Isekai Maou to Shoukan Shoujo Dorei Majutsu

Volume 6 1 part4-5

Part 4

「Come down, you suspicious looking Demon over there!」

Having the carriage stopped at the city gate, they suddenly had spears turned towards them.

──This sure is a nostalgic conversational exchange.

He remembered the time when he was first summoned to this other world.

Diablo stood up on the carriage, and glared down at the soldiers.

「To point your spears at me, I am sure that you all have a suitable resolve for it, correct?」

「Uuu......Th, this guy......Is he a Demonic Being!?」

As expected of the security of the royal capital city gates.

Seeing an abnormal event taking place, around thirty soldiers gathered around in no time at all.

For those of lower positions, their proficiency wasn’t low.

A majority of them were level 30 Warriors. They were insufficient to fight against the Demon King’s Army, but it was enough for maintaining public order.

──Now then, what should I do?

Although he replied back out of momentum, it was an atmosphere that seemed like they wouldn’t let him pass through.

At the time at 《Fort Bridge Ulg》, he was somehow able to get through since the guard was acquainted with Rem and Shera.

And at the time at Faltra City’s inner gate, the Adventurer’s Guild Guildmaster Sylvie did the mediation.

Even in their journey up until now, he was able to pass through the city gates. At those times, Rem would skillfully negotiate with them but......unfortunately, she was unconscious right now.

──Huh? Could it be, is there no way to get through the gate with my Demon King role play?

A cold sweat fell down along Diablo’s spine.

Having no other choice, Lumachina tried to come forward.

Right now, she was in a position where she had to conceal herself. For the sake of that, she wore a robe with a hood that the followers of the Church used, and covered her mouth with a white cloth.

If Lumachina were to reveal her status, he would surely be able to pass through the city gates.

However, the fact that the High Chief Priest returned to the royal capital would be made known to the guys of the Cardinal Institute. He wanted to avoid that but......

Shera was the Elven Princess, but she had nothing to denote her status. Horun was a mere Adventurer, and Rose was directing bloodlust at the soldiers that had readied their spears. She was the one that was worst for this situation.

「Could you please let that person through?」

The dress wearing woman that appeared from the inner side of the city gates announced that.

Going *Eh!?*, the soldiers were surprised.

She had her black hair curled on the left and right, and she wore a white dress where the hem of the skirt was greatly stretched out.

He felt like he had seen her somewhere before but......

She lightly bent her knees and made a curtsy.

「It has been a while, Diablo-sama.」

The one that went *Wahー* and jumped out from the carriage was Shera.

「Alicia-san! It’s been so long!」

「Fufu......You are the same as always, aren’t you, Shera-sama.」

She responded with a sigh mixed in to Shera who hugged her.

He couldn’t tell at first because she was not wearing glasses and her hairstyle and attire was different but......

The dress wearing lady was Alicia Cristela.

She was the daughter of a Duke House and a State Knight. There were few people with a more trustworthy background than this even in the royal capital.

Thanks to Alicia, Diablo’s group was able to safely pass through the city gates.

The carriage slowly advanced down the main street that was lined with shops.

As expected of the royal capital, there was a lot of people of the Races.

The races were also varied.

Demi-human discrimination was strong in the royal capital──that is what he had heard before, but at the very least, the ones walking around the main street weren’t only Humans. Elves, Dwarves, Pantherians, Grasswalkers, Demons......

As expected, the number of Humans was greater though.

The street was tiled, and the carriage repeatedly shook on it.

The structure of the buildings were similar to the ones in Faltra City, but the number of signboards was overwhelmingly greater. A difference in zeal towards business could be felt.

Sitting facing each other on the carriage benches, they exchanged greetings.

The current Alicia was wearing her glasses. It seemed that without those, she found it difficult to tell the expressions of the person she was conversing with.

She made a bow to Lumachina.

「This is our first time meeting......I am a State Knight known as Alicia Cristela. High Chief Priest-sama, it is an honor to have met you.」

Only during the greeting did Lumachina take off the cloth covering her mouth and respond.

「Same here, I am happy to meet you. I am Lumachina Weselia. You really saved us earlier.」

「I am grateful to know that I proved useful to you, Your Grace.」

Since they were both women with high positions, they had an elegant conversation without any particular conflict from beginning to end.

Next, Alicia made a slight bow to Horun and Rose.

