Isekai Absolute Copy and Online Shopping

Chapter 85: Vs Immortal Twin Ogres! #1

Chapter 85: Vs Immortal Twin Ogres! #1

---Alex POV---



Bang! Bang! Bang!!!

Swushhh swusshhh!!!

[level up]

[level up]

[level up]

[level up]

[You reach level 70(max) Magic Swordsman]

[Detecting Warlord Title...]

[Detecting Immortal Bloodline [Legendary +] skill.....]



[You can advance to Grand Magic-Swordsman or Undying Elemental-Warrior]

While I busily Fighting head to head with the Dark Ogre, my Sword Qi busily dealing damage to the surrounding monster within 1 KM area throughout the battlefield. 

That's why even though I busily fighting with the Dark Ogre, I still could continuously leveling up as the notification appeared inside my head and making me startled slightly.

I slightly losing control of my skill causing by the sudden job changed notification which splitting my concentration within a moment

'What is this Undying Elemental-Warrior job? by the sound of it, it looks like a powerful job... should I change into it?'

While I still lamenting about these new advanced jobs, all of a sudden, a shouting feminine voice resounded on the battlefield not far from me

[Sir Alex!!!! Please move your battle further! did you want to kill your allies?!!!]

'Is that the Vice Guildmaster voice? T-te!! isn't the time to lamenting about this!'

When I saw the residue effect of the Storm Incarnation skill almost hitting the group of adventurers and being blocked by an enormous giant earth wall, I hurriedly answered the Vice Guildmaster to apologize

[Vice Guildmaster, Sorry! I will just do as you say, and thanks for the earth wall!!]

'How can I lose focus during the battle, shitt! Anyway, let's change into these Undying-Elemental Warrior first!'



[You choose Undying Magic-Warrior]



[Job changed to level 1 Undying Magic-Warrior]

[Acquired Skill Undying[???]]

[Acquired Skill Element Control [Unique]]

[Your Lightning Strike[Rare] and Ice Armor[Rare] absorbed by Element Control[Unique] skill]

[Your Lighting Magic VIII[Rare] and Fire Magic VI[Rare] absorbed by Element Control[Unique] skill]

[Element Control[Unique] changed to Element Manipulation[Unique+]]



[Acquired Skill Supreme Weapon Mastery[Unique]]

[Your Sword Mastery VIII[Rare] knowledge now inside Supreme Weapon Mastery[Unique] skill]

[Your Heavy Sword Expert[Rare] absorbed by Supreme Weapon Mastery[Unique] skill]


[Acquired title: Elemental King]

[Embrace by coldness and Loved by Thunder being absorbed by Elemental King title]

[Storm Incarnation skill resonating with Elemental King title....]



[Storm Incarnation skill upgraded to Elemental Incarnation[Unique+]]

[Congratulation for truly gaining [Unique+] rating skill]


Undying [???] : when your HP becomes 0, you will enter Immortal State for 5 seconds. during 5 seconds, you can recover your HP with a recovery skill or potion. Cooldown : 2 days. [Immortal state : All damage(Pure Damage included) became null]



Element Manipulation[Unique+] : Manipulate All Element in your Atmosphere to assisting your combat skill or control it to deal Magic damage. You can manipulate your body into an Elementalize state to immune to all pure physical damage(Consumed Stamina) *when you overuse this skill, you will enter a hungry state for 1 day.

]Controled Element available :

-Fire (Increase damage or skill Damage by 200%) | Elementalize body : Deal 10.000 fire damage in the surrounding 100M area around your body

-Ice (Giving 50% Movement Speed slow debuff after being hit by the skill [cannot be blocked by Immunity Skill]) | Elementalize body : Reduce Magic damage by 30%

-Lightning (Giving 50% Attack Speed slow debuff after being hit by the skill [cannot be blocked by Immunity Skill]) | Elementalize body : Increase Movement Speed by 300%



Supreme Weapon Mastery[Unique] : Increase Weapon(All) Damage by 300% and projectile speed by 300%(If using range weapons)

] Mastery :

-Advanced Sword Mastery [Heavy Sword Master]



Elemental Incarnation[Unique] : When you are in a rage, transformed into Elemental form! you can control the element around you easier and boost the effectiveness of your element control skill by 1.5 times! in this form, your body will automatically in an Elementalize state and increase the effect of the Elementalize body by 3 times. This skill will consume you 2 times more stamina than using an ordinary Elementalize body




Elemental King : you can make a contract with Elemental Spirit. as Elemental King, you can contract 3 Elemental Spirits.



[The heck! with this undying skill!!!! Dang it! It's Another [???] rating once again! 

And this Element manipulation skill sure is handy to control the magic and enhance my skill easier! Moreover, the Storm Incarnation skill upgraded to Elemental Incarnation! This skill very matches and could synchronize with the Element manipulation skill! 

And last but not least, Finally! finally, I can make a contract with a cute, adorable spirit!!! with this, I could flirt with the woman better as it's the same as bringing a dog in the park to get closer with the woman on earth, mwehehehe~]


'Ooops! it's not the time to think about these things, anyway, these Ogres are good for stabilizing my newly gained strength now! It's like someone giving you a pillow when you want to sleep hehe'

Hearing the Dark Ogre roaring voice, I sobered up once again and started engaging a battle with him to familiarize myself with the newly-gained strength from my level up and advancing job!


Swashh swashh!!

Bang! Bang Bang!!

I trying using ordinary slash skill and imbued it with element energy, with this, I could bombard the Dark Ogre as well as debuffing him according to the element I added to my slash.


