It's Actually Not Easy Wanting to be a Supporting Male Lead

Chapter 2.10

Chapter 2.10

Of course, Sui Yuan hasn’t the faintest clue about the schemes and twisted thoughts running through Zhao Xihe’s mind, completely unaware he has been made a target and oblivious to the fact he will be herded into a carefully-planned trap. Seeing as the other actor honestly admitted his mistake, he also doesn’t wish to criticise.

"Ah, what were we talking about before?" Sui Yuan tilts his head to the side, pondering for a while. "Oh, right. My true name is Sui Yuan."

5237 has told him countless times before that even if he meets a colleague, he absolutely cannot leak out his origin story. Therefore, Sui Yuan doesn’t tell the other that he is a nameless creation, and so decided to take on the name of his first character.

"Ah, is that so." Zhao Xihe nods.

"Then, may I ask why you didn’t act your role properly in the first and second world, instead hindering me from completing my tasks?" Sui Yuan asks seriously, limpid eyes locked on Zhao Xihe as he eagerly awaits the reply.

This senior actor is currently in a rather awkward position. Naturally, he cannot say that he came to like Sui Yuan and thought he was being played, thus deciding to take revenge in the next world. But in the second world, he decided not to make reprisals and ended up not wanting to let this child go.

Muttering irresolutely under his breath for a moment, Zhao Xihe eventually decides to mix half-truths and half-lies. An experienced person like him wanting to deceive this pure and simple Sui Yuan will be a piece of cake.

"In the first world, I did not know you were also an actor and thought you were a native," Zhao Xihe says slowly.

Sui Yuan nods in understanding. He too, had thought Zhao Xihe was a native. After all, the possibility of two actors meeting in the same world is close to zero.

"Honestly speaking, I like you a lot," Zhao Xihe states very sincerely. "But in the original text, you are not destined to be with the female lead and your ending is very pitiful. I didn’t wish to see you fall to that extent, so I changed the plot without permission. I hoped that without my intervention, things will work out and you would have a happy ending. However, I never thought you would be an actor and thus have to preserve the storyline."

Hearing this, Sui Yuan is slightly moved by this excuse. Although it brought him trouble, this man did it with good intentions. Hence, Sui Yuan is willing to accept this transgression.

Looking at the bright smile on Sui Yuan’s face, Zhao Xihe can’t help the slight upturn of his own lips. He likes this child precisely because he is sincere and gentle to the core.

"Only after the first world concluded and I saw you, did I realise your identity." Sighing, self-blame creeps into Zhao Xihe’s tone. "I was a little impulsive and felt like I have been deceived. After labouring for so long and even having points deducted, it all came to nothing. Therefore, I became really furious."

Recalling his own feelings of anger at seeing the low score after putting his utmost effort into completing his task, Sui Yuan can only nod his head sorrowfully. Putting himself in the other’s shoes, he can understand why Zhao Xihe was infuriated.

...Although, he is innocent ah...

"That’s why, in the second world, you wanted to exact revenge and let me have a taste of my own medicine, isn’t that right?" Sui Yuan good-heartedly finishes the rest of the explanation.

Zhao Xihe relaxes and nods when he sees that Sui Yuan is not angry. "I’m sorry."

"It’s nothing. It’s just a misunderstanding, that’s all. Now that we have resolved this, everything is well! It’s just...this method of sacrificing eight hundred men in order to kill just one enemy is not a good way of handling a situation ah. Look, now you and I gained the lowest score possible for two consecutive worlds. Fortunately, we didn’t experience other losses." Sui Yuan grins brightly, void of any negative emotions as he stands up. The innocent charm he exudes forces Zhao Xihe to narrow his eyes slightly in order to conceal the sudden, intense fire that ignites within him. "Since there are no other matters, then I should proceed to my next world. I hope everything goes smoothly for you too."

"Please wait a moment." Zhao Xihe promptly reaches out to grab his wrist, still appearing very refined and courteous. "As everything is my fault, simply opening my mouth to apologise doesn’t sit well with me. Would you mind if I compensate you?"

"Compensate?" Sui Yuan frowns, a little doubtful. He doesn’t like leeching off someone else, but Zhao Xihe appears genuine and sincere, so he hesitates in declining. "How do you plan on compensating me?"

