I’ve Become a Genius Actor

Chapter 63:

Chapter 63:

Just as you practiced, Mr. Yooil.

Yooil sat down, listening to the voice of Brion.

After everything about Kim Suna had wrapped up, Yooil watched Kim Soobong's "Jinhee" once more.

He realized anew that it was a masterpiece, perfectly harmonizing direction, sound, and acting.

It's still good even when watched again.'

In fact, there was a reason Yooil watched "Jinhee" again.

I'll give you a mission. Think of an image that can concretely represent the character Kiwoon'. Anything is fine.

Director Won Heesu had added this when announcing the casting news.

I said okay, but'

It was a statement that still felt vague to him.

While Yooil was quietly watching the rolling credits, Brion spoke to him.

In this case, the concept of psychological gesture' by Michael Chekhov might be helpful.

Michael Chekhov?'

Yooil knew the playwright Chekhov but had never heard of Michael.

Michael Chekhov was a Russian-American actor, writer, and director, a nephew of Anton Chekhov and a favored student of Stanislavski.

Brion continued quickly.

A psychological gesture is an invisible potential gesture' intended to evoke an actor's actions, not an actual gesture shown to the audience.

It's kind of complicated.'

Yet, the explanation that Brion continued with felt just as complex.

Imagine and concentrate on the events and characters of the play, expressing what the character desires and aims for in the simplest, archetypal action through the unfolding image in front of you. Nouns or abstract concepts, images, can also be the nature of an action.

So, encapsulate the character's desire and goal in one gesture?'

Exactly. For instance, when he played Ivan the Terrible', he imagined acting as a giant bird flying with one wing broken.

It was still difficult, but Yooil felt he roughly understood the idea.

Let's give it a try.'

Yooil slowly moved his body.

First, you have to choose the archetype' of the psychological gesture.

If it's Kiwoon, then'

Strength gradually entered the tips of Yooil's straight fingers.

His delicately moving fingertips moved. He stretched out his hand as if he was about to pull someone up any moment.

And then he slowly pulled.

So that the stiff counterpart could come towards him.

As if pulling someone out of a harmless swamp, someone who is scared.

That was a good attempt.

At Brion's words, Yooil bit his lip.

I'll try again.'

* * *

Maybe it was because last night's practice ran long. His eyelids were heavier than usual.

Brion. That effect.'

Starting the awakening effect.

After a chilling sensation hit his body, making him shiver, Yooil looked at the script with a clear mind.

"Oh, Mr. Yooil~"

It wasn't long before Director Won Heesu entered the meeting room with a bright face and spoke to Yooil.

"It seems like your features have become more striking, seeing you after a long time?"

"No, not at all."

"Too much modesty isn't cool either. Be moderate, just moderate."

Then, the assistant director, after receiving a phone call, discreetly informed Director Won.

"Director, actor Gu Ilhwan has arrived. And actress Seo Hyunju will be here in 5 minutes as well."

"Oh, really? Good. Let's get ready quickly."

Soon after, the meeting room door opened.

Gu Ilhwan, dressed in a top from a famous grey golf clothing brand and black pants, entered.

Even in his 60s, Gu Ilhwan was an actor who consistently appeared across various media. In "Jinhee," he was slated to play Jinhee's ill husband.

"Hello, senior."

Yooil quickly stood up and greeted him, and the actor responded with a kind smile and a gesture to sit.

A few minutes later, the door opened again.


Instantly, the atmosphere in the meeting room changed.

"Nice to meet you."

A soft yet strong bass voice filled the room.

Seo Hyunju is an actress in her mid-20s, who had dominated the commercial industry with the tagline a woman like a glass bead'.

Yooil was aware of her. After all, the commercial was legendary.

Seo Hyunju. An actress in her 40s with the most diverse filmography among her peers.

She walked in, dressed in a deep pink blouse and black slacks, smoothing her neatly arranged bob hair.

Seated, Seo Hyunju intently gazed at Yooil.

That kid, huh.'

The first emotion she felt when she heard the news of Han Yooil's casting was curiosity.

It might also be because she had recently binged "The Missing Case of Saetbyeol High."

Has it only been 2 years since his debut?'

Considering the works Han Yooil had done so far, it was remarkable. For a newcomer, such a filmography was unheard of.

Her agency had worried about the age of the co-actor, but from the beginning, Seo Hyunju didn't care about that. After all, acting was what mattered.

I just hope he doesn't disappoint.'

Then, Director Won Heesu stood up.

After a brief round of introductions, Director Won opened his mouth with a playful expression.

"Until the crank-in, the casting is completely confidential~ I trust everyone knows that? If this leaks, I'll chase it to the end, you know?"

And then, the reading for "Jinhee" began.

* * *

"Please don't cry, Miss Jinhee."

On one side, someone cried desperately, tears reddening their eyes,

"I'm asking you. Don't call my name."

While the other spoke with a cold voice, struggling to hold back tears.

What the?'

