I’ve Become a Genius Actor

Chapter 93:

Chapter 93:

"It's nothing serious, just that the writer wants to see your face in person before the shooting, so don't feel pressured," said Director Go Jinho, calling to schedule a second meeting.

This meeting, like the first one, took place in the studio, and this time, many more people were waiting for Yooil than at the first meeting. Director Go Jinho, writer Yoo Jimyeong, and two assistant writers were present.

"No need for a reading this time. We've already seen everything on video," said writer Yoo Jimyeong with a slight smile and a shake of her head.

"Originally, when I sent the script to Yooil, I thought it would be great if he could play the role of Daeoh, a timid but kind-hearted youngest reporter with a romantic line with senior reporter Eunyoung and a clear growth narrative as one of the main characters."

"But Suhyun? I never even considered that."

"Right, right."

"But after seeing the video, I couldn't argue against it."

Writer Yoo Jimyeong's playful face sparkled with sharpness.

"Yooil you were really good. Better than I had imagined."


"Today, I really just wanted to see your face."

Then, writer Yoo Jimyeong took out a proposal from among the papers on the table, one that Yooil had filled with numerous notes.

"To be honest, it felt like I was hit on the head when I saw this."

Writer Yoo Jimyeong spoke earnestly, and the assistant writers next to him nodded in agreement.

I didn't expect such a reaction.'

mbarrassment appeared on Yooil's face.

"So, after discussing with the director there might be more script revisions before the shooting. I thought you should know."

"Revisions? Are there going to be significant changes?"

"Yes. A bit."

Writer Yoo Jimyeong's monolid eyes stared straight at Yooil.

"The part of Suhyun' that you are playing is likely to get bigger. A lot bigger."


At that point, with a month left before the crank-in of "Shadows of Faith," the final casting was concluded with Yooil's casting confirmed.

* * *

A week later, Han Yooil was at the company. The employees of JJ Entertainment were seated around him with serious faces, and among them was Director Jang Jaeyi, looking pleased as she gazed at Yooil.


Just then, Yooil had heard something unexpected.

"An offline fan meeting?"

When Yooil asked back with a slightly surprised look, Director Jang Jaeyi spoke up.

"Yes. It's been delayed more than we expected, right?"

A fan meeting.

The staff in charge of planning started explaining one by one, taking out the planning documents.

"We're adjusting the schedule between the end of this year and early next year. We're expecting about 1,000 attendees, and we're in contact with Yeonseo University's Grand Theater and Miri Art Center."

They've prepared a lot.'

The scale was bigger than Yooil had imagined. Reading through the event planning documents he had received, Yooil furrowed his brow for a moment.

But why is there a mukbang in the event content?'

It seemed that Director Jang Jaeyi was deeply impressed by Yooil's live broadcast.

"Feel free to mention any additional events or ideas you want to include, Yooil."

With that, the simple meeting concluded.

However, Han Yooil had his own concerns.

Will that many people really come?'

Online access is easy, but offline is different. People with their own busy lives have to dedicate an entire day just to see him.

I better prepare properly.'

With that firm resolve, Yooil headed to the basement. Soon, the practice room surrounded by mirrors appeared. It had been quite some time since he last visited the practice room after starting background acting.

Min Woojin had gone out for a while, leaving him some free time.

Yooil thought while doing some simple stretching.

Maybe I should try background acting.'

I wouldn't recommend it right now, Yooil.

As soon as Brion finished speaking, the door to the practice room swung open.

That's why you advised against it.'

Yooil turned his head. The person who entered the practice room was Kim Suna.

After exchanging brief greetings, they sat side by side in the corner and drank canned coffee brought by a staff member.

Kim Suna's hair was much shorter than the last time he saw her. The straight hair that had covered her back was now neatly cut around her jawline, giving her a more mature vibe than the previous cute image.

"Your hair suits you, senior."

"Thank you. I cut it for this role."

Kim Suna touched her hair and added.

"You know, right? Eunyoung."

Yooil nodded. Of course, he knew.

The character he had thought of for Kim Suna while reading "Shadows of Faith" was precisely Eunyoung.'

Kim Suna, tapping the can of coffee as if contemplating, slowly opened her mouth.

"I heard. You recommended me directly to the director."

At her words, Yooil gave an embarrassed smile.

* * *

A week earlier, at the second meeting with writer Yoo Jimyeong and director Go Jinho.

As the meeting was about to conclude, Director Go Jinho asked Yooil a question.

"Just speak comfortably. I'm just curious about your opinion, Yooil."

His question was about other characters besides Suhyun, namely Daeoh and Eunyoung, and whether there were any suitable actors for those roles. Since the two actors who were almost confirmed had dropped out due to movie filming, they were in need of finding replacements.

Yooil readily gave the answer he had in mind.

"Oh Kim Suna and Park Younghyun?"

"Never really thought of those two~?"

Director Go and writer Yoo Jimyeong exchanged meaningful glances.

