Isekai’d Shoggoth

Chapter 18: Double Waifu Fun!

Chapter 18: Double Waifu Fun!

Things are... setting down. Bridgit had been quiet the last two days, no doubt the aftereffects of Klaus being a moron. I have surreptitiously included a couple strands into her clothes that would let me keep track of her at all times. And, if needs be, offer magical support. And since I don't exactly feel like advertising my distributive abilities just yet, she got a couple of neckerchiefs and wristbands with beads of assorted metals woven into them as fuel stores for one-shot protective spells. Mostly of the "cause havoc and inconvenience for everyone around to run away", augmented by a couple of "make running away better" and one or two last resorts of "vaporize the beads at once and blast them in the general direction of attackers". I extend the same kind of offer to Moon Unit, but she instead asks for some falshsleeves with embroideries. Admittedly, that is an even better idea - Moon Unit is strong in magic as it is, much stronger now that she's getting her defilement steady on track. Why, yes, we did make out a couple times.

Right now, however, I'm sitting there... trying not to cackle. Because, churning out an essay is stupidly easy if you can simply crunch up your hand into the shape of an inkjet printer. I honestly didn't expect it to work out as well as it did. Unfortunately, this is a very shoggoth kind of trick, I won't be able to teach anyone else to do that. On the other hand, the sheer convenience is overwhelming. Since I'm done, unlike the majority of students, who are still grumbling about an essay on the very first day of studies, the library beckons. I need to make a list of common enchantments anyway, I have so many ideas that might be profitable if no one figured them out yet. Might toss them on Lemand, see if I can get him on board early. If he's used to working for me, nabbing him after Academy would be a matter of simply telling him where his new laboratory is.

And, oh wow. Moon Unit. Now what are you doing at my room? And why are you dressed in such an... interesting way? Oh and what's that you're asking of Bridgit? Hmmm? I spin a couple of eyespiders out, because this is more than a little curious.

"...Just for a few hours, please." - Moon Unit finishes her request, looking at Bridgit beseechingly.

Bridgit looks at her. Frowns. Shakes her head. "No, sorry, but no." - she offers firmly - "You look like you intend to.. to... to do lewdness to mistress."

"Well, yes! But she would like me to." - oh wow. Way to uphold the elven shamelessness stereotypes, Moon Unit.

Bridgit blushes hard, but stands her ground. "NO. This is not fair." - she retorts defiantly - "If there is anyone mistress should use for skinship, it should be her maid!" Oh. Oh fuu... Bridgit, why. Now I simply have to add you to the harem. Which so far counts her and Moon Unit. Prospectively. Still, that's a good beginning. The question is, how well Moon Unit will take this.

"Ah. Um... You do know your mistress is more than she appears, right?" - fair enough, that's actually a good topic to broach.

"Not human, you mean. Yeah, I know." - Bridgit retorts - "Why do you care anyway? Didn't you come here to seduce her?"

"There is that, yes. But I wasn't sure if you knew what you want to get into." - Moon Unit offers reasonably - "But since you already know you're serving the Tool of Gods, that makes things easier."

"Wait, what? Tool of Gods? What are you talking about?" - Bridgit demands, now intensely curious but more than a little bit wary. I have left the library by now, and I'm moving outside the Academy. I feel like shopping all of a sudden. I have a doubledate with waifus, and they deserve to be pampered with all sorts of decadent treats.

"That's what the Thread of Creation calls them. Your mistress' kin. She told me their real name is Shoggoths." - aaand Moon Unit blurts everything to my maid - "Have you seen her at full power yet?" Admittedly speaking, neither of them had. I haven't gone on a full war footing... well, ever. As for the two of them... Moon Unit saw me being cohesively inhuman, Bridgit saw me doing freeform body tricks. I guess either of them had seen something other didn't.

"What do you mean, at full power? I have seen her have tentacles and claws and eyes she doesn't normally..." - Bridgit offers... And it's just vague enough to make Moon Unit assume Bridgit is privy to full exposure.

