Isekai Maou to Shoukan Shoujo Dorei Majutsu

Volume 9 2 part1-9

Part 1

A scream shook the air and ground.

It was in front of the box that released a flash of light.

It was black and had head like that of a goat.

It had the wings of a bat on its back.

Its size was about twice that of a person of the Races. It was two sizes smaller than Demonic Beings with large builds. It didn’t have that much muscle either.

Rather than being toned, it had an impression of being thin, slender, and lanky.

Despite this, its intimidating air couldn’t even be compared with anything else there. Just by hearing its voice, even Emil had his body freeze in fear.

「Wh, what in the that......!?」

「That is......the Great Demon King.」

The voice of Galford, who has said that, trembled.

Leaking out a groan, the Archer Yuan went down to a knee.

「Uuu, this is a lie right......There’s no way, we can fight against that thing......」

「Even if that is the case, we cannot give up.」

The Healer Churon wielded his staff.

Through several uses of Healing techniques, Emil’s wounds finally healed up.

Emil held a long sword in his hand.

Since his own large sword was smashed by Ryoka, this was the equipment of someone else──

It was the sword of the Blocker Glutas who had died.

「I will be borrowing this, Glutas......」

With the long sword dyed in blood in hand, he stood up.

It was an outrageous opponent.

It was beyond imagination.

If it had to be likened to something, it was feeling of despair where if he were told to jump off a precipitous cliff where the bottom couldn’t be seen......then he felt that that would be better.

Even so, he tightly grasped the sword.

「I will absolutely not fall!」

「Fumu......Your foolhardiness to not run away, I shall praise that alone.」

Galford’s body was enveloped in the light of magic.

Maybe there was a Healer among the Local Knights that lined up behind him.

His wounds vanished.

However, the SP that he consumed shouldn’t have recovered as well.

Emil made a declaration.

「As if I would run away! This time for sure, I will protect women with my sword!」

「......I will not inquire as to if something had happened in your past. Even knowing your poor ability, I shall have expectations of that strenuous effort of yours.」


The Great Demon King Modinalaam, who raised a shout at a distance so far that they couldn’t even tell its facial expression, turned their way.

Galford put himself on guard.

「Here it comes!」

The enemy kicked the ground. As if an explosion had occurred, clumps of earth were blown up.

The concept of distance had already lost all meaning──in an instant that was enough to make them think that, Modinalaam had approached them right before their eyes.

Emil swung his sword.

He would not wait and see. He threw in a full power Martial Art right from the start.

「《Quad Slash》!!」

Due to using a long sword that was lighter than his large sword, it was much faster than before.

Four consecutive attacks that happened at almost the same time.

It was timing where it would hit the Great Demon King that came rushing in.

Even so, Emil was prepared. For whether the attack would be evaded, be flicked away, or cause no damage even if it hit.

Knowing that it was not an easy opponent, he was plenty ready for it.

However, he could not anticipate this.

The blade of the sword that struck it──That Modinalaam would bite down on it with its teeth and stop it.

「Wha, what in the world!? My sword is......being eaten!?」

Quite easily, the silver blade was broken.

Even though it should have been a considerably high class famous sword that was obtained in the royal capital!

He felt like the black goat face smiled.


Its thin and slender arm thrust out a scraggy fist. Its body was close to the structure of a person of the Races.

──I’ll dodge it!

Right where he evaded to when he thought that, the Great Demon King’s fist was there.

He was seen through!?

Emil would be punched in the face.

Right before that.

A 《Sword of Light》 tore through Modinalaam’s shoulder to its flank.



It did not seem like a sound a living creature would emit. It was a scream that sounded like the noise of a broken musical instrument.

The one that cut it, was Galford.

A satisfactory slash!

Just when he thought that, he clicked his tongue.

「So there was an 《Iron Wall》......huh!?」

It was a Martial Art. It would void all damage.

Modinalaam, while shouting, once again thrust out its fist.

Galford took some distance.

However, even though it didn’t look like it was all that fast, it were as if his own movements had become slower.

Rather, he would end up taking the fist as if he were being sucked to it.


A sound like a broken tree was snapped was made.


Galford grimaced. His right arm that had caught the attack was bent in the wrong direction.

Emil doubted his own eyes.

──To think that Galford who is at such a high level would have his arm broken!?

「Uuu......Strong......It’s too strong.」

「Not yet! I cannot, fall back over......just one right arm!!」

He sent out the 《Sword of Light》 in his left hand.

Martial Art 《Heat Sonic》──The Sword of Light was clad in bright red flames. On top of that, it was a powerful attack that made eight consecutive slashes.

However, Modinalaam evaded the consecutive attacks with astounding speed.

On the contrary, it bit down on Galford’s left arm.

A wet unpleasant sound was made.

*Bicha bicha* Deep red blood splashed and fell to the ground.


Galford raised an anguished voice, and lept away. Incredibly, from the elbow of his left arm onwards was gone.

*Bota bota* His left arm that was dripping blood, Modinalaam held it in its mouth.

──His arm was bitten off!?

Emil’s body wouldn’t stop trembling.


When he confronted Ryoka, he felt that she was strong. When he tried fighting against her, she was outrageously stronger than he predicted.

However, Modinalaam was different.

This wasn’t even a match.

Emil sensed it.

For them, they could not make an attack that would damage Modinalaam. And then, for them, they did not have any means to defend against Modinalaam’s attacks.

This could not be called a "fight"......

Part 2

「Tis a massive killing -nano dearu!」

While gazing at the fight, Ourou expressed a dark smile.

Lazpuulas nodded.

「It truly is, like smashing a flying bug......isn’t it.」

「Kukuku......Great Demon King-sama hath taken in many Demon King-samas. As a result, he is in a constant state of using the Martial Art 《Iron Wall》, his fists have 《Certain Hit》, and his fangs have 《Certain Kill》 -nano dearu!」

Ourou spoke with a tone of ecstasy.

He had nothing but admiration.

「He is overwhelming. It is because the unusual power that the people of the Races repeated train for and only exhibit momentarily, Great Demon King-sama can perpetually attain it.」

「Our victory is assured -no dearu!」


Lazpuulas was secretly relieved.

It was because Great Demon King-sama didn’t blow away a vast range with magic. If something like that had happened, a majority of the food would have burned up.

If it was in close combat, then Faltra City might remain as at least rubble. The Races will be eradicated sooner or later, but they needed to snatch the food away.

