It's Hard to Control My Naughty Wife!



  "How did you come to this conclusion?" asked Apple, her voice sounding very low, as if she was whispering when she asked this, because she didn't think Jayden would come to such a conclusion.

  Jayden grimaced as he answered this. "You're almost two weeks late now," Jayden said lightly. He tried to make this situation less awkward, so as not to put unnecessary pressure on Apple.

  "You noticed that?!" Apple was shocked when she heard Jayden's explanation. How could he even pay attention to that? Apple didn't think so at all.

  "Of course I noticed," Jayden muttered, he always wanted Apple, so of course he remembered the reason why Apple refused his advances whenever she was on her period.

  Apple slapped her forehead lightly when she heard the explanation, but then she shook her head. She completely underestimated Jayden's observation skills…

  Even she herself only realized this after Jayden told her.

  "So?" Jayden nodded toward the two small objects in Apple's hands. "How about you try it so we both know for sure, just humor me and try, okay?"

  Apple grimaced when she saw the two rectangular-shaped objects in her hand. She was silent for a moment, deep in thought and Jayden let her sort out her thoughts. Apple took time and he would give everything he had for her.

  At first, Jayden didn't want to tell it this way, but since Apple was already here and it was the perfect time, so why not give it a try?

  Because the longer Jayden hid this, the more nervous he became with uncertainty, and after all this was one of the reasons why Jayden didn't allow Apple to join in on the second mission to raid Gevano's house.

  He couldn't have put Apple and their future child at risk if it was true that his fiancée was pregnant.

  "Just give it a try…" Jayden coaxed Apple carefully after she had been silent for a while. He kissed her forehead gently, as if to tell her that no matter what happened he would always be by her side.

  "When did you buy this?" asked Apple. She then raised her head to look at Jayden who looked suddenly awkward.

  "This afternoon," he answered slowly. "When I finished lunch, I passed by a convenience store and before I knew it, I had bought this…" he grinned as he said that, a habit of his when trying to lighten the mood, but this time it didn't work for Apple.

  Because the woman was in a frenzy in her own mind.

  "Hey, I am here…" Jayden gripped Apple's hand very tightly, giving her the support she needed, trying to calm her frantic self. "We will face it together, okay?"

  Apple bit her lip and looked at Jayden with a look in her eyes that was hard to describe.

  "Or, do you want me to pee on it as well?" Jayden tried to make Apple smile and the dry joke helped, because Apple laughed out loud when she heard it. "I can pee on the other one and you take the other. We can pee together."

  Apple slapped Jayden's arm, but she relaxed a bit now, although it didn't mean anything because a moment later, Apple looked so tense again.

  "Let's give it a try, okay?" Jayden gripped Apple's hand tightly. He didn't let go at all, telling the girl he wasn't going to leave her and there was nothing to be afraid of.

  In the end, after a few minutes of deliberation, Apple finally stood up and walked toward the bathroom which was located inside this room, while Jayden waited outside.

  "You want me to come in too?" he asked.

  "No," Apple replied curtly, how could she let Jayden see her pee on it?

  And after saying those short words, Apple closed the door right in front of Jayden and let the man wait for her outside the room.

  Apple was feeling very stressed now, facing such high pressure over what was happening now.

  She bit her lip hard as she pulled down her pants and followed all the instructions suggested on each test pack.

  Actually, the instructions on the two test kits were almost the same, but since they were from two different brands, Apple just wanted to make sure no steps were ignored, giving a chance to mess up with the final result.

  Because after all, this was the first time for her to take this kind of test.

  It took Apple about ten minutes to get it all done and get the final result of the two kits.

  She closed her eyes as she leaned against the cold wall, while outside, Apple knew that Jayden was waiting for her. He must have been very impatient to see the results of the tests.

  However, Apple was quite happy that Jayden respected her enough and gave her space to be alone. He didn't force his way in or try to pressure her.

  Because they both knew, sooner or later, Apple would be out and Jayden would find out after that.

  And sure enough, after more than ten minutes of waiting, which seemed like a long time, Jayden finally heard the sound of the door opening and from behind it, he saw Apple staring at him with a confused look.

  "So?" Jayden asked carefully, because Apple looked confused. "Can I see the results?"

  "I don't know…" Apple said quietly, then she showed Jayden the results. "Why are the results like this?" asked Apple, frowning.

  Jayden then took two test packs from Apple's hands and saw that the results of the two test packs were different.

  One test pack said that Apple was indeed pregnant, but another test pack said that she was not pregnant.

  And indeed this was confusing. Jayden didn't even know what emotion to show, but he was trying to be calm, because Apple seemed so distracted right now.

  "We're going to the doctor now to confirm this, okay?" Jayden said soothingly.


  *Read my new book: KISSED BY THE DARK ALPHA*

  Alpha Micah Donovan's second chance mate.


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