I’ve Become a Genius Actor

Chapter 82:

Chapter 82:

The Sun and the Moon,' a fusion fantasy drama set in a fictional Joseon era, clearly states that it's unrelated to historical facts and purely a work of fiction, as indicated by the white text swiftly passing across the screen. The drama opens with a scene of the king receiving a report from the Chief State Councilor, his face laden with meaning, bathed in the blue dawn light of the palace.

The scenes swiftly transition.

The princes studying at the Royal Academy are shown, with a close-up of Lee Bin's face, his eyebrows furrowed.

Yoo Dohwa, reading a thick book in his room, suddenly opens the door and dashes out.

The direction is certainly smooth.'

Director Do Junhwan had once led a wave of romantic historical dramas with a series about the romance between King Jeongjo and Queen Heebin. This opening, too, showcased his finesse in delicate direction, a signature of his work.

The friends, quietly watching the opening, became noisy as the drama progressed to the middle.

"Look! He's there!"

Yoo Kwon appears on screen, wielding not a wooden, but a gleaming real sword, slicing through a tree.

Mouths agape, the classmates watched as Yoo Kwon, in a white robe, seemed to dance with his sword.


The Sun and the Moon' was a well-known webtoon, even among those who didn't read webtoons. Naturally, his classmates, lovers of stories of all genres, had all been fans of The Sun and the Moon.'

Though they didn't show it, everyone was worried when they heard that Han Yooil was taking on the character of Yoo Kwon.

Because they cared, they knew more.

But their worries melted away like snow on a summer sports field at Yooil's first scene. Where there was worry, now only pure admiration filled the space.

The living room erupted into noise as soon as Yoo Kwon's entrance scene ended.

"Those eyes, oh my God! Crazy, right?!"

"Wow man, even guys would fall for him"

"Amazing. This is insane."

Han Yooil's classmates, regardless of his presence, started pouring out sincere exclamations.

I remember the atmosphere on the set was good.'

Director Do Junhwan even whistled after calling cut. Yooil thought his reaction was just to boost morale.

It seems better edited than I thought.'

Yooil munched on tteokbokki, letting his friends' flattery go in one ear and out the other.

While dissecting the drama's adaptation and character modifications, the friends became quiet again as the drama approached its latter half.

Older brother.

At Yoo Dohwa's voice, Yoo Kwon's face visibly softened.

What is it?

Well brother. May I borrow your black hat just once?

It seems the number one' has no end for you.

Seeing Dohwa's sullen face, Yoo Kwon chuckled, then untied the string of his black hat.

Soon, the sparkling black hat was in Dohwa's hands. She hugged it with a giggle.

I'll use it carefully, older brother!

What are you planning to do this time?

Instead of answering, Yoo Dohwa just gave a lovely smile.

Yoo Kwon's expression visibly relaxed, watching Dohwa.

Yoo Dohwa was quite the mischievous one.

Once curious, she never gave up. Knowing this, Yoo Jungmo handed her a copy of a shijang (a kind of forensic statement written after inspecting a corpse), piquing her interest.

But Dohwa's curiosity didn't stop there.

She wanted to verify things for herself.

That's why she, disguised as a man, appeared by the graves late at night.

Busy with her monologue, Dohwa is quickly discovered in her disguise.

Lee Bin, who almost mistook Dohwa for a ghost in a black hat, calms his startled heart and speaks.

What could a woman be doing out here at this late hour?

At Lee Bin's absurd question, his bodyguard narrows his eyes towards Yoo Dohwa.

From what I can see, it looks like she's digging something up.

Dohwa is in the midst of unearthing an item necessary for an autopsy, but to Lee Bin, the behavior seems suspiciously conspicuous to ignore.

Approaching this strange woman, Lee Bin finds himself entangled in an unexpected situation.


Seeing Lee Bin approach, Dohwa is startled and nearly falls, but Lee Bin, reflexively, catches her from behind.

A scene that could be a clich in a romance.


A sweet scent brushes his nose.

A youthful face and sparkling eyes capture his gaze.

Lee Bin's heart starts racing as he holds the unexpected visitor in his arms.

As Lee Bin is flustered by these new feelings, Yoo Kwon, who had followed Dohwa, discovers her and Lee Bin.


At the unfamiliar voice, she turns her head, and a man hidden in the shadows becomes visible.

Lee Bin and his bodyguard try to discern his face, but Yoo Kwon's features blend into the darkness.

Dohwa, with widened eyes, stares intently at Yoo Kwon.

Oh, brother how did you come here?

Still in shock, Lee Bin only then realizes the woman has left his embrace.

I lent my black hat to my only sister, so it's my responsibility to look after her.

Dohwa knows. Yoo Kwon's voice is much colder than usual.

He is displeased.'

Yoo Kwon watches Dohwa tentatively approach him.

[Whatever I desire, I obtain.]

That's how he has lived his life.

When he caught the eye of Yoo Jungmo during a war and became his adopted son.

When he approached Prince Im Yeon, pretending to be a frivolous man outside the palace.

Every moment went according to his calculations.

The only existence outside his calculations in his life was one.

Yoo Dohwa.'

His sister, not related by blood.

But it was fine. Having a young sister was somewhat pleasant.

Her occasional oddity was amusing, and her distinctness from other young ladies was intriguing.

However, it was far from pleasant to see his sister giving her attention to another man.

Are you hurt anywhere?

I am fine

While supporting his sister and turning to walk away, he turns his head towards Lee Bin.

Though his face is still hidden, his piercing gaze is unmistakable.