He desired a quick conclusion.

「......The people of the Races should stop their futile struggling and accept their destruction. That way, they could reach their end with little suffering.」

「Kukukukuku......That is right, tis pointless to oppose Great Demon King-sama -dearu.」

「Indeed. There should be no one in this land that is able to injure Great Demon King-sama......」

The Great Demon King Modinalaam was flashily blown away.

Ourou and Lazpuulas raised their voices together.


Part 3

A little girl folded her arms and was lording over the area.

「Ku ku ku......To be able to endure this Maou’s kick, you are pretty sturdy, aren’t you, 《Insanity》.」

After expressly going to a high place──climbing atop the still intact part of the collapsed rampart, the one who attacked with a dropkick was a small girl.

She possessed horns that grew out left and right of her head, and a tail that split at the tip of it.

Her light gold hair flew about in the wind.

Pushing up her hair, she then placed her hand on her hip. She threw out her small chest to the point that she looked like she would fall backwards.

「Maou takes the stage -nano da!」

Seeing that figure, Emil opened his eyes wide.



Galford groaned. Greasy sweat was falling down from his forehead. His left arm was gone from the elbow down, and his right arm was bent at an impossible angle and was now hanging loosely.

「Gu ku......So, it is the child......that Demon......brought along? Are you saying......that she kicked, Modinalaam away?」

The one that was supporting him, who had collapsed, was the scarlet haired woman──Lamnites. She was no longer clutching her Magi Gun in her hands.

Maybe it was because she had judged that it would not work on the Great Demon King.

「We must fall back for now, Lord Galford! The Great Demon King being that much of a monster was beyond our expectations. I do not know who she is, but we have no other choice but to leave it to that child, right!?」

「Kuh......She said, that she is also, a Demon King.」

「Wh, what?」

「I thought was just nonsense though.」

Actually, Emil knew.

It was because in the past, that one time when the Demon King Krebskrum had awakened within Faltra City, he had witnessed it.

That little girl called Krum, was the Demon King Krebskrum.

In front of Emil’s group, a young lady with an out-of-place waitress outfit appeared. She held a spear in her hand.

「To Demon King-sama~, hindrance? Hindrance! Withdraw, Humans.」

Her eyes and skin, they possessed an uncomfortable feeling.

As if they did not belong to a person of the Races......

Emil went *Ha!* and realized it.

「C, could it be......A Demonic Being!?」


*Jirori* The waitress glared at him. It was a different kind of intimidating air from Ryoka and the Great Demon King.

That sort of thing, didn’t matter.


He was about to give his usual introduction, but she stabbed the ground at his feet with her spearhead.

「Withdraw, is what Edelgart~, said?」

「W, whoa.」

It was regretful, but it was just as she had said.

Let alone Emil, even Galford and Lamnites could not be counted as fighting power against that Great Demon King.

*Gu* He clenched his teeth.

Having been blown away with a kick, Modinalaam raised its body up.

Going *Grrr......*, it raised a wolf-like growl even though it had a goat head.

Going *Hmph*, Krum kept her hands on her hips.

「It would seem you were collecting other Demon Kings, and learning this and that but......It is meaningless if you do not master them -noda, 《Insanity》.」

Right now, Modinalaam claimed to be the Great Demon King, but originally, it possessed the alias of 《Demon King of Insanity》.


Modinalaam raised a howl, and closed the distance all at once.

It fired its fist.

Even though it was a lanky and slender arm, it had enough power to break Galford’s arm.

Moreover, miraculously enough, it couldn’t be evaded.

「Too slow!」

Krum shouted, and fired off a kick.

It was a crude attack where she only extended her leg forward, but Emil found it difficult to chase after it with his eyes. It was a speed as if time had stopped for everything but her.


Its goat head was crushed, and Modinalaam was blown away once again.

Krum snorted.

「Hmph......I had heard that you were as strong as several Demon Kings though? Aren’t you too weak. You, are you going easy on this Maou?」


Modinalaam showed its teeth, and growled.

Krum breathed out.

「Ha! In the end, you cannot bring out your full power, can you? To wield oversized power that is beyond your control, you really are pathetic -nanoda.」

It drew near once again.

This time, Modinalaam did not make a large swinging attack, but unleashed a thrust that was much sharper than before.

It was a small movement that was like a feint.

Even so, the power behind it was probably beyond imagination.

Krum defended against the attack, but she became unable to counterattack.

Emil groaned.

「Uuu......This is bad. In terms of speed, Krum-chan is better, but Modinalaam has longer arms. She is being pressured by the difference in their reach.」

Edelgart, who was standing in front of them as if to protect them, looked over her shoulder. She was making a surprised looking face.

「As, tonished......Even though person of Races, can see?」

「Of course. Even I am a Warrior after all.」

「That so......Truly, astonished──completely~, mistaken.」


「Demon King-sama is~, Demon King-sama! Is not pressured, at all.」

She had a boastful expression.

Of all of the attacks that were launched in succession, Krum had received not a single one of them and was repelling them.

「What is this......Since you were said to be a combination of many Demon Kings, I thought that you would surely be interesting, but is your technique only punches? I am already tired of it -noda.」

Her pushed out leg once again caught Modinalaam’s face.

*Biki!* An irregular sound was made from around its neck.

Its goat head, was slanted.

Krum tightly clenched her right hand.

Light dwelled within her fist.

「Maou, was ordered by Master -noda. To protect the town. Therefore, Maou will......defeat you -noda!」


「Besides, if the town of the Races disappears, I won’t be able to eat biscuits anymore!」

──For that reason? is what Emil thought.

In the next moment, Krum pushed out her right fist.

「《Infinity Detonation》!!」


A flash of light engulfed Modinalaam.

Krum showed her fangs, and laughed.

「Ku ku ku! It seems that you were protecting your body with Void Damage, but it was useless -nanoda! It is because Maou’s attack ignores any and all defense!」

With things being too transcendental for him, Emil was unable to understand the reasoning.

He was somehow able to understand that Modinalaam used a Void Damage Martial Art called 《Iron Wall》.

It was because both Galford’s slash and Krum’s kick looked like they had no effect.

Even among the Races, there were those that could use the 《Iron Wall》 Martial Art, but that effect only happens for a moment. To have Void Damage on permanently, that was just foul play.

However, the attack that Krum unleashed, that was something even more like foul play──It could amazingly pass through 《Iron Wall》.

