It's Actually Not Easy Wanting to be a Supporting Male Lead

Chapter 4.6

Chapter 4.6

Upon returning from the Eternal Bliss Heavenly Ground, the first thing Sui Yuan has to do is, of course, to formally apologise and seek punishment for his misdeeds. As the Head Disciple for Heavenly Cosmos sect, his momentary lapse resulted in the loss of a few fellow disciples. This error can be considered light or severe, depending on whether or not the various Elders decide to lay the blame on his shoulders.

Naturally, due to Sui Yuan - or should one say, Liu Minghui - always displaying his remarkable talent and good-natured disposition, he has the trust of almost the entire sect. No one would ever imagine that little incident was his deliberate handiwork. According to the original text, the punishment Liu Minghui got was being sent into isolation for a year to face a figurative wall and ponder over his misdeeds. On the surface, they call it punishment, but one would be better off saying it is indirect protection. By sending him away, he would be able to escape any hatred and slander circulated by the other disciples, maintain a peaceful frame of mind, continue cultivating in isolation as well as go through all the rewards he managed to acquire from the Eternal Bliss Heavenly Ground and hopefully, enter the Nascent Soul stage as soon as possible.

Therefore, Sui Yuan is not the least bit worried. Keeping a tranquil expression with a trace of self-blame on his face, he stands ramrod straight in the middle of the temple hall, speaking frankly and not even trying to deny his accountability. This honest and sincere bearing invokes approval in the hearts of the onlooking Elders. Even the sect leader himself is extremely pleased, stroking his beard to conceal the upturned corners of his mouth.

On the outside, the cultivation world appears benevolent and peaceful, but beneath the surface, it is a cold place where the strong prey on the weak. Although it is regretful that quite a few young lives were lost in the Eternal Bliss Heavenly Ground, it served to prove that they lacked the mental strength to survive, and showed they were ill-suited to continue walking down this path. Either way, they would have been washed out sooner or later. Even adding all their potential together, they would never be able to hold a candle to the bright future of Liu Minghui. Besides, dying is merely like a lamp being extinguished. To make the life of a living person difficult due to the deaths of some worthless people is not beneficial to the sect at all.

It’s not only the hearts of these Elders that are biased. Even the surviving disciples who made it out of the mirage array alive are pleading on Sui Yuan’s behalf due to a myriad of reasons. Some are like Shen Jiayi who is good-hearted and genuinely wants to help, feeling that he doesn’t deserve to be blamed for what happened. Others plead because they know how much power Sui Yuan holds within the sect and want to grasp this opportunity to get in his good graces. In short, the end result lies overwhelmingly in his favour. If Sui Yuan had not known he will be ’punished’ by being isolated for a year, he would have assumed this verdict means he wouldn’t be penalised at all.

Although they don’t wish to punish Sui Yuan, they know this matter will act as a precedent for the other disciples in the sect - or at least, it will sound good if news of their impartiality spreads. After consulting with the other Elders, sect leader Jie Lu then turns to the apathetic Xuan Ling standing on the other side of the hall, who hasn’t spoken a word the entire time. "Junior Brother Xuan Ling, you are the Elder in charge of supervision this time so you would have a much clearer understanding of this matter. How do you feel we should handle his punishment?"

Once this question is aired, Xuan Ling becomes the target of everyone’s stare, even Sui Yuan’s.

Xuan Ling’s conduct is icy and detached. In his heart, he possesses only a single, narrowed view: his own. When judging someone, there is only right or wrong. Never will he take into account what will benefit the sect, or how the world outside has changed. In the original text, he was the only Elder who offered a different opinion regarding Liu Minghui’s punishment. However, under his disciple’s pleading for mercy, he doesn’t persevere with his proposal to increase the sentence, finally choosing to compromise.

Therefore, when he opens his mouth now, the words falling from his mouth causes the other Elders’ complexion to change. "According to the sect’s law, improper action resulting in the endangerment and death of disciples should be punished with ten lashes."