I apologize for the rudeness at this late hour.

To an onlooker, he might seem like a caring older brother concerned for his sister.

But Lee Bin clearly perceives the kind of gaze he is under.


A cold, cutting gaze sweeps over him.

In the future, this will not happen again.

It was a definite warning.

A harsh warning directed at Lee Bin.

* * *

Kim Jinwoo's tteokbokki fell off his fork with a plop, but nobody bothered to clean the red stain on the floor.

"It was riveting."

Kim Jinwoo muttered.

Even after the drama had ended, the friends chatted animatedly until nearly midnight before they started leaving one by one.

- The Sun and the Moon' is insane

[The moment the first episode ended, I knew this is a masterpiece]

Please keep it up like this

Truly, the direction, acting, visual beauty, and music are all flawless

It's surprisingly faithful to the original I love it

I haven't read the webtoon, is Yoo Kwon always like that in the original?

[Really cold and those crazy eyes but I love it]


His nickname during serialization was Cold but Handsome Crazy Guy' and Samdolsa'

What's Samdolsa?

A guy who's 359 degrees crazy


I told you it's the critics who know

[Where did all those who criticized go Feels so good]

Seriously, where did all those who disliked the casting go?

Ah, it's thrilling~

Han Yooil is perfect for the role

He really acts well

Given the high interest in The Sun and the Moon', there were significantly more posts about it on community forums than other dramas.

The Sun and the Moon' Han Yooil's intense first appearance His cold gaze captures attention

The Sun and the Moon' Han Yooil, "Shouldn't I be responsible?" K-brother coming to catch Lee Bohee

The Sun and the Moon' Kang Hyesung X Lee Bohee's thrilling encounter Heart-fluttering'

Isn't Lee Bin the male lead? My younger sibling keeps calling Han Yooil the male lead and we argued about it;

His first appearance was indeed intense

Shouldn't I be responsible.. rollthump..Shouldn't I be responsible.. rollthump..Shouldn't I be responsible.. rollthump..

The reaction to the second episode aired the next day was even hotter.

The Sun and the Moon' Han Yooil overpowering Lee Bin with a sword An ominous relationship

Han Yooil, a meaningful smile about the epidemic spreading through Joseon "Is that true?"

The Sun and the Moon' Episode 2 ratings 7.1% showing an upward trend

Wait, so Yoo Kwon was eyeing the position of Yoo Jungmo's adopted son from the start?;; Extraordinary from the start

Damn, he even approached Prince Im Yeon on purpose

Basically Yoo Kwon is playing everyone;;

The wooden sword scene was insane Screamed out loud

Episodes 3 and 4 began showing the onset of the epidemic.

An epidemic of unknown origin and cause. Those infected oozed pus from all over their bodies and coughed up blood-mixed phlegm, leading to death within a month.

Lee Bin, with the king's permission, decides to investigate the epidemic with the medical officers. There, he once again encounters Yoo Dohwa, disguised as a man.

Despite frequent posts pointing out the improbability of a young lady from a noble house disguising herself as a man in the Joseon era, the drama's faithfulness to the original work and its setting in a fictional Joseon provided a good shield.

"Why are you going to such lengths?" Lee Bin asks, to which Yoo Dohwa, her eyes sparkling, replies.

"I adhere to the principle stated in the Book of Changes: Respect leads to sincerity of the heart, and righteousness leads to the properness of action.' This is my righteousness.'"

Lee Bin is taken aback by words he did not expect to hear from a woman. And in that moment, he realizes his feelings for Dohwa.

Despite the main couple steadily building their narrative, the ratings did not rise as expected.

Question about episodes 3 and 4 of The Sun and the Moon'

[Was Yoo Kwon's screen time always this scarce? Why is he not appearing?]

There's a gap in the original work too

Yoo Kwon's character is all about extracting value from limited screen time

True, when Yoo Kwon appears, you have to pay full attention;

Haha.. it's funny but not funny

Honestly, about The Sun and the Moon'

[Kang Hyesung and Lee Bohee look great together, but why do I keep feeling something's missing? I wouldn't mind more screen time for Yoo Kwon..]

Can't help it

Increasing his screen time would break away from the original

Yeah.. Yoo Kwon's character itself is like dopamine..

Dopamine agreed

The turning point of the story comes when Yoo Dohwa shields herself from the blood-mixed phlegm coughed up by an epidemic patient.

Both Lee Bin and Yoo Kwon witness this shocking scene and are greatly disturbed.

Knowing the epidemic spreads through mere contact, Dohwa believes she has contracted the disease.

Lee Bin and Yoo Kwon spend the night guarding Dohwa, who has isolated herself in a hut.

Miss Yoo's older brother is you.

Yes, it is.

Lee Bin narrows his eyes at Yoo Kwon, who has suddenly formalized his speech.

How long have you known?

Not for very long. Had I known, I would not have handed over the wooden sword, Your Highness.

In the dark and unsettling night, a cunning exchange of truth and deception takes place.

The only time their hearts align is when wishing for Dohwa's safety.

While Yoo Kwon briefly leaves, Lee Bin hums a soft tune, allowing Dohwa to fall asleep to the melody.

And the next morning.


Dohwa wakes up perfectly healthy.

Are you truly alright?!

If there is even a slight discomfort, please tell me.

I'm really fine. In fact, I slept well and woke up feeling refreshed.

Seeing Dohwa's clear face, both Lee Bin and Yoo Kwon come to a realization.

In the face of the epidemic that leads to a dreadful fate for everyone, young or old, Dohwa alone seems to be immune.


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