Violent sounds of explosions happened consecutively, and before long, a sound like something breaking was made.

Modinalaam shrieked.


So it truly did pass through 《Iron Wall》!

Due to the intense attack, the left half of Modinalaam’s body was greatly shaved away. Far from just its left shoulder, the area up to its chest was gouged out.

*Goboh* It vomited black blood.

「Guh......Gugugu......Astonishment......Power, beyond expectations!?」

Krum narrowed her eyes.

「Hou? So you’re able to at least use words -noda na. I thought you had fallen to becoming a beast.」

Modinalaam, who had been giving out howls up until now, started to put out words of the Races from its goat mouth.

「To thee, 《Demon King of the Soul Krebskrum》, I ask......For what reason dost thou assist the Races -naruya?」

「The biscuits are delicious -noda!」


「Now it is your turn to answer. Why, do you kill the Races -noda?」

「A foolish question. Demon Kings art existences to destroy the Races. A purpose, for none other than that.」

「Hahn! So even after gathering several Demon Kings, you do not think at all! In that case, appropriate for a fool that fights without knowing the meaning of it, you should die in obscurity without knowing the meaning of it!」

A brilliance dwelled in Krum’s right fist once again.

The goat-headed Modinalaam breathed out a small sigh.

「《Demon King of the Soul Krebskrum》......To fight against the Demon King said to be the strongest......I suppose tis already the time to release it for an enemy I am no match for, the seal.」

Part 4

Modinalaam’s body transformed.

*Zudon!* Its limbs became thick. The lost left half were restored really easily.

Matching its limbs that had become thick, its torso had turned gigantic as well.

It had become one head taller, but above all, it had transformed into a powerful looking body that seemed like a mass of muscle.

Only its black goat head remained unchanged.

「Guh, kuh......To think I wouldst have to release it, how unexpected. Sooner than reaching the capital of the Races.」

「Good grief -nanoda. Just because you became a bit bigger, you think you can in against this Maou............Ugh!?」

Krum hurriedly jumped away.

The composed smile she had up until now had vanished from her face.

Emil was unable to understand the enemy’s transformation. There was no mistake that its body had become bigger, but was that not the only change?

*Yorori* Edelgart shrank away.

「Uuu......No way......!?」

「What’s wrong?」

「......D, Demon King-sama......are~, Here!」

She answered with a trembling voice to Emil’s question.

「Is it because, it is the Great Demon King!?」

「Danger, ous......」

Edelgart was completely frightened.

Having changed into a muscular figure, Modinalaam asked a question to Krum.

「How is the taste of despair -naruya?」

「Kuh......So that, is your......full power, is it.」

「Krebskrum......Just as thou hadst surmised, the power of the gathered Demon Kings was too great. Shouldst it be wielded, this body wouldst collapse. Self-destruct. A fate of complete destruction.」

Modinalaam opened up a hand. The fingertips on it slowly turned to sand.

So it meant that before long, if given time, it would crumble down.

Krum put herself on guard.

Her right fist still had light dwelling within it.

「H, hmph......Is how you seem to have come to incessantly flap your tongue also a display of the Demon King power? Maou does not know of a chatterbox Demon King though.」

「Affirmative. Intellect is also power -nariya.」

「That way of speaking......It is just like the 《Demon King of the Throat Biotros》 -nanoda. That fellow truly was a glib small-timer though.」

「A fragment, in the end, is a fragment. An existence that is lacking. Once all fragments art gathered, I shall surely reach the complete and flawless 《Originator Demon King》!」

「How idiotic -noda. Even if you reach that absolute perfection or whatever, you would merely be killing the Races with no meaning to it.」

「Nay. The meaning is clear.」


「Tis in the very act of exercising power, the infinite value.」

「It’s incomprehensible -noda. Isn’t that equivalent to saying that you act violently because you want to act violently. It is similar to being a beast -nanoda.」

「The result......This world shalt continue.」

「Even if the world does exist, if there aren’t any biscuits, then there is no meaning -noda!」

「If thou unifies with me, tis possible, a complete understanding.」

Modinalaam raised up both hands.

Krum went *Pehー* and stuck out her tongue.

「Maou refuses -nanoda! If Maou becomes one with you, then won’t Maou stop being Maou.」

「Value as an incomplete individual, dost not exist!」

「Maou is, flawless, perfect, and complete like this -noda!」

「Krebskrum......Thou who hast not even awakened, thou certainly cannot win against me.」

Modinalaam’s magic activated. At the ends of the hands that it had raised to the sky, a shining sphere was created. It became bigger very fast.

The surroundings became brightly illuminated.

It were as if it were the sun.

Modinalaam swung down its raised up hands.

It was the Chemical Elemental Magic 《Falling Solar》 that the 《Demon King of the Heart Cardia》 had once used.

It came from the sky, as if the sun were falling down.

*Gi* Krum bit down on her molars.

「You should just disappear -noda!」

Krum pushed out her fist.

Against the ball of light that was headed towards her, she fired the second 《Infinity Detonation》.

The two mighty magics clashed with each other. It heated up the atmosphere, and made the ground seeth.

Modinalaam narrowed the eyes on its goat-head.

「How shabby -naruya, Krebksrum.」

「Wh, at!?」

「Learn the greatness, of mine magic!」


Modinalaam piled on another magic spell on top of the two magic spells that were clashing for supremacy.

For Demon Kings, magical power was something that overflowed from inside, and it would never run dry.

However, there was a limit as to how much one could draw out at once.

They were on different leagues.

The amount of magic that Modinalaam could use at any instant, was several times larger than what Krebskrum could.

She was easily outpushed.

Krum was swallowed up by the light of the enemy’s magic.


She raised a scream from the pain that was like having all of her limbs plucked off.

An explosion occurred.

Emil’s group hid themselves in the rubble just before it happened, but several of the Local Knights that were late to get away got dragged in and blown away. With even just the aftermath doing that, it was that big of an explosion.

The smoke was swept away by the wind.

Krum was collapsed on the burnt ground.


Her skin was cracked. Even though it was originally soft, fresh and youthful skin that had elasticity, it now looked like dropped eggshell.

Modinalaam stood beside her.

「Even the 《Demon King of the Soul Krebskrum》, who was extolled as the strongest, when not yet awakened, is only of this level -naruya.」

「Maou......was given the order......Was entrusted with it, -noda.」


「She cannot be allowed, to lose!」

Punching the ground, she sprang up, and fired a kick that skimmed the ground.