The whip used for carrying out sentences within the Heavenly Cosmos sect is no ordinary whip. Rather, it is a Spirit weapon forged by the Heavenly Smith. Every lash will block a meridian within the victim’s body, making spiritual circulation sluggish and ebb one’s cultivation. If Sui Yuan is subjected to ten lashes, he would need approximately more than one year to recover, and will greatly influence his rise to Nascent Soul stage.

The sect leader’s face darkens, becoming rather unsightly. He is naturally aware of his Junior Martial Brother’s temperament, but never did he think Xuan Ling would call for such a heavy penalty. Just as he is racking his brain for a good way to refute this proposal, he hears Shen Jiayi cry out a single word of "Master!" in alarm.

Typically, a mere disciple is not allowed to interrupt as they please during a serious moment like this, but seeing as Shen Jiayi is pleading on behalf of his beloved succeeding disciple, he doesn’t stop her. Xuan Ling glances at Shen Jiayi with a trace of annoyance, but conversely corrects himself. "However, on the account of him nearing a breakthrough, and that his actions were unintentional, even acknowledging his faults without trying to shy away from responsibility, I am willing to allow a reduction in his sentence."

Every Elder can’t help freezing for a split-second, taken back by his sudden amendment. Their eyes travel between Shen Jiayi and Xuan Ling, gazes somewhat complicated. Even Shen Jiayi herself is shocked silent, eyes widening as she hesitantly glances up at her master, a faint, gratified smile on her lips.

Sui Yuan purses his lips, feeling a little strange as he wonders why Xuan Ling agrees to compromise so easily, not acting as unyielding as described in the script. Nevertheless, he turns to face Elder Xuan Ling and bows, showing his appreciation.

"Since Junior Martial Brother has given his verdict..." One of the Elders clears his throat and composes himself before looking at the sect leader. "Elder Jie Lu, what do you think is the proper way we should handle this punishment?"

"We shall sentence him to isolation for an entire year, how does it sound?" Elder Jie Lu replies after a short while.

Sui Yuan’s punishment is thus decided. Even if some things didn’t exactly go the way it should mid-way through, this scene can be considered successfully completed. After experiencing worlds being flipped around on its axis, Sui Yuan has already learned to turn a blind eye to minor alterations. The question is whether or not he should count being unfazed as progress to becoming a veteran actor...

When the assembly is dismissed, Sui Yuan is asked to remain behind by his master. The Elder questions him about the loot he managed to gather from the Eternal Bliss Heavenly Ground, at the same time advising him not to take the punishment to heart, that he should quietly continue to cultivate in isolation and reach the Nascent Soul stage as soon as possible.

Sui Yuan is naturally not at all resentful, and shows as such when he bows in consent with his master’s words. Seeing that his reaction doesn’t carry the slightest trace of falsehood, the sect leader relaxes, turning his thoughts to another worrying matter. "Minghui, did you pay attention to the interaction between Junior Brother Xuan Ling and his disciple Shen Jiayi when you were in the Eternal Bliss Heavenly Ground this time?"

Sui Yuan pauses, not clear as to why the sect leader is asking this question. Frowning in reflection, he cautiously replies, "Disciple did not pay close attention. Dare I ask Master why you are inquiring about it?"

"Master feels that Junior Martial Brother cares about that Shen Jiayi too much..." The Elder sighs heavily. "Junior Brother Xuan Ling is someone I watched grow up, therefore, I know his temperament better than anyone else. For him to agree to compromise and not reprimand someone for speaking out of turn, even relenting in the face of their appeal... Master is very worried on his behalf ah..."

Sui Yuan remains taciturn and retains a concerned posture as he feels his present status is not qualified to offer baseless speculations.

"Minghui, do you feel Junior Brother Xuan Ling may be enamoured with Shen Jiayi?" Try as he might, the sect leader really finds it difficult to understand Xuan Ling’s inner thoughts. That man sometimes remains so cold and distant, other times displaying his emotions clear on his face. With no definite answer, the Elder can’t help but question his most trusted, well-connected and sociable disciple. "You do not need to overthink it, just directly tell me your sincere thoughts."