"I will come with you to the next world and help you earn sufficient points in order to compensate your low scores these two times. How does that sound?" Zhao Xihe offers solemnly.

This offer indeed hits Sui Yuan’s heart, for even after going through two worlds, his overall marks are pitifully abysmal. In addition, Zhao Xihe looks like a very experienced actor. With his help, perhaps there is a good chance of earning a lot of points in his third world!

"...Is it possible? But 5237 said...actors have no freedom to choose which world they go to..." Sui Yuan trails off.

"That only applies to junior actors. Once you are promoted to the next level, you can purchase the ability to pick from a selection of worlds. The higher one’s level, the more extensive the selection," Zhao Xihe explains. "You don’t need to do anything. I am able to select and enter the world after you."

Sui Yuan’s eyes brighten. Chewing lightly on his bottom lip in thought, he eventually nods in consent. "Then...I’ll have to trouble you."

"It would be my honour." Zhao Xihe smiles faintly, suppressing the surging contentment he feels as well as the devilish smugness in getting his way.

The poor, oblivious Sui Yuan who isn’t aware that he had just been tricked by a wolf in sheepskin cheerfully follows behind Zhao Xihe as they reunite with their own systems. Presently, 5237 is still smothering in anger after talking with its counterpart. Upon seeing Sui Yuan, it drifts over and hovers sullenly near his shoulder.

Glancing at his own system before eyeing the sulking 5237, Zhao Xihe chuckles lightly. "Let me introduce my partner, 0007. Yours is 5237, correct?"

"That’s right," Sui Yuan replies as he pats his system’s head.

"Shall we establish a communication line?" Zhao Xihe proposes, genial smile still plastered on his face. "Once we establish a line, no matter how far we are from each other, or even if we are in different worlds, we can keep in touch through our systems."

Happy to have made his first friend, Sui Yuan is about to agree, when 5237 moans in acute agony, tears of blood streaming down its face. "No way! As if I will willingly establish a communications line with this asshole! Absolutely not allowed!"

Zhao Xihe frowns, displeased that his first plan of attack has been cut down by the other’s system. His tone is a little dark when he speaks up. "Sui Yuan, the opinion of a system is not important. Although it has the obligation to monitor your actions, it must also respect the wishes of its partner."

Torn between two choices, Sui Yuan looks at Zhao Xihe, then drops his gaze to the despondent 5237. In the end, his system’s sorrowful expression wins out, and he can only reject the request of his new friend. After all, compared to the Zhao Xihe that he acknowledged as a friend only a few moments ago, he cares more about 5237 who has accompanied him ever since his creation.

"Let it be for now. After all, we will be together in the next world, isn’t that so?"

Disappointed, Zhao Xihe falls silent for a second, then smiles and nods at Sui Yuan. However, his gaze is ice-cold when he glances at 5237, quietly plotting ways for payback.

Even the ever-tranquil 0007 can’t help quelling a little when the frosty stare turns on itself, explaining a little helplessly, "This isn’t my fault. Don’t take you anger out on an innocent. That idiot’s the one complaining."

"Shut up." Zhao Xihe grouses in his heart.

0007: "......"

While Zhao Xihe is communicating with his system, 5237 pulls Sui Yuan aside to complain.

"You cannot do this! Just the thought of going through a world with that asshole is suffocating!" 5237 weeps.

"Systems cannot choke or suffocate. You don’t even need to breathe," Sui Yuan tilts his head as he retorts.

"It’s just an analogy! An exaggerated comparison!!" 5237 sincerely wishes it can strangle this partner.

"...Therefore, you wouldn’t die," Sui Yuan says triumphantly. "Don’t complain anymore. I have already promised Zhao Xihe, so endure it a little. Once the next world ends, we will separate."

5237: "Yiyiyiyi......"

"Can we go now?" Zhao Xihe inquires.

"Sure." Sui Yuan nods, patting the still reluctant 5237 on the head before disappearing in a flash of light.

Not waiting for its partner’s command, 0007 immediately follows. It fervently hopes that by obediently fulfilling this guy’s desires without being told, it can at least ensure it wouldn’t be on the receiving end of his ire.

Let the next world commence.

The author has something to say: In the next world, Sui Yuan will finally see Zhao Xihe, this pig teammate’s devilish nature clearly...


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