She aimed for the enemy’s legs.

She hit, but it was solid.

Modinalaam didn’t even have its stance broken.

「Understanding that thou cannot match me with magic, thou chooseth hand-to-hand fighting -naruya? In that case, learn the power, of the 《Demon King of the Hands Hattjabul》[1].」

While saying that it was the power of the 《Demon King of the Hands》, a kick was sent out.

Krum, who had taken a low posture, took the intense attack in her flank.


Even though one would think that she would be flashily sent flying going by the speed of the kick, Krum miraculously was stopped at that spot. It were as if she were sewn to the ground.

Another attack was made, this time with a hand.

The finger that was extended upright, was thrust at Krum’s stomach. She was pierced right beside her navel by Modinalaam’s finger that was like a spear.


「How fragile -naruya.」


Krum grabbed Modinalaam’s arm with both hands. She tried to remove the finger that had pierced into her stomach, but it wouldn’t move.

「The awakened Krebskrum, wouldst be clad in armor with wings of light. Thine ability......I desire it.」

「U, guh......Fool......Maou, will not yield!」

「Thy will, hast no value.」

Modinalaam fired magic from the fingertip that pierced her.

A *Bon!* sound was made, and entrails flew out from Krum’s back.


Having no strength, Krum collapsed to the ground.

The ground became deep red.

A fist-sized hole was opened up in her stomach.

Translator’s Notes:

[1] Original: ハットジャブール

Part 5

「Demon King-samaー!!」

Readying her horseback spear, Edelgart rushed in.

It was a speed that could surpass the Demonic Being Ryoka.


Modinalaam caught the tip of the spear that approached his face with two fingers. With just that, she became unable to move as if it had thrust into a stone wall.

Edelgart pushed and pulled with all of her strength, but it wouldn’t budge.

「Ugh, cannot~......move!?」

「A Demonic Being showeth disrespect towards me, the Great Demon King?」

「Edelgart~, pledged loyalty? Pledged loyalty! To Krebskrum-sama!」

「In that case──」

Modinalaam raised the hand that wasn’t holding onto the spear overhead.

In that hand, a pitch black sword appeared.

It was similar to the 《Sword of Light》 that Galford used earlier, but not only was it black, even its size was different. It was a jet black large sword.

Edelgart looked up, and her lips trembled.

「The godslaying......《God Breaker》!?」

「Thou, shouldst be satisfied with thine self-sacrifice -naruya.」

He swung the large sword down towards her.

Just before that──There was someone striking a sword at Modinalaam’s flank.

「I, will protect! All women!」

It was Emil.

What he held in his hand, was a 《Sword of Light》 that he borrowed from Galford.

Furthermore, it was cutting.

He didn’t think that it would work, but even so, he could keep silent and continue watching. At the very least, he would buy time for her to run away.

There was also Lamnites’s covering fire.

「《Lightning Shot Magnum》!!」

Everything hit.

However, for Modinalaam, it was at the level of a gentle breeze blowing.

Taking the jet black large sword he held in hand──

he swept it horizontally.

「Death, to the Races!」

The large sword 《God Breaker》 turned into several bullets. Each and every flying shot had high power and hit their targets.

Emil was hit in his right shoulder. His gold armor was easily penetrated, and a burning like pain ran through him.


He went down to a knee.

Blood flashily spilled out from the joints of the armor.

There was no feeling in his right arm.

He couldn’t even tell if it was still connected to him.

Emil took up the sword that slipped out from his right hand with his left hand.

「I’m not done yet!」

When he tried to stand up and braced his legs, his right leg was torn to pieces. From the knee down had disappeared.


He went down on the ground.

Even when he numbed the pain with fighting spirit, with his leg gone, he couldn’t even stand.

He felt cold.

He had realized that his body temperature suddenly fell.

He was bleeding too much.

「Guguh......Heal me......Churon!」

Emil raised his body up with his left arm, and shouted to the rear.

When he turned around──there was the figure of the Healer who had received the Great Demon King’s bullet in his stomach, and leaning on the rubble.

Galford and Lamnites, and even the other Local Knights were injured.

──What about Edelgart!?

She was standing with both arms spread out.

In order to protect Krum from the scattered bullets.

While having received several attacks with her body, she was still standing. As expected of a high ranking Demonic Being.


However, she did not have any strength left to fight with.

The protected Krum had not vanished, but she was in a state where he couldn’t tell if she was conscious or not.

When a Demon King is defeated, do they turn into particles of light and vanish like Demonic Beings? Or do they turn into a corpse like the Races?

Emil did not have that knowledge.

There was also the possibility that Krum was already dead.

──A crushing defeat.

*Jiwa* His spirit was gnawed away.

Having been crushed several times, the fighting spirit that cheered him up every time, now dwindled away.

Emil’s body trembled.

「......Will I......protect nothing......again?」

At this rate, he would collapse onto the ground......

──That is something! I will absolutely! Not allow myself to do!!


Thrusting the sword he gripped in his left hand into the ground, he stood up with only the power of one hand.

Blood gushed out from his wounds.

However, there was no longer any pain.

Even his vision became blurry.

「Great Demon Kingggg!!」

In front of him, someone stood there.

Emil shouted.

「I! Absooooolutely! Will not fall!!」

He pulled the sword in his left hand out from the ground. Even while falling over, he would make an attack on the enemy!

However, the force of the pushed out sword was much too weak......

It didn’t even reach the other party.

Someone’s hand extended towards Emil.

──Why! Am I, so weak!!

His shoulder was restrained by a rough hand. It was large and powerful, and yet it was majestic.

An ally!?

Moreover, Emil knew this presence.

That person asked a question with a tone so calm that it felt mismatched with the battlefield.

「Is that goat gorilla, Modinalaam......?」

When he heard that voice, that person’s figure emerged in his vision that had become pure white.

Emil spoke with a hoarse voice.

「We’ve been waiting for you, my friend.」

Part 6

──His outward appearance is completely different from the game.

Diablo gazed at the enemy, and thought that.

The 《Demon King of Insanity Modinalaam》 that appeared in the MMORPG Cross Reverie had a large goat head on a thin body.

And after defeating the first stage of it, it would change into a body that was like a pitch black octopus.

However, the current Modinalaam had a muscular, gorilla-like body. He looked like he specialized in close combat too.

