Isekai Maou to Shoukan Shoujo Dorei Majutsu

Volume 7 4 part8-9

Part 8

The dining room up in a tree, it was quite different from what they expected after hearing that it was the Queen’s dinner party.

How the apex of the large tree had become flat was the same as the royal family’s living room but......

Large leaves were lined up on the floor.

And on top of those leaves, fruits and berries of various colors were served.

Having no tables or chairs, it was like a picnic.

The Queen and Shera sat down waiting.

Guards couldn’t be seen, but they were most likely hidden in the surrounding foliage. If they were to take strange actions, then arrows should come flying.

The Queen pointed at the area around the cuisine with one hand.

「Please, sit wherever you like. You might not be accustomed to Elven etiquette, but please do not mind the minor details.」

The "mother of another household"-like atmosphere that she had when he first met her had vanished, and she now had the face of a representative of a country.

Someone that was responsible for something, they had it difficult.

Rem made a courteous greeting.

「......We are grateful for your hospitable treatment and invitation to a dinner party despite our sudden visit.」

Rafleisha sat down opposite of the Queen.

「To be surrounded by leaves like this, it truly is nostalgic.」

Diablo sat down saying nothing.

For his Demon King role play, he probably should have thrown out a self-important word or two, but if he did that, it would definitely turn into destroying even a coherent conversation with explosion magic.

Unusually, even Shera was silent.

Their gazes connected.


Even though she had various things she wanted to say, she couldn’t put them into words very well. And even though she was troubled, she couldn’t even ask for help──That was the sort of face she was making.

Diablo breathed a sigh.

The discussion might have already been settled, in a form that she didn’t wish for.

The Queen held a wooden cup that had fruit wine poured in it in her hand.

「We show thanks for God’s blessing and for this meeting. Although we cannot have a toast due to being in mourning, I would be happy if we could have a leisurely chat.」

Just like that, she brought the cup to her mouth.

Diablo and the others did the same.

Rem introduced herself.

「......To do this formally, I am called Rem Galeu, an Adventurer of Faltra City. I am acting together with Princess Shera.」

「Yes, I have heard some stories. Like how you saved Shera.」

「......It is because we are companions. It is only natural to help each other.」

The Queen knitted her eyebrows at the word "companion", but she did not fuss over that any more than that. Next, she turned her gaze to Rose who was separated from the circle.

However, royalty did not put servants into the head count.

Rafleisha pulled the trigger.

「Since probing each other’s true intentions will make the fruits you kindly prepared bitter, let us do away with the digression and hear it. Princess Shera’s promise──will you keep it?」

She suddenly got to the heart of it.

The Queen unexpectedly showed a smile.

「Yes, of course!」

「Ara ara......What pleasant words!」

「I have also thought about it, you know? Elves and Dark Elves are close races after all, and although various things happened in the past, it would be nice if we got along from now on.」

「That sure is true. The past is the past, and the present is now.」


「And so? Which area will we receive? And when will it happen?」

She forcefully pressed her.

The Queen made a pensive look.

「Nnー. For the place, let us both send out responsible parties, discuss it, and decide then. As for the time, would it be alright if it happens after the new king is enthroned? Let’s have everything decided before the next winter. And with that, in celebration of the reconciliation of the Elves and Dark Elves, I was thinking of holding a festival.」

It seemed that Shera also approved of that suggestion. Her expression that had been stiff the whole time loosened up.

The temple of Rafleisha’s forehead convulsed while she still had a smiling face pasted on.

「..................You are serious, right?」


「Queen, are you saying that you are......seriously going to keep Princess Shera’s promise? I believe that......the Elves......that they hate the Dark Elves.」

「Most of the Elves, they feel that they want to be on good terms with the Dark Elves. Although I am sure that there are still some that fear them. Even I feel that I would like to reconcile with you all. I mean, we did live peacefully together in the past after all.」

Rafleisha clenched her fists.

「In that case, why, at that time......!?」

「Could you calm down?」

「Why, did the Elves, abandon us!?」

The Queen took a deep breath, and spoke.

「You are talking about the Holy Army, aren’t you. He......The Greenwood King opposed them. But, he didn’t win.」


「With the King taken hostage, we Elves could only obey the Holy Army. Even though we knew that the Dark Elves would go through a bitter experience because of that. I am sorry.」

「Wh......why......Do you think......I would believe this late point in time!?」

「There is no proof. That is why, we weren’t believed at that time. Rafleisha-san, is this your first time hearing about this? Although we had told the Dark Elves several times, they did not believe us the whole time. It is because, in the end, there was no changing the fact that many lives and a lot of the forest were lost.」

「Certainly, even now, I do not believe it.」

「Even so, if it is possible to reconcile, then I believe that it would be a very good thing to do.」

「I can’t believe that!」

Rafleisha glared at the Queen.

Although both Shera and Rem revealed feelings of uneasiness, they didn’t get in between them.

The silence continued.

Diablo was bad with this sort of atmosphere.

