Isekai’d Shoggoth

Chapter 28: Sordid Truth About Ed

Chapter 28: Sordid Truth About Ed

I'm treated to raised brows. And a very thoughtful expression. "The whole archipelago?" - king muses slowly - "It would be an enticing addition to any kingdom, I admit. Too enticing. Be careful not to plunge the whole world into war, lady Gillespie. Or at the very least, make sure you win it for us with acceptable casualties, if nothing else." We exchange knowing glances. "Alright then. I'll admit it felt uncomfortably pleasant to watch those pompous knaves smacked down like unruly puppies, but we have had one more topic on today's docket, did we not?" He frowns, and continues - "What exactly happened between you and Edward, Lady Gillespie? I have received squire McGregor's testimony, and that of lady Selene, whom... Nevermind, we'll talk about her later. For now, tell me what exactly is wrong between you and Edward?" He then pauses, takes a look around, and shakes his head - "Actually, let us move to more convenient room first."

Fifteen minutes later, we are seated in one of the small cabinets, a table in front of us laden with snacks and beverages. The teapot in the middle, notably, steams up a lot of mint and rosemary aroma in the air. As the servants pour our mugs, I gather my thoughts. "Well, to begin with, I'd like you to understand one thing. I still haven't spoken to Edward face to face since our last meeting seven years ago." - I tell Abraham, making him jerk up in alarm - "Which is the crux of the problem with Edward. As you know, we were supposed to have our meeting before the Academy. The plan was for my father to remain with you while I was to proceed to reacquaint myself with Edward. Ambercrombe messed things up with the duel, and Edward had slipped away in the confusion. At the moment, I didn't think much about it, as there were things going on with everyone, but he failed to contact me in the days since. I knew he was present at Academy and had met with him occasionally in the corridors and dining hall even prior to the start of studies, but he never made any attempts to talk to me... and frankly speaking, I was rather miffed about being ditched back in the palace, so I did not bother to start the conversation either."

I pause to take a sip of tea. Nice. Really nice. I guess the servants had time to fine-tune the herbs. There's more than just initial mint and rosemary in the mix, now. I can taste hyssop, for example, and there are several other herbs less distinct but quite present. "So. Time had passed until the studies began. At this point, I became worried enough to discuss things with Alistair, who confirmed Edward is avoiding me. He also confirmed earlier rumors that Edward is often taking tea in private with lady Selene." - I explain, and Abraham's face darkens little by little as I do - "A few days later, I have found some common ground with lady Selene in our shared mastery of light magics. I have invited her to attend the temple along with one other student also gifted with light magic. You might have heard about her being titled by the prelate last week, lady Lux." He nods, but motions to continue, and I oblige - "So... I have had struck a sort of friendship with lady Selene. It helps that we have surprisingly similar views on many topics, starting from magic use and ending with liking cava. After gaining amiable understandings with lady Selene, I had confided in her my worries about Edward eluding contact, and she had admitted that Edward had been ranting about avoiding me both to her and to squire McGregor with a vigor that is hard to explain."

Abraham pinches the bridge of his nose. "Which brings us to the situation we have now." - he concludes - "Alistair tells me he had checked for most obvious signs of magical influence on Edward and found none. I imagine you had independently confirmed his results?" I nod to him, and he groans - "Damnation, this means it's something truly insidious or I have brought up a complete fool of a son. I am not entirely certain which is worse." He looks up - "But I am rather curious about this lady Selene. You did say you befriended her? Why do this? I would have expected hostility, given the... situation."

I snort lightly. "At the risk of sounding cynical?" - I tell him - "If Ed's already looking for a concubine, I'd much rather she be someone I can be amiable with. Lady Selene also has the advantage of having useful talents, while at it."

Abe chuckles. "Well, that is one way to deal with it." - he retorts - "Surprisingly pragmatic one, all things considered. Then again, if I had to sum you up in a word, pragmatic would definitely be high in consideration." He pauses, and sighs - "Very well. Let us invite Edward here. I have heard him out yesterday, and I'm afraid I just don't see where he comes from with his dire warnings. He seems to be convinced you will cause him some undefined harm, but had refused to define the exact nature of the harm he is afraid of. I have a feeling he does not know himself. If there is some foreign influence, it should flare up in your presence in some way. If not... well. If not."

