Jin Wang Dotes on His Concubine

Chapter 215.1

Chapter 215.1

Sure enough, as Consort Yong expected, it wasn’t long before a message arrived from the palace, instructing Yong Wang Manor not to delay the education of the two young masters.

This was merely a formality, as both parties understood the underlying meaning. Consort Yong shed tears in accordance with tradition, lamenting her own and her two children’s unfortunate fate, praising the leniency of Emperor Jin’an and expressing her gratitude. From that day on, Jing Ge’er and Shan Ge’er resumed their daily visits to the palace for their studies, just as they had done before.

Meanwhile, Consort Yong’s side returned to silence, as if her heart had turned to ashes, disappearing from the public eye.

This was an exchange, understood by both Emperor Jin’an and Consort Yong.

But this path was one she had chosen herself, and Consort Yong was acutely aware that she had deeply offended Emperor Jin’an in the past. If she didn’t let him vent his anger, Yong Wang Manor would never see better days. Yong Wang’s death marked the end of a part of their grievances, and her withdrawal from the public eye further emphasized the stance of Yong Wang Manor.

While she might not be able to do much, she could at least prevent Emperor Jin’an from venting his anger on her two children.

This was the only path that Yong Wang Manor could take now.

As Emperor Jin’an had said, intelligent people would choose to submit willingly, and the imperial family has never lacked clever individuals. Even the aloof Lu Wang was now dealing with Qing Wang, making his presence obvious before Emperor Jin’an, and then the two young masters of Yong Wang Manor resumed their studies at the palace. The implications of these actions were profound. Seeing this, others couldn’t remain idle, employing various methods to assert themselves.

It was truly astonishing how circumstances changed. Once brothers, they now stood as a ruler and subjects, forced to cater and please the other. Each family harboured mixed feelings, but as Emperor Jin’an had said, they couldn’t stir up much of a storm anymore.

Another spring arrived, and Yu Chan entered from outside, noticing Hong Chou whispering something to the empress in her ear.

Upon seeing her enter, they fell silent, their eyes carrying a teasing smile as they looked at her. Her face reddened a bit, but she pretended as if nothing was amiss.

Using an excuse, Hong Chou left the room. Yaoniang picked up her teacup and sipped, her eyes unintentionally glancing at Yu Chan.

Yu Chan felt uneasy under her gaze and thought of finding an excuse to leave, but before she could speak, Yaoniang asked, “How long do you intend to keep An Shiyi waiting?”

Hearing this, Yu Chan felt a surge of embarrassment.

“Niangniang, what are you talking about?” She tried to feign ignorance.

Yaoniang smiled and said, “Alright, don’t pretend. An Shiyi comes to see you every day disguised as a eunuch. Do you really think bengong is unaware?”

Yu Chan struggled to find words and felt a little annoyed at An Shiyi.

She couldn’t help but blame him. If he hadn’t kept coming to the Kunning Palace, the empress wouldn’t have found out about this. She had lost all face now.

“You’re not young anymore. Bengong has been thinking about arranging your marriage. You and An Shiyi are a suitable match, sparing me the worry. Bengong will discuss this with His Majesty in the coming days and reward both of you, so you can get married with peace of mind.”

“Niangniang, I…”

“What’s wrong?”

Yu Chan hesitated for a moment and stuttered, “This servant doesn’t want to get married. This servant wants to serve by your side for a lifetime.”

Yaoniang smiled and put down her teacup, saying, “Alright, stop trying to fool me. Time flies, and you can’t keep An Shiyi waiting forever. You’ve been by my side for years; bengong doesn’t want to be the villain who separates you two. Not only you, but bengong will also take care of Hong Chou and the others. You were among the first to serve me, but bengong can’t bear to keep you all around forever.”

With the matter settled, Yaoniang quickly informed Emperor Jin’an.

The matter between An Shiyi and Yu Chan was no secret to anyone, and it was only a matter of time until they officially revealed it and got married.

An Shiyi quickly switched from working in the dark to the light and was promoted to the position of Deputy Commander of the Imperial Guard, and Yu Chan became the Commander’s wife. Their wedding day was grand, attracting attention from all around. Everyone thought that marrying the empress’s personal maid was an exceptional stroke of luck.

Unfortunately, many didn’t recognize An Shiyi; they commented that he had unbelievable luck, marrying into the empress’s circle. What they didn’t know was that ever since Emperor Jin’an ascended the throne, those by his side had risen significantly. Each had their duties, either in the court or governing a region. An Shiyi should have been rewarded long ago, but he had been waiting quietly for Yu Chan’s sake, desiring a legitimate status to be with her.

Leaving aside these matters, as Kunning Palace was immersed in joy, a sudden event occurred.

This event was related to the Yao Family, or more accurately, the Li family.

Since Yaoniang’s ascent to the empress’s position, the Yao and Su Families experienced a drastic change in their social status. To avoid causing trouble for Yaoniang, the Yao and Su Families kept a low profile.

Especially the Su Family, as the imperial family’s in-laws they were in high demand in the capital. To the point that Su Xiucai, who originally planned to continue teaching at the academy, found people bringing their children to him to learn, hoping to gain favour through this connection.

Su Xiucai initially wasn’t aware of this, but one of the children inadvertently mentioned it. After discussing it with his son Su Yucheng, they decided it was better for him to retire and spend his days at home, enjoying the time with his grandchildren. Thus, Su Xiucai left his teaching position, contentedly tending to his birds and educating his three grandsons, leading a content and blissful life.

Su Yucheng was following a similar path. He rejected invitations when he could, and when he couldn’t, he was cautious. He would discuss all these matters with his brother-in-law Yao Cheng too. Throughout history, it was common for the in-laws of the imperial family to cause trouble. They couldn’t forget their roots now that they were prosperous.

Especially at this time, things were not the same as they were before. Yaoniang was now the empress, and Xiaobao was the crown prince. If the Yao and Su Families were to cause trouble, it would mean the trouble is caused by the empress’s brother and the Crown Prince’s uncle. Even trivial matters can stir up ripples, let alone matters of this nature.

Su Yucheng and Yao Cheng have been managing relatively well, along with Lancao and Huiniang. They usually stayed home whenever it was possible and spoke cautiously when they couldn’t avoid going out.

Unfortunately, they forgot about one person – Li-shi.


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