Ito Ai: A New Dawn

Chapter 85: Return To The Bunker Part One

Chapter 85: Return To The Bunker Part One

A week passed and the radiation storm outside had finally ended. This was a huge thing for the group who had been stuck underground the entire time. "I will go up topside first. I do not think I can even get radiation poisoning, so It would be best for me to check it out." 

"Ai, be careful and make sure you stay out of overly radioactive areas. It is not one hundred percent sure that you won't get sick." Mai was worried that Ai would go beyond her limits and end up dead because she got carried away with testing her new abilities. She had heard from Eiji about her forcing him to drill a hole in her arm. Although it was necessary, it was still an act of self mutilation. 

"Don't worry I won't go beyond my limits, I promise." Ai replied, her expression showing that she was not joking at all. Just seeing the look on her face allowed Mai to relax a bit but she was still worried. "Especially, since Eiji is coming with me!" 

Mai almost choked as she held back her laughter. Her only thought at this time was 'Are you going to use him as a human radiation detector? If he boils up and dies it's not a safe zone!?'

Eiji already knew this was going to happen so he was not surprised by Ai's announcement. "Should I go suit up?"

"Mmm! We are going to test it to see if it works. Make sure you put and hookup a radiation detector inside of it, in the pocket, I sewed into it." Ai replied.

"I will, the last thing I want to do is die." Eiji said while running off to suit up.

"Ai what is he talking about?" Mai asked.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. Remember that day when you walked into my workshop and Eiji was stripped down to his underwear. I was working on a way to make the radiation suits in storage easier to move in. You ran away before I could tell you what we were doing and then forgot to mention it later on." Ai had neglected to mention that the position the two were in at the time was very suggestive as well. 

Mai couldn't help but blush when she remembered it. Ai had her face right in front of Eiji's crotch while saying: "Hold still I can't hold on to it if you keep moving like that." Ai of course was talking about the tape measure she had in her hand as she measured Eiji's waist. But Mai's mind jumped right into the gutter and ran away without confirming anything. And because she was so embarrassed about the situation she did not dare to ask what really happened. But now that she knew, she was even more embarrassed because of her own dirty mind!

Eiji came back about ten minutes later with a suit that was loose but not as baggy as a normal Radiation suit. It was complete with a helmet and an oxygen tank on the back. "How is it?"

"Easier to move in than the normal suits. No idea if it is fully safe. Even though you soldered the entire lining together to make the seams, it may still let in some radiation." Eiji replied.

"You may be right What are your current readings?" Ai asked.

"No readings at all within the suit, so we can get a decent test once we go outside." Eiji actually liked the way Ai set up the suit. It had wiring going through it with a small LCD screen built into the helmet just above the right eye. It showed the radiation readings for both the outside and inside the suit. 

"Alright, let's go then! Mai man the shutter for me, please. The area of what remains of the mutant is safe from radiation now." Ai had been keeping a close eye on the area where the mutant was and every day the mutant was slowly disappearing to the point that it was nothing more than a pile of slush on the ground now.

Ai and Eiji stepped on the other side of the shutter and Ai gave the okay to close it. Ai and Eiji both had radiation detectors and scanned the area looking for danger zones. "Seems clear, let's head up." 

One of the reasons why Ai wanted to go this way was so she could inspect the remains of the mutant and to also look at the amount of damage done when the mutant went on a rampage. Ai crotched down next to the remains of the mutant and poked it with her finger. "Accelerated decay I guess whatever that purple fluid was, was keeping the cells alive, and now that it is gone, it has made the cells break down a hundred times faster than they normally would. The exposure to radiation could also be the cause. "

Ai stood up and wiped her hand on her clothes as she said: "Let's go up top. I wonder what color the sky is today!" 

The last time Yoshi checked topside, he said the clouds were no longer green but still grey and covered the sky. He also said that the temperature was much colder than normal for this time of year. Ai and Eiji made their way down the destroyed hallway and up the stairs. Besides the spots that the acid from the mutant burnt in the floor and the broken shutters, the damage was not too bad. Most of the damage was located by the mutant. Although, there were indents in the walls from the machina that came down this way as well.

As they reached the top floor Ai Looked up through the broken parts of the ceiling to see a pink sky. "Now isn't that new..."


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