Journey Towards Dao

Chapter 45: Alone Time

Chapter 45: Alone Time

"This is not the Sect being discriminatory towards those with weaker talents, but this is to protect you from damaging your lifespan and Soul Force!"

A streak of seriousness flashed in her irises. "Foundation Establishment is no longer just about absorbing and refining Qi. Its also a constant and arduous mental exercise. Disregarding the strain that your Dao Roots will be under during your cultivation, if your Soul Force is not powerful enough to withstand your Cultivation Method, then your intellect could be damaged long before you can see hope of reaching the Peak of Foundation Establishment realm. You may be surprised how many Foundation Establishment cultivators arrogantly waste their talents into nothing chasing Methods and Techniques outside of their inherent capability."

Stunned silence replaced the earlier hushed outrage.

"As you all successfully entered into the Five Profound Elements Sect, the lowest Grade of Dao Roots in this room is 4th Grade. But for those that would rather not wait for their Soul Force to strengthen appropriately, Yellow and Black Tier Methods, while weaker in more ways than one, are not worthless.

"All Methods are nothing more than tools. How well they are utilized, however, is up to each of you."

At this moment, Auslen noticed Elder Noelles eyes focusing in his and Nathaniel's direction as she smilingly continued. And to practice Heaven Tier Cultivation Methods, 2nd Grade Dao Roots are the base requirement, alongside a Soul Force strength of 40 points.

Auslen sat back in his chair relaxed, not questioning the Elders stray glance. Anyone could guess why someone with their background and talent entered the Sect.

Why else would a gifted child his age abandon the comfort of his Royal Palace if it wasnt for a Heaven Tier Cultivation Method?

As the male disciple sat down sadly, Elder Noelle turned her attention back towards the other deflating disciples. Most were already limply dropping their hands.

"Any other questions?"


Auslen and Nathaniel exited from the hall after the lectures end and walked through the Palace of Education. The corridors were bustling so early in the morning, yet very few of the disciples impeded their path. Whispers followed their every step.

Look, theres Prince Auslen and his cousin

Hi, Nathaniel! Remember me?

Nathaniel appeared enthused by the endless attention. He didn't stop turning here and there, replying with friendly greetings to anyone he even slightly recognized. He had passed his shy phase long ago. Now, he was flexing his growing sense of independence, making friendly acquaintances wherever he went.

Auslen politely acknowledged a handful of disciples alongside his cousin. His standard gentle smile framed his adorable face, spreading the warmth of adolescence through the hearts of the nearby disciples.

"He's such a cutie!"

"Would you like an elder sister, Prince Auslen?"

Amused laughter sprang from his lips at the few bold comments. On the inside, however, Auslen sighed, wishing that he could just vanish from these persistent youngsters' eyes.

He was an idiot to ever think he could ever hide his prominent identity in the Sect. Even if Nathaniel wasn't constantly running his mouth, it didn't take him long to realize that this sort of situation was unpreventable. Auslen's only choice was to acclimate to it as soon as possible.

"Senior Brother, Senior Sister!"

After Nathaniel's yell, Auslen turned to see Michail and Irene approaching them from the side as gasps of recognition emerged from the nosy crowd.

"Isn't that Senior Sister Irene. I feel like every time I see her, she grows more beautiful..."

"She's one of the few Foundation Establishment disciples within the Outer Sect. I even heard she's close to joining the Inner Sect."

"But who's that next to her?"

"That's Senior Brother Michail. I think he's already qualified for the Tri-Annual Tournament."

"If Senior Sister is close with him, he has to be good! After all, she was runner up in the previous Tournament."

"Don't forget that she has a twin!" Someone threw in. "Someone told me he has his final Preliminary match today..."

Irene didn't mind the whispers, and acted as though she did not here them as she kneeled down to speak to Nathaniel.

"You ready to go?"

"Yep!" Nathaniel bobbed his head excitedly.

Meanwhile, Michail looked down at Auslen. "We'll send him back to your residence after watching a few matches."

