Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 18 - Teach Me How To Battle

Its the next day and Julian is at the back side of the pokemon center in an empty field with his pokemons Monferno after seeing Julian meditate also started to meditate more to perfect his control over fire, Heatran is always busy sticking to the magma stone which Julian kept there so Heatran could observe it slowly to gain more power and heat, Kabuto is also fired up and is trying to learn hail, Pidgeotto is trying to learn brave bird and Julian is teaching Ivysaur the move solar beam

Julian "Ivysaur just like how you use energy ball, try to collect the energy from the sun and concentrate and shoot it out with all the power you got" ​​

Ivysaur nods and starts to collect lots of solar energy on the flower on top of him which starts to glow as large amount of wave accumulates in front of his mouth and he shoots it out as a beam goes and hits a tree, destroying it.

Julian seeing this impressed that Ivysaur has gotten it in his first try.

Julian "Good job Ivysaur continue doing this and you will be able to perfect it in no time"

Ivysaur nods his head in agreement and continues to practice his moves

Julian 'display status of my pokemons present here'


Status - Monferno

Level - 18

Age - 4 months

State - focused

Bond - 100%

HP - 70

Attack - 104

Defense - 72

Sp. Atk - 120

Sp. Def - 80

Speed - 111

Move set - scratch, seer, ember, taunt, fury swipes, flame wheel, fire spin, close combat, focus punch, focus blast, flamethrower, foresight.

Ability-Blaze(unlocked), Iron fist(locked)


Status - Heatran

Level - 18

Age - 2 years

State - observing

Bond - 80%

HP - 100

Attack - 100

Defense - 130

Sp. Atk - 140

Sp. Def - 120

Speed - 75

Move set - ancient power, earth power, fire spin, heat wave, iron head, metal sound, iron defense, magma storm

Ability- Flashfire(unlocked), Flame body(locked)


Status - Ivysaur

Level - 20

Age - 2 years

State - happy

Bond - 90%

HP - 70

Attack - 100

Defense - 90

Sp. Atk - 110

Sp. Def - 110

Speed - 96

Move set - tackle, growl, leech seed, vine whip, sleep powder, poison powder, razor leaves, energy ball, solar beam

Ability - overgrow(unlocked), chlorophyll(locked)


Status - Pidgeotto

Level - 18

Age - 2 years

State - concentrated

Bond - 85%

HP - 80

Attack - 90

Defense - 55

Sp. Atk - 95

Sp. Def - 65

Speed - 120

Move set - gust, sand attack, tackle, quick attack, air cutter, whirlwind

Ability- keen eyes(unlocked), tangled feet(unlocked), big pecks(locked)


Status - Kabuto

Level - 5

Age - 1 week

State - happy

Bond - 90%

HP - 30

Attack - 65

Defense - 80

Sp. Atk - 60

Sp. Def - 50

Speed - 60

Move set - harden, scratch, hail

Ability- swift swim(unlocked), battle armour(unlocked), weak armour(locked)


Julian 'Looks good all of them are really working really hard to get stronger and their trust towards me is also very high, and wait when did Kabuto learn hail' when Julian turns around he sees Kabuto is using hail every were and covering the grass with ice, seeing this Julian gets dumbfounded and proceeds to stop Kabuto

Julian 'phew, Kabuto is growing really fast must be because of its ancient genetics'

As Julian continued training his pokemons someone was watching them for sometime Julian, of course, noticed him but stayed silent, this was the same kid whose Bulbasaur was injured yesterday seeing that Julian had noticed him he didn't hide anymore and walked towards Julian

Kid "Mister I want you to teach me how to battle"

Julian hearing him didn't know whether to laugh or cry

Julian "Why me kid there are so many others here why especially me"

Kid "Because you are strong and you even have an Ivysaur which will be a perfect training partner for my Bulbasaur"

Julian "Isn't your Bulbasaur injured, don't stress it out kid go away"

Kid "I won't leave until you agree to teach me"

Julian called all his pokemons back and walked away but the kid also followed him where ever he would go, this really annoyed Julian

Julian 'what an ungrateful and annoying kid, he won't leave until I teach him something' as Julian is walking on the street of the city to take a stroll he is followed by this kid and after having enough he turned back and looked at this kid who was still looking at him with determined eyes

Julian 'Well at least he didn't give up till now, let's teach him something and lose him off my tail'

Julian "You aren't going to leave until I teach you how to fight?"

Kid "No"

Julian "Ok then I will teach you a thing or two, but first, tell me your name"

Kid "My name is Steev"

Julian "Alright Steev lets go to the pokemon park and see what your Bulbasaur can do"

Julian heads towards the pokemon park where many people from the city come to train or have fun with their pokemon after reaching their Julian asks Steev to bring out his Bulbasaur

Julian "Ok kid tell me what moves does your Bulbasaur knows?"

Steev "Vine whip, tackle, and razor leaves"

Julian 'that's all, well at least it still effective moves against electric type pokemon'

Julian "Ok tell me how does the gym leader battles with his Raichu?"

Steev "Well the Raichu is very strong and"

Julian "And?"

Steev "That's all its very strong and its moves are strong too"

Julian "So did you use your speed to counter his power"

Steev "Why would I do that?"

Julian 'Did this kid also got an injury in his head'

Julian "Ofcource so that your pokemon don't get hurt while battling taking unnecessary hits"

Steev "But aren't electric types weak against grass type why will it get hurt"

Julian "Kid have you gone nuts then what happened to your Bulbasaur did it stumble and got himself hurt, don't you even realize how stupid you are sounding now"

Steev just puts his head down embarrassed even his Bulbasaur was disappointed with him

Julian "Listen kid pokemon types do matter in pokemon battle but if you don't know how to use them properly you will just lose no matter what sometimes even the type who has a disadvantage over other types can win if they know how to counter it perfectly"

Steev "I understand"

Julian "Good so next time use your partner's speed and maintain distance and attack if you get near you will just get dominated by it pure power, got it?"

Steev "Got it"

Julian "Ok now lets practice"

Julian brings out his Ivysaur and trains with Steev for two hours he even tells Ivysaur to teach Bulbasaur to use energy ball after this Julian heads back leaving Steev and his Bulbasaur alone

Steev "Bulbasaur I am sorry, because of my irresponsible action you got hurt, I promise that it will never happen again"

His Bulbasaur agrees with him and forgives him

Steev "Ok Bulbasaur lets practice energy ball so we can use it in our battle again"


And like this, another day is gone and Julian is on his bed lying

Julian "Hope that kid performs well tomorrow, ah he wasted my precious day I could have done so many things instead of teaching him, what a tiring day," he says and closes his eyes.


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