「I have heard that you are newly made companions, a pleasure to meet you.」

「I am Horun! If it’s for dungeon exploration, I’ll be helpful -ssu yo!」

「Fufu......I shall rely on you at that time.」


In contrast to Horun who had no fear of strangers──

Rose turned a cold gaze towards her.

「What kind of relationship might you have with My Master?」

「If he were to tell me to “die”, I will die. Is this explanation insufficient?」

Alicia declared something so bold without a single change to her countenance. She pushed up the center of her glasses with her fingertip.

*Piku* Rose’s eyebrow moved.

「That are Master’s property, is there a mistake in me taking it like that?」

「Only if you have yet to give up on taking it as such.」

「Understood. Rose──please call me that. This Rose will protect Master and Master’s property. In other words, I will protect you from all threats.」

「Thank you very much.」

In contrast with Rose who bent her back very deeply, Alicia had a polite tone but only returned a smile.

Those above would take the appropriate attitude and receive those below. Just lowering one’s head was not good communication, is what this meant.

Her communication skills were as good as usual.

Despite this being her first time meeting them, she was immediately able to construct a relationship with both Horun and Rose who had contrastive personalities.

Rose in particular.

Wasn’t this the first time she didn’t end up giving off a hostile atmosphere?

She did try to pick a fight and make a preemptive strike against Krum and Edelgart after all......

Recalling the dispute in Faltra City, after he decided to fix that at another opportunity, Diablo brought his consciousness back to the present.

「You did well to come out and receive us, Alicia.」

「Those honorable words are too good for me. Having received a letter from Rem-sama, I wondered when you would be coming for the past few days, and waited for you.」

──Did she wait at the city gates the whole time!? For the past few days!?

He was surprised enough for his eyes to go round but......

Horun was the only one that reacted.

「Fuee, did you do that the whole time -ssu kaー?」

「That is only natural.」

The reactions from the rest were weak.

──Come to think of it, Shera is a princess, and Lumachina is the High Chief Priest after all. I guess they’re used to that kind of dedication. And Rose had waited at the dungeon for several months.

Rem, who was person with the most common-sense in this party, was fatigued every day and was still asleep. Her complexion was like that of a corpse, but color had somewhat returned to her skin.

Come to think of it, Rem did say that she would send a letter from the town just before this one. He had doubts as to whether that was necessary or not, but they were able to pass through the city gates thanks to it.

They needed to thank her.

Lumachina seemed to have intended on immediately returning to the Church once they reached the royal capital, but no matter how one looked at it, that would be way too reckless.

First was to get some rest.

Then they thought that it would be best to search around for information on the Church.

In order to expose the evil deeds of the upper echelon, they wanted to investigate while not letting them know that Lumachina had returned to the royal capital.

Alicia sat down next to Diablo.

「Excuse me. To think that you would come accompanied by the High Chief Priest......As usual, you are a person where the imagination of someone like me cannot be a match for.」

「Naturally. And how are things for you?」

She is a Demon King Worshipper, and a traitor to the Races.

Being forgiven by Rem who she had tried to kill, right now, she had become Diablo’s subordinate.

However, her enmity towards the Races──the important people of the royal capital in particular, was still as strong as before.

If her act of treachery were known, there was the possibility that she would have been executed the moment she returned to the royal capital but......

Alicia pinched the skirt of her dress.

「Owing to unavoidable circumstances, I am currently in the middle of a holiday, but there is no change to my position as a State Knight. Since anything more than that is a bit complicated......I will slowly tell you about them after dinner.」


She had a lot of secrets.

Moreover, she was the owner of an ideology that couldn’t be welcomed by the people of the Races. If the fastidious Lumachina were to learn of it, trouble might occur.

There was also the coachman of the carriage.

It was probably better to hear about the full details when it was just the two of them.

Alicia broke the ice.

「Diablo-sama, I have arranged your place of lodging. My family’s estate has many people coming in and out of it, and since it is also in the first district, Demi-humans would stand out. It is in the sixth district......Ah, I am terribly sorry, here is a map.」

Seeming to have presumed that Diablo’s group didn’t possess even a map, Alicia presented one to them.

Accepting it, he unfolded it.

There were thirteen districts altogether, and as a whole, it was roughly a round shape.

Just like a clock face, due north was the twelfth district, and then, going clockwise, it was the first district, second district, third district......and due south was the sixth district.

At the center was the royal castle. It was a gigantic castle that was its own district, and had seven ramparts.

In the space between the districts, there were broad waterways, and one would have to travel using the bridges or small boats. It was an elegant and beautiful city. The climate was gentle, but since it was a basin, fog would frequently come out.

