It's Hard to Control My Naughty Wife!

Chapter 630 A TRAP

Chapter 630 A TRAP

  "You can only hear me, you can't see me," Apple corrected him because there was no way Jayden could see herself, as he was quite far away from her now.

  "Hmm," Jayden mumbled. "Take care, okay? I don't want to see you get hurt anymore." This time, his voice was serious and sounded much deeper.

  "Of course, you too," Apple replied softly and the two of them hung up.

  For a moment, Apple glanced at the car again before she walked over to the shooting set where Mateo was getting his makeup done.

  But, what Apple didn't know was, in the car that Jayden and Adrian were sitting in, the heir to the Tordoff family had just put down the binoculars with which he was watching Apple.

  So his words which said he was looking at her were, of course, true. Meanwhile, sitting behind the wheel, Adrian could only shake his head inwardly when he saw Jayden Tordoff's behavior.

  Why was he carrying binoculars and observing Apple from a distance?! Didn't he have another job?!

  "What do you think Adrian? Will he have the potential to become my rival?" Jayden asked, displeased that another man had approached Apple and made her laugh.

  "No one can beat you, Mr. Tordoff, Apple is blind that she prefers that guy over you," Adrian answered very honestly, but then he felt a fierce stare from Jayden behind him and this made his heart skip a beat.

  "Are you saying that my fiancée is stupid?" Jayden asked coldly.

  "No, that's not what I meant..." Adrian said frantically, trying to make things better. "I didn't mean to say that..."

  "I got the idea that you are assuming so," Jayden said coldly. "You said my fiancée would choose that man?"

  "You misunderstood, Mr. Tordoff…" Adrian felt like he was going to cry. He shouldn't have said anything about Apple. Ugh!

  However, he could feel Jayden's intense gaze on his back. He really didn't like it when people say bad things about his fiancée, regardless of the context of the conversation.


  By the time Apple was done with this shoot, the sun almost set and the people on the set started packing their gear.

  "Let's go," Ivan said as he approached Apple. "We're going to the next set."

  "I'm the only one?" asked Apple. She looked at Ivan calmly and realized that the man was sweating. It seemed he really couldn't calm down as he had something to hide.

  From Ivan's reaction, Apple could deduce that he wasn't fully involved with the Gevano family, or at least he hadn't been involved with them for long.

  Because if he was really used to the violence carried out by the Gevano family, then it was certain that he wouldn't be caught easily like this and moreover he looked very uncomfortable.

  "Yeah, just you and me."

  "It will feel like a date if it's just the two of us." Apple tried to lighten the mood and make Ivan less tense, as she could see layers of sweat forming on his forehead.

  On the other hand, Ivan laughed blandly when he heard that. He didn't really pay much attention to what she said. He couldn't help but feel uneasy.

  After all, he meant no harm to Apple.

  "Why can't Mateo just come with us? Isn't the concept this time about a couple? It would be better if he was there too, wouldn't it?" Apple suggested, but Ivan quickly dismissed the idea and said a thousand reasons why Mateo couldn't go with them.

  But, sadly, Mateo was nearby and approached them when he heard his name being mentioned.

  "What is it?" Mateo asked the two of them. He looked refreshed after changing into a casual t-shirt and training pants, as if he was getting ready for bed. "I heard my name being called."

  Ivan then explained to Mateo that they were going to do an additional photo shoot at a rented house and he also gave him the address because Mateo was very familiar with this area.

  "Oh, I know that place. The house is often rented out for photo shoots," Mateo said happily. "Actually, near the house there is a nice little food stall and I'm planning to go there after this photo shoot, how about we go there together?"

  Apple tried to hold back a smile when she saw how Ivan looked now, as he stammered explaining that Mateo couldn't come, but the young man kept insisting and said he wouldn't be a bother.

  Apple shook her head inwardly. She felt a little sorry for Ivan because he was completely inexperienced in this kind of field and shouldn't have agreed to deal with this kind of situation.

