Isekai Absolute Copy and Online Shopping

Chapter 17: Blissful Morning

Chapter 17: Blissful Morning


I opened my eyes after the feeling of drowsiness slowly disappear from my body.

when I opened my eyes, I saw the same room that I always sleep for the past couple of days and felt the warm morning sun pass through the windows as it illuminated the room and kept it warm. 

But something that made this day different is the charming woman's presence that leaned herself on my body right now. I could feel something soft squeezing in my body, the relaxing women's smell, and the comfortable warm feeling from the skinship.

I saw Chali's beautiful sleeping face close beside me, as she was sleeping peacefully in my embrace.

Maa.. at first it's really troublesome because she was adamant about sleeping on the floor as she was just my slave, but after I forced her with the master's authority, she reluctantly slept in the bed with me.

At that time, I could feel her stiff body when she started to sleep in the same bed with me. Don't get me wrong!! I didn't go that far yet with her! even tho I am a pervert MILF lover, I will never cross the line and forced myself into a woman that didn't want to do it!! 

Therefore, after I felt that she was so nervous and uncomfortable, I decided to just embrace her body softly and started soothing her until she started to sleep. 

Even tho it became who couldn't sleep because of my restless little "son" started being hard and asking for it!

In the end, I choose to settle it with my "sacred" loyal partner!! 

"Migi" aka my right hand... I know.. it's somewhat really pathetic... but! maybe I could satisfy my little son today?! who knows, right?

as I had this messy thought in my mind, I could feel Chali's body that still in my embrace shifting slightly


Chali's started opening her eyes slowly and sobered up after seeing my face

[M-master! i-i am sorry... f-for oversleeping...]

[Relaxes Chali, just stays like this for a moment, okay?]

I Embraced her body tighter before started to stroke her red wine beautiful hair softly and appeased her

[U-um... thank you, master.. you are so gentle.. and kind.. it's really a blessing for me as a slave to have a gentle master like you...]

[Ma... I buy Chali to be my companion and family so, of course, I will never treat you roughly.. so rest assured, and stop being nervous around me okay?]


Chali's started to smile and snuggled relaxedly to embrace me back.

After I could feel she starting to relax, I checked her status again for the first time since she became my slave while my hand keep stroking her hair gently

name : Chaliope

Age : 36

Job : Beast Fighter

race : Werewolf

Lv 20

HP : 14.600

MP : 6.200

ATK : 1.800

MATK : 600

DEF : 300

Skill : Descendant of the Moon III[Uncommon], Beast Transformation II[Uncommon], HP Up Medium[Uncommon], Fist Art Mastery III[Common], Block II[Common], Regeneration I[Common]

Descendant of the Moon III[Uncommon] : Boost all status by 50% during the night

Beast Transformation II[Uncommon] : Transformed to werewolf, boost STR and AGI by 100% Attack speed and movement speed by 50%. consume stamina.

Somehow I could appraise my party member in a detailed manner as I saw more information in the appraised status than usual.

I could guess the common skill but not the racial skill, so I decided to only check the Descendant of the moon and beast transformation.

[Chali, did your power is the standard for the Silver Rank adventurer?.. and I just get my prize from slaying the orc king as well as sell numerous amounts of orc Magic stone to the guild for one million and seven hundred something Rham, did... that not too much for the rewards? you know it's more than 1 million Rham after all...]

Chali flinched after hearing my question and woke up from my embrace with a disbelief expression on her face as she staring at me!

[M-Mast-ter!! Have you really slain the orc king?!! the Lord class monster orc king?! then, the guilds were cheating you!! you should be got around 3 million Rham if you really sold the Orc king corpse and its magic stone as the lord class monster magic stone is very rare and super expensive!! we must go to the guild and compla->

[Cha-chali relaxed, I just sold the orc king corpse without its magic stone, so calm yourself okay~]

I interjected Chali's speech hurriedly before she started to misunderstand it too far

[Ah?! is th-that so? hmm... it's a fair price then. Orc King is categorized as a special A rank monster, so its corpse is a little more expensive than ordinary A rank monster corpses with its magic core intact.. but master, you are really strong! are you really a Silver ranker? you know, a standard strength Silver ranked is just like master speculate, most of them had a standard strength the same or a little bit stronger than me]

[umm, I just registered as adventurer a few days ago so... anyway I just feel that almost 2 million rewards are too much after I think about it carefully. If that was really the case, did all adventurers could become rich quickly?! I just realized about it now because I am too excited about the prospect of buying my first slave yesterday!]

Chali started to smile wryly after hearing me

[Master, please don't make yourself the standard of the adventurer, no silver ranker can slay the orc king solo.


Maybe they could if they are mithril ranker, but even so, there're only 20 of them on this continent, as for the Adamantite Ranker, it's even fewer as they're only 3 of them... and actually, you couldn't find an Orc King like an appe in the street in the first place. furthermore, you need a party of 30 Silver rankers or 10 Gold Rankers to hunt and slay the orc king normally.