Having passed through the western gate, they were currently in the ninth district’s main street──is what was explained to them.

By including the center, the outer wall surrounded all thirteen districts as a whole.

A barrier to keep Demonic Beings out was also put up. For that reason, there were gigantic towers constructed in every district.

There was enough of a scale for thirteen Fortress City Faltras to be gathered into one here.

The royal castle at the center was the residence of the king and his family, as well as the place for national politics.

In the First District, the estates of nobles and wealthy merchants were lined up, and it also had exceedingly strong security. The inhabitants were nothing but Humans, and a trouble or two would surely occur if Diablo’s group merely approached it.

The Ninth District that they were currently in was a wholesale store neighborhood.

A wholesale store did business with merchants, and would not deal with individual customers. No matter what the merchandise was, they would be dealt in units of boxes and casks. When the population becomes colossal, this sort of heavy turnover was necessary.

There were a lot of inn even in this Ninth District, but since they were aimed towards merchants, the meals were questionable, the beds were small, and yet the lodging fees were expensive. As for why, it was because stables to look after the carriages and storehouses to deposit merchandise were included in the price. Security expenses to protect the inn were also added.

The Sixth District where the inn that Alicia had made arrangements at was a place that was called the royal capital’s entranceway.

The Lifelia Kingdom was a territory that spread out to the south from the royal capital. The south gate was the one that had the most people coming in and out, and stores that were targeted at individuals were gathered in the Sixth District.

What Adventurers used was usually the Sixth District──That sort of thing was the same in the MMORPG Cross Reverie.

──As I thought, this town, it seems to be the beginning town, the Royal Capital Seven Wall.

Although the appearance had drastically changed, there wasn’t a great difference on the map. Though, as usual, it was several times larger than it was in the game.

The stores that Adventurers used were in the Sixth District, but the Town Quests would occur in all districts.

He did not know how similar it would be to the game, but things like searching for kittens and thief remembering those various quests he had completed, Diablo ended up feeling nostalgic.

In regards to the MMORPG Cross Reverie, the royal capital (the Sixth District) was the town where the game started.

Diablo spread out the map to verify one thing. It might be different from his own knowledge.

「Where is the Church?」

It wasn’t Alicia but Lumachina who was listening in next to them that answered that question.

「The Northern Twelfth District──That is where the Grand Chapel is.」

She tightly clenched her hands.


Part 5

The Sixth District, Main Street──

This place was also overflowing with people.

Very often, it looked like they were going to hit someone, enough that the carriage couldn’t advance.

Even while on the carriage, he felt like he would be nauseous from the crowds of people.

Diablo grumbled.

「It seems like it would be faster to just walk.」

「I know rightー」

Shera agreed with an exasperated sounding voice.

Horun talked sounding worried.

「But, it seems like we’d get separated -ssu. And Rem-san is still sleeping too.」

「That’s true......」

Since Diablo wasn’t used to group action, he had forgotten about the danger called “getting separated”. That was a close call.

The degree of congestion, it was as if it were a commuter train.

Rose muttered.

「If Master so desires, then I will take all those that stand in our way and──」

「We should be calm about this. Rose, sit.」





「Are you, not going to do “beg”?」

「Enough, just sit already.」

Diablo couldn’t tell what Lumachina’s expression was as she started talking since she was hiding her face with the cloth, but she raised an uneasy voice.

「Everyone seems to be agitated for some reason. Could there have been some sort of incident?」

Alicia tilted her head.

「Certainly, it is different from normal. The Sixth District is a disorderly place, but this is abnormal. I have often done patrolling as a State Knight but, unless it was a festival or something, a crowd of this size is just......Nn? What could that be?」

She pointed at something.

A dark red object could be seen at the end of the main street.

It was a size that filled up the width of the street, and thorns were growing out of it.

Shera half-rose to her feet.

「It’s a Dragon!」

「What was that!?」

Diablo closely observed the end of the street.

He did not possess eyesight as outstanding as Shera’s, but it had a size that was plenty enough to make a distinction.

It was unmistakably a Dragon.

A yellow color close to gold.

So it was a Thunder Dragon. It was the fastest known large-type monster.

It was only a head.

It seemed to have been placed on a gigantic wagon. It was slowly advancing down the street. A red, white and purple flag was hung upon it.

The people were pushing in to try and get a glimpse at the gigantic Dragon.

Alicia called out to the coachman.