Auslen nodded with a smile, secretly ecstatic at the rare period of solitude he was about to receive.

"Are you sure you don't want to come?" Irene looked over. "Knowing Victor's usual style, his match should be pretty entertaining."

"Thanks, Senior Sister, but I already made some plans."

"If you say so," Irene nodded.

Watching the three depart for a few moments, Auslen turned, ignoring the prickling glances tickling the nape of his neck as he walked towards the opposite direction.

After nearly a year, Auslen was finally prepared to visit one of the Five Profound Elements Sect's most renowned hallmarks.

Unlike most of the other buildings within the Outer Sect, the area surrounding the Palace of Methods and Techniques was extremely quiet.

A miniature forest of green bamboo surrounded the enormous, eight-story wooden edifice. A gentle, drizzling rain had come unexpectedly, cooling the breeze considerably as refreshing drops flowed down the tall, reedy spears. The plain, unornamented architecture only added to the serene ambience in Auslens eyes. Even his breathing was subconsciously affected, coming and going at a moderately more relaxed pace.

Walking across the jadeite plaza underneath the covering of a white paper umbrella, Auslen came upon a bald, incredibly old-looking Elder standing lonely in front of the rainy Palace entrance.

Not a single droplet of water touched the cloth of his black robes. The rain split just above him, as though an invisible canopy hung just above his splotchy, bald head.

Identity Medallion, The old man said simply, holding out his wrinkly hand.

Auslen handed over the jade Medallion, watching as the old man waved his finger across it. He knew full well that five of his newly obtained Merit Points were being deducted.

This was why the Palace of Methods and Techniques had so few casual visitors on a regular basis. Not many would choose to spend five Merit Points for the sole purpose of entering into a building. Auslen wouldn't have wasted his funds either, if he hadn't come for a specific reason.

Suddenly, the Elder lifted his thin, nearly translucent eyelids to observe Auslen for a few silent seconds. Before long, he handed back the Identity Medallion and spoke.

"Listen closely. The Palace of Methods and Techniques is divided into eight floors. The first two floors are designated for Yellow Tier Techniques and Methods, the next two Black Tier, and so on as you ascend."

His expression was cold, despite the sunny smile aimed in his direction. "Although you do not yet have the Merit Points to purchase even the cheapest Martial Technique here, I will still explain some things, since it's your first time visiting.

"Any Yellow or Black Tier Technique or Method you may purchase is yours to use, and yours alone. You are not to disseminate what you purchase here to others without express permission from myself.

"Please do not test me or the Sect. Those that are caught using the Sects Techniques or Methods they did not purchase will be investigated thoroughly. If found guilty, those liable will have their cultivation abolished before being banished from the Sect! From then on, no sect anywhere on the Eastern Empyrean Continent will accept them.

And those caught disseminating the Five Profound Elements Sect's Methods and Techniques..."

A wide grin, full of missing and decaying teeth slowly creeped onto the Elders wrinkly face. He did not feel the need to complete that sentence, and Auslen got the hint.

The Elder continued after another moment. "Practitioners are not allowed to ascend to the upper four floors, unless there is permission from me. If you are curious about the cost of a certain Method or Technique that you don't have access to, check a catalogue that can be found on any floor. The name, Tier, and Merit Point cost of everything held here is contained within those catalogues."

After the old Elder finished, Auslen nodded quietly. Although regretful, he was already aware he wouldn't have access to those upper floors for the moment, and he didn't really mind.

Only Foundation Establishment cultivators and above had the Profound Qi necessary to utilize Earth or Heaven Tier Techniques, so Auslen didn't feel like he was missing much just yet. They'll be there when he needed them.

His primary goal for today was to understand just how many Merit Points he would have to stock-pile for a Heaven Tier Method!

The Elder waved his arms towards the huge metal doors closed behind him. And as the doors opened with several sharp, metallic creaks, the Elder left Auslen with one last reminder: You have one hour.

Thank you, Elder. Auslen politely bowed before stepping through the fully opened doors.

