Ito Ai: A New Dawn

Chapter 53: Experimentation Part Five

Chapter 53: Experimentation Part Five

"Mai?" Ai walked into the room where Mai was resting to find Mai's face stuck in a medical book. "Mai, take a break for a minute. I got two people to introduce you to." 

"People?" Mai lifted her head from the book she was reading to see two young girls nervously standing behind Ai. 

"Yes, these two I saved from the specimens I picked up while laying traps and scavenging parts. Akamatsu Kuri and her sister Ayase. I will be training them. I will explain my idea to you later." Ai said as she reached behind her and pulled the two girls forward. "Introduce yourself. This is my sister. She is currently healing after being shot in the leg, so she can't get out of bed right now." 

"Nice to meet you. I am Akamatsu Kuri, ten years old and my sister here is Ayase, she is eight years of age. She is shy, so I apologize for her lack of speaking on her behalf." Kuri bowed her head respectfully to Mai. When she heard she was Ai's sister she already had a fear of Mai blooming in her heart.

"It's nice to meet you. I will say this now. Normally I am a nice person, but Ai is the only relative I have left, so if you do anything that will harm her, I will not hesitate to hunt you down." Ai was startled by the sudden cold aura that Mai was exuding but Ai also felt her heart grow warm. In her two lifetimes, this was the first time anyone had ever acted in such a way after her parents had passed. She knew Mai would never turn her back on her but she never knew she would go this far. Ai couldn't help but feel a little sour in her nose as she turned her head trying to hide the smile that was forming. 

"Bi-Big S-Sister, we-we will never do such a thing." Kuri felt a heavy pressure from Mai causing her to fear Mai even more. 

"Mai, I got two dead bodies and three live bodies. We will need to use the dead bodies first, so I will wheel them in here on a table for you. Do you think you can work from the bed if I assist you?" Ai asked. She knew Mia still needed time to recover from her leg injury. But this did not mean she could not move around. Plus dead bodies could not be left sitting around too long or they will start to stink.

"Yeah, that should be fine but I need to see how everything is connected to the brain. Do we have a saw to cut bone?" Mai asked.

"There should be everything we need here if not I can make it. Just let me know what you need and I will check." Ai replied. She then turned to the two girls and said: "I want the two of you to begin sorting through the parts we scavenged. I need to talk with Mai a bit." 

"Yes, Master!" Kuri bowed to both Ai and Mai and pulled Ayase along with her out of the room to the pile of parts not far down the hallway.

"So how does it feel, Master?" Mai asked teasingly. 

"In a way, she is not wrong. I will be teaching her how to survive. Anyway listen to my idea and tell me what you think." Ai then relayed to Mai what she had come up with and waited to find out what Mai thought of this idea.

"It is not a bad idea. Although we are young. Well, you're just physically young but are actually mentally much older. But the idea of instilling fear into them so they will not betray is a good idea. Sadly it will make us seem like dictators but in this world, we will have no choice. In order to have people, we can rely on, without them trying to use us as shields, it would be best to train them from young. But Ai, I suggest only taking in females for now." Mai said. 

Ai thought for a moment and felt this was true. "Yeah, we do not want any issues later on. Although men are stronger in some aspects if one of them turned into a scumbag later on and started doing something to the girls of our group it would not be good."

"My thoughts exactly. Once I learn enough medical knowledge, I can train them in medicine and help lighten your load a bit." Mai knew Ai had basic medical knowledge but having to train them in martial arts, fitness, and weapons was already a lot. Ai had other things to do as well, so her plate was already overflowing.

"I will count on you then. By the way, I will be trying to hack the code the machina use in order to use the parts I scavenged as a defense system. I plan to make automated turrets and station them around the base. It will help keep out unwanted guests, human and non-human." Ai explained.

"Okay, just wheel in those bodies into here. I will need your help tomorrow getting set up. I might need you to open the skulls for me." Mai had some ideas in her mind on how to go about connecting the eyes but she had to see the actual way the eye was connected to the brain first. a real specimen was much better than pictures in a book.

"Will do! I will bring the bodies in after I get us some food. I am sure you are hungry. Plus those little girls look like they haven't eaten much at all. To be honest I am surprised they are so energetic." Ai felt bad for the two girls since they reminded her of herself from her first life. They both had dead eyes when she first saw them. It was not until they talked to her that the two girls' eyes seemed to brighten a bit. But overall they were still dead, filled with fear and uneasiness. 


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