Sui Yuan purses his lips. "Although disciple is a younger generation and is unworthy of offering an opinion..." Pausing for a second, he recalls what he read from the original text and raises his head to meet his master’s eyes, bluntly cutting to the heart of the matter. "Disciple believes the Elder Xuan Ling has indeed fallen in love with Junior Sister Shen."

With someone else confirming his earlier speculations, the sect leader can only exhale worriedly. Waving his hand to allow Sui Yuan to be excused, he sinks into his thoughts. As for Sui Yuan, he initiatively scrams to the cliff located behind the sect after putting his affairs in order, beginning his one year of isolation.

As Liu Minghui will not reach Nascent Soul stage even after one year, Sui Yuan doesn’t need to continue cultivating as seriously as he did at the start. Permitting the Crystal beast to roam freely, he watches it play joyfully for a long moment before settling down on top of a large boulder. Crossing his legs as though meditating diligently, he begins to discuss the recent developments with 5237.

It is yet unknown if it is Sui Yuan’s presence causing a butterfly effect, or if this is Zhao Xihe’s doing hidden in the dark, but either way, both characters suspected to be the potential male lead - Xuan Ling and Shao Peiyuan - has more or less displayed inconstancies in their speech and actions. The former corrected himself too quickly when She Jiayi pleaded to lessen the penalty, and the former appear to harbour ambiguous feelings for Liu Minghui - Sui Yuan persistently wants to believe it is towards Liu Minghui. Both events are giving him a headache.

However, after considering all aspects of the story, Sui Yuan and 5237 fail to conjure up a good plan to nudge the plot back on track. The only thing they can do right now is to take one cautious step forward at a time and try their best not to mess up further.

Just as he makes a firm decision, a sudden spike of spiritual energy erupts from far away. Sui Yuan’s eyes snap open and turns towards the direction of the surge only to see dense clouds gathering in the horizon. This is the unmistakable omen of someone in the process of entering Nascent Soul stage!

"It appears that Shao Peiyuan has broken through to Nascent Soul stage just like what’s written in the script." 5237’s sigh of relief is echoed by Sui Yuan. However, his pleased expression instantly morphs into a dark, hard look.

5237 freezes for a split-second, then realises its partner has immersed himself back into his role, heavy silence permeating the air around him as hatred and envy fills his eyes.

"In the plot, Liu Minghui nearly walked down the Demonic Path after discovering Shao Peiyuan advanced one step before him?" The glint in Sui Yuan’s eyes is cutting and full of malice.

"That’s right. It was the sect leader who promptly sensed Liu Minghui’s life-force flickering indefinitely, realised his disciple was met with an accident and arrived on time to pull him back from the edge," 5237 replies a little apprehensively. "Do you know how to act like you are about to enter the Demonic Path?"

"......Don’t know," Sui Yuan answers honestly. "In any case, all I have to do is follow what is described in the text, the more plaintive the better, right?" Saying thus, he begins to compress the spiritual energy in his body, disrupting the calm flow circulating through his meridians. Consciously doing so results in severe, piercing pain that borders on unbearable. Only when he feels his internal organs has become a mess does he stop suppressing the agony surging through his body, and coughs out a mouthful of blood.

"Fuck! Aren’t you being too excessive?!" Seeing the pale complexion and red blood dripping out from between his lips to the rock below, 5237 jumps up and down in agitation. However, before Sui Yuan can bring his gasping under control and comfort the distraught system, he suddenly feels an ice-cold spiritual presence enveloping his body. Soon after, two hands clamp around his limp waist, supporting him to remain sitting upright.

"Calm your emotions. Clear your mind of everything!" One can hear faint worry in that frosty voice as the owner draws Sui Yuan’s powerless body back to lean against his chest. One arm around his waist, the other free hand settles on Sui Yuan’s chest. Struggling to lift his head and look at the person, he freezes instantly as his gaze locks with a pair of cold, angry eyes.