「It seems like things will be troublesome if we stand in that thing’s way. Please bring the carriage to the edge of the street. If we let them pass, the crowds should also disappear.」

No one had any objections to that.

Taking Lumachina into consideration, they wanted to avoid standing out as much as possible.

Diablo’s group was surrounded by the crowds that lied in wait on the roadside, and gazed at the Dragon head that was being transported.

It was coming closer.

「......It sure is big.」

Diablo muttered that.

It was much bigger than the Large-class that he deployed in his dungeon, and most likely had the size of a Huge-class.

When it came to Huge Dragons, since they weren’t a size that could live in a burrow, it seems that they make ravines and rocky areas their living spaces. And then, their strength was proportionate to their size.

On the wagon that carried the Dragon head, six men and women were lined up shoulder to shoulder, and were making pleasantries to the crowd.

They had appearances of being Warriors and Magicians.

──So these guys were the ones that subjugated it.

The crowds repeatedly called out their names, and sent voices of praise towards them.

「Who are they?」

Alicia answered that question.

「They are newly assembled knights. They wear equipment that no one has ever seen before, and accomplish difficult quests with overwhelming power......」

「Are they not Adventurers?」

「Correct, they are of the 《Royal Palace Chivalric Order》──And the seven people that are chosen as the best even among them, they seem to be called the 《Seven Heroes》.」

「......It would seem that there are only six people there though? Did they lose one in the subjugation?」

There were only six people standing in front of the Dragon’s head and waving their hands.

「That is true, Allen-sama isn’t there. He does not seem to be the type to get injured though.」


「Yes, and since he has the same name as the great Hero that subjugated the Demon King long ago, he is the reincarnation──or that is what people say.」

「Is he a reincarnation?」

「I do not know but......Couldn’t it just be a coincidence? There are many boys that were named after the great Hero and were given that name by their parents after all.」

It was an ambiguous story. However, he was probably strong if he was able to be called the Hero’s reincarnation.

「What kind of guy is he?」

「Nn......He is a bit of a strange person. I have no idea what he is thinking......」

Alicia, despite being the daughter of a Duke House and a State Knight, was a person who desired the Demon King’s revival and the destruction of the the Races and could be considered as someone who others would “not know what she was thinking”. Since she was making that sort of criticism, he was probably even greater in that regard.

She made an assertion.

「In any case, Allen-sama is──among the ones that King Dalesh employs, unmistakably the strongest knight.」

「Hohou......And his outward appearance? Tell me about it in detail.」

「As I thought, Diablo-sama, you have an interest in strong people, don’t you?」

「That is only natural.」

──I need to be careful so that I don’t get into a fight with them after all!

He had no ideas of personally jumping into danger, or going to meet with guys stronger than himself. To begin with, he had a personality where he wanted to shut himself away in his room if it were possible.

If that sort of dangerous knight was in town, he wanted to fully know his outward appearance, and avoid even meeting him.

She ended up having a pensive look on her face.

「Let’s see......Allen-sama’s outward appearance is......he has platinum hair that looks just like that......」

She sent her gaze out, and then froze up.

Slipping through the crowds and getting up close to the carriage that Diablo’s group was in──a young man wearing a red robe approached.

His silver hair was ruffled like he was in a manga. His race seemed to be Dwarf as he had doberman-like dog ears that were standing up straight.

His age was around seventeen, and since he was young, he didn’t have a bearded face. Some long hair stretched out from his cheeks.

He smiled. He was a considerably good-looking man, but since his expression was child-like, there was an amiability to it.

「Yo! Did ya call for me!?」


Alicia was speechless.

An unpleasant sweat went down along Diablo’s spine.

「......Could it be, are you the one? The leader of the Seven Heroes, Allen?」

「Nn? I am Allen, but I’m not the leader, ya know?」

「Are you not the strongest one?」

「I hate bothersome things, ya seeー. The commander, he does things like talking with the king, and making speeches in front of crowds of people, ya know. That’s impossible for me, I’m bad with talking with people after all.」

While Allen was gently laughing, he scratched the base of his dog ear.

He was a young man that felt like he was easy to talk to, but they couldn’t let their guards down. This guy was a knight of the kingdom, and a suitably influential person after all.

Going by the long sword on his waist, he was most likely a Warrior-type.

Diablo wasn’t exactly poor at close combat, but it wasn’t an advantageous distance. Moreover, Rem and the others were behind him. He wanted to avoid hostilities.

He stealthily extended his hand to the pouch at his back.

Allen narrowed his eyes.

「Hey you, you look strong.」

──You mean he was able to sense my level!?