While being vigilant of the enemy, Diablo entrusted the gasping Emil to Shera.

「Use the potions that I handed over to you earlier.」

「U, un.」

「Use them on the others as well.」

「Right, got it!」

Shera deeply nodded.

She took a tube of HP Recovery Potion out from her pouch. It was an SR-class item, but it should be enough to heal someone from being on the verge of death.

As for Rem, she went over to Krum and Edelgart.

──Did we make it in time?

Since Edelgart hasn’t vanished, she should be alright.

What about Krum?

What happens when a Demon King dies.

In the MMORPG Cross Reverie, there was a scene of their figure slowly crumbling down.

If it is the same, since her body was still maintaining its form, she should be alive. He had no choice but to believe that.

Diablo turned his attention to the enemy.

This guy was most likely Modinalaam.

「Hmph......It would seem that you acted quite violently while I wasn’t around, haven’t you?」

「Who art thou -naruya?」

The black goat head tilted.

The Modinalaam in the game had lanky limbs and body but......did his appearance change as a result of absorbing other Demon Kings?

Right now, he had a height of 4 meters, had a muscular body like that of a gorilla, and had a black goat head.

There was no damage that could be seen.

──To think he would have almost no damage despite not just Galford and Emil’s group but even Krum fighting against him.

He was without a doubt a formidable enemy.

However, Diablo was acting as a Demon King.

He needed to act like that.

If it was his original self, he wouldn’t be able to even stand up in front of this dreadful monster. He surely would have run away and shut himself up in his house.

──My current self is a Demon King!

A Demon King that possesses tremendous strength!

That is why!

「Modinalaam, you shall be given an appropriate punishment for that arrogance of yours! By me, the true Demon King, personally.」

「Disrespect, to this Great Demon King......What dost thou mean by true Demon King?」

「Ku ku ku......While claiming to be the Great Demon King, you do not know of me? You are at the peak of ignorance!」

Since Diablo was just a person of the Races insisting that he was a Demon King, it was only natural for him to not know of him declare while brimming with confidence was part of his role play.

Modinalaam asked a question.

「I ask thee, who art thou -naruya?」

「Fuuーhahaha!! I am the Demon King that has come from another world, Diablo!」

Modinalaam moved his head left and right.

「Nay......Thou art not a Demon King.」

「You merely cannot measure me with your abilities! You should learn of my strength with that body of yours!」

Diablo transformed his Magic Staff into a sword.

《Tonnerre Empereur・Libéré》

He would be able to deal with him in close combat, and it also had the effect of increasing his attacks sevenfold. However, the amount of MP consumed would skyrocket.

Both Rem and Shera kept the injured people at a sufficient distance.

The stalling with idle talk was over.

He took the first move.

「《White Nova》!!」

He suddenly struck him with Maximum Magic that he had already prepared.

Going by the rough state of the ground, he did not have Magic Reflection. He might have Void Magic, but there was value in even being able to confirm at least that.

Above all, he needed to be the one to start the magic battle......

An even more powerful magic should be fired back. He would grab the situation all at once with Magic Reflection.

The flash of the White Nova vanished.

As usual, it was magic that dealt large damage to the surroundings.

Even the ground was gouged out.

Modinalaam’s figure had changed.

Growing wings like that of a black crow from his back, he looked like he had put them in front of him and used them as a shield to defend against the magic.

However, he was not uninjured.

The wings were broken, and there were even cracks on his muscular body.

──Yosh! I can damage him with magic!

Diablo curved the ends of his lips.

The eyes of the black goat opened wide.

「What incredible, magical power......」

「Hmph......You are surprisingly soft, aren’t you, Modinalaam?」

「Diablo......Diablo......I desire it, that magical power!」

His eyes opened to the point of spilling out, and were dyed bright red.

Going *GAAaaa!!*, and raising a roar like that of a beast, Modinalaam came rushing in.


Those movements that couldn’t be chased even with the eyes, with that sharp fingertip that was like a spear, Diablo had his body pierced through......That might have happened. If he had not leveled up.

「As expected, you are fast but!」

Just before that, he evaded it.

For the current Diablo, it was not a speed that he could not see.

However, Modinalaam’s hand curved at a weird angle and chased after him.

「You shalt not get away!」


A slash brushed away the thrusted out fingers.

The one that cut it off, was Sasala.

She held a Japanese sword with a crest of a crescent moon engraved on the pommel in her hands.

──《Breaking Fang》!!

*Boto boto* Four of Modinalaam’s fingers fell.

「An injury, upon me!?」

As expected of the Master Swordsman.

Sasala stood beside him.

「Be careful, Diablo......There is the presence of the Martial Art 《Certain Hit》 in the enemy’s fists.」

There was no sign of him using a Martial Art.

In that case, was it continuously active?

「Fumu......Come to think of it, the 《Demon King of the Hand Hattjabul》 had the Martial Arts 《Certain Hit》 and 《Certain Kill》 permanently on.」

「The Martial Arts were permanently on!?」

「Furthermore, there should have also been 《Iron Wall》 on but......Seeing as how both magic and the sword got through to him, I guess it has already been broken. There is a number limit to Damage Cut after all.」

Modinalaam narrowed his eyes.

「To knoweth that much, thou art......Nay......Thou still art not a Demon King. Who art thou -naruya?」


──I’m merely an invalid Gamer!

「I am the true Demon King!」

Rose the Magimatic Maid stood in front. She had her double-headed sword at the ready.

「Even speaking in the difference of the subordinates, I believe that it is a clear fact that My Master has the better position.」

Rose had a strength equivalent to a level 150 Warrior. And then, Sasala who was next to Diablo was said to be a level 200 Warrior.

「Eh, um......I am not his subordinate, but his Shishou......Ah, no, it’s nothing.」

Sasala looked a bit dissatisfied.

The Demonic Beings that Modinalaam led did nothing but watch this fight at a distance.

It seemed that the Demonic Being Ourou was also present, but he was still in his large owl figure.

Ryoka wasn’t here. Since she looked strong on top of being warlike, they were vigilant of her but......Did someone already defeat her?

There were no Demonic Beings that participated in Diablo and Modinalaam’s fight.

It felt strange.

The Diablo of the past was always alone.

Right now, he had allies.

Things like subordinate, companion, and Shishou, there were subtle ways of calling them any rate, there were people he could rely on.

──I can’t really get used to it, but it doesn’t feel bad either.

