Isekai into Marvel/DC

Chapter 138 Drug testing

Chapter 138 Drug testing

I had the components I needed for my test in front of me. The plain unaltered MGH, Hydrocortisone D otherwise known as Kick, Banshee which was an offshoot of MGH and the main ingredient Mothervine. Having the ability to find items through magic, teleport near them, and be invisible to steal them without anyone noticing was a true game changer. I could take just about anything without being caught at this point.

Even altering the very components with a team of scientists, I needed to have it tested before I could gain its full effects from using diagnostic touch on someone who consumed it. I looked at the people who were tied to chairs in just their underwear with bags over their heads as I continued. “Test number three. We’ll be testing several variations on the Mutant activation genetic shot or MAGS for short. We’re looking to get some control over the effects, full randomness would make it far too risky to use.”

That was the truth. The first wave of testing resulted in several deaths, even with healing the person being injected. The second round led to many unfortunate mutations that I wouldn’t want to happen to my worst enemy let alone someone I’d want for myself. We made enough changes that I hoped it would give a better indicator of what the mutation for each person would be.

“Injecting the drug into test subject one.” I placed the needle against the largest man's arm and injected the glowing green with orange mixed inside. I talked into the recorder again. “No visible mutations after the first minute. Applying smelling salts to test subject.” The man had his bag taken off his head as I rubbed smelling salts under his nose.

He woke up immediately after and looked around confused. After understanding what happened he asked. “So it’s worked then? My cancer is gone and my prison sentence as been reduced?” I asked him. “Well, that depends. Do you feel any changes inside your body?” He thought about it for a moment before his body switched towards a more bulky version.

He ripped off the handcuffs and stood up being twice the height and width as before. He was an eleven foot giant in a room that was barely big enough to fit him. He looked around until he spotted the exit. I ignored him as I asked. “Do you feel an affinity for your mutation? If you could have picked your power would you have picked it?”

He moved towards the exit but still responded to me. “Well, when I was young I used to be big for my age. I bullied kids until high school then after everyone went through their growth spurts and shot passed me, it made me have to fight to be recognized as still someone to not mess with. He eyed the door again which was too small for him to fit.

“How do I?” As he asked his body began to shrink. “Alright then, I’ll be going.” He said with a big smile on his face. As he pressed the exit button I made a hard light spike and plunged it into his eye. He fell down and I telekinetically moved his body through a portal into an incinerator. I would never let a child murderer go even if he was helpful to my test. Burned down an orphanage running from a gunfight and just thinks one experiment is going to free him.

“Subject appears to have developed a mutation that could have been linked to his childhood. Further testing to confirm is necessary.” He’s lucky I didn’t put his ass back in the chair and torture him. I moved to the next woman in the chairs as I clicked on my recorder. “Beginning injection of the drug into test subject two.” Her body naturally shifted into a more aquatic form. Her skin shifted to a bluish hue as she grew about a foot in height. She grew scales around her throat as she still kept breathing. She at least could stay out of water for short periods of time. 

“Subject appears to have developed an aquatic-based mutation. Her skin has changed color along with her body expanding, possibly boosting strength, endurance, and agility. Able to breathe in normal air, at least for a short period. Further testing is required to confirm changes and reason for mutation.”

I rubbed the smelling salts under her nose. She made no indication that she even noticed. I grabbed the adrenaline shot as I spoke into the recorder. “Possible mutation of sense. Seems to be able to handle smelling salts without waking. If she developed a saltwater breathing ability it would make sense salt would be less effective on the senses.”

I jabbed her in the arm and she slowly came awake. Still muddled from the knockout drugs in her system she asked. “W-wha? Where *cough* where am I? Who are you?” I shined a light into her eyes and there is no pupil dilation as her eyes had now become pure black. “Miss Anderson. You signed up for a program that would change you into a mutant for a reduced prison sentence. Do you feel any different?”

She took in a few quick breaths as she snapped the handcuffs behind her back. Instead of saying anything she made a run for the door. I telekinetically lifted her up as I asked again. “Miss. Do you feel any different? Are you struggling to breathe in this environment? Do you feel an affinity for the water?” She just kept struggling as she asked. “What the hell are you talking about? Please let me go?” 

I pulled a remote from my pocket and clicked a button to make the door slam shut with a shutter of metal, iron bars, and a visible light shield. I looked at her again. “Miss Anderson. Did you have an affinity with the water when you were younger?” She just looked confused at me before answering. “No, I fucking hate the water. My dad tossed my ass into the ocean when we went to the beach and I got pulled out to sea. From what everyone said I drowned and was dead for three minutes before the lifeguard managed to revive me.”

I clicked the recorder before speaking. “Subject two seems to have developed a mutation based on a previous traumatic experience. Further testing is required.” She finally looked at her hand. “Why am I blue? What the fuck did you do to me?” As she snarled I noticed her needle-like teeth. I answered with no inflection in my voice. “You agreed to have mutation testing done to shorten your sentence.”

“Yea, but I didn’t think you’d turn me into a freak!” I just got close before placing a hand on her for a diagnostic touch. Perfect, there was a switch to deactivate her powers. “It looks like your mutation is affected by stress, if you calm down you should be able to deactivate your mutation.” She screamed. “How the fuck can I calm down when I’m a freak now?”

I could only sigh at how uncooperative these people were. I put her back to sleep as I deactivated her powers and spoke into the recorder. “Subject two has a mutation that can be turned on and off. Increased strength to at least the level to break handcuffs, increased speed to over double that of humans and most likely aquatic survival traits on top of that as well. Too bad she’s being uncooperative. Further testing is required, recommend SHIELD or Justice League job-based parol in the future. Beginning injection on test subject three.”

I injected it into the next girl down the list and her body began to fizzle and smoke as she cried out in pain. I started to heal her but the damage was happening fast enough I might get a headache keeping her alive so I just let her die. I sigh as I turn on my recorder again. “Subject three deceased. There is still a chance of having cascading failure due to the type of mutation gained. Injecting test subject four.”


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