It wasn't long before he realized that their exchange had a positive meaning. The very next day, he heard that Kim Suna and Park Younghyun had meetings with Director Go.

And the subsequent events unfolded faster than he had anticipated.

Shadows of Faith' Season 2 Casting Confirmed Han Yooil, Park Younghyun, Kim Suna to Reunite?

Shadows of Faith' Season 2 Casting Complete Crank-in Scheduled for Late November

Thanks to the successful completion of Season 1, Shadows of Faith' had a solid fan base, and the announcement of the completed casting elicited a warm response.

"Shadows of Faith" casting is complete

[They're entering filming soon, yeah]

Wow, finally they're shooting season 2

I haven't watched season 1, is it good?

Yeah, it's really good

Watch season 1 before season 2 airs

Wow, are the Saetbyeolz for real?

The combination of their acting skills is solid

Awesome, I really enjoyed "Shadows of Faith" season 1

I hope it doesn't go off the rails

The same director and writer, so it should be fine, right?

Even though the season 1 main characters were not returning, the response was favorable. The direction and screenplay of season 1 had received good reviews and were among the successful series on Newblix, so there was more anticipation than worry overall.

"I did mention it to the director, but I didn't recommend you just because we're from the same company," Yooil told Kim Suna, who replied with a small smile.

"I know."

Her voice was barely audible as she added softly,

"That makes me even more grateful."

Kim Suna downed her can of Americano in one shot, squinted her eyes, and spoke.

"I'll just speak honestly. I was conflicted, but I just couldn't figure out how to say it."

Yooil looked at her, not understanding the context. She bit her lip before speaking.

"I also want to be of help."

"To me, senior?"

Yooil's eyes wavered.

Could it be because of that incident back then?'

It had been quite some time since Kim Suna transferred to another agency, so Yooil hadn't thought she would still be dwelling on past events.

Before Yooil could say anything, Kim Suna was quicker.



"Your health it's not good, is it?"

It was not a question, but a statement filled with certainty. Yooil blinked in surprise, his face revealing his confusion.

"The reason you haven't been coming to the practice room lately is also because of that."


"You don't have to say it. I know you don't want to make it obvious."

"But I'm not"

"Just make sure to keep it a secret from others, that's all I ask."

Kim Suna looked at Yooil earnestly.

"Yooil you can survive this, right?"

It seemed like a massive misunderstanding had occurred.

Nevertheless, that day Kim Suna promised not to tell anyone about it.

That's not a bad proposition.

I'm not sure.'

Yooil drank the rest of his canned coffee with a complicated mind.

For now, preparing for the shooting was the priority.

* * *

Meanwhile, as Yooil was about to start filming for the first time for "Shadows of Faith," exciting news for Han Yooil's fans hit the news portals.

Blue Dragon Film Awards nominees announced The Mysterious Garden' leads with nominations in 10 categories

Han Yooil up for Best New Actor with The Last Diner' and The Mysterious Garden' Proving to be a Comet Newcomer'

Han Yooil VS An Heeseong, both nominated for the Blue Dragon Best New Actor'

Who will shine at the year-end Blue Dragon Film Awards?

Han Yooil's participation in two films garnered nominations in several categories, including Best Film, Best Screenplay, and Best New Actor, totaling 10 nominations.

This is crazy

Wow, The Mysterious Garden' nominated in the most categories

The nominees this time are really strong

Why was Jinhee left out??????

Still many screenings left, probably postponed to next year

About Han Yooil this time

[Could he win Best New Actor?]

Totally possible

Among peers, his performance was probably the best, right?

The nominees are strong, but he has a chance

"Yeah, it's possible~!"

Min Woojin was looking at his phone with a pleased expression, having recently discovered the joy of monitoring.

However, Woojin's pleasure was short-lived as he stumbled upon an unexpected post.


His expression soured in an instant.

It was the recently re-publicized ShaStar account of an actor who had gone private for a month.

[@strong_sung77 This is Kang Hyesung. I apologize for the disappointment caused by recent unfortunate events. I have taken this time to reflect deeply and apologize to those around me. I will strive to be a more thoughtful and responsible actor in the future. I am sorry.]

Oh, is he planning a comeback?

Nope, fallen star~

Hyesung, I love you, waiting for you!!!!

He's a good actor, but even if he returns, I don't think I can like him as before..

"What are you looking at, bro?"

Caught off guard by Han Yooil's timely entrance, Woojin couldn't hide his phone screen and froze.

Woojin glanced at Yooil, trying to gauge his reaction.

"Yooil are you okay?"

Woojin was visibly uneasy, but in reality, Han Yooil had no thoughts on the matter.

He was too busy living day by day as an actor, not to mention that school hadn't even finished yet. Whenever he didn't have a schedule, catching up on piled-up online lectures was a challenge.

Simply put, he didn't have time to think about Kang Hyesung.

Though there are some regrettable aspects.'

* * *

As time swiftly passed with both significant and minor events, the first filming day for "Shadows of Faith" arrived.

While waiting for filming and getting his makeup touched up, Yooil heard unexpected news.


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