Fifteen minutes go by. Twenty. Half an hour. I can see the patience on the king's face slowly becoming irritation. He finally calls the chamberlain, who literally runs off at the quiet command and comes back shortly after, out of breath and obviously distressed. "His Excellence Prince Edward refuses to leave his room while, as he says, 'the harridan is here'." - he reports. Probably not meant for me to overhear, but whatever. Abe's face crunches into a scowl. "Summon squire McGregor." - he commands - "Then, take four men, and have Edward brought here forcibly. Tied, if needs be. Also, inform the royal physician that his attendance is required. Something is not right with Edward, and we are finding things out here and now."

Alistair is here, and somewhat... foolhardy, he brings in Selene with him. Which is... I'm not sure if it's brave, thoughtful or idiotic of him. Probably all three. So I rise and make a point of being friendly and welcoming to both of them to underline to the king that Selene is not the problem. She, thankfully, is smart enough to ask me about Ed, and do it quietly. "He's being... difficult. His highness just ordered him brought here to sort things out, tied if needs be." - I explain to her, and she leans back with a surprised expression. Alistair listens in with a worried expression.

The commotion and yelling are quite the announcement of Edward's visit. He is, unsurprisingly, tied to the chair which is carried by four burly swordsmen palanquin-style. Chamberlain follows them, looking distinctly uncomfortable. Next to him is a rotund gentleman with an impressive mustache in a frock-like coat that I presume is the royal physician. He does have this air of doctor around him. Abraham casts a glance around. "Very well." - he says curtly - "Let us begin. Edward, I have been told you are refusing to meet with your fiance. I'd like to hear your reasons for doing so."

Ed opens his mouth - and we are treated to a shrilling diatribe on how horrible of a fate awaits us all for associating with me. I'm not even sure how I can possibly not associate with myself, at that. Geez. But it is the end words that make me sit up and pay attention. "...And I REFUSE this engagement! Do you hear me? I refuse you! You will never be my wife! This engagement is off!" - he shrieks, and I'm sorely tempted to tell him to say it, not spray it.

But this... is a good opportunity. "Very well." - I reply blandly, cutting over his on-going ranting - "If that's what you wish, then let us consider the engagement between prince Edward Cullen and lady Alyssa Gillespie to be broken on first one's initiative."

Abe is the first one who gets his wits together. "Now, now, no need to be so hasty, my girl." - he rumbles - "Edward is clearly not in his right mind and..."

I shake my head. "Beg your pardon, your highness, but prince Edward here is very insistent on it. Look at him. His heartbeat is twice over what is normal for a young man in good shape." - I rebuke - "Do you really want to see if he can stroke out over the issue at hand? Honestly, 'not my fianc' sounds quite preferable to 'dead fianc', don't you agree?"

Abraham flinches, his line of thought disrupted as I push at the issue from an unexpected angle. I lean over to him and whisper - "Just... go with it for now. We can discuss where to go with this once we figure out what's wrong with him."

Edward, meanwhile, stares at me incredulously. He obviously does not want to talk to me, but his expression tells it clearly nonetheless. "What is this? Could it be true? Would she really let me go if only I asked?" is written loud and clear across his face. Behind him, the royal physician swings into action, casting spells on Edward. Most of them I recognize as general purpose calming, healing and diagnostic spells, though several are more advanced and nuanced than what I knew so far from the books and practice. More energy-efficient too. Yoink. But it's clear there is no answer there, and Ed is growing agitated again. Finally, the physician turns to face the king - "Your highness, I believe I should put his excellence to sleep before proceeding. The next few tests will be uncomfortable and invasive if he were to endure him awake, and he is already dangerously agitated." Ed's thrashing grows panicked as Abe nods thoughtfully, and then slowly stills, as sir Pasteur places his hand on Ed's forehead and channels through a powerful sleeping spell, his other hand holding a bouquet of nasturtiums to focus through.

