Isekai Absolute Copy and Online Shopping

Chapter 83: Sword Saint Harminton & Magus Kael Albens

Chapter 83: Sword Saint Harminton & Magus Kael Albens

Swaaaat! swaat!! Swaaat!!


The sword shadow dancing in the air altogether with the monster's body part flying around everywhere!

A beautiful scene where the blood and gruesome monster body's parts flying around like elegant dancing, created whenever the Guildmaster, Swordsaint Harminton whirled his burly body with his sword in this bloody battlefield!

Seeing that he already reduced a quiet number of Ogres, Harminton sheathed his sword and exhaled his breath heavily to rest his Old body. Even though his technique was superb after being tempered by experience, but his Old body wasn't the same as when he's still young. His low stamina force him to rest whenever he performed his sword technique that taxing his old body greatly!

The adventurer in his surroundings knowing his circumstances, therefore, without hesitation, the surrounding adventurers rushed to the monster and block them to give their Guildmaster time to rest!


[[Protect the Guildmaster!]]




Looking at the adventurers who protect him vigorously, Harminton couldn't help himself feeling warm in his heart.

Even though these adventurers were rough and rowdy, even sometimes very oriented in golds and benefits, yet they still had a strong camaraderie between people from the same organization from time to time.

Harminton : Ghahahahaha!! sorry guys, just give me a few seconds to take a breath!

Adventurer E : Don't worry Guildmaster, we will buy you a time as long as you want it!! so please take your time! Haaht!!




The adventurer vigorously fighting with the monster horde as they covered the resting Guildmaster with high spirits!

Wooooosh! wooosh!! wooosh!!

While they're busily engaging in battle with the Monsters, all of a sudden, multiple wind blades cutting the monster body apart out of nowhere! 

Startled by the sudden changing situation, these Adventurers flinched for a while before realizing the spell really looked familiar to them. 

They started to turn their head altogether toward the direction of the wind blades coming from, before seeing a beautiful elven woman wearing a baggy magician cloak leisurely levitating in the sky not far from them

Adventurers : [[Vice Guildmaster!!]]

Kael Albens : Focus on your battle, I will support you guys from behind!

Adventurers : [[OOOOHHHH!!!!]]

Hearing their Vice Guildmaster encouraging statement, they started continued besieging the monster horde fiercely! 

From time to time they're being pushed by the Red Ogres but with the wind blades and water bomb spell from Kael Albens, they could hold the monster in place better.


Swussh!! swussh!

Splasshed!! BANG!!!

Harminton : Oh, Kael, what? did you worry about me? Ghahahaah!

Kael : sigh... you're really old, I wonder what the headquarters thinking by sending you here, the border town of Arkham mountain~

Harminton : Ghahahaha! it couldn't be helped, unlike your race, to begin with, we human have a limited lifespan. maybe if I proceed to a Grandmaster, I could live longer.

Anyway, I'm really curious about what you called Alex being Adam descendant thing before, Ghahahah! since we're friends for a long time, can you share that secret with me?

Kael : It'll be better if you don't have to know about it... sigh~ we, as a mortal, better not meddle with those guy business... if it's not for my teacher, I'll not involve myself too much with these things...

Harminton : Gasps! did you mean.... "them"? sigh... nevermind then. I just want to live my life peacefully in this old age after all~

Hearing Harminton's melancholy words, Kael became slightly sad. But that didn't mean she will lessen her speed when casting spells after spells to the monster horde direction where the adventurer struggled to fight.

Kael Albens, she was used to be Harminton's party member. During the olden days, when they're still active as an adventurer, she has some romantic feeling on him, but in the end, Harminton chose to marry with his other party member, the human priest and made a family with her together.

Deep inside her heart, Kael knew why Harminton didn't end up choosing her even though she's already giving him a hint of her feelings toward him.

It's because of the difference of their race, He didn't want to see the person he loves to be pained after he left this world forever later, in the end, to not hurt Kael in the future, He chose to married with the other member that had a feeling with him.

Since Harminton was a very loyal person, he didn't want to do polygamy and chose to always together with his wife until the end of his life.

Knowing this, Kael couldn't help herself to bury her feeling for him deep inside her heart forever. 

That's why, seeing how fragile his human body now and how his word that always had a hint of melancholy whom only people waiting for their death had, made Kael sad and pained her heart slightly...

Even though she didn't have the same strong feeling for him as before, but as a friend, she couldn't help herself to feel sad. after all, Harminton was the only friend of the old party they had before who still remaining alive. 

His wife and Kael former party member already dead, as for his children, they're busy themself with their own respective life after becoming an adult.

Maybe, there's nothing else for him to do now after he lived himself to the fullest and fulfill all the goals he has in his life.

After having this thought in her head, Kael continued casting and throwing her magic spell around the battlefield to assist the adventurers. 

Seeing Harminton seemingly finished resting his body, she spoke to him

Kael : If you finish resting, please continue to help these guys here! I have to roam around to assist the others who still struggling throughout the battlefield!