He was able to thoroughly knead his magic.

Diablo drank an MP Recovery Potion. It was because he had already consumed a majority of it with the earlier sevenfold 《White Nova》.

Part 7

「Krum! Hang in there!」

Rem shouted.

Getting away from the place that Diablo and the others were fighting, she went back as far as the town’s city gate.

Although it was called the city gate, it was now nothing but rubble.

It was the former site of the west city gate.

She would think that she was pathetic for being so weak that she couldn’t join in Diablo’s fight, but now was not the time for that.

Around her, there were people of the verge of death and people that could no longer move that had collapsed.

Rem and Shera were most likely the only ones uninjured.

──I need to help as many people as possible!

Krum’s body had a countless number of cracks. Even just lifting her up made her skin crumble off.

There was a penetrating hole in her abdomen.

She was in such a terrible state that it made Rem feel that it was hopeless and wonder "Isn’t she already dead?".

Her small eyelids slowly opened.

「......So it is you, Rem.」

「Krum! So you were alive!」

「No......Maou has......lost -nanoda. Restoration, is no longer......possible.」

「Don’t say that! I have HP Recovery Potions that I received from Diablo!」

Rem tilted the potion tube.

The liquid was poured onto Krum’s small lips.

Her mouth loosened. Her lips cracked and chipped.

「It is pointless -nanoda......Potions of the Races do not work, on Maou. Not to mention, even trying to see, if the miracles of God work......would be disgusting.」


「Maou, is a solitary being......The thing that can, heal her wounds is......her own magical power......only......」

「In that case, please heal yourself immediately! Didn’t you say before that Demon Kings have magical power gushing forth from within them!?」

「......Too much......magical power, was taken, away. It does not gush forth......There is, no longer......any remaining, in my, body.」

Her voice was gradually getting thinner.


「Ahh......I eat more......time............」

The inner corners of Rem’s eyes became hot.

The inside of her chest tightened.

At this rate, Krum would vanish.

In the past, the Demon King Krebskrum was someone that she hated to the point that she wanted to terminate her even if it costed her her own life, but now, she was already family.

「Krum, I......don’t want to lose you.」

What she pulled out from her pouch, was a transparent orb──It was the 《Divine Crystal》 that had a black flame swaying within it.

It was something that the Chief of the Dark Elves Rafleisha used to take out the remains of the Demon King that were inside of Rem.

──If I return this, she might turn into Krebskrum.

Krum turning into a biscuit-loving little girl, was because she had lost her memories.

A Demon King was something that killed the Races. She did not possess that desire.

If that weren’t the case, it surely would have turned into a fight.

She felt that what was sealed in this 《Divine Crystal》 was most likely Krum’s memories. The urge of wanting to destroy the Races.

However, there was no doubt that there was also magical power.

In order to save Krum, this magical power was necessary......

Rem gazed at her.

She looked like she would turn into a hill of sand at any moment. No, it might already be too late. There was no time to hesitate.


She move the 《Divine Crystal》 towards Krum’s body.

She pushed it to the hole that was opened in her abdomen.

The transparent orb, broke into tiny pieces. The flame that swayed within it, gently spread out.


However, nothing changed.

The small girl’s body, had countless cracks, and merely lied there.

──I was too late!?

Rem’s hands trembled.

The figure of Krum deliciously eating biscuits came to her mind. As well as her figure as she resented the scoundrels that caused trouble to the people of the town. Even her figure as she enjoyably sang......Also, how she ate steak, how she ate cake, how she ate pasta......

She did nothing but eat.

*Boro boro* Tears came flooding out, and her vision became warped.

Rem ended up crouching down.

「I’m......I’m so......sorry......I......did nothing, but hesitate......」

Covering her face with both hands, she raised her voice and cried.


「Rem......!? A, are you alright!?」

The one who placed a hand on her shoulder, was Shera.

「Krum is......because, of me! I! AAaaAAH!」

「EH!? Krum-chan is......!?」

「It’s because, I hesitated! I was too late......ッ......Guh! She didn’t make it in time! UAah!」

「What did you sayー!?」

「Did you not make it in time, Krum-chan!?」

「Did Maou not make it in time!? I don’t really get it but, don’t cry, Rem. I’ll give you a biscuit so.」

Rem even stopped breathing.


*Gabah* She raised her head.

Krum was there making a puzzled face.

She was tilting her small head.

「Oh, you stopped crying. There, there. I shall give you a biscuit. It is a bit broken though.」

Krum expressed a smile. In her hand, she held out a biscuit that had turned into tiny pieces.

On her skin, there remained some faint cracks, but they were already recovering.

Shera was caressing her small head.

「Thank goodness you’re aliveー. It’s a relief.」

「Fufun, that’s only natural -nanoda!」

Rem was dumbfounded.


「What are you saying -noda, Rem? Are you not the one who gave magical power to Maou.」

「Th, that is......true but......I thought that I hadn’t made it in time.」

「Fu fu fu, it is because Maou is strong!」

Going *Fufun*, she puffed out her chest.

Going *Oh right*, Krum turned around.

「I will also heal Edelgart -noda.」

The young Demonic Being lady who had several holes opened up in her and was about to vanish was healed in an instant.

*Gaba* Edelgart got up.

「Demon King~samaa~! Safe......!? Safe! Thank goodnessss!」

「What, a Demonic Being crying. What an embarrassing fellow -nanoda.」


When they had first met, Edelgart was expressionless like a doll and seemed dreadful but......she was a shop of emotions when it came to the Demon King, and even charm could be felt from her nowadays.

「Good for you too, Edelgart-san.」

Shera was moved to tears.

Both her thoughts and her tear glands were somewhat loose.

Taken in by that, Rem ended up almost crying again.

──At any rate, to be able to heal a Demonic Being that was on the verge of death in an instant, it truly is great that Krum isn’t an enemy of the Races.

Going *Ha!*, she realized it.

「Krum, your memories......!?」

「Mu? Ahh, I remembered various things -noda. Rem, thanks to you.」

「......You remembered?」

「Ku ku ku......Demon Kings are, beings that annihilate the Races -nanoda!」

Rem put herself on guard.

「N, no way......!!」

「However, Maou likes biscuits.」


「Plus, living in this town with Rem and Shera and the others is also fun. There are also still a lot of delicious looking things that Maou still hasn’t eaten.」

「......Is that true? But, your memories.」

「Rem, you want to defeat the Demon King Krebskrum, that is how you feel, right?」

「Y, yes......I will not deny it. That was, my dearest wish?」

「Even now -nano ka?」

She shook her head sideways.

