I’ve Become a Genius Actor

Chapter 33:

Chapter 33:

Early in the morning, Han Yooil was awakened by Brion.

Mr. Yooil. Mr. Han Yooil.

"What's up."

Han Yooil frowned as he opened his eyes. His body felt heavy due to staying up late watching a movie the night before.

"Brion, that awakening effect"

Before Yooil could finish his sentence, he felt a sensation as if ice water was flowing down from the top of his head. Han Yooil quickly brushed off the goosebumps forming on his arms.

Mr. Yooil, I have news to inform you.

"What is it?"

I will show you first.

Soon, a translucent window appeared in front of his eyes.

[Bl Sea Hr Luv with B Romance (Proof Available)]

As Yooil looked puzzled at the cryptic title, Brion quickly added an explanation.

It's a post stating that Black Sea's Harang and LoveA's Byul are dating, and that there is evidence of it.


It was awkward, to say the least, a romantic relationship. When observed closely, the two did not seem like they were in that kind of relationship at all.

Of course, it's not that idols can't date. Idols are human too, and fans obviously know they have a private life.

However, knowing and accepting are different matters. An idol's romantic relationship affects the bond between fans and the idol, leading to fans feeling deceived.'

It's a distorted structure to begin with.'

Yooil narrowed his brow and continued reading the post.

The author who claimed to have captured evidence of Harang and Byul's relationship continued to list the proofs.

[They're in the same drama this time, you must know

Even if they have common ground, their relationship is definitely not just colleagues

(Photo) (Photo)

Wearing the same brand clothes in the practice room. Plus, they have the same keychain on their favorite bags;

(Photo) (Photo)

Photos taken at the same place on the same day but uploaded on different days]

The post included close-up photos of a pink keychain attached to Harang's black bag and the same keychain on Byul's ivory eco bag.

A keychain with black bead-like eyes nestled among fluffily sprouting fur.


"This is."

That was a keychain Yooil also recognized.

A few days ago, one of the staff members had distributed it to everyone involved in the shooting, saying it was from a shop opened by his sister.

He wasn't usually one to attach keychains, and since it was a gift, he had just kept it in his room to take care of it.

What is this.'

Moreover, the photos said to have been taken on the same day were at a park near the shooting site. Obviously, Harang and Byul weren't the only ones there.

"This turns out like this"

Real-time searches on BlueChat were filled with keywords like Harang Byul,' Black Sea dating,' LoveA dating,' LoveStar evidence.'


Honestly, it was a funny kind of bait that didn't even seem worth clarifying.

But what concerned him was Kim Harang and Byul.

To be more precise, it's shooting concerns.'


There was a shoot in just a few hours, and it couldn't be unaffected.

What are people's reactions?'

Based on the comments and sympathies left in the online space, 83.4% believe it's fabricated evidence, while 15.1% show a slight tendency to agree. Additionally, about 1.4% are continuously generating malicious rumors.

Have there been similar rumors about the two of them before?'

LoveA's Byul had a scandal with Blade's Ekta (real name: Kim Jiho), and Black Sea's Kim Harang had one with Cary's Jooi (real name: Joo Ihye). At that time, a total of 4,342 articles covered these incidents

Alright, I got it.'

With such evidence there was no need to blow things out of proportion.

Han Yooil looked at the pink keychain in his hand.

Will this help?'

It seems like it will.

Hearing Brion's resolute voice, Han Yooil picked up his phone.

Up until that moment, he was still half-doubtful about whether his attempt' would actually be effective.

* * *

It was a bit early for lunch.

HM was biting his nails instead of eating the triangle kimbap in front of him.

With his other hand, he was browsing BlueChat, O-Tube, and community forums.

Damn it.'

That damned keychain!

The suspicion that started with the keychain began to gain momentum rapidly. Some started to stretch the fact that both Harang and Byul played puppy characters' in their respective groups.

How is a puppy emoticon a couple's item!'

It was beyond words how ridiculous it felt.

Moreover, since an hour ago, O-Tube reactors started to swarm like a school of fish finding water. He was reporting these baiting attempts as he saw them, but his stress was only piling up.


It was already hectic focusing on the public official exam, and now he had to deal with this kind of bait. It was at that moment.


Eh, the keychain isn't a couple's item?

That was a gift from the drama staff.


Where did you see that??


As if mesmerized, HM clicked the link. It was a link to Han Yooil's Shining Star.


(Photo) (Photo) (Photo) (Photo)

<Sing in High School> D-1]

Four photos were uploaded on Shasta.

The first photo was taken on set, showing Yooil sitting together with Kim Harang and Ji Eunho.

The second photo was taken during a walk in the park. Yooil was at the center, but Harang, Byul, and Hyena were faintly visible beside him.

The third photo was a selfie taken by the main actors, each holding the keychain. The staff's account was tagged on the keychain.

