Journey to One Piece

196. I will come over and kick your ass

196. I will come over and kick your ass

When Ken said those, there was not a lot of intimidation in his voice. He spoke as if he were stating a fact. Some of the CP agents gulped when Ken laid out all of their plans in open secret. Whatever Ken had said was correct, and they were on the plan that after the Buster Call, they would just leave with the ships, but looking at the floating ships that were getting sucked into the black hole, that option was dead.

The devastation was still ongoing. The Buster Call fleet, typically a symbol of the World Government's indomitable power, now found itself dwarfed in the face of this overwhelming force. Broken ships rocked and swayed as the sea surged and churned beneath them, tossed about like fragile toys. Panicked shouts echoed across the fleet as sailors desperately fought to maintain their balance, their expressions showing sheer terror.

The swirling vortex of rocks descended upon the Buster Call fleet like a malevolent tidal wave. Massive boulders crashed into the battleships, splintering wood and steel and reducing the once-mighty vessels to mere debris.

Explosions tore through the air as cannons and ammunition detonated, adding to the chaos and devastation. The sea turned into a maelstrom of destruction, swallowing entire ships in its merciless embrace. The once-imposing fleet was reduced to a scattering of disorganized remnants, crippled and in disarray.

In a flurry of explosions and defiant cries, the Marines battled against the overwhelming gravitational pull of the Chibaku Tensei. As the earth quaked and the sky filled with the remnants of shattered rocks, the outcome of this cataclysmic clash was already written in the edicts of the history of the World Government. It was a thorough defeat for the first time since the Buster Call.

The CP agents were given time to think of their next strategy while they witnessed the destruction. Franky was beaming from ear to ear while looking at it. He felt a satisfaction that he had not felt in a very long time. He had seen how his teacher was taken away, and he couldn't do anything to stop it.

When the Buster Call came, he didn't put much hope in the Straw Hats and felt that their island was ruined and he would be again responsible. But seeing how these bastards suffered fate worse than deaths, he felt that even if he died now under these bastards, it had all been worth it.

Iceburg, seeing the destruction, had mixed feelings. The World Government had never helped them, but they never interfered with his way of ruling the island. Another reason their island was self-sufficient was because it made ships. For both the government and the pirates.

That brought in quite a bit of revenue. And it kept the island safe. Now that the world government was eyeing them, he didn't know if the island could survive these upcoming tough times. Vivi and Robin both had normal expressions. For something that was going to destroy a whole island, they didn't have the least bit of empathy. Especially Robin, who had seen the destruction firsthand.

"Ken, you better not try that move when we are together." Nami shouted, seeing the destruction all around. Only a few men had survived the whole gravitational pull, and they were lying unconscious in the ocean. Even a few of the vice admirals weren't seen. They were probably inside the small sphere levitating in the air.

This was a clean defeat. The CP agents were silent, and one of them slowly brought out a den den mushi from his pocket and placed it on the ground. Ken and others were confused about this CP agent. Why was he bringing a telephone out? Did he want them to talk to someone?

Then, out of nowhere, the den den mushi started speaking in a voice that only Ken recognized.

"Straw Hat Pirates... We didn't expect you to be so problematic."

"Who the fuck is speaking? State your name. I am Monkey D. Luffy. I am the person who is going to be the King of Pirates." Luffy shouted as usual, announcing his identity from the get-go.

"You spoke too soon and too much to an unknown person." Ussop gave Luffy a hit.

"Who are you, and what do you want?" Luffy didn't care about Ussop and asked again. There was silence on the other side for a few seconds, and the surroundings got eerily quiet suddenly. Then another voice said

"King of Pirates, huh! You have quite an ambition. Many have tried to be that, but they failed," another voice from the call said.

"But I will do it.' Luffy said without a second's hesitation.

"Hmm.. You can try to do so, but for now give us Nico Robin, and we promise you that your bounty will be wiped off and you will be free to pursue whatever you desire." The voice from Den Den Mushi said

"Oh! So you want us to give you our friend?" Luffy asked. And for the first time, he looked serious as his hat slowly tilted down, shadowing his eyes. For some reason, the CP agents felt a little uncomfortable seeing this idiot like this.

And not only Luffy, but every crew member was suddenly shrouded in darkness. It was like a panther in the dark, ready to jump on them at a moment's notice.

"Yes. Give us Nico Robin, and you are free to do whatever you like." The voice didn't know of the changed environment and just continued. Luffy expanded his palm, and out of nowhere, a staff appeared again in his hands. Meanwhile, Enma had come back from his small expedition in the sea, taking care of the marines, and stood behind Luffy. He knew that a fight would break out any time now.

"Yo, I take my words back." Luffy replied.

"Words back? What does it mean?" the voice said.

"I don't care who you are or where you come from. But I will soon come to your place and kick your ass to the stars." Luffy said, and his last words were spoken with intense anger.

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