"Soo glorious..." - Moon Unit giggles deliriously. I... am suddenly concerned. Here's hoping I did NOT fuck her up. Goodness, I'm doing so much hoping I didn't fuck up cute girls lately, this can't be healthy. Yes, two pints of cream, I'm sure I can carry it just fine. In a bottle. Yes, I can bloody pay, jackass, is it hard to guess from my clothes? No you fuck, you do not get greedy eyes at the golds, you get a silver ecu and you love it, not give hushed instructions to your nimblefingered... nephew, probably. Or otherwise closely related, I can smell the relationship on them.

Absentmindedly, I let the pickpocket approach. Not within grabbing distance, obviously, I count it as "approached" if they're within two meters. Which the little shit is. Oooh, watch at him go. Just one little nudge to trip him up, and he fucks over right in the middle of the pottery stand. Hi-fucking-larious, have fun paying this off, jackass. Strolling towards the fruit rows, I keep my attention on waifus. Well, technically, waifu candidates. Whatever.

"I would rather say terrifying." - Bridgit offers - "Though, in defense of mistress, we were attacked at the time, so... terrifyingly effective?"

"Attacked?! What happened?" - aaand Moon Unit snaps out of it. Phew. Nothing serious. "Actually, now that you mention it, I see the bruises... Let me guess, Alyssa healed you up?"

Bridgit nods unhappily - "Yes, mistress pretty much had to. Oh, I'm so mad at those oddlaws. The utter gall of threatening a noble lady with enslavement, uuugh. Good riddance to worthless trash, I say, thank gods mistress disposed of them."

"I shan't ask." - Moon Unit decides - "May I continue healing you? You had a good breakfast, right?" Bridgit nods and turns to face the other girl, her head tilted back to let Moon Unit see the fading bruises on her jaw and neck. They vanish in a glow of golden light as her fingers trace a line over the worst bruises. "There you go. All nice and smooth and pretty, now." - she offers - "Which brings me back to my first point. I suppose I shouldn't be asking you to leave while I entertain Alyssa... but maybe you'd like to entertain her with me?"

Aaand Bridgit promptly goes lilac, gapes, then chokes on air and descends into an embarrassed cough fit. Moon Unit pats her back gently.

"Haaaaah! Khh!... How do you even... Does anyone even... What is that even....." - Bridgit stumbles over her words, panting as she gets her breath back under control - "How can you even THINK about being so lewd!?"

"Shh, calm down, breathe. Think about it for a moment. You love your mistress, don't you?" - Moon Unit offers consolingly - "From what I've seen she's fond of you too. Now I also love your mistress. And she is fond of me as well. Asking her to choose one of us is not good, simply because no matter which of us is chosen, she will be sad about having to give up on the other. So the only good solution to make everyone happy is if you and me go together. Besides, your mistress isn't human to begin with, why do you think she would be satisfied with just one of us?"

"But... That's not how things are supposed to work." - Bridgit objects, but it's obvious the objection feels weak even to herself, much less anyone else - "Besides, how does that even work? How, I mean, I'm not even sure...." And she trails off into embarrassed mumbling.

"Ah. Well, how about this? I'll teach you how skinship works while we wait for Alyssa to come here, alright? This way, you'll be ready and able to please your mistress as soon as she's available." - Moon Unit offers coyly. I'm pretty sure Bridgit would refu... wait, no. She's.. nodding? Oh fiddlesticks. Oh fiddlesticks very much indeed. I... squash the eyespiders, and pull all the mass I have in the room OUT of audible range, because I so don't need to have cute softcore porn playing in my ear while I'm in the middle of fucking bazaar! In the retrospect, I probably horribly overpaid the last few items, but fuck that, I'm in a HURRY. In fact, I'm so much in a hurry that I'm simultaneously running a dozen different things through my main body which is maintaining an appearance of a stately noble lady while internally doing a goddamn good impression of a food processing facility, turning the cream into whipped cream with plenty of sugar while slicing up the fruits in another cavity and shredding almonds and sugar into marzipan sticks in third. I won't even try to explain the on-goings in fourth, suffice to say the result should be orange-flavored jello and it is being sped up by processes that are not in any way ever natural.

