I've Turned Into A Fox Girl?

Chapter 323 No mercy

323  No mercy

My voice echoed throughout the city centre. I have issued my first order and the populace complied, falling to the ground like a tidal wave. n/ô/vel/b//jn dot c//om

However, as I expected, there were some that refused to kneel. Many seemed too malnourished or disillusioned to care who was leading them, yet some could not hide the fury in their eyes. I did offer for them to challenge me if they dared and I hoped that some did, as it would only cement my position as their new ruler. "I see we still have some that deny my authority." Jumping off the platform into the air, I gestured them to move so I could land. The people below me promptly got out of the way and an empty circle was formed right in the middle of the crowd. "You fools who dare to challenge me, come!" By this point, everyone stood back up so they could witness my power in action. The people who did not accept my declaration came forward, forming a group of at least 50 people. If I had to guess the population of this small city, it was at least about 5,000~, so it was quite a sizeable group. "We will never accept your rule! You're just a fake!" "You can't just suddenly appear and take over our home!" "There is no way you would have been able to kill Teivel!" The group shouted their protests, which were honestly fair gripes to have with this sudden change. What shocked me more was how unaffected they were when I released my aura. It should be something that they are all familiar with, an indisputable proof of my blood. 'Ah, I think I might know what is going on.' Taking a closer look at the kitsune that were against me, they all looked quite distraught and possibly homeless. Those must be the outcasts, the ones that are the furthest from our bloodline who are unable to recognise my power. "How can such lowlifes of our bloodline show such disrespect? If you really believe what you are saying, then stop wasting my time and come and fight me at once." This put an end to their protests, although that only gave way to the murmurs of ridicule from the crowd. "I can't believe how arrogant they are."

"Didn't they see the magnificent aura that she showcased?" Hearing the whispers was also indirect confirmation that I was winning over the population. The previously mentioned anti-Elysia group that gritted their teeth in anger, hesitating to take a step forward. They knew they couldn't win against me, and that any further disobedience would likely result in their immediate deaths. However, despite everything, some of them still stepped forward. Although it was clear from their shaking legs that they were terrified to face me. "It isn't too late to kneel." I slowly began to walk towards the group of Kitsune hoping to entice a reaction. "Wooo! Go Queen Elysia!" Alice, who had taken a seat on the wooden platform, cheered for me. Many people turned their heads only to see a tiny girl waving her arms, excited for what's about to happen. "No-" Before I could yell at Alice to stop, suddenly, voices started to emerge from the crowd. "Kill them, Queen Elysia!" "Make them pay!" Surprisingly, many of the kids in the crowd were cheering for me, which was quite morbid as they were wishing death upon someone else. 'Urgh, whatever.' It was just some harmless banter, but it totally ruined the vibe I was going for. My goal was to strike fear in everyone with my presence, but now that had gone out the window. Regardless, I still walked up to the few kitsune that stepped forward to the tune of the chanting of my new cheer squad. "So what are you going to do now~? I hope you don't plan to attack me." I was only a couple metres away from them, giving them the perfect chance to attack. They breathed heavily and gritted through their teeth, trying to debate what they should do. Now so close to my overbearing aura, I could see their will slowly crumble. One by one they fell to their knees, whether they wanted to or not. However, there was one Kitsune who built up the courage to take this opportunity. "AHHHH!!!" It was a female kitsune who had pulled out a knife and started to charge towards me with desperation written all over her face. "Poor thing~." Right before she made any contact, I reached out and grabbed the woman by the face and lifted her up in the air. I then tightened my grip, almost crushing her skull in the process. She weakly let go of her knife, leaving her utterly defenceless against me. Screams echoed out in the city centre, and everyone looked in awe as the woman struggled to bear the pain. She frantically kicked her legs and arms, trying to get me to let go, but it was useless. My strength outscaled anyone here by tenfold, to the point that even if I had let her stab me with the knife, it probably would have bounced right off. My clothes doubled as a thin set of armour, so a low quality knife definitely wouldn't have pierced them. "Now this is what we do to people like you." Funnelling mana into my hand, I instantly set the woman's head ablaze. The flame then spread to her entire body, turning her ash black in a matter of seconds. "Yeah!!! Get the rest of them!" There was a loud round of applause while I was brutally murdering one of my own kind. It was a sickening situation, but it doesn't seem like any of them gave it a second thought. These people were clapping to the death of their own kind, showing no sign of remorse. Taking a glance at these people's faces, they almost look hollow, devoid of any real emotions. 'Their brainwashing is a lot worse than I thought.' I have no idea what Teivel did to get such devotion out of these people, but it was working in my favour. I even checked my system to make sure there wasn't some passive skill I was using unknowingly as a result of taking Alice's power. However, nothing came of it. Put simply these people really were sick in the head. Granted, I am not the most mentally sane person, as Shaman would put it, but at least I can function like a normal person… I think. 'Oh well, they are all going to die in the end, so why am I worrying about the details?' Returning my attention to the anti-Elysia group, I saw that the kitsune in my hand was very much dead now.

At the very least she had stopped moving, which was good enough in my book, so I let her fall to the ground where she continued to burn silently. I licked my lips, savouring the feeling of consuming their life essence and looked at my next few meals. The kitsune that had fallen to their knees knew what was about to happen yet they didn't move a muscle. They were paralysed, capable of nothing but stare at their approaching demise. Some even bent their heads low as if they were begging, but it was too late for them. Not wanting to bend down, I released my flames from under my feet, travelling along the ground until they were underneath each of the kitsune. *click* With a click of my finger, each of the kitsune that were on the ground suddenly burst into flame, screaming in agony. All that was left were the 40 or so Kitsune that had stayed in their little group, too scared to take a single step forward. "So will you kneel for me now~?" Giving them a chance to possibly redeem themselves. They all quickly fell to their knees, understanding that if they didn't, they would die. However, their hope was unwarranted. What they actually did was surrender themselves to their death. "Fools, you should have done this in the first place." The kitsune looked up at me in confusion, but before they registered what had happened, their heads began to fall to the ground. Just like with the other kitsunes, I used their shock as a chance to set up my flames right below each of their heads. Then, on my signal, a blade made out of flames shot up, decapitating them in an instant.

Even outside observers would have had trouble seeing anything as the fire blades were extremely thin. I had concentrated a lot of mana into each one to ensure that every neck would be sliced cleanly. "Novella, clean this up." I had gotten my fill of life force, so I left the rest to Alice, who wouldn't let up an opportunity for fresh blood. "Hehe~ thank you, my queen." Alice flew over swiftly and began to suck the bodies dry of their blood. It was as if she were some kind of vacuum, as the blood in the bodies dried up quickly. As for the crowd that watched eagerly, they all erupted in a massive cheer. Celebrating the deaths of those who denied my inheritance. It almost felt like it was too easy to win them over.

'I can't let my guard down.' "All hail Queen Elysia!" "Queen Elysia! "  

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!


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