Entering into the sweeping first floor hall, he gazed upon the quiet interior.

Rows and rows of dark-stained, wooden shelving lined the huge, open-concept hall, similar to a vast, but very simplistic library.

Instead of books though, nothing but large jade tablets sat upon the shelves, emanating faint blue luminescence.

Martial Technique tablets that dominated the first floor were separated into divisions of various core attributes; attack, defense, and movement being the most obvious.

This first floor contained only Yellow Tier Techniques, and beneath each of the jade tablets, the name of the Technique was inscribed, as well as the Merit Point cost. From most of the prices that Auslen casually glanced upon, the prices of Yellow Tier Techniques averaged to about 500 Merit Points each.

From what he could see, around 20 to 30 disciples were perusing the Yellow Tier Martial Techniques.

Although Auslen currently lacked the funds to purchase even the cheapest Yellow Tier Martial Technique, Auslen didnt come here to purchase anything regardless.

Having no interest in the Yellow Tier, Auslen wasted no more time on this floor and immediately headed towards the nearest staircase. Walking past a handful of fellow disciples, he ascended straight past the second floor, containing only Yellow Tier Cultivation Methods.

Eventually, Auslen made it to the third floor, home to the Black Tier Martial Techniques.

Auslen noticed that there werent even half of the shelves held on this floor in comparison to the first.

A touch of giddiness seeped into Auslens steps as he walked at an easy going pace along the shelves somewhat randomly, finding a peaceful sense of enjoyment while looking through the Black Tier Techniques. His enjoyment stemmed less from the Techniques themselves and more so the process of reading about them, broadening his narrow horizons.

Ever since his previous life's childhood, learning had always been a passion of his.

At times, when his fascination peaked, he would pick up the jade tablet to get a deeper understanding of the inner workings of the Technique.

Rapiers Song: 6,000 Merit Points

Wind Soaring Knife: 3,500 Merit Points

Steel Poking Foot: 3,000 Merit Points

Auslen gradually lost count of the number of Martial Techniques he examined.

After continuing to make his way, Auslen suddenly stopped to pick up a jade tablet. Eyes gleaming, he lightly pressed it to his glabella with closed eyes.

Rippling Heart Gentle Palm.

Internal force attack method. Deliver threatening rippling vibrations into the body of the opponent, indirectly targeting the internal organs

Notes: Recommended for those with Water or Wind Elemental Affinity

4,000 Merit Points.

How vicious, Auslen thought. But truly, he was quite satisfied with its description.

Auslen already had a weapon-type Martial Technique and a movement-type Martial Technique. But the only obstacle in his way on his journey to mastery was his limited Profound Qi.

Partially to distract himself from his inability to cultivate, Auslen felt the need to pick up another Black Tier Technique or two. And his most blatant weakness at the moment was his lack of empty-hand Techniques.

Mentally retaining the name of the Martial Technique in consideration for when he had available funds, Auslen removed the tablet from his forehead and placed it back on the shelf. Then, he walked towards the end of the row of shelves, where an extremely thick, leather-bound catalogue was placed upon a wooden pedestal.

Auslen opened the catalogue. He didn't even bother looking through the names of the Earth Tier or Heaven Tier Martial Techniques, because even if he did, he couldn't see the details of the Technique, nor could he practice them. Not a glance was spared at the Earth Tier Cultivation Methods as he flipped directly to the Heaven Tier Cultivation Methods.

Auslen counted the zeroes, paused, then recounted them. Then, he flipped a few pages and did the same thing.

I knew this wasn't going to be easy, but come on now...

Even the cheapest Heaven Tier Cultivation Method hed seen so far had cost a whopping 500,000 Merit Points!

Shit! How many damned Qi Refinement Elixirs would I have to

Something abruptly interrupted his calculations.

Gritting his teeth, Auslen dragged his gaze away from the catalogue and removed the vibrating Identity Medallion. He was being notified that he had run out of time.

Closing his eyes, Auslen sighed wearily before shutting the catalogue.

What was the drinking age on this planet, again?


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