Going "Good grief", he opened his mouth.

「You should calm down, Rafleisha. You are surprisingly emotional, aren’t you──The easy-sounding action of "look at the other party", people are actually unable to do so. They first transcribe what is in themselves onto the other party, and look at that──They are unable to anything but that. That is why, if your heart is dyed in hatred, the other party will be reflected as also harboring hatred.」

「Are you saying that, it was our subjective impression?」

「When you were burning with resentment to the point that you thought that you would not forget it for a thousand years, did you ever think "the other party didn’t have any ill will"? If you could not consider that possibility, then you surely cannot be said to have a presence of mind. Of course, it seems that there is no proof for the Queen’s words. The story that the Elven King fought but lost──Whether you believe that or not is up to you. You should do as you like.」

This problem, in the end, was on the Dark Elf side. It was about how they would take it, and how they would move.

It probably wouldn’t be settled with Diablo’s words who was an outsider. He was self-aware that he was not that skilled in the art of conversation.

Rafleisha stood up.

She made a dry laughter.

「Ha, haha......The things that we lost were too great, and we became unable to see what was around us......Is that how it is? Not possessing ears to listen, and doing nothing but bearing resentment......?」

The Queen talked sounding apologetic.

「So this means that you had resented us that much. I am sorry. But, I am waiting for the time where we can get along, you know? And then, right now, you have surely changed.」


「When I heard that Shera had gone to the Dark Elf village, I was truly surprised. I mean, if it were in the past, you would have shot her after simply seeing her figure, right?」


「Then this means that time has passed.」

「This sure is a pathetic story. So in the end, it was our misunderstanding.」

「It is a fact that we had we had forsaken the Dark Elves. I think that it cannot be helped if you felt bitter towards us, you know?」

「However, the Greenwood King had......」

Fought for the sake of the Dark Elves.

Rafleisha close her eyes, and for a short time, she kept silent. That might have been a silent prayer.

「......I have come to yearn the wind a bit. Since my talks have finished, I will excuse myself ahead of you all. Although it seems that Princess Shera has a marriage partner in mind......To speak of it with my position in all of this, then that would surely make the relationship between our races worse after all.」

It seems that she had been watchful of even Shera’s state. That part of her, as expected of a leader of a race.

The Queen leaned her body forward.

「Rafleisha-san, I am glad that we were able to talk.」

「Your earlier story......I will believe it. I want to believe it, that is how I feel.」

「Thank you. Shera’s marriage will be carried out in a few days. Could you come and celebrate it?」

「Of course.」

Rafleisha turned her back to her and started walking.

While seeing her off, Rem let out a sigh.

「......Now that the Demon King has awakened, there is a need for all of the people of the Races to cooperate and fight against him. If this has turned into a step towards that, then that is great.」

「It would be nice if the negotiations go that smoothly though.」

Rather, the real thing started from here.

Part 9

In any race, there is what is called beauty and ugliness by individuals. It seemed that Elves were no exception.

「I am quite thankful for being invited to the dinner party.」

The man that appeared with a viscous voice, was more of an Orc than an Elf.

A pig.

At any rate, he was fat.

When Diablo wondered who he was, the Queen beckoned him over.

「Sit, sit.」

「Dufufufu......Why thank you, excuse me.」

He was a man that had a peculiar and greasy way of speaking. Elves had nothing but beautiful forms and looked young, but this guy was a middle-aged ossan (old man).

While wiping the sweat that rose to the surface of his skin with a handkerchief, the man sat down next to the Queen.

Rem expressed a complicated expression.

「......U, um......Who might, that person be?」

Expressing a whole faced smile, the Queen answered.

「This person is Durango. Shera’s husband that I have chosen! The next Greenwood King!」


Rem’s eyes went round.

Shera’s face went pale.

The Queen wasn’t perturbed.

「Durango is an excellent Elf. He is the kingdom’s best if he uses a bow, he has studied economics and politics outside, and above all, he looks sturdy, doesn’t he?」

「......Is that the Elves’ aesthetic sense?」

「I suppose it is a slightly unique face.」

「......Shera, what do you think!?」


Shera shook her head side-to-side. Fortunately or unfortunately, it seemed that Shera’s aesthetic sense didn’t resemble her mothers.

The Queen breathed a sigh.

「That’s no good. Putting aside if it was another Elf, Shera, to think that you wanted to make a Demon the king. There is no way everyone would consent to that, right?」

「......Demon......Did you mean Diablo!? Did you really plan on marrying him, Shera!? To make him the Elven King!?」

The fur of Rem’s tail stood on end right even to the tip of it.

Come to think of it, he didn’t tell her of these circumstances.

Forgetting that she was in front of the Queen, Rem showed her fangs.

「Are you stupid!? No, you are stupid!」

「So mean.」

Rem pointed her finger at Shera who muttered that.

「Is that your “since I’ve properly thought about it, it’s perfect”!? It wasn’t properly at all, and not even a fragment of it was perfect!」

「Uuu......I mean......」

Rem held her own head in her hands.

