Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 16: The Device

Chapter 16: The Device

[City Center]

Nexus city's downtown. A place where life could be felt in every hour of a day. People walked in and out of the stores to buy a different kind of things like Soul Creatures, Energy Crystals, unique devices, or some simple things like food, drink, or clothing.

After the PGF ended, Joe and Greg walked in the main street and watched as people were busy with their own life.

"So... What is this object you want to buy?", asked Greg curiously.

"Did you ever heard about the Soul Watch or the Soul Analysing Device known as SAD?"

Hearing the question, Greg just shook his head.

"It's a newly invented invention. It's a watch, which can determine your rank, ability, different power levels, your different Soul Creatures hidden abilities, and how many energy crystals did you consume. As you may now after you consume crystals or gain new Soul Creatures there is some information popping up in your head, however, what their ability are or how many energy crystals you consumed, it's unknown."

Listening to Joe's explanation, Greg was in awe.

"Does a device like this really exists? And it's for free?"

Joe shook his head and said, "No, not really. This device really exists, however, it has two types. There is the free one, which can determine only your data and how many energy crystals you did consume. On the other hand, the other one, which is for money, can measure everything about you, your Soul Creatures and your Soul Stone."

"So the free one is like a beta edition or a prototype yes?"

"Well, yeah, you can look at it that way."

As the two were talking, they slowly arrived before a huge store. It was a black building with two words made out of white steel atop it.

'Soul Watch'

After Greg looked at the building from outside for a moment, he followed Joe inside.

"Good afternoon dear customers. How can I be your help?"

Greg looked where the voice came from and there he saw a woman in a very attractive outfit.

Her nut-brown hair with those beautiful slender legs could make any men fall for her in seconds.

Joe smiled at her and said, "Hello, my name is Joseph Dia and here next to me, he is Greg Hyde. We came to look at the new soul watches."

Hearing the Dia family's name, the woman looked surprised and started to talk more respectfully towards Joe.

"Sure, it's my pleasure to help you. Please follow me."

The two followed the woman and walked into a small room. When they stepped inside, they saw different kinds of watches hovering in the air, above the tables.

There were triangle-shaped ones, cube-shaped ones, and even circular ones. Also, they were in different colors too.

"Here you can find our fresh new watches. They were invented for the sole purpose to help the Guardian's owner understand their own powers and abilities a level deeper than before. There are two extra programs installed in them. One can determine the owner's creature's hidden abilities, while the other one can show the wearer's power levels. And I don't mean about your rank or like that. No, I mean, the new watch can measure your body's current level, like physical power, speed, agility, and stamina."

Listening to the woman's speech, Greg heard the exact same things that Joe just told him before.

"So, dear customers, please go have a look and choose one for your taste."

Joe and Greg started to look around, searching for an ideal one they liked.

After a few minutes of looking around, Joe pointed to one before him and asked, "How much is this please?"

The woman walked next to Joe and seeing the watch, which was circular in shape with a light golden color, her eyes flashed with excitement and said, "This one is a really good choice, Sir. It's made out of dimensional ore, which has really high durability, has a really smooth touch and their functioning speed are top-notch. It's only 10 golden coins altogether with some bonuses too."

Greg on the side, after hearing the price, almost choked and thought, "T-ten golden coins?! It's almost as much as I work for half a year! It's daylight robbery!"

Hearing the price Joe nodded and said with a smile, "Then I will take this one please."

"Sure, we will be wrapping it up for you in a moment. And for the other costumer? Which one will it be?", asked the woman excitedly, hoping Greg will choose the same one too.

However, Greg didn't want one with a high price like that. It was too expensive for him! He could even live for half a year with that much money.

Seeing Greg's hesitation, Joe said, "If you want, I can buy one for you."

Hearing Joe's offer, Greg just shook his head and asked the woman.

"May I ask, which one here is the cheapest one?"

Hearing Greg's question, the woman looked disappointed a bit and pointed to the corner, while saying, "Those there all have a price around 1 golden coin. However, they are made from normal earth metal, which makes their durability, lifespan, and function speed much lower than the others."

After hearing this, Greg was delighted and walked where the woman pointed. There he looked around and a while later he found one too, which he liked. It was a normal-looking circular watch with a snow-white color.

Greg pointed at it and said with a smile, "I will take this one then."

"Sure, please go out and wait for a bit. I will bring them out in a moment."

After the two went out, they sat down in the hallway and started to talk with each other. As time went by, the woman came out with two boxes in her hands. One with a golden color and one with white color.

She put them down on the table and said with a smile, "Then the golden one will be 10 golden coins, while the white one will be just 1."

Greg and Joe, after paying, left the store.

As they walked on the street, suddenly Joe's phone rang, so he picked it up. After talking to someone, he put it down, looked at Greg, and said with a sigh, "Thank you for coming with me, but sorry I have an urgent matter to do, so I need to go."

"Sure, no problem at all. Then see you tomorrow."

With a smile, Greg said goodbye to Joe and started to walk home alone.

When he got home, he opened the box and took out the white watch. He put it on his left wrist and pressed the start button on it.

In an instant, a strange power went through him making him shiver a little bit. However, that feeling went away after a few seconds.

"Analysing DNA... Analyzing Soul... Analyzing successful, please enter your name."

Greg looked surprised as a robotic voice started to talk to him.

"Amazing. Let's enter my name then."

After he entered his name, the robotic voice sounded again, "Name entered... Please wait a moment..."

A while later, a small hologram appeared above the watch with different data.

{Name: Greg Hyde}

Rank: Awakened

Soul Stone: Black

Guardian Name: Unknown

Guardian's Power: 6 Elements

- Physical power: 4/10

- Body Speed: 5/10

- Stamina: 8/10

- Agility: 7/10

Soul Creatures: 2 (Information)

Energy Crystals: 50/100


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