  If it really was a critical situation and things got bad, Apple felt that Ivan would be the first to be shot and killed because he had absolutely no idea how to survive in this kind of line of business.

  At this point, Apple felt extremely curious. Did Ivan really make a deal with those people? She couldn't believe there was something driving him into this devious business until he had to join the Gevanos and defraud her.

  "Okay, you can come," Ivan said at last because he couldn't find a good reason to refuse Mateo's request without making himself look suspicious, even though he had been suspected from the start.

  "Okay, you should try the seafood at that little stall too, Apple, you won't regret it." Mateo looked so excited when he said this.

  "Okay," Apple replied calmly.

  She could see that the car that had been near the beach this afternoon had disappeared, which meant that Jayden had been part of the plan.

  "Okay, let's go now, before it gets dark." Ivan didn't look happy with Mateo tagging along and he walked first to his car and let Mateo sit beside him, while Apple sat in the back seat.

  "You look pale, Ivan, are you okay?" asked Apple, slightly teasing him because it was very obvious that this man was very nervous.

  "Yeah, I'm fine," Ivan replied. He took a deep breath and started the engine.

  He seemed to be staring off into the distance and not too involved in the chat between Mateo and Apple the whole way, as if he was very focused on driving this car.

  "Yeah, you look sweaty, will you just close the window and turn on the air conditioner?" Mateo asked, because he thought Ivan was not very used to the night breeze from the sea, but Ivan once again shook his head and said he was fine and there was no need to think about it.

  Therefore, Mateo didn't say anything else.

  "Ah, that's the house over there," Mateo pointed out, but he noticed something odd because instead of going straight, Ivan took a left turn, which he knew was a dead end. "Where are we going?" Mateo asked confusedly. "This is not the way to the house."

  However, Ivan didn't say anything and continued to drive the car until they reached a dead end and they couldn't go anywhere unless they took a U-turn.

  "I already said it was a dead end, didn't I?" Mateo said again. "We have to turn around."

  But, instead of taking Mateo's advice, Ivan turned off his car engine and walked out of the car with the keys, so no one could drive the car away.

  "What is up with him?" Mateo asked confusedly and was about to get out of the car, but Apple stopped him by holding his shoulder.

  "Don't go out," she said coldly.

  "Why? I don't want to be in this car alone, where is Ivan going anyway?" asked Mateo who was a little confused and annoyed at Ivan's attitude toward him. "Is he upset that I insisted on tagging along? He shouldn't have reacted like that."

  Apple shook her head. "This has nothing to do with you," she repeated. "Don't get out of this car, understand?"

  Mateo was about to refute what Apple had warned him of, but when he turned around and was about to face her, he found a pair of cold eyes filled with warning staring back at him, as she repeated the words she just said.

  "Don't get out of this car, understand?" asked Apple.

  Instantly, Mateo could feel a very strong pressure from this girl. He didn't expect that a girl as cheerful as Apple and tended to be sweet could give such a strong ultimatum that he subconsciously nodded his head in agreement.

  "Okay, but what is this about?" Mateo asked confusedly, but he had no intention of getting out of the car after seeing how serious Apple was.

  However, Apple did not answer his question as she stepped out of the car and quickly approached Ivan.

  Apple put a hand on Ivan's shoulder to stop his hasty pace.

  But, Ivan tried to shake off Apple's grip on him by slapping her hand away.

  Of course, that was a mistake, because Apple didn't have the patience anymore to deal with this man who was trying to set her up.

  Very deftly, Apple then twisted Ivan's hands behind his back and kicked him behind his knees until he fell to the ground in a kneeling position. Apple then released his hands, letting him fall head first.

  "Where do you think you are going?" Apple asked dreamily. "You should know that you won't be able to catch me alone. You are no match for me, Ivan." She looked at the man, who was sprawled on the floor, wincing in pain.


  *Read my new book: KISSED BY THE DARK ALPHA*

  Alpha Micah Donovan's second chance mate.


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