Isekai Absolute Copy and Online Shopping

Chapter 94: The Request And The Gift #1

Chapter 94: The Request And The Gift #1

[But, the real reason I call you here, it's because I have some request for you...]


Hearing her next word, I became slightly relives, I thought she wanted to reprimand me for my lewd thought earlier...

'hehehe~ it seems the goddess is not petty as I thought~'

[Gohon cough* Boy, I can hear your naughty thoughts here, so stop that improper fantasy of yours okay~ Sigh... *(Like a father like a son... this brat sure really inherit it straight from him)]

With the Goddess Gaia's abrupt cough, my mind started to back once again. Noticing that my improper thought already leaking out all this time, I scratched the back of my head in awkwardness and slightly bowed my head to apologize to hear. 

I could hear the goddess murmuring something at the end of her words, but since the sound was really small and somehow, a weird noise trying to mask it, I couldn't hear it clearly in the end.

After the goddess sighing for a while, she started to continue speaking

[Back to the main topic, I have some requests for you, as long as you agree with this request of mine and keep it with you, I will give you a small gift...]

Hearing the word "Gift", I became excited but trying not to show it blatantly in front of the goddess, I hurriedly calmed myself before concealing my expression with a stiff frosty seriousness

[Can I hear about the request first?]

[Certainly~ Then, my first request, I hope you didn't use your power recklessly to kill the innocent people]

[This... do you think I'm a psychopath or something? as long as people didn't touch me or meddle in my business, I will not touch them]

[Umu, It's good if you have that mindset, I didn't care if you kill some "trash", as long as you didn't touch the innocent. 


My second request, I hope you will not directly join the war between the political power in this western continent or this world. You can use your army to assist your loved one, but please refrain to directly join the war. Anyway, I will tell you the rule that all the powerhouses agree to set in this world. As now you already step into an immortal, I think I have to tell you about the immortal and the peak powerhouses in this world set


If you want to settle a grudge with another powerhouse, you can shout your intent to ask for a duel to your opponent. Since your power is already recognized by this world rule, later, we will be known about your duel intention and send a templar to your place and bring you to the arena that we already set. you can set the battle according to your will, and recite the oath before you start the battle. Death battle, or Gambling battle, as long as you and your opponent make an agreement, the templar will oversee it and being a fair judge]

[hmm... can I ask you something? did you guys set this rule to draw a line between the mortal and the immortal as well as to not to destroy the world balance?]

[Sigh... it's quite complicated and it will be long if I explain it to you. don't worry, when the time has arrived, you will understand why we set this rule... *(As your fate was bound to it after all...)

Anyway, are you agree with the second request I make?]

[Sure, since it means the other person with the same power level as mine bound with this rule as well, I think it will be fair if I accept it. but if they force me first by threatening my loved one or some underhanded means, I can't promise you thought]

[Don't worry, there is no one who will dare to violate this rule since if that person breaks it, it means that person will offend all the Immortal that rule the respective continent in this world. in the first place, this rule is set for our own survival, so I guarantee the people will abide by it.

Since you agree with the second request, I will proceed to my last request...]


[The last, please help to expand and raise this world technological level, in return, You can develop a weapon and other things as you want for yourself, but please refrain to show it off and sell it to the public or blatantly use it... as we will let you use it to your heart content later when the time has come]

Hearing her somewhat fishy last request I became dumbfounded.

'What the hell is this Goddess plan to do? is there some war or something that will start in the future? this... I don't really like it, even though you're immortal or whatever, it really pisses me off if someone trying to use me!'

My expression became more serious as I glare at the Goddess Gaia menacingly!

Gaia, who already know my thought, just give me a gentle smile before explained her intention further to me

[Alex... I can't tell you your true identity right now, as I didn't have permission to do it. Believe me, in this world, the people who dare to use you just your own mortal enemy that seeks for your early destruction, that's why it'll be better for you to remain anonymous as you are, be happy and laid back with your life. but... there is one thing that you have to ingrain into your heart, the greater power you have the greater responsibility you will have to bear


Wait, don't interjected me yet, as I know you don't believe in justice or virtue to serve for the greater good, but, as a man of your woman, and a father to your future children, there's a day when you have to grow up and take the mantle to go in the frontline to protect them... I believe you agree with me in that one thing right?]

The goddess's expression became serious when she finished her word. She stared at me with a solemn expression before she started speaking a fact that made me trembled albeit after hesitating about it for a while

[Alex, listen carefully, now I'll tell you about the truth that we hid from the mortal race that you must know. 

The truth is, this world was already reached its limit, the mortal enemy of us, the traitorous true god that seeks for our extinction. The fallen God who changed himself to became a Devil, The Monarch of the Devil, Garragal will completely wake up from his slumber soon... maybe it's a long time for a mortal, but for people like us who can live forever, it's not that long... Alex, I hope you can assist us with your crafted weapons when the time comes, this is for your own sake as well as your loved one survival...]

Hearing her words, I could feel the seriousness of the situation. Somehow, I could see her eyes trembled when she spoke about the Devil monarch's name... Not only that, I felt a hint of fear in her beautiful eyes

'To even make the leader of the Goddess itself to fear, what kind of monster is that Devil Monarch? Wait... somehow the timing is really suspicious, why I transported here when this thing will happen? Don't tell me?!!'

[You! Are you the one who sends that meteor and transported me here?!!]

Hearing my sudden Question, The Goddess speechlessly staring at me. After a few seconds, she started sighing before answering my doubt

[It's not me, you already know from your Girlfriend Chali, that we already closed the channel from another world by creating the Goddess realm here, and for your information, only a people who has the blood of this world being that could enter into this world... 


This is the only hint that I can tell you for now. Anyway, just live the life you want as usual, and don't think too much about the Devil thing. Just leave this thing to us, you can just share your created weapon later when the time has come.

Of course, it will not for free, when the time has come, we will make all your woman into an Immortal race by releasing their limit, isn't it a good deal for you?]

Even though the first word about she knowing what Chali said to me was kinda creepy and remind me a lot of a stalker, but her last word about deal really intrigued me and made me shrugging her previous statement off!

[What? Do they have a limitation like that? sigh... it couldn't be helped then. just please be at ease, I will fulfill this agreement between us. Anyway, can you tell me about what my actual race->

[Thank you for your consideration~]

Before I finished my words, Gaia suddenly interjected me before appearing right in front of me abruptly like a ghost! 

Seeing her sudden appearance, I became tensed and try to defend myself in reflex. But, all of a sudden, I could feel my body suddenly being embraced by her softness as it stopped my action and made me petrified in place.

Her godly beautiful face was really close to me as it started approaching my face closer. within a moment, she started kissing my lips deeply as she entwined her tongue to mine!

As our mouths started sucking at each other, I could taste her saliva which tasted really sweet and delicious like high-quality honey.

When I almost lose my consciousness in this incredible excited and arousing feeling, All of a sudden, a notification suddenly appeared inside my head

[You Unlocked your Otherwolder Skill function]

[For now, you can place a person that already branded with your Origin magic into your party function!]

[You Unlocked your Otherwolder Skill function]

[For now, you can advance the people job who already branded with your Origin Magic when they reach a max level!]


[Congratulation, Your Otherwolder Title EXP Boost effect increased by two times!]




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