Journey to One Piece

171. You talk too much

171. You talk too much

"Ararara.. You speak too much Punisher Ken. Even your grandfather doesn't speak so much." Aokiji said.

"My grandpa doesn't care about talks. He answers by his fists. If he wanted he would have been the Fleet Admiral and you all would have under his feet. It's because of Sengoku that you both are running wild." Ken said without mincing his words a bit. And that was the truth. Even after all these years, training under him, learning everything that he could, it still wasn't enough to be on par with him, forget about defeating Garp.

"So as I was saying. Are you okay with Akainu sitting as the Fleet Admiral?" Ken asked again. This question stumped Aokiji totally. He didn't know what to answer. He wanted to say no, but that would be revealing all his secret desire. He didn't want to be the Fleet Admiral.

He wanted to be lazy and sleep, but if Akainu ever became the Fleet Admiral, it would be nightmare for the Marine. Innocents would die left and right. He had seen how he killed the people in Ohara. Over the years he had only grown more brutal. And in no way could he allow that.

"What do you want to say, Punisher Ken?" Aokiji asked.

"I presume you will be very unhappy with the appointment and would definitely like to fight it out with him. Am I right?" Ken asked. Aokiji wanted to say yes again, but he stopped. His lazy behavior had slowly left him, and now he was keenly looking at Ken.

"Now what will happen if you both fight against each other? One would lose, and one would win. If you win, that is fine. I will come personally to congratulate you. But if you lose, Hehehe.." Ken said while pausing with a small laugh.

"If you lose, you will have to leave. And once you leave, it wouldn't take much time for you to slide into the other side." Ken didn't even finish the sentence when, out of nowhere, in the blink of an eye, ice covered his whole body.

The ice buildup didn't even need a second, actually. It was a blink and you will miss thing. The others, who had been actively hearing the conversation, were horrified. Luffy didn't waste a second and hit Aokiji with his staff. The staff hit Aokiji's ice body, which broke and fell into pieces.


"He really is a Logia."

"Ken.. Ken.. Are you hearing me?" Zoro shouted as he came forward to protect his body. Aokiji, who had been broken down, saw the ice blocks come together again and slowly form his body again. Sanji had fire ignited in his feet, Ussop was ready with his bow, and Luffy pointed his staff at Aokiji.

Even Nami and others came forward. Chopper was looking distressedly at Iced Ken, trying to search for life signs.

"Ken, please tell me you are okay. Ken.. Guys we will have to take the body away.." Chopper said.

"I can apparate to the ship," Nami said.

"No, the stretch of the apparation will destroy the body." Chopper refused.

Everybody had an ugly face, as they didn't know what would happen. The ones who had Haki knew that Ken was alive, as they could sense his life. In fact, as if to prove his life was fine, the ice on his body cracked.

The crack made the girls panic. But in the next second, the cracks expanded, and Ken was out of the ice. He didn't look flustered or affected by the cold after coming out. Aokiji was also surprised when he saw Ken come out of the crack with no harm.

He was sure that Ken didn't use any kind of haki before he was frozen. So how come he was fine? Of course, it was because he had the body of Thor. It was probably the most powerful body in the world. Even Kaido's body would fail in front of him.

A body that could take the heat of a star couldn't be affected by a simple ice formation made by a human. Aokiji hasn't reached that point of power and probably never will.

"Ototototo... I hurt you where it hurts the most." Ken sarcastically said.

"Punisher Ken, Straw Hat Luffy... You both are really more dangerous than I thought. I can't just leave you. You both need to come with me." Aokiji said.

"Shinra Tensei."

Without any warning, Ken used the Almighty Push, and the power he used in this move was too much. Nobody in the world was immune to this move. Aokiji got lifted off his feet and was blasted away. And the distance was not just a few meters. He was directly pushed 10 kilometers away with incredible force.

Aokiji had seen the move with his haki, but knowing the move was coming and retaliating against it was a different case altogether. He couldn't stop the force and land in the sea. It was good that he had an ice logia, or else he might have fallen into the sea.

Of course, he had the Navy's six styles, but how long could he stay in the air?

"Ken. That was awesome."

"Sugoi Ken, he defeated an admiral. Hahaha."

But Zoro and others with Haki were serious. They knew that this wasn't over. They had felt that the water had frozen, and he was traveling through the ice towards them at incredible speed. Ussop flew high in the air and started launching arrows. The arrows traveled and formed an arc through the air before falling on the frozen ice.

The arrows made a hole in the ice, but this wasn't enough. The arrows were supposed to hit Aokiji, but his observation of Haki was too strong for him to get hit.

"What happened? Didn't you just defeat him?" Nami asked.

Chopper and Vivi were also confused, but neither of them got a reply.

"Luffy, we can't fight. We can only send him away." Ken said. Luffy clenched his teeth in anger. This was probably the first time he felt that there was no way out. He had seen the ice formation, and if it had been him in his place, he would have been in grave danger.

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