Ito Ai: A New Dawn

Chapter 89: On The Road Again Part One

Chapter 89: On The Road Again Part One

"Ai do you have everything?" Mai asked. It was early in the morning and the sun had just risen over the horizon. Ai wanted to get an early start so they could cover more ground.

"Mmm We have enough military food and water to last the trip there, ammo, compass, and weapons." Ai replied. She had a large trailer behind her. Since she had inhuman strength now she figured she would empty the entire bunker out. 

"Alright just be careful " Mai was still worried something might happen but she knew this trip needed to be taken at some point.

"I will also grab whatever scrap metal I can find. I need to make the barrier for the base so it will take a good amount of metal." Ai added. She wanted to make sure the base was protected and she did not know how big of a radio dish she would need to create a barrier that large. 

"Alright, I'll see you in about a week then." Mai said as she gave Ai a hug.

"Little lady watch out for the lad there. He is smart and good with guns but he is not as strong as you are now. I will see you guys when you are back. I promise nothing will happen while I am here." Yoshi said before picking the two girls up and walking back inside. 

Shogo didn't say a word and just waved as he obediently stood behind Mai like a pet dog. Ai and Eiji waved goodbye before beginning their journey. They had only exited the base when Ai said: "I think Shogo has a thing for Mai."

"I think so too. But he is too chicken shit to say anything." Eiji said with a laugh. "He has always been weak willed ever since I met him. He tries to act tough but he can never keep it up. But he is a loyal person and would die for his friends. He tried to protect me once from the machines and ended up with a deep slash in his back that just missed his spinal cord."

"Now that you mention it I did see a scar that day I made him strip. But everyone has scars. I mean my shoulder and my face are both scared. But from the sounds of it, I was right to place Shogo at Mai's side. I hope he will protect her during the times I can not." Ai felt Shogo was not so bad now she heard this story. Ai stopped her steps when she thought of something and looked at Eiji.

"Something wrong?" Eiji asked.

"Come here a second." Ai replied and Eiji did as she asked, walking to stand in front of her. Ai reached up and fiddled with the collar on Eiji's neck and a clicking sound could be heard. She pulled the collar off of Eiji and looked at the red mark it had left. "It's not much but I can at least do this much for you for now. Eiji, I swear to god if you break my trust I will rip your limbs off starting with your dick." 

Eiji did not find any offense to what she said and just rubbed his neck now that it was free of that collar and smiled. "I will make sure to not give you a chance to do anything of the sort." 

"Let's hope so. Come on, we got a lot of ground to cover." Ai said as he continued walking.

The two continued walking until dusk when Ai decided it was time to rest for the night. "Let's pick a car with the least amount of windows and a back hatch. Last time when Mai and I were on this stretch of road a machina patrol passed by and we almost lost our lives. Hopefully this time we won't see any."

"We sleeping in shifts?" Eiji asked.

"Mm But lucky for you, you get to sleep next to me, are you happy?" Ai teased. In her past life, she slept in close quarters of men and women of all ages. A lot of times there were only so many places that could be used as cover and usually, these places were cramped after trying to fit twenty people in. At first, Ai could never sleep in such a situation but eventually as time went on you got used to it and could fall asleep easily. But Ai knew Eiji's feelings for her, so she couldn't help tease him at times like this where he got to be close to her.

Ai certainly did get the reaction she expected, Eiji's red face said it all. But what she found cute was that even though he was completely red in the face, he still tried to act tough. The two found a suv with tinted windows the same as Ai had used before but this time it was a different model. Ai picked the lock and jumped in and began checking to see what was inside. "This place is not bad, there are even some blankets in the back."

"Oh?" Eiji climbed in and closed the door behind him and sat in the front seat. He was not sure if he should climb in the back or not.

"Are you trying to become a target? Get back here. It may be a little cramp but put up with it." Ai said when she noticed Eiji not moving. 

Only after Ai's okay, did Eiji finally climb into the back. The two sat side by side, their shoulders touching. Ai thought nothing of it as she pulled out a small piece of paper. From her pocket and began reading it. Eiji looked over to see that it seemed to be a shopping list of sorts. When he saw her yawn Eiji said: "You can sleep first I will take first watch."

"Then I will take you up on that offer. Oh, don't reach for my shoulder to wake me. Pinch my thigh instead if something happens." Ai said before leaning on Eiji's shoulder like it was nothing and closing her eyes. Seconds later steady breathing came from Eiji's side. He glanced down to see the girl he liked was now sound asleep. Just knowing she trusted him so much now made him smile. 


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