「......If that were the case, I am sure that I wouldn’t have returned that magical power to you.」

「Umu. In that case, you are the same as Maou -nanoda! Maou remembered that there was an urge to slaughter. But, that is already something of the past. Memories are things of that level -nanoda!」


Shera hugged her.

「What are you doing, it is stifling -noda, Shera!」

「I love youー!!」

「Umumu......I, understand that. So let go -nodaー.」

Although she disliked the act, Krum was smiling.

Rem wiped the area around her eyes.

「......So the days that we this peaceful town, had meaning to them.」

In order to protect that lifestyle as well, they needed to win.

She moved her gaze to the battle.

It was right at that moment that the close quarters combat with Modinalaam through Sasala and Rose had unfolded.

──They are too fast.

It was hard for her to even chase after them with her eyes.

Diablo entered a stance to use multiplex magic. She could clearly tell that he trusted Sasala and Rose. It was because he had never used it on an enemy that had gotten so close when he was traveling with Rem and Shera.

Part 8

Diablo turned the 《Tonnerre Empereur》 back into a Magic Staff, and turned it towards Modinalaam.

He commenced the use of Multiplex Magic.

It was a powerful technique that would layer three Maximum Magics and fire them as one magic spell.

Since its preparation time was excessively long, when playing solo, it was magic that absolutely couldn’t be used against fast opponents.

And since Multiplex Magic was a 《Special Skill》, it couldn’t be used consecutively. So supposing that he failed in activating it, he would become unable to try it a second time in this battle.

There were risks to using it, but if it succeeds, then it should give a large amount of damage.

Diablo casted the first of the three Maximum Magic spells.

「O darkness yielded from the blackest night, congregate into an arc......《Dark Arc Seek》」

With the Magic Staff as the center, a black bow extended up and down.

It wasn’t like Modinalaam kept silent and just watched. If he held the knowledge of multiple Demon Kings, then he would surely know the power of this magic.

Shouting, he rushed in.

「I cannot leave it be, that magic!」

Rose dashed at him in response.

「I will not allow you to lay even a single finger on Master! 《Krios》!!」

At her back──from a space where there should have been nothing at all, gigantic arms appeared. They resembled armor, but machines could be seen inside of the armor.

Pipes ran along them like arteries, and letters and symbols used in magic were engraved on them. Those emitted light, and flowed from the base to the fingertips.

In both of the mechanical arms, the 《Magimatic Soul》, a double-headed sword with the same shape as the one that Rose held was gripped.

However, the size was different. Even just the blade of one of the sides was about the same length as Rose’s height.

The large double-headed sword was struck at him.

Modinalaam produced a jet black large sword in his right hand.

──So it is the 《Demon King of the Eyeballs Iankaroz》’s[1] 《God Breaker》!

With that, Diablo made a guess.

What had broken Faltra City’s rampart was probably due to the 《Ruination Flame》 that was said to possess the greatest amount of power in the game.

When challenging Iankaroz, it would be fired without warning, and would construct a mountain of Player Character corpses.

In the walkthrough website, it was called things like 《the start of cataclysm》, 《a beam from the eyes》, or 《the Wave Motion Gun》 but......depending on how they called it, their general age would be exposed.

The double-headed sword of Rose’s Magimatic Soul and Modinalaam’s jet black large sword collided.

The struggle for supremacy, lasted only for an instant.

It was easily outpushed.

「The Magimatic Soul was!?」

Rose leaked out a voice of astonishment. The gigantic machine arms creaked, and a crack ran through the blade of the double-headed sword.

It seemed that he was not an opponent that she, who was equivalent to a level 150 Warrior, could win against in a front up fight.

However, in no time at all, Sasala unleashed a Martial Art.


The slash that ignored distance created a wound on Modinalaam’s wrist.

「Thou makest mockery, of me!?」

Going further, Sasala used 《Instant Thrust》[3], and closed in as if to change places with Rose. With the Martial Art 《Thousand Arms》[4], she made tens of slashes in an instant.

Nevertheless, even while she was slashing at him, her opponent sweeped his large sword.

Being late to evade it, Sasala received the attack with her abdomen.


She was blown away, but she immediately got up. It seemed that she was able to void damage only once per day. It seemed like an outrageous cheat but......there was no second time. Next time, she would be sliced right in half.

So even for a level 200 Warrior, she is at a disadvantage going one-on-one.

Diablo casted the second Maximum Magic.

「O nihility that engulfs all of creation, come forth in my hand......《Black Hole Arrow》」

At the tip of the Magic Staff, a black sphere was created.

It was clad in purple lightning.

It was a hole that would suck in anything that touched it in its entirety.

Rose and Sasala simultaneously from the left and right.

However, Modinalaam produced a second large sword. Stopping the attacks with the respective left and right large swords, he forced them back.

So even with just one arm, his physical strength surpassed that of the level 200 Sasala.

Above all, to dual wield 《God Breaker》, that was not an action of the Iankaroz within the game.

Was it the influence of being absorbed by Modinalaam, and turning into the Great Demon King? Or, was it simply not implemented in Cross Reverie?

At any rate, there was a need to be cautious. If he felt that everything was the same as the game, then the ground would be cut from under his feet.

Diablo concentrated on the third Maximum Magic.

He fired.

「O arrow of nihility, pierce the linchpin that is at the boundary of heaven and earth! 《Gravity Abyss》!!」

The jet black arrow that was produced through magic, flew aiming at Modinalaam.

The bullet speed, was faster than the average Magi Gun.

That was because it was done from point-blank range.

Please hit──Faster than that prayer could come to mind, it hit. Right on the enemy’s left breast.

The air trembled.

The Multiplex Magic that layered Maximum Magic spells, had activated.

The hole that sprung forth in Modinalaam’s chest crackingly pulled in his skin that was tough like armor.

「O, OOOOOooooo......!?」

It was magic that sucked in a majority of even the extra-large Demonic Beast, the 《Sand Whale》. Against an opponent that was only several times larger than a person of the Races, it should mercilessly drop them inside of it.

Modinalaam shouted.

「I am, the Great Demon King! One that shall, destroy the Races!」

Aiming towards his own body, he struck himself with the large swords in his hands. With the left hand’s sword, he severed himself from the left shoulder and directly below it, and with the right hand’s sword, he cut up his left flank.

