Ito Ai: A New Dawn

Chapter 69: Mutant Horde Part Two

Chapter 69: Mutant Horde Part Two

"Mutants!? Those things used to be something else?" Shogo asked, accidentally raising his voice a little too much.

"If you keep talking so loud like that, I do not mind tossing you out there to feed them." Ai warned. Her words made Shogo flinch and he quickly closed his mouth.

Ai thought for a moment before saying, "Mai, go get me two Howa's and a stick."

Mai was confused by Ai's order and gave her a questioning look as she asked: "Stick?"

"Isn't that the only thing Shogo knows how to use? I know his brain cells are lower than a single cell organism, but he can still flail around with a stick in his hands. Maybe just maybe he might even beat one to death." Ai explained while at the same time giving Mai a few hand signals. Mai nodded her head and quickly ran off. 

Eiji and Yoshi both silently chuckled while Shogo wished he could find a hole to hide in.

Ai turned to the men and motioned with her hand for them to back up. Only when they were out of sight did Ai sit them down and began drawing an outline of a map on the dirty floor. "We have two major issues. First, it is the radiation storm that will more than likely last for a long time. Second, the mutants for some reason have left the confines of the radiation zones and are now sitting outside this building setting off my traps. We can not fight outside due to the radioactive rain. And we sure as hell do not want those mutants entering the lower levels."

"Ai, what exactly are these mutants?" Eiji asked.

"They used to be animals that mutated after the nuclear bombs went off. They mutated into what they are now and just so you know, those things are not alive. But the thing we need to watch out for the most is not the animal mutants but the human mutants. They are very rare, but although they are not as smart as they originally were, they are still smart, smarter than any animal. Not to mention that either type of mutant is deadly and hard as shit to kill. Either way, it is always best to run from a mutant than to fight one." Ai explained. But this caused confusion between the men. They did not understand how Ai gained such information but they dared not ask. They could only take her words for truth.

"Anyway, You ech will be given a gun. Do not fire them unless absolutely needed. We will barricade ourselves down stairs but I want to quickly go over escape routes which is why we are still up here." Ai then continued drawing the map of the entire base. "Here, here and here. Are turrets, alos here and here. They cover all entrances and open areas of the base. Traps are here, here, and here. These traps are easily set off if you are not careful. Eiji do you remember how we made our way through the base last time?"

"Yeah we had to follow a specific route that if you did not know about it, it would be impossible to get in or out of the base without knowing the path ahead of time." Eiji replied.

"East, west, south, and of course north each side has a similar path. Look for the marker and follow the same steps as before. Whether you can , make it through or not is up to you." The marker Ai was talking about was just a piece of metal lying on the ground like a piece of trash. 

"Alright, as for patrol duties I will have Eiji and Yoshi take shifts. As for you Shogo, I got another job for you." Ai saw that Mai was not scared of Shogo after her incident, With more guys wandering around she figured it might be good to have him help her where she needed it. 

"Wha-What do you want me to do? I don't want to give up my eyes!" Shogo's eyes wandered around nervously. 

"It's simple, I want you to guard my sister from a distance and help her if she asks for anything. But you must stay further than an arm reach away at all times, unless the situation calls for you to have no choice but to take her hand and run away. If she asks you to do something just do it, do not ask questions, got it?" Ai looked at Shogo with her head tilted to the side.

"As long as I can be of help. At the very least I can stall anything that tries to harm your sister." Shogo replied. The way he spoke showed no hint of lying.

"Also, do not look at or dream about Mai in any shape or form that would make her uncomfortable or you will be fed to those outside." Ai ran ger finger across her neck in a cutting motion cause Shogo's face t opale.

"Ai, you can trust Shogo, although he is a dimwit, the one thing he does have is the guts and loyalty." Eiji tried to give Shogo a leg up in hopes Ai would see him in a better light.

"Let's hope your words are true. One more thing Shogo, you best not try to follow her down the areas you are not allowed or you will be shot at by the turrets." Ai gave a friendly reminder. With the mutants around she wanted Mai to have someone there to protect Mai because even with all the security measures she had at the moment they were not meant for mutants. "During those times you are to stay parked at the end of the hallway, understood?"

"Ah yes! Umm... What about, bathroom." Shogo wanted to make sure he could at least take bathroom breaks.

"You can use the bathroom but you must yell down to Mai and announce that you will be using the bathroom. As for the two little ones." Ai turned to Yoshi. "Can I have you follow them around? You're big enough, so you can scope the two of them up if there is danger. I do not want my two little disciples dying on me anytime soon." 

"Leave it to me!" Yoshi said while saluting. 

Ai then looked at Eiji after getting confirmation from Yoshi and said: "You're with me. Just remember I shoot first and ask questions later." 

Normally Ai would not be doing this but with the threat of mutants, she had no choice. At least this way Mai, the girls, and herself had meat shields to use if danger appeared. Just pushing the button on for the collars would suffice to give them time to escape. Ai's main goal was survival. If it can be used she will use it. Even if there were risks involved.


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