Isekai Absolute Copy and Online Shopping

Chapter 96: The Woman's Growth

Chapter 96: The Woman's Growth

After Getting their job advanced, I giving my thanks to the Head priest and gave him the required gold from their advancement services cost. The head priest smile after receiving the gold and bade goodbye to us in front of the Church entrance.

I took out my minibus from my storage before taking the woman with me back to Al's manor. Since I still have some business with Anni, one of the twins in Al's manor after the promise last night, I couldn't go back to my hidden base yet. Anyway, since the teleportation gate was already installed there, it's not such a big deal as we still would go there along the way eventually.

During the leisure journey, as usual, some of the townfolks we passed by gave their greeting and cheering in high spirit. From time to time, I honked the minibus in return for their greeting and surprising them with the loud sound that suddenly came from the minibus. 

With this somewhat unusual, weird interaction, the journey became more enjoyable and raised our mood greatly.

'Ma... the purpose of using the minibus to travel is to spend my free time with my woman in the first place~'

'Anyway, since they get their job advanced, let's ask them what are their gain after the advancement, its quite hard to appraise them while I still busy driving this minibus. Given that there's nothing to talk about in this leisure journey, it'll be better to use this chance to chat with them as well as to heighten and lighten the atmosphere'

[Come to think of it, did you guys successfully advanced without any problem?] 

Chali who silently enjoying the journey suddenly turned her head to me. after finding my focus on driving the car, she seemed to realize that I ask this question to warmly interact with them to heighten their mood as well as join in their liveliness.

[Master, for your information, all the ladies successfully advanced without problem... maybe it'll be too positive if I said without problem since there's the accident when the priest found out about the Criminal Noble Thief job that Silvi and the Silver Wolf had, but since the Head priest help us out and started calming the priest, we can smoothly advance our job without any problem in the end]

Silvi who hear Chali statement suddenly became red in embarrassment and started excitedly telling her and the other Silver Wolf experience in their advancing job process

[Ah! Yes, Master, in the end, our criminal job disappear after we advanced to the higher job!! maybe the goddess forgave our sin? The Head priest said that was only the possible explanation given that it happens after we help to defend the town from the monster horde. But... somehow, I think it's not the only reason, it's just my guts feeling tho~]

Given that I met the Gaia Goddess personally, maybe she was the one who fixed their job. recalling her godly beautiful appearance, somehow I became aroused and excited

'What a terrifying woman...'

I sobered my mind before started speaking to Silvi and the other member of the Silver Wolf

[Isn't that good for you guys? you don't have to worry about entering the town anymore, right? anyway, did you guys somehow get a rare job or something? hahaha~]

As I jokingly asked them, Chali and Silvi started to look at each other eyes before smirking playfully. The first one to answer me was Silvi

[Master, I got a rare job called Blade Dancer after advancing!]

Hearing her answer I become startled for a while and lost my focus slightly, but, the next answer from Chali almost made me lose the steering control in my hand and crashed the nearby building!

[Master, my job advanced normally but my race advanced into a higher race! from now on, my race became a Lycanthrope!]


The minibus started running wildly and almost crashing a building, I hurriedly stabilized the minibus with my high Agi and dexterity and avoided the crash accident to happen in hairbreadth. 

Knowing that I successfully stabilized the minibus, I sighed and wiped the cold sweat on my forehead in relief.

I decided to stop the car on the empty sideway before started appraising Silvi and Chali status

[Silvia Salvatore]

Name : Silvia Salvatore

Age : 42

Job : Blade Dancer

Race : Night Elf (Cursed)

Lv 1

HP : S

MP : S




Skill : Dancing Blade [Unique] ShortSword Mastery VII[Rare] Swift Step VI[Rare] Dual Wielding V[Rare] Cutlass Master[Rare] Critical Strike V[Uncommon] Assassination IV[Uncommon] Shadow Movement V[Uncommon] Invisibility IV[Rare] AGI Up large[Uncommon] Attack Speed Boost large[Uncommon] Scout III[Uncommon] Steal III[Uncommon] Etiquette II[Common]

Slot : Dragonkin III[Unique] Sky Monarch I[Unique] Absolute Stealth IV[Unique] [__] [__]


Dancing Blade [Unique] : Using your blade to teleport instantly in it! You can combine this skill with your weapon mastery(Any weapon that light and has blades in it) to perform a Blade Dance! The Blade Dance will give you an increasing attack bonus by 50% to every chained attack that successfully hit sequentially! The more your attack connected during the Blade Dance the more bonus damage you deal toward the enemy! The maximum attack bonus up to 1000%. Consume stamina when you're using the Blade teleport ability.

'Hmmm... somehow this teleport ability really remind me of the 4th H*****ok**age in nar*to anime. More importantly, these chained attack bonus sure is terrifying!'

