Journey to One Piece

191. Animals running on water

191. Animals running on water

Ken had his hand on his forehead in embarrassment. He thought Luffy would give a grand speech or something of the sort, but there was none. He had forgotten that Luffy wasn't good at delivering dialogue but rather showed sincerity through his actions.

Spandam, of course, just like others, wasn't at all convinced by the words of Luffy, nor did he care. In fact, seeing the face of Luffy, he could hardly believe that this band of misfits was able to take down CP9.

In fact, he had noticed that Luffy was also busy picking his nose. This made him feel as if he was not very serious at all. Of course, he wasn't that interested in the straw hats except for Nico Robin. And his main concern was Franky and Iceburg, whom he could see from the ship itself.

And they were an important part of the mission. He was here only for them, and the Buster Call was only a force of intimidation.

"Straw Hats... You have caused quite a problem for the Navy and the world government. It's better you surrender and let Mister Iceburg, the mayor of Water 7, and the outlaw Franky serve under the World Government. We can promise you that both of you will be treated well. And the straw hats will be given a proper trial."

Instead of Spandam, it was Momoga, one of the vice admirals of the Navy, who came and tried talking with the straw hats. Of course, none of them cared about the words of some Navy vice admiral.

"Straw Hat? Will the island really be fine?" Iceburg, seeing the whole fleet, asked

"I don't want someone else to die for me again." Franky said, as he still felt guilty about what had happened.

"Have faith in the people who have just saved you." Vivi replied.

After a pause of about 2 minutes, there was suddenly an alarm being blared from the main ship that was leading the fleet. It meant that the ships were going to finally assault the island in a full-fledged attack. There was no going back after this. The island will be removed from the annals of history soon.

But it all depended on one thing, and that was if they were successful. After being saved by the Straw Hats, Iceburg, knowing about the Buster Call, was ready to sacrifice himself, but Ken was able to convince them.

Thanks to the genjutsu he used on Iceburg and Franky, he showed a glimpse of their powers. It was there that Ken was able to convince them that the Straw Hats had enough firepower to take down Buster Call. Franky, too, was shown the same. It was the question of thousands of lives. Iceburg wasn't going to play with their lives just so he could get back at the Navy.

As the alarm was blasted, Ken and Luffy both proceeded to place their palms on the ground and shout.

Summoning Jutsu.

A pattern of seals formed in the ground, and out came three huge animals. The first one was Enma, which was Luffy's signature summoning animal. But what really surprised the others were Ken's summoning animals. It was not one, but two animals.

The first one was a giant crustacean, and the other was a giant multi-headed dog. Both of the animals came from the animal path of pain, and both of the animals had Rinnegan in their eyes. This was another jutsu that he had recently gotten his hands on.

The Buster Call ships, who were ready to shoot their cannons, were dumbfounded to see huge animals coming out of nowhere. The giant animals of Ken looked menacing. especially the huge three-headed dog. None of them had seen such a weird-eyed, three-headed dog. This made the relaxed Vice Admirals take this job seriously. Normally the vice-admirals in a buster call don't have much work, but that might not be the case here.

And Ken wasn't the only one who was fully geared. Nami and others were tooone who was fully geared. Nami and others were too. Even Robin had brought out her stand, though the others wouldn't be able to see it.

"Enma. We can have fun here." Luffy said.

"It's been a long time since I have participated in an all-out battle. It will be fun." Enma said. The other two animals didn't speak because they didn't have that much intelligence and could only listen to Ken's commands.

But they seemed to be visibly excited as they roared at the ships.

Momonga and the other vice admirals who had seen this shouted.

"Don't get intimidated. The dog isn't coming to the ships, and we can shoot them down from here."

"But Momonga-san.. That dog.. That dog.. Is running on water!" one of the navy men shouted. This caused a huge shock, as they saw a dog running on water. This had never been seen before.

Momoga turned his head and looked at it in surprise. And the huge crab had already disappeared in the water, which was another concern for the ships. Some of the ships pointed their cannons at the giant dog, but the rest pointed at the island.

*Boom* *Boom* *Boom* *Boom*

This was where the straw hats came in. Luffy and Ken ran straight towards the ship while the rest of the crew protected the island.

Sanji, Zoro, and Ussop were the main forces, while Nami and Chopper would make sure that there were no aftermaths. This was an all-out war. Sanji flew into the air and kicked at the round black cannons that were traveling at an extreme speed. But Sanji was somewhat faster.

It seemed like he was using Soru in the air. Almost disappearing from normal eyes. This was the same for Zoro. He was using sixfold speed in his breathing. And though he couldn't fly, his sun breathing was enough to cut down flying cannons.

One was kicking the flying cannons, and the other was cutting them. It was a sight to behold.

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