If it was the game, a fair amount of information could be known from the status screen.

That sort of convenient thing wasn’t in this other world, but in exchange, there were signs and ambiances that cannot be expressed on the screen of a PC. If one became experienced with it, it was possible to discern them.

He felt a nervousness that he had not felt for a while.

However, no matter who the opponent was, he could not break his Demon King role play!

Diablo raised the ends of his lips looking bad.

「Kukuku......Would you like to experience my strength with that body of yours?」

Alicia made a surprised face.

Noticing that the situation had gone strange, Shera also turned her attention this way. And since Lumachina was aware that she had a position where she needed to conceal herself, she sent only her gaze this way.

Rose half-rose to her feet.

Only Horun, who was leaning her body out from the carriage, had her eyes glittering like a child and fixed her eyes on the dragon head.

Allen nodded his head looking delighted.

「Sure! This recent quest ended much more easily than I thought after all. I was feeling a bit unsatisfied.」

He brushed away his robe, and extended his hand to the long sword on his waist.

Diablo clicked his tongue in his mind.

──What the heck, so this guy is a battle maniac!?

At this point, it was actually a joke, so let’s stop this fight──There was no way he could say that.

Thinking about Lumachina, he didn’t want to stand out though.

──So I have no choice but to fight huh.

Behind Allen who was about to draw his sword, a huge man stood there.

「You damned moronnnn!!」

With a *Gatsun!*, a large fist dropped on the top of Allen’s head. A sound as if he was struck with an iron club was made.

「That hurtssss~!?」

Allen hurriedly turned around, and showed a bewildered expression.

「Wh, what the heck are ya doin’!? What’ll ya do if I turn stupid?」

「You’re already infinitely stupid! Tell me, what kind of Hero picks a fight with a spectator in the middle of the triumphal return parade!?」

「......Well, this guy, he seemed a bit strong, ya see.」

He pointed his finger.

The gazes of Diablo and the giant met.

That man was tall, and had the impression of really being muscular. On top of having a mantle being hung from both shoulders, he wore a full body armor, so Diablo couldn’t really tell though.

His race was Human.

Even though he was macho, if one looked only at his face, he seemed like a science otaku. He had his black hair in a seven three hairstyle, and wore black rimmed glasses. It was a face that looked like he would study mathematics in college or something.

He noticed Alicia who was next to Diablo, and made a surprised-looking face.

「Ah, the Cristela house’s......!? So they were your company.」

「Good work on your subjugation mission.」

「Looks like we’ve troubled you once again.」


The giant wearing science glasses lowered his eyebrows, and once again turned towards Diablo.

「I am the one entrusted with the position of commander of the 《Royal Palace Chivalric Order》, Marquis Maximum Abrams.」

「It would seem that the discipline of your subordinate is insufficient, isn’t it, Commander?」

「......I am terribly sorry, it seems that his fighting spirit became too full of vim and vigor immediately following the subjugation mission. Since I will make him reflect on it plenty, I would like to ask for your forgiveness for this impoliteness.」

「Hmph......My interest has dampened.」

Saying that over his shoulder sounding bored, he leaned his back on the carriage chair.

This was an attitude that wouldn’t be strange to be censured as rude against a knight, but Abrams seemed to be a man that could discern reason.

「You have my gratitude for your tolerance.」

After making a slight bow, he pulled the nape of Allen’s neck, and headed towards the wagon that carried the dragon head.

──Thank goodness it didn’t turn into a fight.

He was saved by the fact that Commander Abrams was a capable person.

It seemed that the surround crowds noticed the existence of the two heroes.

Old people seeking handshakes, women that burst into tears from too much excitement, boys raising loud voices......The two sifted through the crowd while responding to all of them and returned.

Getting up onto the wagon, and being told something from the female companions, Allen made an embarrassed grin, and Abrams breathed a sigh.

The 《Seven Heroes》 was a party with a good atmosphere. It was transmitted that they trusted each other and got along well.

Diablo had a thought.

──I guess I really should have fought against him!

Alicia made a petition.

「By all means, although your anger is reasonable, please store it away for now. Creating turmoil here would be harmful for later.」

「Ah, yeah......I know that. I no longer have any interest.」

Shera and Lumachina seemed to have been nervous and said things like 「That sure did surprise me.」 and 「Are you injured?」.

Rose quietly put away her highly strung bloodlust.

Horun seemed to have noticed at this late point in time, and tilted her head.

「What happened -su ka?」


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