Ito Ai: A New Dawn

Chapter 116: Gaining Supplies Part One

Chapter 116: Gaining Supplies Part One

Ai and Eiji took their time making their way to the highway mainly because they were checking radiation levels and marking the best path to bring the trails through. By the time they made it to the highway, the sun was already starting to set behind the clouds. "What should we do?" 

"No sense in trying to bring the trailers back today. We can sleep for the night but with our soaked clothes..." Ai looked down at herself. Her shirt and shorts were sticking to her body, soaked from the radioactive rain. 

Eiji thought for a moment and looked around. There were mainly cars and regular trucks around them except a few box trucks. There was not a single SUV around, which would make sleeping easier for them. "We can use the box truck over there. Depending on what is in it, we can always toss the items out and make camp inside." 

"Alright, let's go with your plan." Ai nodded, and the two headed off towards the truck. 

Eiji broke the lock on the back and lifted the door. Inside was full of boxes and furniture. "Seems to be a moving truck." 

"Is there a bed!?" Ai's eye's lit up as she quickly climbed up and pulled a few boxes out of the way. 

In no time at all, they had cleared out the truck of everything except a bed with a mattress, a set of blankets. They also kept a large rack to lay their clothes on. Eiji even broke some of the furniture to make a fire and bent out the rear door to make a kind of awning to keep the rain from putting out the fire. "This should work."

"Mmm!" Ai was already stripping her wet clothes off and lining them up on the rack near the fire to allow them to dry. Eiji poked at the fire a bit before doing the same thing. 

To make things a bit more cozy, Ai took the blanket off the bed and wrapped it around herself, and sat down next to the fire. "Eiji, come sit."

Eiji did as she asked, and Ai wrapped the blanket around him. She then snuggled up close to him, and the two sat watching the fire. "Days like this are not bad."

"As long as I can spend my days with you every day is not bad," Eiji said as he wrapped his arm around Ai's waist. His words made Ai smile. She leaned her head up and kissed his lips.

The next morning Ai opened her eyes and looked outside. The rain was still coming down  as usual. The road itself was nothing but a small stream now. She got up and shook Eiji before stretching and climbing out of bed. After their clothes dried, they got dressed and went right to bed because they knew they had a lot to do today.

"Eiji, get up," Ai said, shaking Eiji once more.

"Alright, I'm up." Eiji reluctantly said as she got up. His cheek still had a red handprint on it. It seemed he had gotten a little too frisky during their kiss last nightthe side of the box truck and a dent in it the shape of a human. 

The two got out of the truck, and the rain once again began soaking their clothes. "You take the right side, and I will take the left. Check the back of the trailers before adding them to the train. If there are people inside, which I highly doubt, secure them for Mai so she can use them for her research. If there are dead people, toss them out."

"What if the people are women and children?" Eiji asked.

"If kids, they can be trained. If it is women they can be used for research. " Ai actually did not know what she would do if it were only women and females in one of the trucks. But she highly doubted anyone would be alive if they hid inside one of these trailers. 

Eiji just shrugged and went to work. It did not matter what the trailers were carrying. All that mattered was the trailer itself could be put to use. In half a day, they had already lined up thirty trailers. Eiji and Ai were taking the trailer hitches and using their inhuman strength to bind them end to end. 

"That should be good for today; let's head out," Ai announced. Today's haul was not bad; they had found many trailers with clothing, canned goods, and other daily items. There were also trucks with furniture and appliances. Most of which were not needed, but their parts could be put to use for other things.

When they made it back to the base, Ai and Eiji washed up before setting up a method for unloading the supplies they needed immediately. "Ai, are you sure this will be safe?"

"You're all wearing radiation suits. Just don't rip them on anything. Eiji and I even made a ramp leading to the truck. We will slide the boxes to you. Each box will be checked to make sure they are within safe radiation levels for you to handle. The contents inside should be perfectly fine, though." Ai replied. She did her best to make sure everything would be safe for the others to help them unload.  The boxes would be unloaded by Eiji and Ai, while Mio and Yoshi would receive them and rip the tops off. From there, Mai would take out the contents and put them on a cart that the two little ones would then push into the base, dump them into one of the rooms and then bring the cart back. Although it was not the most efficient way of doing things, it was still better than trying to carry one back at a time. 


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