「......AAAaaa......How incredibly──Queen, how does this sound? Could you delay the marriage for a bit? Shera is still young, and her way of thinking is too insufficient.」

「Yes, I was thinking that she is still young. She is only fifteen years old after all. But the Greenwood Kingdom requires a king immediately. It is a promise with God after all. For the sake of keeping the promise with the Dark Elves as well, she needs to get married quickly.」

「......Endure for the sake of the country, is it?」

「Isn’t that only natural? That is what royalty is after all. A life where she doesn’t know hardship, a gifted education in childhood, and carrying a national treasure-class armor, all of it is due to being royalty. Since she was given preferential treatment ever since she was born, she isn’t allowed to be selfish at this point.」

「But Shera hadn’t chosen that at all......」

「Do people born to poor families choose that? What about the children of knights? The children of farmers? Did you choose to be born a Pantherian?」

「N, no......」

「A princess has a princess’ life. And more importantly, since Shera is now the only one that carries the Greenwood royal family’s blood, she needs to fulfill her responsibility.」

This other world, although it has demi-human races and magic, its fundamental culture level is in the Middle Ages. It was a feudal era. Orders of succession are standard.

People’s lives are decided by birth.

──Well, even in the modern society of my original world, a person’s life is influenced by their environment though.

Remembering this and that, Diablo entered social isolation mode for a little while. Sealing off the dark past that started to gush out, when his consciousness returned, the conversation had already reached a point where they could pause.

Durango summarized the conversation.

「Dufufufu......As for me, I have no intention of pressuring her into this. However, there is no mistake that the Greenwood Kingdom needs a King after all. There is no other way around it.」

The Elves depend on the forest’s blessings. And then, the forest’s blessings are granted by keeping the promise with God.

A king is required.

Shera talked as if she were groaning.

「But, he can become king even if he isn’t an Elf......」

「I told you that is no good, didn’t I!?」

*Bishari* Being scolded by her mother, Shera heartbrokenly dropped her shoulders.

Durango shifted the topic.

「By the way, about that choker.」


Shera placed a hand at her neck, and her cheeks dyed red.

The Queen breathed a sigh.

「I have heard the story from Selsio. Somehow, this girl got a 《Slave Choker》 attached to her, you know?」

「You’re wrong! It’s a 《Slavery Choker》! After summoning Diablo, with his Magic Reflection, it went bachiーn, then gashaーn!」

「It’s the same either way. But as you can see, it looks like she hasn’t been given any strange orders, and since I think it can be removed with one of the treasured articles, don’t worry about it, Durango-san.」

──The Elves treasured articles huh.

Prince Kiira said something similar. Something pretty powerful is probably dormant among them.

Durango muttered.

「Used huh.」


「Ah, no, I am not bothered by it! Errm......We can also tell what kind of orders were given, if we do a careful investigation, right? Merely, since it will stand out during the marriage ceremony......Excuse me for a bit.」

He changed his seat and sat down next to Shera.

He extended a hand to the nape of her neck.

Shera instinctively twisted her body and tried to run away, but maybe because she thought it would definitely be rude, she froze up.

Durango touched the 《Slavery Choker》.

「Fumu fumu......Well now, this is amazing! This is surely something that can’t be taken off in just a day or two!」

「O, of course it isn’tー. Even Diablo has a hard time with it after all.」

「However, at the time of the wedding, the citizens will feel anxious with this on. In that case, let us do this. ──O light and wind, conceal it. Reflect what thou should be.」

Durango muttered a chant, and snapped his fingers.

As if it were a magic trick, Shera’s 《Slavery Choker》 vanished.

──It was dispelled!?

The one that half-rose to their feet was Rem.

「No way!?」

Since she was one of the people that knew the best just how difficult dispelling this choker is, it wasn’t unreasonable for her to raise such a loud voice.

Of course, even Diablo was surprised.

However, if he were to show his inner astonishment on his face, his Demon King role play would collapse. He responded with an attitude filled with composure.

「You can do some interesting things, can’t you, Durango or whatever.」

「For Princess Shera’s sake, I thought that it would be better like this. In contrast to a powerful magic tool, since I merely cast Concealment Magic, it is unstable though.」


He laughed scornfully.

──I see, so it was Concealment Magic.

It seemed that he didn’t terminate the choker, but merely made it invisible.

Even so, his skill with magic seemed to be quite substantial.

Since there wasn’t any magic that could “conceal equipment” in the MMORPG Cross Reverie, Diablo didn’t know about it.

Rem opened her eyes wide.

「......I can’t believe this......There is no mistake that that is extremely sophisticated magic.」

「Dufufufu......In terms of magical power, although I do not have that much of it, I have been a bit skilful with it since birth, as embarrassed as I am to admit it.」

「He’s amazing, isn’t heー.」

The Queen was greatly delighted by how the candidate for the next king that she herself had chosen had demonstrated that he was quite skilled.

Diablo felt a discomposed feeling in his heart.


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