The assistant director blinked in confusion. Glancing over, even Director Won Heesu seemed taken aback.

To take a reading this far?'

This was the first time they had seen a reading session like this.

Especially for an actress of Seo Hyunju's caliber to be this passionate in a reading even more so.

Gu Ilhwan's profound acting anchored the scene, while Han Yooil and Seo Hyunju passionately exchanged lines between them. It felt more like witnessing a theater rehearsal than a simple reading.

It's strange. It certainly didn't feel like this atmosphere at the beginning'

The assistant director furrowed their brows, trying to pinpoint where they might have missed the shift.


"My husband is waiting."

At the cold words of Jinhee, Kiwoon slowly opened his mouth.

Over Kiwoon's desolate face, the firm expression that Jinhee had shown slowly overlaid.

"You want to leave, don't you?"

"What are you even"

"Old and sick, a husband you never loved in the first place."

As Kiwoon's voice, calm enough to sound chilly, resonated in the meeting room, the assistant director stopped pondering.

And began to watch the acting, as if enchanted.

* * *

"Unnie, you were totally amazing today! You just devoured the scene, didn't you?!"

After the reading, Seo Hyunju's young manager showed a thumbs-up as she got into the car, but she shook her head at the enthusiastic praise.

"That wasn't me."


Seo Hyunju avoided the puzzled gaze of her manager, recalling what had happened just minutes ago.

She never intended to hold back during readings. For Seo Hyunju, reading was merely a process to see if the lines fit comfortably in her mouth.

However today was different.

"Why do you keep coming here?"

"Because I want to see you."

Her own calm words brought back suppressed emotions just as calmly, and

"I've forgotten everything. Everything that happened between us!"

"When she spat out the lines with a mix of sadness and anger, the other returned a little of the condensed sorrow.

Engaging in the exchange of lines, she found herself deeply immersed without realizing.

The mystery was resolved by the question Director Won Heesu asked Yooil after the reading.

Did you succeed in the mission I gave you?

At Director Won's words, Yooil nodded.

Kiwoon is a mirror.

A mirror?

A broken mirror, not even aware of being a mirror itself.

That's when Seo Hyunju realized.

Why he had peculiarly mimicked her tone and expressions.

A small laugh escaped Seo Hyunju's lips.

"He's an interesting kid."

She murmured, shaking her head.

Feeling like she had made the right choice with this film.

* * *

"Yooil, we're here!"

Stage 3 Completion Rate: 25.8%

Yooil, looking at the slightly increased completion rate, was promptly pulled into the lobby by the waiting stylist as soon as he arrived in front of the costume team's office.

"Before we finalize the outfit for the red carpet, there are some quick checks I need to do!" The stylist's eyes sparkled as they scrutinized Yooil, his presence somehow shrinking under their gaze.

"You usually dress casually, right?"

"I guess so."

To be honest, before he started acting, Yooil hadn't had the leisure to care about style.

He used to buy the biggest discounted clothes at outlets, not in a position to fuss over design or color.

But lately, following Brion's and the company's advice, he was gradually learning about clothes that suited him.

"I felt it when you shot the GINVERG advertisement, Yooil. Styles like these would suit you too."

A look with a grey coat, beanie, and black slacks, an outfit with a basic grey sweatshirt topped with a khaki bomber jacket, matched with black slacks and shoes, and a look with a brown blazer and trousers, topped with a black coat

They were clean yet casual, natural yet stylish.

As Yooil intently examined the references, he spoke up.

This is what they call normcore, right?'

Correct. Normcore is a portmanteau of Normal' and Hardcore', referring to a style that matches a natural look with points that reveal one's individuality.

So, a little research did help, after all.'

"Normcore style right?"

"Oh, right! Simply put, it's about looking effortlessly stylish. Basic, but with a point of interest!"

The stylist nodded excitedly.

"A purely basic style is fine, but I think a little fun point suits you well, Yooil. Hmm, personally, I'm curious about a completely unique look too"

Yooil quickly averted his gaze from the stylist, who was licking their lips in anticipation.

"Now, Mr. Actor! Shall we get started for real?"

The inevitable had arrived.

Yooil took heavy steps toward the office he had visited a few months ago.

As soon as he entered, he blankly stared at the myriad of suits, scarves, and fashion items waiting for him.

"You don't mean, all of this is"

"Of course, it's all for Yooil!"

He seemed to recall Director Jang Jaeyi saying they had picked out a few'

Beside a dazed Yooil, the stylist and the costume team staff started an enthusiastic debate.

"It's the Berlin Film Festival, so let's go for a color other than black."

"Yooil's skin tone is on the lighter side, so even a vivid color would be great!"

Hearing the excited voices of the staff, Yooil smiled in resignation.

Director Jang Jaeyi, appearing out of nowhere, cheerfully asked him.

"How is it, not as much as you thought, right?"


Yooil desperately wanted to go home.

*Michael Chekhov, "On The Technique of Acting"

**Michael Chekhov, "Lessons for The Professional Actor"


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