If it were a person of the Races, that would certainly be the death of them.

The Great Demon King was different.

He severed the left side of his upper body.

What fell into the 《Gravity Abyss》 ended up only being a portion of Modinalaam. The left upper half of his body along with the whole left arm.

Translator’s Notes:

[1] Original: イアンカローズ

[2] Original: 無極, read as: むき

[3] Original: 瞬突, read as: しゅんとつ

[4] Original: 千手, read as: せんじゅ

Part 9

Normally, it would have been a fatal wound.

Not restricted to the Races, whether they be a Demonic Being, or a Demonic Beast, losing half of their upper body and still living was impossible.

──I suppose I should say as expected of a Demon King.

Although Diablo was expressing a composed smile, he was astonished on the inside.

In the game, no matter how much damage was given to an enemy, there was almost no physical presentation of that damage.

The grotesqueness of his cross-section was to the point of causing nausea.

「Hmph......Your disgustingness has increased, Modinalaam. It would have been over without you showing such a shameful sight if you had not vainly struggled and just fallen in.」

「Gugugu......Unforgivable......To create this large of a wound, upon me!」

Blood spilled out together with his voice.

Sasala and Rose came back to being in front of Diablo.

They had separated from him right before 《Gravity Abyss》 was fired so that they wouldn’t be dragged into the magic.

They had yet to let down their guard.

「Diablo, be careful......I can still feel the enemy’s fighting spirit.」

「Master, give your command to this Rose.」

「I have no reason to wait. Together with the Great Demon King, I shall annihilate the Demonic Beings all at once!」

Actually, due to the Multiplex Magic, he felt considerably exhausted.

It was possible for him to recover his MP with potions, but if the fight drags on, his ability to concentrate will drop.

To go against the seven Grand Turtles and all of the countless Demonic Beings around them, it seemed like it would be difficult for the current Diablo.

From behind, the voice of a young girl called out to him.

It was Rem.

「Diabloー!! Both Krum and Edelgart were saved! As well as the Feudal Lords and Emil!」

──Thank goodnessー.

While feeling that, he was conscious of his Demon King-ness, and snorted.

「Hmph......They sure are tenacious fellows.」

In the vicinity of the crumbled city gates, there were many who were collapsed and unmoving. They might not be able to say that they had made it in time.

Even so, it was fortunate that it ended without having lost Krum and the others.

Diablo once again readied his Magic Sword.

There was no room to show sympathy.

If they had not come, not just Krum, but even the people of this town......

On the contrary, Modinalaam had intended on killing all of the people of Races.

「It will be an extermination.」

「 too late, Diablo.」

「What did you say!?」

「Sink, in despair......Destroy all of creation, flame of the end!!」

Modinalaam extended his hand to his right chest, and thrust his fingers into the skin of it.

Making a cracking sound, he tore off the surface of it.

An eyeball was buried in his right chest.

*Zoku* The muscles along Diablo’s spine trembled.

「《Demon King of the Eyeballs Iankaroz》!?」

「Scatter away! Fools that oppose the Great Demon King!」

Modinalaam screamed.

──The 《Ruination Flame》.

From the eyeball that was buried in his right chest, a light thick enough to cover their field of vision was fired.

It was the flash of light that possessed a colossal amount of heat and had attacked Fortress City Faltra. It drew near once again. The barrier was already broken.

Diablo pushed Sasala and Rose aside.

He stepped forward.

「It is your loss! Great Demon King!」

He pushed out his left fist.

The 《Ruination Flame》 that possesses the greatest power in Cross Reverie, was magic──as well as a reflection target for the 《Demon King’s Ring》.

The ring that was fitted onto Diablo’s ring finger emitted a sinister crimson brilliance.

No matter how powerful it is, if that is magic then!

The flash of light engulfed the enemy.

The expression that the Great Demon King had shown at the end, was astonishment. It was the face of a black goat but......his eyes were wide open, his mouth was opened, and although he screamed something, it couldn’t be heard due to the thunderous roar of the magic.

That figure of his was swallowed up by white light.

Things became pure white.

The eye-crushingly bright light finally settled down.

Even sound had vanished, and it became eerily quiet.

Diablo was vigilant of the surroundings.

There wasn’t even a trace of him.

──So there isn’t even a corpse.

With this sort of thing, the pattern is that when everyone is excited by the victory, they would get a surprise attack from the enemy that was actually alive, and his companions would be killed.

He wouldn’t go along with that sort of stupid "cliche".

Diablo raised his voice.

「Shera! Can you tell the magical power of the Demonic Beings!?」

「Hie!? Y, yeah. Generally.」

「What is the change compared to a little while ago!? Has the magical power given from the Great Demon King vanished!?」

Since they were distant to the point that they couldn’t tell expressions with the eyesight of the Races, he was worried about if she could tell the distinction but......

Shera made a declaration.

「It’s decreased! The Demonic Beings’ magical power is lower than before, Diablo!」


Did they do it!?

Sasala nodded.

「The strong bloodlust that felt tingly, is no longer here. Most likely, the Great Demon King is......」

Rose made a report.

「There is no response on all sensors. It is Master’s victory.」


That simple-minded delight wasn’t Demon King-like. He did his best to self-control himself.

Diablo shrugged his shoulders with a bored look.

「Hmph......Since he purported himself as the Great Demon King, I expected him to surely be strong though? It was quite the foolish entertainment. Looking at it now that is has all finished, I do not even have a single injury. What an incredible disappointment!」

──Well, that was because I was able to reflect the Maximum Magic that was the enemy’s trump card, and because Sasala and Rose had protected me though.

It was a fight where he was able to recognize that battles were easier when there was a vanguard.

Shera ran up to him.

「Hurrayyyy!! Diablo, you’re so strong!!」

「Hmph......Why are you saying something you already knew at this late point in ti......fuwapuh!?」

His face was buried in the abundant chest of Shera who had jumped at him.

Rose narrowed her eyes.

「Master, I am terribly sorry. I have overlooked a hostile creature......」

「Wawah!? Rose-san, don’t poke at my butt with your sword, okayー!?」

Shera struggled while hugging him.

More, his face, into her chest!

Her chest!

So soft, so warm, so perfectly round.

「Rose-san, it’s pricking me, it’ll pierce, into my butt, you knowー!?」

「Get away from My Master!」


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