'Now let's check Chali's status!'



name : Chaliope

Age : 36

Job : Grand Beast Fighter

race : Lycanthrope

Lv 1

HP : S

MP : S




Skill : GreatWolf Transformation [Unique] Sharp Sense [Rare] Descendant of the Moon III[Uncommon], Beast Transformation II[Uncommon], HP Up Medium[Uncommon], Fist Art Mastery III[Common], Block II[Common], Regeneration I[Common]

Slot: Dragonkin III[Unique] Lord Class Monster[Unique] Sky Monarch I[Unique] Absolute Stealth IV[Unique] Herculean Strength[Rare]


GreatWolf Transformation [Unique] : The Unique ability that only a Lycanthrope could have! As the creature of the night, you're being blessed with this transformation. Transform into a GreatWolf that incredibly enhanced your HP and moderately increase your status. The increased status heavily depends on the time you're using this ability. this transformation will consume your stamina heavily! *warning, If you Overused this ability there's a chance that you will inflict by the [Child of the Moon Curse] that will last for 1 month | [Child of the Moon Curse] : Your body will stay in the Wolf form(weak) during the curse. your original status will be halved until the curse is lifted or disappear.

] During the full moon : Increase your HP by 10 times and all status by 5 times after the transformation

] During the night or in the dark place : Increase your HP by 6 times and all stats by 3 times after the transformation

] During the day or under the sunlight : Increase your HP by 3 times and all stats by 1.5 times after the transformation


Sharp Sense [Rare] : Increase your danger perception [moderate] as well as your five sense [High]. If the wielder of this skill is a lycanthrope, the effect will be two times higher during the night and give a night vision ability!

'T-this!! isn't her status will become really abnormal during the full moon after using that wolf transformation!!!! what a cheat! and this sharp sense is a good skill too! Let's copy it later after my absolute skill finishes hibernating... I wonder how long this skill will continue in slumber... anyway, since I decided to take a break in a few days, I have enough time to wait'

'But still... why did Chali suddenly evolve into a Lycanthrope? strange... or maybe it's because her Lord Class monster skill affecting her somewhat werewolf race? In the story, the werewolf was considered a monster... For now, I could only speculate this way. Whatever, I'm sure I will find it out about this in the future~'

After having this thought in my heart, I started Appraising the other member. There is no surprise or any abnormal thing happened to the other member of the Silver Wolf. Their job normally advanced and their status increased according to their job.

'Mah... Advanced normally is a good thing too. The rare job isn't the same as cabbage in the street in the first place, so maybe they can get that luck on another chance in the future'

[Congratulation to you all for successfully advance your job! Let's hold a home party tonight when we go back to our mansion! Ah! I have some wyvern meat in my inventory! Maybe we can use it for tonight's party dish!]


[It's a party!! Thank you a lot master! we love you so much!!]

[Fried chicken!!!]

[BBQ and soft drinks!]

The Silver Wolf member started excitedly cheering after hearing there'll be a party for tonight! they shouting their favorite dish one by one with high spirit!

Not only them, even the member who sat at the top of the minibus outside hearing my voice and started excitedly cheering with the woman near them together!

With this cheerful atmosphere, we continued the journey back toward Al manor. The people we passed by along the street become dumbfounded when they saw the cheerful Silver Wolf member who had faces full of happiness plastered on them.

These people already heard how fierce these women were, but seeing them acted humanly with faces full of smiles, somehow made them slightly unused to this spectacle. Given that these woman had tattoos and fierce beautiful appearance as well as rumored to be very violent and fierce in the battlefield, its increase the anomaly for the townsfolk when seeing the girly expression plastered on their faces.

With these things happen along the way, we smoothly arrived in front of Al manor before long. The Guard who recognize our minibus started opening the gate for our minibus to enter. 

I slowly lift down the car window and gave them my thanks before driving the minibus to enter the manor lawn.

I parked my minibus near the garden where the spacious paved ground laid in there.

Upon parking and turning off my minibus, The woman started exiting the minibus one by one consecutively. I, as the driver, decided to exit the minibus the last and stored the minibus inside my inventory skill after stepping out outside.

[Since I have some business in here for a while, you guys can go back to the mansion first for now. I will go home before the dark, so don't worry about me. Ah! I will remember my promise to hold a party for you guys this night so you guys can make some preparation for it first]

Hearing my order, some of the women had a reluctant face, but since I really have some business to deal with right now, they reluctantly left as giving me a light kiss on my lips one by one. 

As for Silvi and Chali, as usual, they give me a deep kiss and entwined our tongue for a few seconds.

[Chali, you can use the ingredient that I save in the mansion for tonight's party. Don't be frugal and use it to your heart content]

After embracing and making out with them for a while, I gave this order to Chali.

Chali nodded her head in confirmation before taking Silvi to catch up with the other member and back to the mansion together with them. 

When I saw their disappearing back with a smile on my face, I sensed multiple people step coming out from the manor entrance. By the sound of the opened door, these people seemed just coming out from the manor and approaching toward my direction.

I turned my head toward them before seeing Al, Eliz, as well as the Twin walking toward my direction. They greeted the leaving Chali, Silvi, and the Silver Wolf along the way before continued walking toward me. 

Given that Al and Eliz were had an intimate relationship with me, they had a thin sexy smile plastered on their face upon seeing me turned my head toward them. As for the twin beside them, They have a more reserved attitude as they politely nodded their head.

Looking at Anni, the Older sister, having a somewhat stiff smile on her frozen face, I sighed tiredly while started lamenting inside my heart

'Let's see... what is your true intention is, Sigh... somehow I smell something troublesome will come out from her mouth later...'

As I have this thought, I started walking and approaching them slowly...


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