Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 13 - The Pokemon Mansion

While Julian is walking along the road exploring the island and visiting places, but he was annoyed that he couldn't find anyplace to stay as so many tourists come here that the hotels, inns and even the pokemon center are full, Julian had no other choice to go to Blaine's Inn which was located near the volcano, so he decided to go there at night after exploring the city.

Julian "If I am right this is the Island where Mewtwo was created by team rocket's scientist, I think it should go and search, maybe I could find something" ​​

Julian rides around the Island and finally finds an abandoned mansion at the outskirts of the Island

Julian "I think this is the place"

Julian walks inside the mansion to find nothing but silence, he sees there are two staircases one leading to the top and another to the basement.

Julian "Let me first check the upper floors then go to the basement"

He starts climbing the stairs and reaches the first floor, on the first floor there is nothing but empty rooms witch dust covered everywhere, he then starts to walk towards the second floor and he finds a group of Koffing seeing Julian they just run away not wanting to confront him he searches this floor and only finds some useless documents, as he explores the other floors he finds a Ditto but it escapes bay disguising as some random pokemon, Julian is disappointed as he didn't find any ghost or dark type pokemons as they could be very useful to him, he was expecting to find at least one in this abandoned building but it was no use.

Julian "There are no ghosts pokemons but even if there was I don't have any pokemons which can stop them, well let's go down and see what the basement holds"

Julian walks down and finally reaches the basement, he sees many lab apparatus, he starts to search and find some documents about pokemon genetics but they were not very useful, seeing that there where no useful information he frowns

Julian "I am hundred percent sure that this was the place where Mewtwo was created but seeing this lab it just looks like a normal research facility but this documents about pokemon genetics prove otherwise, Yes maybe there is a secret passage some were"

Julian starts to search every nook and croony and at last, he finds a side of the wall which looks like its hollow from the other side.

Julian "Monferno come out, Monferno break this wall by using focus punch" Monferno breaks the wall and as expected there is actually a stare case behind the broken wall he sends back Monferno and starts going down after walking for a minute he finally reaches the end and in front of him is a steel door which blocks his path.

Julian "well that was a long way down and now I have to go through this door, luckily I have Heatran"

Julian calls out Heatran and tells him to melt the steel door in front of them Heatran follows the instruction by blowing very hot fire which easily melts the steel door

Julian "Good job Heatran now go and rest" He sends Heatran back and starts to look around, he sees many types of lab equipment which are very advanced and in the middle of the lab he sees a huge glass container filled with some liquid and thick wires sticking out.

Julian "Finally found it so this is the container where Mewtwo was made, even though they abandoned the place they left many machines still here and it looks like they are still operatable" He walks around and checks if he could find any information and he does even though its not the whole it can be considered half of it, the documents were titled as project Mewtwo where it specified the genetical modification process of Mew to Mewtwo, seeing this he frowns.

Julian "If they have abandoned this place and the project was successful why to leave this documents here aren't they afraid that someone might find this place and steal this information" He takes the documents and puts it in his pouch and he starts to inspect the equipment and when he checks them he frowns

Julian "Why are some machines still hot it looks like someone has been here before and is using the equipment" He suddenly hears a click sound he quickly hides behind a machine and sees a wall on the other side slowly opening

Julian 'An another secret door'

And after the walls completely opens an old man comes in wearing a white lab coat, Julian has never seen this man but has some clues why he is here, he silently calls out Ivysaur and tells him to be quiet, when the old man enters and sees the molten door he starts to panic but it was too late.

Julian seeing the opportunity takes quick action "Ivysaur use vine whip and tie him up"

Hearing a voice coming from behind the old man turns but he is already in the grasp of Ivysaur's vine whips, the old man struggles to get out but is useless, he glares at Julian angrily

Old man "Who the fuck are you and why are you here?"

Julian "Chill Old man I think you don't get the situation you are in now, let me clear it for you, you are my hostage now and I am the only one allowed to question"

Julian says this and walks towards the old man who is still struggling, he gets close to him and smiles and after that Julian takes away his pokeballs and a taser which was in his back pocket, after going through everything and finally confirming that this old man has no other way of escaping he chops the back of his head and makes him unconscious, he sends Ivysaur back to his Pokeball, then he takes out a rope from his pouch and starts to tie up the old man and throws him at a corner and starts to make some preparation before he wakes up.

After one hour the old man finally wakes up and sees that he is still tied up and Julian is sitting in front of him on a chair smiling, seeing that smile the old man gets creeps down to his spine as if that the Divel was smiling at himself.

Julian "So let's get straight to the point, what's your name?"

The old man thought it will be not a good experience if he lies to Julian

Old man "My name is John"

Julian "So John are you a member of team rocket?"

John was now very scared as this man knew that he was a part of team rocket, he hesitated to answer but he suddenly felt a lot of pain through his entire body as if electric shock was passed through it, John got back to reality and saw that Julian was holding two pliers in his hand and electric sparks where coming out of it, John knew that he was now just electrocuted

Julian "Old John I am not a very patient man and I don't like people telling me any lie, so if you hesitate or lie about anything I will electrocute you will a level increase every time"Julian said with a cold face, seeing this cold face John thought he has seen a demon, not even his old boss looks that scary so he started answering

John "Yes I was a member of team rocket, but I fled from them"

Julian "Why did you do that"

Johan "After my teammates finished modifying Mew's genes into Mewtwo, he not only didn't even gave us what he had promised but also locked my teammates in the main headquarters to rot and die, only a few people know about this experiment in the headquarters including me so I stole all the data from them and ran away"

Julian took out the documents he had and showed it to John "Is this the only information you have?"

John hesitated but didn't want to get electrocuted again so he chooses to spit it all out.

John "No that only the outside Information about the project I have all the information stored here in the main computer"

Julian "So what were you trying to do with this stolen Information"

John "Of course I want to restart the project and become rich and powerful"

Julian "Ok enough of that switch on the computer and lets me access through it"

Julian unties John and takes him towards the main computer, John quickly opens the computer and it over to Julian, as soon as that happens Julian again makes him unconscious, he then browse through all the information about project Mewtwo, he also finds much Information about team rocket itself, he copies all the file into a drive and puts it in his pouch and leaves the mansion and the unconscious John before deleting all the information present on the computer.

Julian looks back at the mansion, sighs and leave

Julian "No matter which world you are in there will always be people driven by greed and riches, and it was good that this John was old so he didn't resist too much or I would have had to use those torturing methods I learned in my old days during the time I was in the army".


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