I walk into my rooms, lock the door and unfold like an umbrella, hastily laying down the prepared treats on assorted platters (I may have accidentally a sort of plastic from a layer of plankton and moss I ripped off the street paving while passing by to make all those plates, preoccupied shoggoths are gonna shoggoth.), resume relatively human shape (plus a fan of tentacles behind my back to hold the treats), take a deep breath, and walk into my bedroom.

"I'm feeling distinctly overdressed." - I offer, as I take a stock of the situation. Moon Unit, Bridgit, my bed, and about four items of fabric between all of them, one of them being the linen I usually use as a blanket. Bridgit is trembling and red and looks like she can't decide if she wants to vanish or start apologizing for this being "not what it looks like". Moon Unit is looking a whole lot more collected, even though she's also blushing a lot.

"Surprise?" - she offers, smiling at me. I shake my head and let the tentacles properly fan out, holding out the treats.

"MMm, yes. Two cute girls to pamper silly. Don't mind if I do." - I offer, as I walk towards the bed. I can practically feel Bridgit going "PHEW", and for a moment I am afraid she's going to pass out from relief. So I lean over, and kiss both of them on the forehead, one after another. Moon Unit also gets an ear nibble and a "Good job, you naughty girl." whispered in, which makes her shiver and giggle.

It takes a little bit of shuffling, but eventually, it ends with me taking a lounge on the bed, holding both of them on my lap, rubbing their backs with my hands. I also take a great advantage of being a tentacle monster, and use the tentacles to feed grapes to both of them at a languid pace.

"...Spoiling me so much, mistress." - Bridgit moans. She took a while to get used to the situation, and still sports bright blush (that intensifies each time she catches me glance at her perky breasts).

"MM. Why shouldn't I?" - I quip lazily, as I lean in and kiss Moon Unit slowly, taking my time to explore her mouth with my tongue. She moans into the kiss happily. Bridgit watches with acute, if embarrassed, interest. I lean in to her, and she shyly reciprocates, her mouth opening as her eyes close. Ooh, yes. Waifu count two - confirmed.

A couple more kisses and caresses set both of them at ease enough for me to get a little friskier. Which, in this case, means I use more tentacle to randomly decorate their nipples with a bit of whipped cream or a slice of fruit and then lick it off. Or let the other one lick it off. Bridgit memorably fumbles the first time she tries to nab that slice of apple off Moon Unit's breast and nibbles the nipple instead. She, ah... didn't expect the kind of moan she got back. Moon Unit, in her turn, took it as a challenge and made a point of teasing Bridgit as much as she could get away with each time it was her turn to have a treat, eliciting several memorable moans and gasps. Bridgit, apparently, is rather vocal in bed.

As fun as it is watching them tease each other, they soon gang up on ME! Admittedly, they had a point in that I've been the only one who did not have her breasts out in full view. But damn it, having TWO girls tease the bits you habitually programmed to be sensitive is a little bit NNNGFH! Especially as they take advantage of the treat bowls and very liberally use me as their fruit salad dish. On one hand, having cute girls eating fruit slices off my belly (no hands allowed, at that, tongues and lips only) is fun if slightly messy. On other, oh fuck why do I even have the ability of being tickled, oh daaaaamn.

On the plus side, the form slippage is much less of a problem this time. In all fairness, I was more than a bit abrupt with getting Moon Unit accustomed. Taking a couple hours slowly shifting more and more inhuman traits in while having sexy funtimes seems to be working out much better, given that I DID let out a couple of TEKELI-LI at particularly successful licks and they didn't affect Bridgit more than momentary "ooh that's a weird sound mistress, can I make you make it again I wonder?" reaction.

By mutual unspoken agreement, we all limit the extent of engagement to heavy petting. Bridgit is entirely inexperienced, Moon Unit is more knowledgeable, but clearly not very practiced and I am much too rusty with my fine girl-fondling skills. Another mutual agreement is that Moon Unit is welcome to visit at any time with aid and abettance of Bridgit. And while the extent of intimacy was limited, none of us had any particular intention to limit the time. Which led to us having to smuggle Moon Unit back to her room at almost midnight. I'd love to have her sleep over, but with her rooming in the same building, we had a galling lack of socially suitable reasons for her to be sleeping at my room. (Note to self: Try and work out some way to get Moon Unit in a more convenient place to share visitations.)


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