"There is no doubt in my mind that something dastardly had been done to the prince, your highness." - he announces grimly, taking his hand off Ed's head - "There is no physiological reason for his agitation, yet he was in a state of blind panic just now. Whatever it is, it included admonitions against letting anyone know about it. I shall test his excellence for the signs of possession and thralldom now." And he promptly pulls out a lancet from a leather pouch. Hm. Something to consider later. I think things over. We have more or less ruled out the on-going foreign influence. If there was something or someone connecting to Ed now, we'd know. Ed is also Ed, he is not a creature pretending to be Ed, that was also checked for. But, we already know that his influence is persistent, because he can not be persuaded to drop it or alter it in any way, even after being given what he wanted. So... something inside of him that tilts his mind just so?

I hit him with another passive detection, this time checking for consistency of the skin, and... bingo. And what a bingo, at that. The whole back of Ed's head is a mess. "Sir Pasteur?" - I ask - "How long have you been royal physician?"

He looks up, thoughtful. "Ah, well... Since shortly before crownprince Alexander's birth, I believe." - he returns - "Why do you ask?"

"So... you have had been Edward's attending physician for the whole of his life then?" - I clarify, getting back an impatient nod - "In that case, you should know if he ever had any significant injuries to the back of his head."

He pauses. As does Abraham. "Wat? No, his excellency had no head injuries to the best of my knowledge. He certainly never needed my treatment for such, and I daresay I'd know if he ever tried to hide one." - physician offers back, somewhat indignant, - "Why I... I... WHAT?!" His hand presses against Ed's back of head as I ask him, probably in a subconscious effort to verify there is nothing wrong. Only, there is.

"Your highness!" - he speaks with urgency - "There ARE scars on his excellency's head! This very well might be the cause of the situation! But his excellency had never shown me this injury before, nor did he ever..." He trails off - "Whatever this is, measures had been taken to conceal it. Your highness, I ask for permission to shave prince Edward's head to see what are we dealing with. The scarring is extensive, I can not palpate the exact shape of it."

As king nods resolutely, Alistair pipes up - "Let me fetch my beardclippers, it should make shaving the hair quick and safe!" He runs off before anyone manages to stop him. "Beardclippers?" - sir Pasteur hums questioningly - "How intriguing."

He is more than a little intrigued when Alistair returns with a hand-cranked hairtrimmer. "Goodness, such craftsmanship. Young man, which jeweler did you commission this from?" - he inquires, marveling at the teeth moving against each other - "Such finesse." He lifts Ed's head and is about to crank... in the middle of hair. I have to stop him. His second try is much more successful, and he shaves a close cut band from the nape of neck all the way to Ed's forehead. "Stupendous! This is, without a doubt, the most medically sound way to remove undesired hair. Squire McGregor, you simply have to introduce me to the artificer."

Poor Alistair is a bit... put upon. He finally finds the good answer in the middle of this effusive amazement and proffers - "Why don't you ask lady Gillespie about it? This device came out of her county, the merchant on the bazaar had boasted a gross of them to be available for purchase when I have acquired mine."

And suddenly I'm the focus of sir Pasteur's intensely interested gaze. I sigh and nod. "We can discuss this later, sir Pasteur. Let us attend to prince now, I do promise I will get back at you with samples of what fine tools my father's county can offer once Edward is safely recuperating." - I tell him and he suddenly has an "oh shit" expression for a moment.

"Ah, yes, yes... Indeed... What is this... WHAT? Your highness, come here, please! His excellency had been a victim of skulduggery most foul!" - he proffers as he continues to clip the hair off Ed's scalp. Everyone who can see the emerging scar can easily understand the physician's alarm. Chrysanthemum brand. With chrysanthemum being THE flower to do mind magic with, the brand on prince's head is an extremely damning sight. Whoever did this is in for a world of hurt. Or would be, I suppose. I have a sinking feeling the person responsible had his head chopped off by yours truly last month.


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