Holding himself absolutely still, he can only ask one sentence. "Why is it not the sect leader? Where did the sect leader go?!"

"You ask me, I ask who ah!" 5237 responses irately.

A steady stream of chilly spiritual energy seeps into him, boldly flowing through his meridians and placating his chaotic inner energy. Sui Yuan inhales deeply to counter the ache as perspiration soaks his robes. Whenever he thinks about breaking away from the other’s grasp, the arm around him tightens, forcing him to sit still and endure until it is over.

As soon as his inner spiritual energy calms and his internal organs doesn’t feel like porridge, Sui Yuan inhales deeply once more and struggles to his feet, turning around to thank the Elder. "Many thanks to Elder Xuan Ling for your timely assistance."

Xuan Ling eyes him silently for a short period of time, then his hand drops away from Sui Yuan’s chest and moves a step back. "Why were you on the verge of falling to the Demonic Path?"

"Disciple’s heart...was restless. I was too anxious and tried to advance prematurely." Sui Yuan answers the Elder with the scripted reply from the original text, then shifts the topic. "May I ask why Elder is here?"

"I train here daily," Xuan Ling replies.

Sui Yuan chokes a little at the unexpected answer, poking 5237 in wordless question. The system flips through the pages quickly, nodding its head helplessly at long last. "It does say here that Xuan Ling likes to practise his Sword Art behind the sect’s mountain... It seems our luck was bad this time, running into him just as he is in the middle of training. Or could it be you wandered off the Righteous Path too early?"

Sui Yuan: "......"

There aren’t any specifications when Liu Minghui nearly fell to the Demonic Path after Shao Peiyuan’s breakthrough, so how is he supposed to know ah! Peh!

Seeing Sui Yuan’s swaying slightly on his feet, Xuan Ling close his eyes. "Do you still have the bottle of Jade Pearl pills I gave you?"

"I do," Sui Yuan replies deferentially.

"Take one," Xuan Ling orders curtly.

Removing the jade bottle from within his robes, Sui Yuan dumps the last remaining pill in his palm. Although his heart mourns at the waste of it, he cannot disobey an Elder’s direct command. Thus, under his sharp gaze, Sui Yuan swallows it down.

"There’s none left?" Xuan Ling abruptly asks, taking note of every little twitch and hesitation.

Sui Yuan stiffens, then nods in affirmative.

"You use it up pretty quickly," Xuan Ling states, tone vague.

Sui Yuan is momentarily lost for words. He can’t say that the first pill was him unknowingly wasting it to heal a superficial injury, and the second was used to save the life of an important supporting male lead who might be the male lead, can he?

Luckily, the Elder doesn’t interrogate him further, merely flinging a sleeve and walking away.

Heaving a soft sigh of relief, Sui Yuan is about to bow and say "respectfully seeing Elder off" when Xuan Ling halts in his steps and glances over his shoulder. "Come with me."

Sui Yuan: "......Disciple has to stay here to reflect..."

"Nearly going down the Demonic Path, what’s there to reflect?" Xuan Ling interrupts Sui Yuan’s protest. "I will report to the sect leader after. For now, follow me."

With no way out, he desperately tries to remember what happens after this scene. In the story, Liu Minghui’s isolation period also comes to an end immediately after he nearly wandered off the Righteous Path. With this in mind, he doesn’t argue, saying a single respectful "yes" before walking over to the Elder. However, before he can take a single step, his knees nearly give out, causing him to stumble.

Succumbing to one’s inner demons is similar to experiencing a serious illness. After walking past the gates of Hell, wishing to recover immediately is, of course, impossible. Not waiting for Sui Yuan to regain his balance, he is once again dragged into an embrace. An expressionless Xuan Ling draws his Spirit sword and steps onto the flat of its blade with Sui Yuan in his arms. A second later, the jian soars into the sky, streaking towards the Heavenly Blade Peak. Sui Yuan’s voice is left wafting in the wind.

"’s Peak...! QAQ"

5237: "......This forceful kidnapping’s all a delusion, right?!"


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