So 3 million isn't that much if you share it for 20 people, there was a risk that your gear will be destroyed during the battle too. Not only that, you must buy and supply plenty of potion that will cost you a lot. Anyway, in sort, it's not that easy to be rich as an adventurer...


But I'm glad that I have a strong and gentle master, I could feel more secure now after knowing it, huhuhu~]

'Did my perspective become screwed after coming into this world? ah... it seems I forget that I was a Cheat, and maybe because I compared the currency in this world with my previous world, my perspective about money became twisted for some reason... it's because of Online Shopping skill!! ck, I used to buy something with my previous world currency, so that's why my sense of this world economy became so twisted!!'

After forging some common sense to me, I could see Chali'sface became mesmerized with a hint of redness on it, she gazed at my face with misty limpid eyes and an intoxicated expression. 

I couldn't hold my urge to taste her plump red lips after seeing her expression, so I decided to kiss her lips softly



All of a sudden, I started to sober up and stopped after hearing her soft seductive moaning

[Caugh* Anyway, let's take a bath first. I will take you around the town and buy you some clothes and accessories for you while we are at it later~]

I stroked her hair gently before closed my face to her slender sexy neck as I whispered softly in her ears

[We can continue it during the bath okay?~]

[B-but Master~ the bath in this room is just for one people so I assume we cannot use it to soak our body together in it...]

Chali's usual steady mature face became flustered after hearing my words, what is this!~ her expression is so sweet~ caugh* anyway I want to try my new skill when I suggest taking a bath together, so let us use "it"

[You don't have to worry, your master is not an ordinary person you know? hehehe]


After thinking the magic spell in my mind, a map like MMORPG game map appeared in the form of a translucent game-like screen inside my head. In there, I saw the area of the Arkham mountain and this town, but, for the area that's not explored yet, it's covered with darkness. 

Anyway, the skill system is convenient for me! 

After observing the map, I chose the riverbank area that I take my bath before I came to this town a few days ago.

Suddenly, a translucent magic circle appeared before surrounding both of our bodies slowly as it shone brightly in soft blue light.

Chali's alarmed after seeing this unusual phenomenon before trying to speak stutteringly with a flabbergasted expression!

[M-master what is this skill? I-its the fi->

Before she could finish her words, the skill already finished channeling. I could feel a sense of weightlessness suddenly invade throughout my body before I felt myself floating in some zero-G sensation.

I saw the surrounding area warping in a distorted way in a moment and found myself it started to stabilize after for awhile.

I checked the surrounding area carefully and tried to recall my memory about the river bank I visited before to ensure that the skill is really working. After hearing the sounds of water flowing in the river and saw the river itself, I confirmed that the magic is working just fine~

[Leg-legendary space&time magic!! master! Master, are you a magus?!! apart from magus and Grandmagus, no magician could learn Space&time magic! even, it's very rare for them to learn it because it's the only genius beyond genius that could learn it! master, you are amazing!!]

All of a sudden, I could hear Chali's surprised voice, she started to prattle excitedly while looking at me with admiration

[hahaha, no, I just a swordsman that has some unique skill! hohoho~, how? did your master amazing?!]

[I-its already beyond amazing!! did master got the goddess blessing?! it's my first time seeing a Unique skill wielder myself!]

[iyaa-iyaa it's not that great, anyway let's take a bath first~]

I started taking the soap and other toiletries from my inventory skill.

I moved all my items from my storage bag into my inventory space yesterday while I couldn't sleep. I have ridiculously large MP now, so the space inside my inventory skill is very enormous that you could use it almost infinitely.

Ah! I need to buy some ladies' stuff like skincare and beauty products for Chali! As her master, I will fulfill and satisfied her needs completely ( ). She already a beauty as it is now, with some cosmetic and beauty product from earth, how beautiful she would be?!!

I started ordering branded and luxury beauty products for Chali with my online shopping skill, Expensive? I don't care! I can just hunt some A-ranked monster to get more money anyway so let's be extravagant for today!

After seeing a beautifully packaged box suddenly appeared, Chaliope gasped in amazement and looking at it curiously. I didn't know how many times she did gasp and amaze already so I ignored it after a while before unboxing the package.

But as expected from Luxury goods, the package looked extravagant and beautiful, it really showcases that its high price isn't just for show!


Chali was mesmerized by the beautiful package that the beauty products have as she's looking at it amazingly. I put the stuff from the box into my inventory skill before approached her and carry her in princess's carry with my arms. 

I started whispering seductively in her ear in low voices as the both of us heading toward the river

[You are more beautiful~ lets continued what we left before~ don't worry, the beautiful thing that you said earlier is for you in the first place, I will "teach" you carefully how to use it okay~( )]

Chali snuggled her head to my embrace after hearing my whisper before bite my ears seductively

[Master, you perv~ Kyaaaaa~~]

My Blissful Morning started with the playful scream from Chaliope in my embrace


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