I’ve Become a Genius Actor

Chapter 40:

Chapter 40:

The college student's vacation seemed long yet short.

[@jinnnny Seon Gihyeon can only be played by Han Yooil, the casting is truly a stroke of genius]

Even though it had been a while since the last episode of Sing in High School' aired, Lee Hyejin was still immersed in the drama, like everyone else who was a fan of the show.

Her peaceful time watching the making-of films was interrupted by an alarm from her phone.

Classmate Lee Hana: Hyejin! What are you planning to take this semester? Professor Han's class is open, do you want to take it together?


The smile that had formed on Lee Hyejin's face vanished in an instant.

Im too busy being a fan.'

The thought of real life interrupting her fan activities already started making her feel melancholic.

Ah the vacation is too short.

At the same time, someone else was having the exact same thought as Lee Hyejin.

Just to remind you, Mr. Yooil. Tomorrow is the course registration period.

Just like that, the good mood quickly dissipated.

Whats up, Yooil? Is the pasta not good?

Did you bite into a peppercorn?

Han Yooil listened to his friends' concerns and guesses at the same table.

Its nothing.

Yooil was currently at a dining place with his university friends.

As usual, Kim Jinwoo, Kang Hana, and Hwang Riu joined him.

With Kim Jinwoos military enlistment approaching, they decided to meet to commemorate it.

Being with his university friends after practically living on set gave him a sense of being a college student again.

Hey, Yooil. How is Hwang Yiwon in person?

Hes handsome, of course.

Tell me in detail. How long are his eyelashes, how big are his hands, what kind of water does he drink!

Kang Hana's passionate question made Kim Jinwoo look at her with puzzled eyes.

I get the eyelashes and hands, but why do you want to know what water he drinks?

Thats what you want to know when you're a fan.

Kang Hana had been a long-time fan of Hwang Yiwon. She had been a fan since her middle school days.

The atmosphere he must be really handsome and cool.

Don't forget, you've got a handsome actor sitting right in front of you, guys.

Kim Jinwoo said teasingly, causing Kang Hana to giggle.

That, of course, I haven't forgotten. Its still amazing~!

At the same time, she firmly stated that a friend and a fan object were different.

Anyway, if its Director Gu Chanik, the quality of the work is guaranteed.

It sounds like itll be interesting.

Kang Hana and Hwang Rius words made Han Yooil nod.

Yeah. You can look forward to it.

Honestly, even if he had played a supporting role instead of the lead, he would have gladly taken it, as the script was that interesting.

Yooil also analyzed characters other than his own Sooil'.

Simply because it was enjoyable.

I guess spoilers are out of the question?

Cant you at least give us a hint of what it feels like?

As an actor involved in the production prior to release

I know.

Han Yooil preemptively stopped Brion's lecture and shook his head.

Of course, it was absolutely not allowed.

Watch it in the theater later.

Yooil silently continued eating his pasta amidst his friends teasing.

* * *

Days passed.

After the semester began, an unusual phenomenon started occurring at Wonmyeong University.

Students were aimlessly loitering around the humanities department.

It all started with a post on the university's anonymous community board saying Han Yooil was spotted at the school.

Just saw Han Yooil

[He's so damn handsome and fit af, damn, handsome people should stop working out]

OMG, where did you see him?

Just in front of the Woldong Hall earlier

Did you get an autograph?

but I did take a photo. He nodded when I asked if it was okay.

OMG you better post that photo or I swear, it's a crime against humanity.

Here you go

[My face is covered lol



Life is so unfair

Han Yooil's face is brighter than my future

Mr. Yooil, please bump into me just once

Take Korean language class, he's auditing!

That's a bit much

But seriously, how does Han Yooil

manage to shoot continuously and still attend college?]

And he's seriously diligent


Secretly, I heard he's living his second life

That's the only explanation

Can't explain it otherwise


Lee Hyejin, wandering around the humanities department while browsing the university community posts, felt the harsh reality of the fan's law.

She discovered, too late, that her schedule didn't match Han Yooil's at all.

* * *

The first shooting day of The Mysterious Garden.'

Han Yooil admired the vast spread of pink waves through the car window.

So this is pink muhly.'

The sight of it swaying like waves with the wind was mesmerizing.

It would have been nice to visit a place like this with my aunt at least once.

Maybe they would visit together after this shoot. His aunt would surely love it.

It's been a week since the semester started, Mr. Yooil. Currently, you have three assignments to submit, two of which are group presentations


Min Woojin looked worriedly at Yooil, who was laughing powerlessly.

You okay, Yooil?

Of course.

Yooil took a deep breath and stretched. Then he slowly made his way to the set.

The bustling set was in full swing with camera and microphone setups, and the staff was busily moving back and forth.

Hello, Director.

Ah, youre early.

After greeting Director Gu Chanik, Yooil turned his attention to the filming team.

The filming team, equipped with what looked like a parachute but was actually a steadicam, warmly received Yooil's greeting.

You all are working hard too.

Not at all~ Youre the one working hard, Mr. Actor.

Next to the team checking the equipment, Director of Photography Jeong Myungjin laughed heartily. He had been working with Director Gu Chanik for a long time.

Jeong Myungjin liked Han Yooil quite a bit.

In the filming industry, it was common for actors to treat the production staff, especially the directing team, as NPCs. The onset and offset chatter among the staff about such behavior was a usual occurrence.

The glittering image perceived by the public was far from the daily realities of a filming set.

However, there had never been any uncomfortable rumors about Han Yooil.

All the sets he's been on so far had nothing but good things to say about him.'

Of course, for Jeong Myungjin, the best kind of actor was one who could produce a clean, no-NG, okay shot.