Harminton : Ghahahahah! Right, there's still a lot of Red Ogres Left to slay! these high A rank Ogres quite troublesome to deal with when they are flocking around together!

After answering Kael, Harminton's smiley face suddenly changed to a serious expression. He unsheathed his sword before started charging his mana in it.

During the charging process, the huge muscle in his body started wriggling around in excitement and twitching vigorously

Harminton : you guys! stay away from the monster for a while!!

Hearing Harminton's warning that reverberated to the surrounding area, the adventurers started to disperse!

Even without Harminton's warning, the adventurer already felt the heavy atmosphere around that came from Harminton's body.

So they already knew that their Guildmaster would perform a big move!

Harminton : Haaaaht!!!

As Harminton swinging his sword swiftly once, an enormous blue crescent moon sword energy suddenly shoot from his sword at incredible speed!

The speed didn't decrease at all even though it's already hitting multiple monsters and continued moving at a fast speed as it cutting all monsters who blocking its way in half for a few moments!

Not far from Harminton, the adventurers who seeing this sword energy became flabbergasted and excited at the same time!

They started shouting the Sword technique name excitedly after remembering that this move was the famous signature move that Harminton had!

Adventurer F : T-this is! Guildmaster's special Sword Technique, Splitting The Moon!! It's the first time I saw this with my own eyes!

Adveturer E : D-did you mean the technique that slice the Bandit fortress in half!!!

Adventurer G : R-right! Amazing! even though it looks simple, but don't be tricked by its appearance, look! It's not stopping yet!

In front of Harminton, an eerie scene where the body of the monster split in half littered around the ground and dyed the ground red could be seen. 

Whenever the crescent moon energy passed the Monster body, numerous corpses were left behind! 

Not only that, the terrifying thing was, some of the Red Ogres died after being sliced by the sword energy in half! 

How big was this sword energy damage to even made the Red Ogres who known of its high HP died in one slice!

After a few moments, the sword energy started to vanish after it's already flying far away around 500m!

Looking at the monster life that being harvested like a weed, the adventurer- no! not only them, even the town guards army couldn't help themself to open their mouth widely in shock! the monster that usually took 2-5 people to kill die easily and being bisected like vegetables in front of the Swordsaint!


Bang Bang Bang!!

While the adventurer and the town guard still in shock from the Harminton Sword technique, all of a sudden, not far from them, a Thunderstorm appeared and trying to hit their direction in madness!

Kael who saw this sudden Thunderstorm, clicked her mouth before started chanting at a fast speed!

Kael : Alam er Gol Shildore!

After finishing her chant, suddenly, an enormous giant earth wall appeared and growing from the ground at ridiculous speed to cover the people from the Thunder Storm!

Bang! Bang! bang!

The monstrous earth wall started to tremble after being hit by the Thunderstorm and started to crack fiercely! 

It's taken a few moments before the Thunderstorm stopped. Luckily the Earth Wall could hold and defended the people until the end.

Kael : Sir Alex!!!! Please move your battle further! Did you want to kill your allies?!!!

Kael shouting her annoyance at Alex that seemingly fighting with the Dark Ogre busily not far from her. 

Not long, Alex answered reverberated in the sky

Alex : Vice Guildmaster, Sorry! I will just do as you say, and thanks for the earth wall!!

Hearing Alex's voice started becoming lower along the time, Kael knew that he's already moving his battle further. 

She sighed in relief before controlling the Earth wall into stone pieces and shot it toward the monster horde!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A numerous number of stones showered to the Monster horde location and bombarding them without mercy!

Most of the monster's body become bloody mist while others exploded like an exploding watermelon after being hit by raining big stones that fell from the sky!

Adventurer G : W-what a crazy spell!! Magus's power is really absurd! No wonder people always fear them! this gruesome mass-murder spell... I wonder what will happens if this thing fell to some village? Somehow, just imagining its gruesome after-effect giving me a chill to my spine...

Adventurer F : That's why magus is very precious and always respected wherever they go. they're the same as a weapon of mass destruction after all...

Kael Ignored the rowdy adventurers who still gossiping about her and started Blinking around the Battlefield to assist the guards or adventurers who struggled to fight with the Monster Horde. 

After seeing that she's already leaving, one of the adventurers pondered for a while before asking his team-mates from curiosity

Adventurer G : If magus is the weapon of mass destruction, then what about the Immortal dragon Alex?

Hearing their team-mate question, all of them started glancing at the Thunderstorm traces.

A scene where a chared cracking land that still smoking hot greeting their eyes. seeing this disaster after effect-like scene, all the adventurer became speechless

Adventurer F : ....

Adventurer E : ...

The two of them speechlessly leaving their team-mate who asking the question and started rushing to fight the monster horde more vigorously!

Adventurer G : Why did you guys not answering my question? Whatever, I, myself didn't know what that monstrous guy categorize at...



After murmuring to himself silently, he started joining his teammates to engaging in battle with the monster horde and vigorously swinging his weapon in high spirits!

With this, The Defense of Arkhaim's battle was still far from over...


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