Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 20 - Bullying Lt. Surge

Julian "I am Julian, as I live in the present and create a future where all will remember me and my past will never bind me, as I am reborn"

He then suddenly hears a sound in his head ​​

System '*ding* host has achieved a breakthrough in the soul, Host has gained additional wisdom and a new ability called resonance'

Julian 'System show my stats'


Status - Host

Name - Julian

Age - 18

Strength - 76

Constitution - 80

Defense - 70

Intelligence - 85

Charisma - 80

Wisdom - 85

Skills - cooking, weapon master, close combat master, master shooter

Ability - Resonance (locked)


Julian 'System what does this resonance do'

System 'Function of this skill is unknown Host has to figure it out himself

Julian 'let's leave it for now, I should challenge the Gym today don't want to stay here for too long'

Julian gets dressed and is ready to go to the Gym on his way out he sees Steev training with his Bulbasaur

Julian 'Good for him'

Julian hops on his bike and rides off toward the gym when he reaches the gym he sees an orange building with whitetails covering the front door and huge lightning symbol hanging across each side of the door, Julian walks in to see two people wearing military type uniforms fixing some creators in the battlefield, when they see Julian coming in they already guessed that he is a challenger and next victim for their boss Lt. Surge, these two assistants were very arrogant and bullied young and inexperienced trainers using their boss's fame, Julian new this and didn't like them even before meeting them and now seeing there faces really annoyed them and now seeing them walking toward him with a grin which clearly showed ridicule directed towards him, it really got on his nerves

Julian "What are you two fools laughing at go and bring your boss"

Hearing Julian call them fools first they were dumbfounded as nobody had ever called them fools and now they were angry

Assistant 1 "What did you call us, say it again"

Assistant 2 "Ya say it again"

Julian "Are you two fools also deaf didn't you hear what I said bring your boss here"

This time he said it with a cold voice sending chills down their spine, they were now scared and didn't want to confront Julian so they went to call their boss after some time they came back but this time there was an extra person in front of them who was very tall and walking towards Julian with very large strides.

Lt. Surge "I heard you called my two assistant fools'

Julian "Yes if I had talked to them I would have lost some brain cells just by seeing their faces I get irritated, I don't know how is your brain still intact, you should fir them and hire some decent ones"

Lt. Surge hearing Julian talk to him like this really got embarrassed and glared at his assistant for picking a fight with this sharp tongue brat

Lt. Surge "I see you are an arrogant one, It's going to be a fun battle"

Julian "Let's get on to it I don't have much time to waste here"

Julian didn't even bother hearing Lt. Surge and just walked towards the battlefield and stood at one end of the battlefield, seeing such an arrogant fellow for the first time he was really angry and thought to injure his pokemon really badly, he walked towards the other side of the battlefield

Lt. Surge "Let's see how are you going to be so arrogant after I crush you with a devastating defeat"

Julian "ya ya I heard you now can you start the battle or are you going to just blabber around"

This time Julian really frustrated him and now he decided to be even cruel in this battle

Lt. Surge "Ok you want to battle then so be it, we both will use one pokemon each, the first pokemon which is unable to battle will lose, go Raichu" he calls out his Raichu

Julian "Finally, go Ivysaur" as he calls out his Ivysaur as Ivysaur lands on the battlefield dust rises as he is stronger, bigger and heavier than any other Ivysaur, seeing such a big Ivysaur both Lt. Surge and his Raichu gets nervous.

Assistant 1 "Hey isn't that Ivysaur a little too big"

Assistant 2 "Yes it really is big I hope boss can win this"

Listening to his assistants not having any confidence in him got him more angry and nervous at the same time

Lt. Surge "Lets starts, Raichu thunderbolt"

Julian "Ivysaur counter it with energy ball" the energy ball was created in a second as Ivysaur had got used to it and now he could shoot multiple energy ball one after another, as the energy ball and the thunder bold collided the thunderbolt was easily dispelled and the energy ball continued and hit Raichu and send him flying, Lt. Surge couldn't believe that his Raichu's move got defeated so easily as he greeted his teeth

Julian "Here, I didn't know that you were so week and after seeing so many pokemons being sent away to the pokemon center, I thought that you would at least pose a challenge, looks like I was wrong, Ivysaur lets finish this use leach seed"

Ivysaur launches a leach seed towards Raichu

Lt. Surge "Raichu quickly dodge it" Raichu dodges the leach seed by a hair inch but he didn't get a second chance to dodge the upcoming attack

Julian "Use vine whip and grab his leg and slam him till he faints"

As Raichu was still in the air after dodging the leaf seed it didn't have any means to support itself to dodge the next upcoming attack as his legs got wrapped around by vine whip and was slammed 5 times on the ground, seeing his Raichu completely toyed around like this couldn't help but feel very uncomfortable and hurt him very much as the match stopped Raichu was seen on the ground fainted and had some injuries on him, Lt. Surge ran towards Raichu and picked him up

Lt. Surge "Raichu are you okay?"

Julian "Hurts doesn't it seeing your pokemon in such bad shape, this is what you do to every other trainer who comes to challenge you, next time try to be more lenient by not injuring others pokemon how you did in the past"

Julian turns towards the two assistant and looks at them coldly

Julian "If I see you fools running around and bulling other trainers with your boss's fame, next time it will be you guys who will be badly injured" they just put their heads down not willing to make eye contact with Julian

Lt. Surge stood up and send his Raichu back to his Pokeball and walked towards Julian and handed over the Thunder Badge and walked away without saying anything, Julian also didn't say anything and called Ivysaur back

Julian 'well looks like he is still arrogant but I hope he changes his method and stops injuring other trainers pokemon so badly'

He puts the Thunder Badge in the badge case with his other three badges and walks out of the gym

Julian 'My next gym battle will be in Saffron city's gym, The gym leader in that gym will be a trouble to handle, I don't want to go and challenge that weird girl looks like I have to visit other gym and hope that brat Ash arrives there fast and turn her back to normal, lets go to the pokemon center and look at the map and see which city should I visit next'

Julian rides to the pokemon center he gets a detailed map from Nurse Joy as the one he had was a very simple one and didn't show proper terrain, he went back to the room and looked at the map

Julian "Looks like the only city which I will be able to go now is Fuchsia city, the gym leader of this gym is Koga a poison type user well I have Heatran so no worries there but before going to Fuchsia city I should visit the lavender town I know there are a large number of ghost sitings and ghost pokemon living there, hope I can catch one, so its decided Fuchsia city it is".

Julian decides and starts to prepare to head out for his next destination by buying a huge amount of food rations and ingredients for making pokemon food for his growing pokemons.


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