Bang Bang Bang!!!

With multiple swings from my sword, multiple sword energy that contained 3 different elements shooting fiercely toward the Dark Ogre's body! fire, Ice, and Lightning! each of the elements had its unique effect!

Fire, as the skill description already stated, will double my damage to the Dark Ogre, but since this guy has enormous HP, he wasn't affected by it too much.

'Mah... it's better than nothing'

Lightning and Ice, these elements gave a debuff effect to the Dark Ogre Movement Speed as well as movement speed. As my element debuff could penetrate any immunity skill, the Dark Ogre movement became more sluggish. But after I observed it more carefully, the effect only became 50% of the original debuff.

'As expected of Legendary skill, even though I could penetrate it, but the effect is lessened, sigh... I wonder where these Immortal Ogre come from, I could feel these two is stronger than what Al describe. Are these guys a pet of some legendary figure or something? and how can these guys go undetected before? strange...'

As I have these doubts inside my heart, I continued engaging in a battle with the Dark Ogre more fiercely! I add the element energies to every attack I use and experimenting with it as I trying to grasp how to use this element energy more skillfully! 

Before long I realize, not only I could use my sword technique more easily, but the sword technique itself also became more refined. And what really surprised me was, I could do it without shouting the sword technique name!

As I continued experimenting with my sword technique, I didn't forget to check Sable's condition who still fiercely fighting with the Light Ogre not far from me.



Wuushhh wusshhh!!


Sable clashing his Blood magic with the light elemental wave from the Light Ogre head to head as it continuously made a strong explosion in the air!

Sable who has a monstrous body couldn't dodge all the light wave residue and get his scale damaged badly from time to time, but with the monster all around him, he just needed to hit a few of them and get his HP crazily recovering at a faster speed.

Looking at sable who slaughtering the monster around him with his blood magic, I realized that I already stopped hitting these walking "EXP" lump with my Sword Qi

'Right! can I add natural energy to my Sword Qi to enhanced it?? Lets' test it out!'

I hurriedly summoned numerous sword Qi from my body and imbued them with the Lightning Element.

Before long, the once translucent sword-shaped Sword Qi changed its shape into floating lightning bolts!

crackle crackle*


as I still mesmerizing by the sudden change of sword qi, the Dark Ogre rushing at me madly and started besieging me with his punch!

'Right, this Ogre attack is a physical type, should I trying my Elementalize body to see if I could really immune to physical attack?'

While I busily controlling multiple lightning bold around me to roamed throughout the battlefield as well as dodging the Dark Ogre punch, this idea suddenly appeared inside my head. 

I became intrigued by it and without hesitation, I elementalize my body into a lightning element!

During the Elementalize's process, somehow, I could feel my organ and everything in my flesh and skin became light and empty! I felt like my body changing into a lump of energy! The Elementalize occurred at a rapid speed as I started to feel a weird sensation throughout my body

'Is this what it feel like to have Logi**a *Demon*(I know it was devil but I censored it into Demon lol) fruit power?! hahahahah!!!! somehow, I feel like god E*ner**u from Two Piece!'

crakling crakling*


Without knowing, I became smug a little and taunting the Dark Ogre to punch me with my mocking face


The Dark Ogre was still in a madness state like usual as he's trying to punch me madly.

I who already in Elementalize state, trying to fearlessly accept his punch but hurriedly changed my mind!

It's because my heart became restless when I realized the dark like aura enveloping the Ogre's hand after observing it more carefully!

'Shitt!!!! I forget that this bastard attack is imbued with Dark Element and not pure physical attacks!!! Fucking bastard Ogres!!'

In the end, I decided to dodge it by blinking behind the Dark Ogre and slashing him with my sword!




Dark blood started gushing out from the deep wound in the slashed Dark Ogre thick skin! But, as if he couldn't feel the pain, the Dark Ogre still recklessly punching the ground where I used to stand and make the ground trembled like an earthquake as it started cracking like a spiderweb!

'This mindless puppet beast! as expected, should I deal with the Light Ogre first? anyway, why did that Light Ogre could still control this thing when he still busily dealing with Sable in there? Ck, this is quite troublesome...'

[level up]

[level up]

As I still lamenting at this troublesome Ogres, My lightning bolt(Sword Qi) started rampaging around the battlefield like a storm! In the end, I decided to take half of the lightning bolts(Sword Qi) and decided to use it to deal some continuous damage to the Dark Ogre!

carckle crakle!



The lightning bolt bombarded the Dark Ogre Body in madness as he started screeching in anger! 

A sharp slicing wound started appearing from all over his body and making his tattered body became more bloody, but, as if he couldn't feel the pain, The Dark Ogre didn't dampen his fierceness at all and continued attacking me in madness!

It's not that my Lightning bolt didn't affect him at all, in fact, after being hit by it, I could see his attacking speed reduced sharply as his movement became stiff and sluggish

With his movement become sluggish, all his punching attacks meaninglessly missed their target as I could dodge it easily.

In the end, The battle between me and Dark Ogre changed into that cat and mouse situation. The dark ogre charging in madness and had his body being hit with my slash and lightning bolts, and this pattern repeated all over once again.

As I continued this boring battle, All of a sudden, an idea suddenly hit me when I saw a lump of a lightning bolt that rotating around my body!

'Right!! Let's try that!! isn't my controlled element exactly the same with "that" hero I played in the MOBA game before??!! maybe I will get some surprise after trying to replicate it!!!'

Thinking about the prospect that I could recreate the Hero's spell in my dream, I started smiling from ear to ear in excitement!


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