The fourth photo was a solo shot of Han Yooil looking intently at the camera, wearing horn-rimmed glasses.


Feeling a strong affection for Han Yooil all of a sudden, HM pressed the follow button on Shasta.

And then he joyously began uploading posts on BlueChat.

The bait got light-deleted lol

For real lololol so ridiculous

Didn't want to get sued lol;

God Yooil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By the time HM's lunch break was about to end, the controversial post was neatly deleted.

Those who scavenge like hyenas looking for something to bite into remained, but it was futile to cling to bait that had already disappeared.

This was a clean wrap-up. HM could head to the study room with a much lighter heart.

* * *

Scanning his dimly lit phone, Kim Harang quickly glanced over the faces of the staff.

"What's wrong, Harang? Is there something?"


He cheerfully responded and put his phone away.

That was clean.'

The spark was extinguished before it could even ignite.

Enough to not worry about it anymore.

A serene smile appeared on Kim Harang's pale face.

He wasn't the type to stress over every little thing. He had experienced countless similar scandals if they could even be called scandals.

But being accustomed to them didn't mean they were nothing.

Kim Harang thought as he liked Han Yooil's Shining Star post.

Indeed, a quite likable brother.

"Shooting begins~"

Hearing those words, Harang sprang from his seat and walked towards the bustling set.

He saw the familiar faces of the cast, the school uniform, and the classroom.

"Everyone knows <Sing in High School> premieres on O-Tube at 10 pm tonight, right?"

"Don't forget to watch it!"

"We love you~"

After all the actors gathered in the middle of the classroom set for the promotional video, the main shooting began.

After the smooth progress of the shoot, during the break,

Yooil lifted his head due to a persistently intense gaze.

At the end of that gaze was Kim Harang.


As their eyes met, Harang smiled slyly and whispered.



"Thank you."

At the unexpected word of gratitude, Yooil merely shrugged nonchalantly. The bright smile on Kim Harang's face didn't fade easily.

And that evening, <Sing in High School> was released on O-Tube.

* * *

Lee Hyejin was staring at her phone. Staring didn't make time pass faster, but it somehow made her feel less anxious.

50 seconds, 51 seconds'

10 seconds felt like 10 minutes.

And finally,

"It's out!"

Lee Hyejin refreshed O-Tube and quickly pressed the play button, gripping her phone tightly with her other hand.

Then, episode 1 of <Sing in High School> began.

During the drama, Lee Hyejin was surprised three times.

First, by the sight of Seon Gihyeon wearing glasses, and second, by a scene where Gihyeon, amidst the noisy classroom, stood up and spoke in a low voice.

Can you be quiet? It's self-study time.


The image of Han Yooil, who had previously played a vampire and a boy, was still vivid in her mind, but the role of a model student with glasses suited him as if it was his own clothes.

The slightly hunched shoulders and the face that seemed sensitive. Even the trembling corners of his eyes were exactly Seon Gihyeon.

He's really good.'

And the last surprise came during a scene at the end of the drama, where a number was being sung.

[This world is vast and

I just keep getting lost.]

The deep, solid voice carried the number smoothly and steadily.

Our actor could even do musicals.'

Of course, it was a drama, so there might have been some post-processing, but it was genuinely a soothing voice to listen to.

At some point, Lee Hyejin, who started referring to Yooil as our actor' instead of just a schoolmate,' moved the play bar back to the beginning of the number as soon as the drama ended. She didn't forget to actively participate in BlueChat in real-time.

* * *

Lee Hyejin wasn't the only one who enjoyed <Sing in High School>.

- O-Tube's premiere of <Sing in High School> marks a successful start Will it join the ranks of classic high school dramas'?

From Ji Eunho to Han Yooil' A closer look at the protagonists of <Sing in High School>

Black Sea's Kim Harang, Sweet Dream's Hyena receive unanimous praise for their natural acting A flawless debut

It's better than I expected?

A welcome surprise in the drought of high school dramas

Are the reactions really that good?

Watched the trailer and it didn't disappoint

I need to watch it right now

I'm going to save it How can you just watch 2 episodes a week, it's tantalizing

Exactly my thoughts

Seon Gihyeon's sensitive charm, why am I so smitten?



The character intros seemed unattractive, but watching the video makes them so likable; is it because of the actors?


Sitting in the waiting room and endlessly scrolling through the reactions that Brion displayed, Yooil was jolted from his reverie by the ringing of his phone.

"What's this?"

The name flashing on Han Yooil's phone was unexpected.

[Director Yoo Jaeho]

As soon as Yooil answered the call, an excited voice came through.


"Hello, Director. How have you been?"

Director Yoo Jaeho immediately got to the point with a trembling voice.

Our movie is going to the Bugu Film Festival!


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