamethrower then activate steel wing and glide closely near the flamethrower and try to hit Heatran on the face, Julian didn't let this chance go.

Julian "Heatran quickly abandon flamethrower and use bite on Golbat wings"

As Julian instructed Heatran stops using flamethrower and when Golbat was near his face about to hit him with steel wing he opens his mouth and clamps onto Golbat's wings.

Seeing Golbat being caught by Heatran Koga tries to think of something but he does not know what to do in this kind of situation, on the other hand, Golbat tries to struggle out but Heatran is too strong is any struggle is futile.

Julian "Heatran lets finish this Magma storm"

As Julian gives the command to use magma storm the surrounding starts to heat up and magma starts to form around Heatran as the magma looks like a small tornado of lava, Heatran releases Golbat from his clutches but unlucky for Golbat the hot magma thrashes and rams Golbat first taking it upwards and then slamming it to the ground, the aftermath is known by everyone as there is no way that Golbat is able to escape that and as expected Golbat has fainted

Aya "Golbat is unable to battle, Heatran wins"

Koga "Your Heatran is way too powerful and that last move is really devastating"

Julian "Thank you for the praise"

Koga "Your Heatran may be powerful but my next pokemon is way tougher than any other you had faced, go Nidoking"

As Nidoking enters the battlefield Julian knew that it's going to be a hard battle for Heatran, not because he is a week but Nidoking can cause 4 times the damage to Heatran as Nidoking also being a ground type which is strong against both steel and fire but he also has the perfect pokemon to face this Nidoking

Julian "Your Nidoking looks really powerful, it looks like I have to switch my pokemon, Heatran return, go Ivysaur"

As Ivysaur being both grass and poison type, he has an advantage against ground types and resistant to poison, seeing Julian send out an Ivysaur Koga nearly coughed blood as he knew that he was once again put in a disadvantage.

Koga "You are really a cunning man"

Julian "Pokemon battle is not just how strong a pokemon is and their trust towards their partners, it also depends on perfect strategy, a good battle plan always lead to a high chance of victory"

Koga "This is indeed true, then lets start, Nidoking use mega horn"

Julian "Ivysaur dodge then use razor leaves"

Ivysaur moves away to the right and dodges the rampaging Nidoking which was coming towards him with a mega horn and uses razor leaves, the razor leaves used this time were different from his previous method, as all the leaves formed a giant spinning blade covered with energy which was sent crashing down towards Nidoking hurting him badly, Nidoking falls on the ground after getting hit by that huge razor leaf

Julian 'That razor leaf was really effective, as an individual leaf didn't do much damage, I instructed Ivysaur to use it like this looks like it has increased the power of razor leaf exceptionally'

Koga "Nidoking getup and use dragon tail"

Nidoking quickly got up and swung his glowing tail towards Ivysaur

Julian "Ivysaur quickly dodge and use leech seed"

Ivysaur easily jumped up and dodged the dragon tail and sent a leech seed towards Nigoking draining some of his power.

Koga 'That Ivysaur to too fast for Nidoking to catch up I have to find something to deal with it really fast, that's it!'

Koga "Nidoking use ice beam and cover the whole battlefield with ice"

Nidoking uses ice beam and freezes the whole ground and even freezing Ivysaur's legs on the ground

Koga "Great Nidoking lets finish this use hyper beam"

Julian "That was indeed a great plan but we are not defeated yet, Ivysaur use Solar beam to counter it"

Both Nidoking and Ivysaur charge up and release their attack at full power, as the two moves clash the power from it shatters all the ice covering the battlefield freeing Ivysaur who was already about to escape from the recoil of using Solar beam, the attacks cause a very big explosion and breaks through the roof creating a huge hole on top, seeing this Koga doesn't know what to do.

After using both of their powerful moves both need time to recharge their energy but that not the case for Julian

Julian "Its time to finish this, Ivysaur use synthesis, then hold Nidoking and use Giga drain"

Ivysaur uses synthesis and recharges in an instant going back to full power and soon uses vine whip and hold Nidoking and uses Giga drain to suck up all the power from Nidoking.

Nidoking loses all his strength and falls on his knees.

Koga "Nidoking noooooooo"

Julian "Now finish it up, use energy ball"

Ivysaur creates a huge energy ball which is double his size and sends it towards Nidoking hitting him and creating a huge BOOM, when the smoke is cleared Nidoking is seen on the ground fainted

Aya "Nidoking is unable to battle, Ivysaur wins, hence the winner of the challenge is Julian"

Koga just sighs as he knew that Julian is a very strong trainer and there will be only few who could defeat him, he sends Nidoking back to his Pokeball and walks towards Julian

Koga "Julian this is the Soul Badge, its a proof that you have defeated me to earn this"

He gives Julain the soul badge which Julian happily accepts

Julian "It was a good battle, I will be going then"

Julian sends Ivysaur back to his Pokeball puts the soul badge with the other four badges in his badge case and walks out of the gym

Julian "Haaaa, it was a good battle now I will head back to the city to pick up my bike then go to Saffron city, I hope that brat Ash has fixed that weird gym leader's problem".


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