Ito Ai: A New Dawn

Chapter 81: Mutation Part Six

Chapter 81: Mutation Part Six

It was around noontime when Yoshi came to deliver food. Mai had told him that Ai was now awake and so far seemed to be fine. "So how long do you three plan to stay in there then?"

"As of now, we will remain in quarantine for one more week. Just add a second dish for Ai now that she is awake." Mai replied. She hated having to be stuck in such a small room. But because she had hugged Ai, she did not know if she had become infected by anything. She had no choice but to take precautionary measures.

"Alright, I will let the girls know that Ai is awake and seems to be fine. They had been very worried about her. As for Shogo, he has stood outside this room like a puppy dog whose master had left him behind while they went to work." Yoshi said, causing Shogo who was outside to quickly complain. 

"Why did you tell her!?" It seemed Shogo did not want Mai to know he was guarding the door. Mai let out a sigh but her lips curled up slightly. What this small smile was for only Mai knew.

As the days passed the three did their best to entertain themselves. Mai took blood samples from Eiji and herself three times a day. It had finally come to the final day and Mai was now taking the last blood sample. She placed it under the microscope and looked at them both. "All clear. Nothing changed. We have had no fevers and no other abnormalities. Ai seems to be perfectly fine mentally as well. "

"Hey!" Ai yelled out at Mai's comment. Only to have Mai stick her tongue out at her.

"You know what I mean. You did not try to harm us at all. Nor did your personality change. The only changes we know of at this time are the fact that your skin heals very quickly when cut and that right now with the tools on hand nothing can even pierce through your skin." Mai explained. "Eiji will have to stick to you like glue though. I can not always be there with you since I have to keep working on practicing medicine. If something were to happen it would be better to have Eiji there than me anyway since if you ripped someone's head off after transforming into some kind of weird monster it will be Eiji's head and not mine."

"This is true Eiji come here let's practice the whole head ripping thing!" Ai said jokingly. While reaching with her hand to grab at Eiji's neck.

Eiji dodged and gave a wry smile. These two had been picking on him as of late. But he did not hate it. He felt he had gotten a lot closer to Ai since she acted more like her natural self around him now after being confined to this room for a week. Although he knew she only considered him a friend and not even a close one at that, it was still a step forward for him. "Let's not do the whole head ripping off thing ever please."

"Fine! Anyway, the more important matter at hand is are we now allowed out of this room? I wish to move around and work on some things in my workshop." Ai had been bored out of her mind. Being stuck in an enclosed space with nothing to do but pick on Eiji, sleep, eat, and play word games was not very entertaining. In her past life, she had always been on the go running from this or that so she never had a chance to get bored. 

"Yes, we can leave. But Ai..." Mai wanted to warn Ai she was still wearing a hospital gown but it was already too late, Ai had jumped right up from the bed and ran to the door with her panties exposed. 

Eiji blushed and quickly turned his head away. It was only when Ai felt the coolness on her behind that she remembered she was in a hospital gown. She blushed slightly and turned around and looked at Eiji who was already looking away. "Give me your pants and shirt." 

Mai let out a laugh because that would make Eiji have to walk out of the room with nothing but his boxers on. "Go on, strip for her you know you want to." Mai said jokingly. 

"If it is her request there is no way I would say no." Eiji retorted, not wasting a second as he took his shirt and pants off. Once they were off Ai quickly took them, stripped her hospital gown off, and put them on before giving a glance at Eiji saying: "Pink suits you." While pointing at the pink boxers he was wearing. 

Eiji cheeks were red not from Ai's comment but by the fact that Ai took her hospital gown off in front of him, leaving her in her bra and panties like it was no big deal. He glanced at Mai who was holding her head looking for answers. Only for her to tell him that he may find out in due time. "Ai remember there is still a man in the room."

"Huh? It's just Eiji, what do you mean man?" Ai looked at Mai confused before waving her hand and excitedly ran back towards the door. She gripped the handle, turned it, and pulled only for the whole door to suddenly come off its hinges, pulling part of the wall with it. "Freedo Err Mai was this door broken?"

"No, and it was also locked..." Mai answered completely surprised as to what she had just seen. 

Eiji had no time to wallow in his sorrow of not even being seen as a man as he stared in shock at the door that was just ripped out of the wall. 


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