I hope this one goes well too.'

With that thought, Jeong Myungjin shrugged his shoulders.

"Its time for standby"

"Wheres actor Son Jisoo?"

The call time was at 4 PM, but the shooting hadnt started yet because Son Jisoo hadn't arrived.

Hasnt he arrived yet?

Yes I contacted his manager, and they said he would be here soon.

The assistant director, sensing Director Gu Chaniks tension, answered while sweating.

And then, a little after 4:05 PM, Son Jisoo finally got out of the van.

Hello~ Hello~

Son Jisoo greeted everyone with a relaxed face and signaled his manager with a nod.

Hyunsoo, let's get this done quickly.

It's Suhyun, not Hyunsoo.


The plump manager, who gave Son Jisoo a displeased look, got off the van carrying an armful of takeaway coffee.

Sorry for being late. Just went to grab some coffee~

This makes me a thoughtful actor, right?'

Pleased with himself, Son Jisoo beamed with satisfaction as he scanned the filming location.

Coffee now?

We need to start the test shoot right away

Didnt we all just have coffee a while ago?

He didnt expect this kind of reaction.

Son Jisoo tried to hide his confusion and scratched his head.

Director Gu Chanik cut through the awkwardness.

Let's leave the coffee for later. Let's start with the test shoot.

Seeing the unimpressed expression on Gu Chanik's face, Son Jisoo realized something was amiss.

Ah. Yes! I'll get ready right away.

He wiped the cold sweat secretly and hurried to the makeup station.

And finally, the shooting began.

* * *

Son Jisoos character was Choi Bin, the childhood friend of Park Sooil.

The camera slowly followed Choi Bin, who was walking through the bushes with a worried face. Then, the camera moved in front of him, revealing his face.

Choi Bin, who had been walking blindly, spots someone. His black eyes fill with emotion, changing from worry to relief.

He says in a sigh-mixed voice.

Thought I lost you.

The camera shows Choi Bins perspective.

A vast expanse of pink muhly. The back of a man looking at the beautiful pink waves is shown.

It was a strange, yet profoundly beautiful and solitary scene.

The man slowly turns around.

The assistant director, monitoring on a 17-inch screen, also unwittingly bit his lip.

I thought Son Jisoo was good, but

Han Yooil was different from the start.

He seemed plain and kind when seen in profile pictures or met in person, but the Han Yooil now had an edgy sharpness about him, as if getting too close might cut.

Yooil, or rather Sooil, observed Choi Bin. Then he spoke.

Why did you come?

Is that all you can say to a friend?

Choi Bin retorted, somewhat heatedly. But he immediately regretted it.

After all, he hadn't come to fight with Sooil.

Didnt you give up on college?


You know that college is for geniuses. Other people are dying to get in there. Youre kicking it away when others are spending money and pulling strings to get in?

Genius, huh.

Park Sooil shifted his gaze to the clear blue sky. Choi Bin felt like his frustration was about to explode.

Think it over properly. Didnt you also want to go there, studying hard through middle and high school?

Youre crossing the line, arent you?

Yeah. I need to cross the line.

The words left a barely visible crack on Sooils face.

Same scene, new cut.

A full shot showing both characters against the background appeared on the monitor.

Director Gu Chanik, along with the script supervisor and the assistant director, watched the screen in silence.

Choi Bin strides forward. The moment he crosses an unseen line, Sooil speaks.



I can't do it.

What do you mean by that?

I'm no genius or anything. All I am is a fool who just knows how to follow formulas and orders.


Getting treated like a genius wears me out.

The camera closely captures Sooil's face, trembling with anxiety.


Through Sooil's shoulder, the blurry figure of Bin looking at his back is shown on the screen.

You'll be fine. Youre doing well now and will in the future too.

Park Sooil!

Choi Bin calls out Sooils name, a mixture of frustration and anger in his voice. But Park Sooil doesnt look back, as if turned to stone, as if he had no place to return to.


Director Gu Chanik quietly calls cut and reviews the monitor with a critical eye. A few moments later, he removes his headphones. His face shows satisfaction.


Wow. Amazing.

The assistant director suppressed the excitement and thought.

I was sure there would be a delay!'

Thats why extra time was allocated in the shooting schedule. Up to now, finishing this quickly during a shoot with Director Gu Chanik was rare.

The staff, who had been tense, visibly relaxed as the scheduled shooting wrapped up unexpectedly early.

We were planning to shoot scene 34 after dinner, but can we start a bit earlier, actors?

Thats fine with me.

Lets start with actor Son Jisoo then! We need to align the close-up and handheld shots first.

Unlike Yooil who answered right away, Son Jisoo bit his lip nervously.

Ah. I'm sorry.

Hm? Why.

At Director Gu Chaniks question, Son Jisoo shrank even more and answered in a small voice.

Actually, I havent fully memorized the script for scene 34 Not that I havent learned it at all! Just give me 10 minutes, please.

After an uncomfortable silence.

Director Gu Chanik cleared his throat.

Director of Photography Jeong Myungjin spoke nonchalantly.

Setting up the camera will take a while anyway, so the actors can take a break.


Director Gu Chanik stroked his beard, clearly not pleased.

I was planning to check the screen from various angles before shooting this scene. It would be better to have the actor present for the test shots.

Son Jisoo felt a pang of regret.

Damn it This isnt what I wanted.

He had put aside his pride to join the cast of a Gu Chanik film' as a supporting actor. The last thing he wanted was to make a bad impression on the director.

What should I do? Should I just suggest doing it while reading the script?

As Son Jisoo was rapidly brainstorming, someone spoke up.


The silence was broken by none other than Han Yooil.

If its okay with you, I think I can do it.


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