It's Hard to Control My Naughty Wife!



Jayden looked at Adrian very sharply, making the man want to disappear from the face of this earth when he got a stare like that.         


How come? This was the true definition that if gazes could kill, then he would have been dead by now, because there was no way he could escape such a cynical gaze.     

There was only one problem; Adrian only said that there was a new cake shop near his office, he said that because he was also paying attention to Apple's diet, because Jayden was constantly fussing about it.     

However, the problem was; he didn't tell Jayden that the new cake shop looked like this.     

There was nothing wrong with this new cake shop, however, it could be said in a nutshell that; Jayden was not at all suitable to be in this place, starting from the feel, color, lighting, nothing matched Jayden.     

Especially when he was staring at Adrian so fiercely like this, as if he was going to devour the man.     

Ugh… stop looking at me like that… just reserve such things for your fiancée… Adrian pleaded in his heart, hoping Jayden would turn his attention elsewhere.     

And apparently, Adrian's request was finally granted, as Apple pulled Jayden's arm to show the cute cakes that were on display. "Look! What a cute cake…" she said very happily.     

She didn't know since when, even Jayden didn't understand, but it looked like Apple was starting to like cute things like that, even though she wouldn't have looked at these things if it was in the past.     

"So cool, isn't it?" Apple asked Jayden's opinion.     

"Of course it's very cute, if you want, buy it," said Jayden because he couldn't wait to get out of this cake shop.     

How come? This pastry shop waitress wore a miniskirt with a character from a famous cartoon and a headband in the shape of mouse's ears. Wasn't that an overkill? This cake shop was so childish, how could they run a business like this?     

"Which one do you think is the cutest?" asked Apple, pointing to two cakes that looked almost exactly the same.     

Wait, did it matter how they looked, the taste would be the same? Moreover…     

"Apple… I can even buy this cake shop, why do you bother choosing between two cakes? If you like it, just buy both, you don't have to choose," Jayden said. He thought logically and according to his opinion, there was nothing wrong with that.     

And after all, what Jayden said was true, if Apple could have both cakes and why would she bother choosing one? She could pick all the cakes in this shop if she wanted to.     

It was just that Apple, who heard Jayden's explanation, looked displeased, she frowned and glared at the man.     

"I'm only going to buy one, and I have to choose which one to buy, because both are so cute." Apple insisted.     

"Therefore, just buy both," said Jayden.     

And their argument about the cake issue made Adrian want to run away from there and that was what he was trying to do until Jayden stopped him and glared at him.     

"Where do you think you're going?" Jayden asked coldly. "You have to be here and take responsibility for this."     

Adrian grimaced, what kind of accountability did Jayden want? He just recommended this place, that was all.     

Luckily, the debate didn't last long enough, as Apple was finally able to decide which cake she wanted.     

It was a cake with a white puppy-shaped cream decoration on it as well as a small cage. It looked cute and adorable.     

"Why don't you eat the cake?" Jayden asked on their way home in the car.     

This was weird, because normally Apple would just open the cake and couldn't wait to try it, but this time, she just stared at the cake.         


"I can't bear to eat it..." Apple muttered as she stared at the cake on her lap.     

"You're not going to eat it?" Jayden stared at Apple in disbelief, his eyes wide as if Apple had just sprouted a new head on her shoulder.     

"After all that drama in the bakery, you're not going to eat this cake?" Jayden said in disbelief.     

"This is too cute to eat…" Apple muttered as she stared at the little puppy on the cake, she looked happy just staring at it.     


After a few days passed, finally the long awaited day had come, where Apple would officially become Mrs. Tordoff was two days away and during these three days, Jayden was not allowed into their apartment because the man had to now live at Tordoff's house with Ramon, while Hailee accompanied Apple in the apartment.     

"Oh, I can't believe you'd be getting married in three days," Gladys said happily, starting tonight, she and Hailee would be staying here while the men gathered at the Tordoff residence.     

Including Misha, Ramon, Lexus, Pyro. Even little Jack was there.     

Jack seemed to be adapting well and Pyro was more than happy to make friends after Apple's departure. He taught Jack many things and it must be said that the little boy was very easy to attract the attention of others around him. He was very innocent but also smart at the same time.     

"Yeah, I didn't think so either," said Apple, while peeling the onions, they were going to cook for the night and were waiting for Candice, Misha's mother.     

Meanwhile, Candice was stuck in traffic on the way here, so she would be a little late, thus they started cooking now.     

"How's Jayden? Is he sulking because he can't see you for two days?" asked Gladys, teasingly, nudging Apple lightly.     

"Well…" Apple then recalled how Jayden acted so childishly when he had to move to the Tordoff residence. He was very reluctant to leave Apple, even after Hailee literally kicked him out of this apartment. "He's as usual..." said Apple with a smile.     

And while they were talking like that, Apple's cell phone rang, and displayed a number she didn't recognize. But not many people knew her phone number either, as she didn't interact with many people. Therefore, this phone must be coming from people Apple didn't want to contact anymore.     

"Why wasn't it picked up?" asked Gladys curiously. She glanced at Apple's phone flat screen. "Just block the number." She had been getting calls from unknown numbers since she broke up with Derek, especially since the tattoo incident.     

After the incident, Gladys gave Apple a full report on what Derek had said to her and also showed her the messages and emails he was trying to send her. After that, they both laughed at Derek's nonsensical words.     

"Hello?" Apple actually decided to pick up the phone call after whoever it was, tried to call her back to back three times.     

On the other hand, Gladys listened intently to what Apple had to say and noticed Apple's rapidly changing expression. Of course, she was curious about who the caller was.     

"Ivan… what do you want?" asked Apple in a deep voice. She put down her knife and then walked out of the kitchen.     

On the other hand, Gladys subconsciously wanted to follow her out until Hailee grabbed her collar to keep her in the kitchen.     

"Where are you going? You're still not done peeling the onions," Hailee said, nodding at the onions that Gladys hadn't peeled.     

"But, I just wanted to go over to Apple for a bit, Aunty…" Gladys whined, but Hailee simply shook her head.     

"Stop wanting to butt into other people's business, that's not good," Hailee advised, then she returned to pointing to the knife in Gladys's hand. "Now, finish the job," she said firmly.     

"But, aunty, I want to know who called Apple in the middle of the night like this," Gladys said with a sulky voice, she looked at Hailee with pleading eyes.     

Her pleas just fell on deaf ears. Gladys was too young and inexperienced to think she could do that to Hailee. She would never get what she wanted that way.         


"Go back to your work now," Hailee said firmly, she nodded at the knife that was there and looked at Gladys with a smile, but of course it was a smile you didn't want to see.     

Therefore, with a heavy heart, Gladys was back to peeling onions and couldn't really know who Apple was talking with right now, even though her curiosity was getting the better of her, she couldn't do anything as Hailee didn't allow it.     

Therefore, there was only one thing she could do now, which was to send a message to Jayden.     

Yes, the man managed to persuade her to tell him if there was something unusual Apple was doing and she agreed to tell him about it.     

And this was what Gladys was doing now… even though she knew this wasn't right, what could she do? Her asshole cousin threatened her to tell her mother and father that months ago she had thrown a party on the island…     

Huh. What an asshole Jayden was.     

The message that Gladys sent was short, and read; A guy named Ivan called Apple, but I don't know what's the context.     

After she hit the send button, Gladys then continued to peel the onions.     


Apple didn't really want to meet Ivan, but they had been friends for years and from his voice, she could tell he was going through the toughest time of his life.     

Of course, after Apple told him about the affair, she didn't know what happened to Ivan after that.     

And only this time, Ivan contacted her again.     


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