Ito Ai: A New Dawn

Chapter 108: Mio Part Three

Chapter 108: Mio Part Three

Yoshi scratched his head. He looked at Mio, not sure what to say. But when he saw the eyes that were pleading him to give her something to do. He let out a sigh. "You will help me take care of the girls and act as a mother figure for them. When the girls are training, you will also join them. Just be prepared as Ai is very strict with training. To be honest, I am surprised Ai brought you back, but she must have seen something in you." 

"She may have actually brought me back to be your wife." Mio had been thinking this since it was said, but it seemed Ai had no interest in her whatsoever and basically dumped her on to Yoshi. She had only been here for a short time, but she could already see the pairings. Eiji and Ai were always stuck together like glue, and Shogo followed Mai around like a puppy. Yoshi was the only one without a female his age around him except the girls. Given his age, he was not much older than herself. It was hard to believe that she was saved and brought back to be someone's wife, but from the looks of it, this may have actually been the reason she was saved.

"Hah, you think too much. Ai is just Well Ai..." Yoshi played it off as a joke, but he also felt that Ai really might have had that thought when she brought Mio back. "Anyway, we need to get you settled into a room a spare set of clothes, and I am sure you wish to take a hot bath. Let me radio Mai. Ai probably busy and won't answer." 

"Yes, thanks..." Mio blushed, thinking she must really smell. She had been sweating non-stop in that suit, and before that, she had gone a long time without a proper shower.

"Mai, you busy?" Yoshi took the radio attached to his belt and called over to Mai.

"Hmm, no, not really. What's up?" Mai asked.

"Mio still does not have a room. What are we going to do about that? She also wants to bathe as well." Yoshi couldn't help thinking that he was forgetting something else as well, and only when Mai answered did he realize what that important fact was. 

"Well, she is not able to go anywhere but the men's area. Ai has not added her into the turrets system. If she goes anywhere else besides the main hall, she will be shot. She will need to camp out with you tonight. I could turn off the turrets, but I do not think Ai would like that too much, and I think she may be passed out by now. Her door was shut and locked when I went to visit her a few minutes ago. For all, I know she may be climbing the stairs to adulthood with that bastard! Ahem Anyway, just make do for tonight. I will get Ai to draw her blood tomorrow and add her to the system. Have her use the men's bath. Shogo will be busy helping me for a while, so now is a good time to have her go in." Mai replied. 

"Ahh yeah It is a good thing I did not take her anywhere with turrets Alright, I will take care of things. Thanks, Mai." Yoshi let out a sigh and looked at Mio. "As you heard, you will crash out with me tonight. I will get you a futon, bedding, and a set of clothes. Unfortunately, we have no female underwear even the young ones are without Follow me and do not get too close to the other halls' entrances, or you may lose your head. Our base has high security against humans."

"Huh yeah..." Mio replied, somewhat bewildered. She followed behind Yoshi feeling a little anxious, making sure she stays in the center of the hall. She had lived through so much now and did not want to be killed after being saved because she got too close to a hallway.

Yoshi looked back and let out a laugh seeing Mio acting so cautious. "Haha, relax. You see, When Eiji, Shogo, and I arrived, we were locked into cell rooms for a long time until Ai made the collar you saw being taken off me earlier. Those things could explode with a press of a button, taking our heads clear off. Ai is very cautious. Well, that was before her mutation. Now she could just flick our heads off if she so wished. Anyway, the halls for the girls and other major areas are all guarded with turrets. The room we went into early is one of the few areas with no turrets. If you plan to stay here, I suggest you get used to weird thingssome of which you may find inhumane as well. I have a feeling when this rain ends. We will see quite a few prisoners." 

"Prisoners?" Mio asked. She was confused as to where these prisoners would even come from.

"It's like this. Ai and Mai are doing research on cybernetics. You saw Ai's eye, right? Well, Mai is trying to help her develop a cybernetic eye in order to replace the one she lost. She lost it, saving Mai from one of those machines. In order to do that, she needs human eyes to test with. Which those two girls have no issues ripping out of people's heads. But only those they deem as enemies." Yoshi watched how quickly Mio's face paled and smiled. "Don't worry. If she had such an intention for you, she would have locked you up by now." 

"I-I see..." Mio now had a deep fear of both Ai and Mai. Yoshi could also tell this, but he figured this might be good. Now maybe Mio will never overstep her bounds by accident. 

But Yoshi still felt bad seeing a girl like Mio scared like this. He used his big hand and placed it on top of her head, and rubbed it. "You will be fine, trust me. I may not have known her long, but Ai is not someone who kills at random. The guys she brought in last time were human traffickers. That is where the two little ones came from. She took them in after saving them." 

Mio blushed. She had never expected someone would treat her like a little kid the way Yoshi was. She glanced at Yoshi and smiled softly. 'Maybe being his wife would not be so bad...'


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